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Marina Fick 6th

Coming Soon to a Police Station Near You: The DNA ‘Magic Box’
Published January 21, 2019
Summary: Usually if a DNA sample needs to be tested by a police department, it is sent to a lab
(sometimes out of state) and it may take months to get the results back. Now, however, there
is a new machine being tested that can give results back in as little as 90 minutes. Not only does
it give back results in a fast amount of time, it is also small enough to be carried around and
used by police officers on patrol. There are new laws in place in order to connect these
machines to a national data base (Codis) so that police officers will be able to identify criminals
even faster. In fact, police officers that have already used the rapid DNA device have stated that
the device has proven useful in providing leads and catching criminals faster than before.
However, there is some controversy over these devices because complex genetic material could
be useless if handled improperly. That is why there is a call for classes or courses to instruct
police officers on how to properly handle these devices and on what evidence should be tested
in these devices. Besides the controversy, the devices have proven fairly accurate and useful.
Connection: This article connects to my project because the article is over a forensics related
device. My project is over the forensics behind certain types of crime scenes and one topic that
I will be talking about is DNA evidence. The device mentioned in the article is used in
“automated processing of DNA” which I can talk about in my project due to its usage at crime
scenes. If it is something that is soon going to become widespread at police departments
everywhere, I want to mention it in my project because my project is about crime scenes. Also
in the article “Codis” is mentioned. This is also something I will talk about in my project because
of its use when trying to find leads at crime scenes. Codis (a national database) is used
specifically when trying to match DNA results which the matching of DNA results will be
discussed in my project as well. So, all the information over DNA testing in the article will be
mentioned in my project because it pertains to forensic tests used at crime scenes.
Personal Response: The article was very surprising to me because I was not aware of the steps
that go into DNA testing. The article gave me a new perspective of all that goes into fighting
crime and analyzing crime scene evidence. It also made me more curious about all the different
things that go on behind the scenes of a crime scene. I also learned a lot about things that could
become part of the future of law enforcement. I felt that the DNA device was a good thing and
that it could make the world safer. If criminals are caught faster than that leaves them less time
to commit more crimes. I also felt that this new device could free people that are falsely
accused much faster than before making life easier for a lot of people. I was only left wondering
what actual law enforcement officers feel about this device and whether they would feel
comfortable using them.
Work cited:
Murphy, Heather. “Coming Soon to a Police Station Near You: The DNA 'Magic Box'.” The

New York Times, The New York Times, 21 Jan. 2019,




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