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a = 2 = a) o ® a Pe a 3 S| ra) a a n Name Date __ Session 1 Assessment A. Write the word or words that best complete each sentence. 1, Saint Augustine’s search for the meaning of life and a relationship with God opened his eyes to 2. The is the mystery of one God in Three Persons—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 3. A person who accepts Jesus’ message and tries to live as he did is called a 4. For faith to be complete, we need to and___with love to God and others. 8. The Church's belief that social tasks are best served by the institutions that are closest to it, which is similar to the People of God under the leadership of bishops and priests, is called the principle of —___ 6. God gave us _____, which is our ability to choose to do good or to sin. 7. Saint Augustine became a northern Africa. - to the people of Hippo in 8. God is our ____, which means that he created the world to share his truth, goodness, and beauty with us. 9. The most powerful insight that we have about God is the of the Trinity. 10. Rosaries, medals, and statues are that help us celebrate our faith with great awareness and devotion. 11. The treasure of wisdom that teaches us how to build a just society and live holy lives amid the challenges of the modern world is called 12, The responsibility to contribute to the betterment of society, meeting everyone’s spiritual and worldly needs, is a core teaching of the Church known as the 13. A visual sign of our discipleship is beginning our prayers with the www Grade 7 «Session 1 Assessment page 1 of2 ra Ss oO 3 3 a o 2 a ca a S i} 7) a Cy n nps:iwwwioyolapress.comalt-formationfinding-godiinding-god-20tS/catecists-an-eachersresources-7-8/grades-7-8igrade-Tlunt... Name Date Session 1 Assessment B, The Trinity is a mystery that we can never fully comprehend. How would you explain the Trinity to someone who is not a Christian? ©. Think about the Catholic Social Teaching theme of Care for God’s Creation. How can you set an example of caring for God's world? What can you do to thank God for all he has created? Grade 7 Session 1 Assessment page 2 of 2 a aN a iS o 7) o yn Name Date Session 2 Assessment A. Circle the choice that best completes each sentence. 1, The Acts of the (Hebrews Apostles) is part of the New Testament. 2, John the Baptist was a (priest precursor), or immediate forerunner, sent to prepare the way for Jesus. ° . The official list of the 73 books that makes up the Old and New Testaments of the Bible is called the (canon covenant). 4. Messiah is a title that means (“anointed one” “favored by God”). }._ Jesus began his public life on the banks of the Jordan River when John (baptized praised) him. A (bishop _ priest) uses water during the rite of Baptism. . Followers who submitted to baptism by John the Baptist did so as a sign that they accepted his message to (become prophets repent for sins). . Baptism frees us from (Original Sin God's promise), which is the consequence of Adam and Eve's disobedience when human beings lost God's blessing. |. The most important books of the New Testament are the four (Gospels Torahs): Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. 10. In the Old Testament, God made a (Covenant testament), a solemn agreement, between God and his people. 11. ‘The books of the New Testament tell the story of Jesus’ life, Death, (Resurrection Baptism), and Ascension. 12, The Church venerates both the Old Testament and New Testament as (recorded inspired) by God. 13. A Gescendant prophet) is someone who is called to speak for God. 14. Each Gospel teaches us that Jesus is the (Apostle Son of God) sent by the Father for our Salvation. 15. Both the Old Testament and the New Testament tell God's great (inspiration plan) for the human family. Grade 7» Session 2 Assessment - page 1 of 2

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