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Sr# Scene# Shot# Movement# Description#

1 1 close-up Hand-held Ali is shown sleeping

2 1 Wide Hand-held Ali is lying but not sleeping

3 1 close-up Hand-held and Ali is trying to wakeup

focus pull
4 1 close-up Hand-held Ali is trying to wakeup

5 1 close-up Hand-held Ali getting off from bed

6 1 close-up N/A Ali is wearing slippers

7 1 medium Hand-held Ali is waling towards bathroom

8 1 medium Hand-held Ali is opening door

9 2 close-up N/A Ali is rubbing his face

10 2 close-up Hand-held Ali is peeing

11 3 close-up to Hand-held Ali is going to pick remote

12 3 medium Hand-held Ali is watching Tv and talking to
himself then pick his phone
13 3 medium Hand-held Ali is calling

14 3 medium Hand-held Ali is talking on call

15 3 medium Hand-held Ali is watching Tv.

16 3 medium N/A Ali is shown worried

17 3 medium N/A Ali is shown watching Tv

17 3 medium Tracking in Ali is shown worried

18 4 medium Hand-held Ali is walks towards chair and sits

then open the drawer and put out box
19 4 closeup N/A Ali put drugs out from box

20 4 closeup N/A Ali is going to score a line

21 4 closeup N/A Ali is going to score a line

22 4 close up Hand-held Ali scores a line

23 4 medium Hand-held Ali is rubbing his nose

24 4 close up Hand-held Ali pick a joint

25 4 medium N/A Ali is using his lighter

26 4 close up hand held and Ali is looks at fire and light a joint
focus pull
27 4 close up hand held Ali smokes

28 4 closeup hand held Ali check message on his phone

29 4 medium hand held Ali shouts and run out from room

30 5 medium hand held Ali comes out from his room and run

31 5 medium hand held Ali comes downstairs and see his

house and don’t find his mother

32 5 close up hand held Ali holds his face in worry



Eye level

Eye level

Eye level

Eye level

Eye level

Eye level

Eye level

Eye level

Eye level

High to eye-level

Eye level


Eye level

Eye level

Low angle

Eye level

Low angle

Eye level

high angle

high angle

high angle
high angle

Eye level

high angle


Eye level

Eye level


Eye level

Eye level

eye level to
Low angle

eye level

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