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CoA TOSS hae Sy Lea Frustration with LGBT Feat ec eMC EttT Caren Lg (oC metre) = @ _ NALLEY BMW ume SUPPORTS GA VOICE. = | — 2010 BMW — sw 2010 BMW 3 SERIES 1 SERIES 2010 BMW 13 1 5i Convertible X3 XDR30i ‘36 month lease, 10K miles §, 36 month lease, 10K miles peryoor 38,443 duet SAGO ern peryour $4.07 dua ee ith apron ced errant, 10K Siete th apport signing with approved credit ITHAS TO BE I BM W 1-866-416-8811 | 1606ChurchStreet | Decatur,GA30033 | VOICE 10.29.10 ‘eT voters re Oban Page 4 Cy anes deny destroying ence nant al cae, Page 10 Prog supporters otnumber at Agta ral Pge 12 eco ay votes or ‘vero govand US. Sent age 15 Prog Ga congress ly face ey elton, Page 16 (yen COP egisatrs opposed or, Howse Page 6 cst otal rap ecrsnerts Page T Fergani cn 2b age 7 terraces to watch, Page 7 Etta: Roy ares no cea ut Navan ea sitar Page 18 Mie iter arto tin St Page Guest calumny lat ep ‘Semone Bt Vote on ot. 2 Page 19 afte ad Cale eters en. Page 25 Events ay couple’ eam oat est becomes Casan gem Page 26 ‘Tene Wte isn pus youn od fray eso. Page 27 Ding Dat be rato ete ej fe ret ring Page 29 CMT ‘NDS Wak tara nes S850 000 asd fornargrfs age 33 Nonpot spotigh: LT aston poets Pape 35 ines spotlight Highland Balery Takes he cake. Pape 35. Danesticay Ostet: ake it et Page 39 5985 363 See ein news ast happens lent dy vet Nghights OUTSPOKEN ten own worDs BY THE 6.9 11.9 38.9 79.8 62.3 44.1 NUMBERS aes ale iy Sse ctl saa see ecole nota Setomameseprne tsar ths verano Feces testeeoson ae Fell a es ‘cow ethno ‘anon dena et ‘nent Fc o eaa feotelonconuaagber “Ever notice how similar my hair is to Mr. T's? The only difference is mine is alittle more ‘mo; a little less ‘hawk.’ otmonases sone tert ‘tates sees te ‘erent tanh ea- ‘Sunes mde en fae “We apologized that the women were offended, and we affirmed that Cameron Village and York Properties, Inc. have no tolerance for discrimination of any kind and believe al people deserve the right to be treated fairly in their work homes and daily ives.” eg epsom manne (ets ee aot ects “They are nat gay, they are not straight, they are puppets. They don't exist below the waist” "eee | ith a voice like this, you know Igot to be a New Yorker. But Im also an American, And to me that means justice and equality and liberty for everyone" “The fact that these things are such hot-button issues right now, socially and politically, | would much rather talk about that than talk about who | sleep With. | would ove tobe. voice in this maelstrom of chaos and obsessive celebrity infatuation that says ‘Let's talk about some- thing that matters Are LGBT voters over Obama? Frustration with the president's inaction on key gay issues boiling over What has Obama done for us? By Dyna Baghy dBagtyavhepooice com Paul Schappaugh ws a vol spate of Barack Obaot wes he van for rest, spl by hs incision a a sn, bse Sd wane estes nb ator ad is Tod, Shuppaugh, an Alan and pees deat of is own nfrmition teencogy s- ress, she poy wh the presides “dp realize be as given aes and he area tof tes fo um del witb he ts en hen ane pire on ‘Schappaugh ako a rer of Alan's (eer sie League sie Obama admins atone ng when ay tas pon at to fave the hese Deparment defen "Dont ‘Ak, Dont Tel afer was ed uncart tena earths moh The DOD sed fora Injuncion rom the eh Cs of Apes aad ees ted jst dys ater he mila ley tro dele unconttons,meaning opty Say inthe hse orf bing schaged. ‘What be reset can doo end DADT is what's Known a2 "sop ls ode, Ship Prigh sid Because te US. isinatimect wat, The rest cam 2 Some ve ad sue anexccve order asinpl sige — tnerce the aw Beene Congres ape 16 yer agi Congest must repeal AS on than Capea ofthe Washingon Pos ted (et 1a "y cco, the hace Department defends asp by Congres tite chal Tengen cour. Toit th Obst defend this wold force fos ol tr ones defend ss pees of he wa cae ao a ers thateas ard progressives appr.” But many gy voters sich a Staph Tar is wad th up wh is