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The Wrong Future

we live in

Missing Free Energy


Table of Contents
History notes....................................................................................................................................5
About me.....................................................................................................................................5
How it all started.........................................................................................................................6
My research path.........................................................................................................................6
Perception of FE..........................................................................................................................6
Situation in mainstream science..................................................................................................7
Conspiracy theory ?....................................................................................................................9
Why it is difficult build FE device?...............................................................................................11
Known and Unknown................................................................................................................11
Science and technology.............................................................................................................11
Nikola Tesla........................................................................................................................................12
Tesla’s (classical) principle – lets learn from nature......................................................................14
Generalization of the principle......................................................................................................16
Wardenclyffe tower........................................................................................................................18
About magnifying transmitter........................................................................................................18
Hermann Plauson – Power from the Air........................................................................................19
Thomas Henry Moray....................................................................................................................22
Typical trolling (disinformation tactics)........................................................................................23
Pulse systems......................................................................................................................................24
Types of NDR................................................................................................................................24
Broomstick antenna and glow discharge.......................................................................................24
Heat pump..........................................................................................................................................26
Understanding the Pair entropy – energy.......................................................................................26
Link between material and no material worlds..............................................................................27
Energy inversion............................................................................................................................27
Magnet-gradient generator........................................................................................................29
Drinking Bird - “Impossible” heat engine for 3$ on ebay.............................................................31
Maxwell daemon and nanotechnology..........................................................................................32
Rediscovering Zaev’s ferro-kessor 1).............................................................................................34
Kessor with nonlinear capacitor....................................................................................................43
Dielectric absorption......................................................................................................................44
Stefan Marinov and trail of dead bodies........................................................................................45
Gravity battery...............................................................................................................................50
Inversed thermo generator.............................................................................................................52
Ultra-efficient LED........................................................................................................................54
Heat Pump......................................................................................................................................55
Use of fuel-free energy plants based on turbo expander-generator sets for the production of heat,
cold and electricity.........................................................................................................................55
Heat Engine of Dr. Albert Serogodsky......................................................................................57

Isolated hydro power.....................................................................................................................58

Lazarev’s colcar / Kulibin’s fountain.............................................................................................59
Drinking clock...............................................................................................................................60
John Huston...................................................................................................................................60
Underwater electrolyze..................................................................................................................61
Stanley Meyer – water powered car..............................................................................................62
Kelvin dropper...............................................................................................................................63
Nickel Curie Point Engine.............................................................................................................64
Ga heat engine...............................................................................................................................65
Eclin-Brown generator...................................................................................................................67
Robert Adams and his pulse motor................................................................................................68
Bill Muller and his motor generator..............................................................................................69
Howard Johnson’s magnet motor..................................................................................................70
MHD generators............................................................................................................................71
NR in electronic valves..................................................................................................................73
Temperature variation modulate capacitance.................................................................................74
Spark gap (electron avalanche)......................................................................................................75
Edvin Vincent Gray car and magnet propulsion............................................................................78
Josef Papp......................................................................................................................................79
Messiah machine............................................................................................................................80
John Searl.......................................................................................................................................81
Roshin-Godin experiment..............................................................................................................82
Unipolar generators........................................................................................................................83
Bruce DePalma.........................................................................................................................84
Adam Trombly..........................................................................................................................85
Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube............................................................................................................86
Richard Clem.................................................................................................................................87
Viktor Schauberger........................................................................................................................88
Veljko Milkovic.............................................................................................................................90
Nitinol case....................................................................................................................................91
Bedini Technology....................................................................................................................92
Element of Bugarsky.................................................................................................................92
Flower Power – unusual battery design....................................................................................93
LENR and Eugene Mallove...........................................................................................................94
Other cases.....................................................................................................................................95
Alfred M. Hubbard....................................................................................................................95
Lester Hendershot.....................................................................................................................96
Hans Coler.................................................................................................................................97
Paul Baumann...........................................................................................................................98
Floyd Sweet...............................................................................................................................99
Stiven Mark.............................................................................................................................100
Noah's Ark Research Foundation / Dr. Schwarz.....................................................................101
Theoretical energy generation concepts...........................................................................................102
Parameter variation......................................................................................................................102
Variable inductor.....................................................................................................................102

