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A simple supported beam of length 8m rests

on supports 6m apart, the right hand end is
overhanging by 2 m. The beam carries a
uniformly distributed load of 1500 N/m over
the entire length. Draw the shear force and
bending moment diagrams and find the point
of contra flexure, if any?
2. A simply supported beam of length 8 m rests
on supports 6 m apart, the right hand end is
overhanging by 2 m. The beam carries a
uniformly distributed load of 1500N/m over
the entire length. Draw S.F. and B.M diagrams
and find the point of contra flexure, if any.
3. A simply supported beam of length 8 m rests
on supports 5 m apart, the right hand end is
overhanging by 2 m and the left hand end is
overhanging by 1m. The beam carries a
uniformly distributed load of 5 kN/m over the
entire length. It also carries two point loads of
4 kN and 6 kN at each end of the beam. The
load of 4 kN is at the extreme left of the beam.
Whereas the load of 6 kN is at the extreme
right of the beam. Draw S.F and B.M diagrams
for the beam and find the points of contra
4. A simply supported beam of length 5 m,
carries a uniformly distributed load of 100 N/m
extending from the left end to a point 2 m
away. There is also a clockwise couple of 1500
N-m applied at the centre of the beam. Draw
the S.F and B.M diagrams for the beam and
find the maximum bending moment.
5. A cantilever 2 m long is loaded with a
uniformly distributed load of 2 kN/ m run over
a length of 1m from the free end. It also carries
a point load of 4 kN at a distance of 0.5 m
from the free end. Draw the Shear force
Diagrams and Bending Moment diagrams.
6. A simply supported beam is carrying a
uniformly distributed load of 3KN/m over a
length of 3.5 m from the right end. The length
of the beam is 6 m. draw the SF and BM
diagrams for the beam and also calculate the
maximum bending moment on the section.
7. A simply supported beam of length 8 m carries
a point load of loads 4KN, 10KN and 7KN at a
distance of 1.5m, 2.5m and 4m respectively
from the left end. Draw the SF and BM
diagrams for the beam.
8. A beam of 12m length is simply supported at
its ends. It carries a uniformly distributed load
of 20 kN/m run over the length of left half of
its span, together with a concentrated load of
20kN, 40kN, 20kN situated at 1.5, 2.5 and 5 m
respectively from left hand support. Draw SF
and BM diagram and indicate the salient
9. A cantilever beam of length 2m carries an
uniformly distributed load of 3KN/m over a
length of 1.5m from its fixed end and a point
load 5 KN at its free end. Draw the shear force
and bending moment diagrams.
10. A simply supported beam 6 m long is
carrying a uniformly distributed load of 5 kN/
m over a length of 3 m from the right end.
Draw shear force and bending moment
diagrams for the beam and also calculate the
maximum bending moment on the beam.
11. A 23 m long cantilever beam is 14 m long.
The beam carries a load of 10 KN at 5 m from
the fixed end, and a distributed load the
intensity of which varies linearly from zero at
each end to 6 KN/m at free end. Draw the
shear force and bending moment diagrams.
Find the magnitude and position of maximum
bending moment.
12. A simply supported beam AB of span 10 m
carries a U.D.L. of 20 N per metre over 3
metres from L.H support and also over 4 m
from the R.H. supports. It has also two isolated
loads of 20 N and 60 N at 3 m and 8 m
respectively from the L.H. support. Draw the
B.M. and S.F. diagrams and calculate the B.M.
at significant points.
13. A horizontal beam 6 m long is freely
supported at its ends and carries a vertical load
of 1000 N at a distance of 4 m from L.H. end.
At a section 2 m from L.H. end, a clockwise
couple of 2000 N-m is applied, the axis of the
couple being horizontal and perpendicular to
the longitudinal axis of the beam. Draw S.F.
and B.M. diagrams indicating on them the
principal dimensions
14. A simple beam of span 6 meters carries a
distributed load which increases uniformly
from zero at the left hand support to a
maximum intensity of 4 kN per meter run at
the right hand support. Find the distance from
the left support of the section which has a
maximum B.M.
15. A cantilever PQRS, 7m long is fixed at P
such that PQ=QR=2m and RS=3m. It carries
loads of 5, 3 and 2kN at Q, R and S
respectively in addition to U.D.L. of 1kN/m
run between P and Q and 2kN/m run between
R and S. Draw SF and BM diagrams.
16. A simply supported beam of length 8 m
supports 5 m apart, the right hand end is
overhanging by 2 m and the left end is
overhanging by 1 m. The beam carries a
uniformly distributed load of 5 kN/m over the
entire length. It also carries two point loads of
4 kN and 6 kN at each end of the beam. The
load 4 kN is at the extreme left of the beams,
whereas rhe load of 6 kN is at the extreme
right of the beam. Draw SF and BM diagrams
for the beam and find the point of contra

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