ao 1 Sagygh add“ don have fogs tn forts distin oe Oba nymre" “The egal roa srounding DADT jst Ts many guy voter in Geog andar he county wary of Obama The meaning ang, incudng some very omit pres y Voisin ot wondering ay wter ange may somehow Say the vot on Now. oie Reps On Oct. 26 the US Department of fue: tonite guts reining al eho! cals tht feral mandates they {ake ston gaint lying. Tease teed ao males cea at wile caret Tanned the depute! donot roe Boss trast been elon sna aren they onde ptt agaist frasne of mente eeu use Sheesen shred ethics las ese an sel rset of 0 Fein Dewan rnspender nil Slates press reese rome eprnert ot Eatin The arc cones fle rumeaus eda pater tre yah [hig thes arte obi As grt he atlling “Gas Btter* pan hat as cossedthe ration Obama record som vie rete! young ST Deol ei tam rn ey re tan sine tog fic estan wo ae ag, (nana has spate more open yo Als thar ay cer presse cara tte Gay Sesion vio Fu ay acs ese eas sop sone 0 oe gy fs “eta lon cing Ws es a. Ose Gere uh combine Wt Hse spokesperson tin nye be Acid Pressman 0.2 san tate estes proto iss. Dens nd rns ter apie nana Amand Sg, hos arson: nas por asasener Tecnica abate Cones egret andbeievea doef est are Peseta apaetnents tat victors inthe U.S. Howse an Sete suitchallengog DADT in 2004 unde Preside (George 'W, Bush's ainisraton, fed! dc ‘ments 00 Cc. 25 withthe Sth Circ of Ap ls opposing the decison thee oi Janie Erle of Alans, 2 booed ember ‘ofthe mona LR eo tte during the ‘alo repeal DADT, sid te Democrats ae oe The epealof BADT di sn te Hose Ue Speer Nancy Pls, They pur oa stich effort so bathe Regan cul spr "he si. "Kk gel partion anit sal whe paisa po {ks imerres with advancing cur movement ‘Most LGBT Ameren ae deappoitd a fg cham isto manera tits the eprint Heath hana Servs tsb eins Inst wou airspace Nee or edi eg tow same-sex coupes vistation rights ovana siete Matthew Sepa James Br, J ate Crimes Preverton , - tit lone. 2 2008, ; atin haste “Desi promising "Dont sh Don't “el ou be epee unis ah, ‘eee ae fas tough a yes Nedra udge rules month ‘hes uneastutnal but tame etd US Departmental ste {appeal theruin. ~TeeEmplomest Now Discrimination ‘ek wich ud rie ob poets to LE peopl contest gush in Googes. +e hs month he sti Depart nena agp recent res Ut sed the Dteneo rigs ‘ats nconsutons to dooms ‘pps ce unions adhas saat. he poses Do ‘sith Oba an owes ane ses such us the gains don't Hook ke much onthe SsDADI, Eisley i epi Deora. face bu over ie adn combination wih "tiwasayelow dogo waudiake ether efforts we an see hit soil change does alotiogetmetotepolstis yea esad. —‘happe,” Hodson aed "Te fi or weniger women an A ‘Activism is not for the impatient’ sca Americans win not won dro pes Daslene Huson of Adana who oqanizes deal em, much ss wo eas she said the saa State of Block Gay America Sunt “Activa seo the pat ste sl iit ding Black Gay rg, sid now ie mot Bit miny LOB active and vot ae these dob Oboma and impstnce by inked impute. Wah the most gay-endy {UGB veers tthe pis could cre rest ofce end Denoars i coed of The Obama amination probly the he House al Sere, iy el oe cave fist expres commientto gy uals been done before the mir eles, when hess. Desocra kein power Repabcs ‘urn slo sto wrk withtheson Cap- Aer so mach excemet eng op te simple ask Hudson added 7 Democracy sno opi for seal same Please se OBAMA on Page 9 Tere ba kL) pane cu eee Carnac Sat Leelee 7g + Visit “Elgon soins ap, See car etal, Mean coverage must Peeper tiene iy J) YALETRA rscptn aH mode cle pose iit that contns , Peete tenement onl ee rete era rent tartan ee OWN i Pobre ee eer teeter ANTE 1D } eee ne eee ee nny ae I ui Re tern a ne een ea ere ae =| ee perenne eae tet Perret ieee tere ey eee a et eet ae tt parr orem herent a pete eter tece steer Serer eee emcee teste Sete greece ta Se ee eee ee a eet eee eeherteaeet terete ea brrestirnieresheniece riety ia ie eae eee See ene ee ty eer Ne ee) Berta Ce cots caer

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