Non-linear capacitor................................................................................................................103
Synergy principle.........................................................................................................................105
Van der Graaf generator..........................................................................................................106
Negative resistance and pulse systems........................................................................................108
Concepts considered as philosophically wrong...........................................................................111
Fields cancellation...................................................................................................................111
Action without reaction (BEMF cancellation)........................................................................112
Extracting reactive power without reflection..........................................................................112
About physics theory – what happened to common sense?.............................................................113
Missing Ether...............................................................................................................................113
“Trained blindness”......................................................................................................................115
Math as an obfuscation tool.........................................................................................................116
Einstein’s relativity is subversion, rotation is absolute................................................................116
About forces of inertia.................................................................................................................117
Related topics....................................................................................................................................118
Inertial drive.................................................................................................................................118
Eric Roberts Laithwaite...........................................................................................................118
Vladimir N. Tolchin................................................................................................................118
Gennady I. Shipov...................................................................................................................119
Torsion fields and technologies...................................................................................................120
Anatoly E. Akimov.................................................................................................................120
Georges Lakhovsky.....................................................................................................................121
Royal Raymond Rife...................................................................................................................122
Wilhelm Reich and Orgone energy..............................................................................................122
Viktor S. Grebennikov.................................................................................................................123
John Hutchinson..........................................................................................................................123
Edward Leedskalnin....................................................................................................................124
Other taboo topics........................................................................................................................124
Evolution theory and archeology............................................................................................124
Psychic phenomena.................................................................................................................125
Kirlian photography................................................................................................................125
Philosophical afterworld...................................................................................................................126
Common misconceptions.............................................................................................................127
Appendix 1.......................................................................................................................................129
List of Researchers and their Experiments and/or Devices.........................................................129
Cold fusion and transmutation related.........................................................................................130
Appendix 2.......................................................................................................................................132
THE PROBLEM OF INCREASING HUMAN ENERGY.........................................................132

“Each generation imagines itself to be more
intelligent than the one that went before it,
and wiser than the one that comes after it.”

“He who controls the past controls the future.
He who controls the present controls the
― George Orwell, 1984

If you haven’t heard about Alternative Science, Free Energy, Anti-gravity, Inertial Drives,
Information and Torsion Fields … prepare to very serious shock. This knowledge will change you
and your life forever. You can’t unlearn this. It is still not too late throw this book away ;)

This book contains review of Free Energy devices and ideas, some history of the topic and
presenting social background, which is essential to understanding of the current situation. I tried to
be as less technical as possible, but at same time present useful and precise information for those
who want actually research and build something. My research is more about electronic solid state
devices, but I still list other important cases to provide more complete picture of the subject.
Significant part of the book just a compilation of related information received from different
sources and at a different time, put all together in hope to make life easier for followers. As level of
noise in Internet increasing steadily, it became more and more difficult to find something in a sea of
informational waste.

Despite the fact that I am a miserable writer, I hope that book will be interesting for any open
minded person.

History notes
About me
Usually there is a nice detailed author’s biography, photo, list of degrees and achievements etc etc at
the beginning of the book. This is a little different book :) Due to the nature of the topics discussed
in the book I prefer remain anonymous.

I am one of the “lost generation”, born in 1970s in

Soviet Union. I lived through interesting times. I have
seen Soviet Union collapse, perestroika ages and rise
of Putin’s regime. I was lucky. I studied in very good
University and got (technical) degree.
I meet very interesting people and learned a lot of
things which “normal” people not supposed to know.

How it all started

In the end of 1990s, beginning 2000s I was working in private company as an lead engineer.
Business was going well and we were looking for something new and interesting where to invest in
a future developments.

We meet with very interesting people and eventually learned about Free Energy, Torsion fields and
many other topics of “alternative” science. At that time, many people who were working during
Soviet Union times for advanced military projects suddenly lost their jobs – government decided
that this kind of research not needed any more. People were trying find application for their skills
and knowledge. Many amazing things came out of the “shadow”… just for a small period of time.

My research path
From my childhood I had (and still have) passion for electronics. I was fascinated with idea of
developing FE technology, which would allow save thousands kilometers of wires in e.g. building
automatics, make batteries unnecessary etc etc And so I began my quest for FE.

I built Bedini’s SG motor… why ? Well that was one of most discussed FE devices at that time
(2003?) It didn’t went well, I had no idea how it supposed to work. I decided that I should focus on
solid state devices, stay close to area of my competence (electronics). And so I tried Tesla Switch
and then Bearden’s MEG (2005?) with obvious results :) Noting worked as “advertised”.
That sparked my interest even more. I ran intense information search over Internet and discovered
huge amount of information about FE. At same time very alarming pattern appeared, some kind of
“chronic bad luck“. Inventors were threatened, put to jail, became bankrupt, killed and none of
their device were put into production… Hmmm… Interesting :)

I joined several on-line forums and situation there were somehow similar. People came and claim
that they have device, but will not show it neither explain how it works, ask for money… or explain see that it is just their ignorance, wrong measurement etc etc Other people just sit on
forum and post tons of junk or of topic, so nobody can follow discussion…

It became clear that situation is quite serious. Active disinformation campaigns performed on
regular basis to confuse and distract people. And if I want achieve something, I have to begin from
the very beginning myself. I began refreshing my physics knowledge and setup my lab for
experiments. It took a little less than 10 years just to begin understand something. It is all before our
eyes. We just need to learn from the Nature and unlearn some nonsense which we were taught at

Perception of FE

If you search Internet for “Free Energy” you most probably end up with something like this:

“Pseudoscience: Free energy device, a hypothetical perpetual motion device that creates
energy, thereby contradicting the laws of thermodynamics.”

Well, that very interesting, why “scientists” spend time writing and proving that something is not
possible? Aren’t they supposed to be open minded and search for new possibilities ? *).
And I think I have seen this before :) It reminds me about genetics and cybernetics, “two malicious
bourgeois pseudo sciences, corrupt whores of imperialism” as they were labeled in Soviet Union.
As we know, this caused severe damage to both in Soviet Union. And so it is happening with Free

*) This is actually one of misconceptions, see “Common misconceptions” for more details.
For a experienced person it is also clear that this is a typical example of disinformation technique, i.e. presenting false
claim and explaining then why it is wrong. Free Energy device does not create energy, laws of thermodynamics do not
forbid Free Energy...but I learned all these later...

Situation in mainstream science

“We all know that pigs don’t fly.
But we throw them out of airplane they fly ok :)”
– Dr. Daniel Sheehan

After I decided to do some experiments I started refreshing my physics. To my surprise I found that
situation in science not much better than in FE community. By some “Intellectual Phase-Locking”
questions which I want to ask are never discussed. There are tons of exercises and practical
examples, but never the one which I am interested and could be useful in my research. At the
beginning that amazed me. But little by little I found out that this is not only my problem, there are
common “scientific” practices like knowledge filtering, removing unwanted evidence, there are
even taboo topics which you can’t research etc etc etc

Example how knowledge filtering work from other taboo area in science:

“Over the past two centuries, archaeologists have found bones, footprints, and artifacts
showing that people like ourselves have existed on earth for many millions of years. But
many scientists have forgotten or ignored these remarkable facts. Why?
Primarily because they contradict the now dominant evolutionary views about human
origins and antiquity. According to these views, humans like ourselves have existed for only
about 100,000 or 200,000 years, and before that there were only more primitive human
ancestors. This evolutionary paradigm, to which influential groups of scientists are deeply
committed, has acted as a “knowledge filter.” And the filtering, intentional or not, has left us
with a radically incomplete set of facts for building our ideas about human origins.
Recovering the complete set of facts takes us on a fascinating expedition, across five
continents to various archaeological sites, some long forgotten, some the center of ongoing
controversy. The complete set of facts is consistent with the accounts of extreme human
antiquity found in the Puranas, the historical writings of ancient India.”

pic. Stefan Marinov illustration how modern theoretical physical research works *)

Many scientists were prosecuted for researching taboo topics (see “Related topics”), even for
talking about such topics. There is very strong thought control in mainstream science and in current
state it reminds me pretty much a church with a main task to stop or at least delay progress!

Let’s consider typical argumentation about FE.

- FE not possible due to laws of thermodynamic.
This is not true. Before you say this please check your books one more time…and think carefully
when these laws can be applied.

- Nobody ever seen device with COP > 100% before

I sure you have seen one or perhaps two…right in your house. Both are using heat pumps… and I
hope you can recognize them now ;-)

- Nothing free in this world

Money is a human invention and have nothing to do with laws of Physics. Sun shines free for
everyone. Building a FE device allows one tap energy himself and avoid paying constantly rising

The more you study this, the clearer you see a pattern. Some people believe in science and that it is
advanced and hardly something new can be found… Other people just pathologicaly skeptical,
they don’t even want to study the subject if it contradicts their picture of universe (it is also known
as denial :).

But if we look honestly, there is lack of research in the area, fuel-less energetic don’t even discussed
as possibility. How they can know that it is not possible ?
There is also money, big money involved. Since most of scientific research nowadays financed by
government and big corporations, there is very strong conflict of interests. Do you think oil
company want give money to do research results of which ruin their business ? How likely
government want spend money to reduce own tax flow ? (for example, in Finland tax on electricity
is more than 100% of price of electricity).

As an example close to the topic, I would like to mention LENR, low energy nuclear reaction.
Mainstream science were receiving (and still probably) receives millions to build hot nuclear
reactors. And imagine, one day somebody came up with process which is million times simpler and
chipper… goodbye research grants etc etc There is very strong vested interest to not allow LENR…
that is what we see now (see Eugene Mallove story).
Even not in energy field every effort made to insure that rights for intellectual property goes to
proper people and prevents other from using invention (e.g. case with batteries for electric car).

One other important thing to consider is Ethical aspect of the problem. For example, weapons made
not by governments, they made by scientists, war and technology mis-use not only government's
crime. Most of scientists actively and willingly participating in this madness.
It is also scientists who responsible for promoting nonsense,confusing and indoctrinating young
people (students). One can say that there are good scientists, who not aware of the issue… hmm
they probably bad scientists… how else you can’t see what is going on around you ? ;)

Conspiracy theory ?

So, let’s assume for a moment that there is no such thing as FE. Why then somebody harassing and
killing inventors of new energy technologies ? There is pile of dead bodies and almost every
inventor of FE experienced threats or violence towards him.

Energy Invention Suppression Case Statistics: (6)

Number of Energy Invention Suppression Incidents – 95
Number of Dead, Missing, or Injured Energy Inventors, Activists, and Associates – 20
Number of Energy Inventors and Associates Threatened with Death – 32
Number of Energy Researchers and Associates Imprisoned or Falsely Charged – 5
Number of Incidents of Energy Invention Suppression by the United States Government,
Patent Office,Central Intelligence Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Marshals, Army, Air
Force,Navy, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, Defense Intelligence Agency, S.W.A.T.
Teams,National Security Agency, U.S. Postal Service, Department of Energy, Department of State,
Securities and Exchange Commission, Food and Drug Administration, Department of Defense,
Department of Homeland Security, Internal Revenue Service, Rural Electrification Administration,
White House, Consumer Product Safety Commission, Small Business Administration, and Canada’s
Royal Canadian Mounted Police – 59

Number of Inventions Classified Secret by U.S. Patent Office – 5000

Number of Incidents Involving Oil Companies – 9
Names of Companies, Banks, State Agencies, Private Groups, and Universities Involved with Energy
Invention Suppression – Standard Oil, Zapata Petroleum, Atlantic Richfield, Exxon-Mobile, Shell Oil
Company, General Electric Company, Yakuza, California Air Resources Board, Organization of
Petroleum Exporting Countries, Wells Fargo Bank, Ford Motor Company, General Motors
Corporation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Queen of England,Kollmorgan, World Bank,
Rockefellers, Carlyle Group, and Bush Family

Could it be coincidence ? And so which is conspiracy after examining the facts ? FE does not exist
or government just suppressing it ? ha ha :)

With all that issues I would like to ask you do you think mainstream science credible ? Should we
blindly believe to everything what they are saying to us ?

1. Free Energy is Pseudoscience

2. Cybernetics in the USSR

3. Banned TED Talk: The Science Delusion - Rupert Sheldrake at TEDx Whitechapel

4. Intellectual Phase-Locking

5. Michael Cremo Speaks Bluntly about the Institutional “knowledge filter” and Who We Really

6. Energy Invention Suppression Cases

7. Stefan Marinov “The thorny way of truth: documents on the violation of the laws of

8. Who killed electric car

9. Einstein and Reich case

10. Feynman and Papp case


Why it is difficult build FE device?

Known and Unknown
Building FE device is not simple. I often give an example – can you build a radio or TV set
yourself? Well, it could be a challenging task even for experienced person… but most of OU/FE
researchers are amateurs. What to do when your next FE project does not work? With radio it’s
easy, it was done before, and we know that it is possible… so if it does not work, you know for sure
that something gone wrong in your implementation... Nobody going to say that radio or TV
transmission is impossible… and all radio / TV sets we see are fake devices :)
When building FE device we are in much more difficult situation. There are not so many
working examples around us and prevailing social perception of FE is that it is fake.
There is huge difference in complexity of task build something new which was never done before
and just replicate some existing thing.

Science and technology

Most of people do not understand difference between science discovery and technology. Most of
our everyday technology, which we are even not noticing anymore in our everyday life, came out of
many years of hard work of scientists and engineers.
Let’s take example of LED discovery. The “effect” was first observed around 1920 by Russian
scientists Oleg Losev. Nobody realized value of it at that time. Some forty years later it was
rediscovered and only around 2010 first powerful LEDs became available, so they can be used e.g.
in outdoor lights and cars. It took lifetime of work of many scientists to develop the technology.
In 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics was shared between three Japanese blue LED inventors Isamu
Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano and Shuji Nakamura.

1. Do You Know Oleg Losev? An Engineer Tragically Ahead of His Time

2. The Story Behind Shuji Nakamura's Invention of Blue LEDs

Nikola Tesla
“All people everywhere should have free energy sources.
Electric Power is everywhere present in unlimited
quantities and can drive the world’s machinery without the
need for coal, oil, or gas.“
– N.Tesla

Do you know who was Nikola Tesla ? Remember school or university physics ? How many time

he was mentioned ? Hardly often. I do not want repeat his

biography, I’ll just shortly list his inventions.
How it is possible that man who defined how today’s
technology looks hardly mentioned or appreciated ?
Don’t you think it is strange ?

Some facts about Nicola Tesla and his inventions, which you probably don’t know
• rotating magnetic field
• first AC motor
• AC current distribution system (generators, transformers)
• hydro electric power
• xray tube / photography
• neon light (bulbs)
• remote controlled devices (robots)
• wireless power and data transfer = radio+data
• argued with Hertz - discovered other type of radio waves (longitudinal?)
• free energy = unlimited power without fuel
• disc turbine
• rejected Nobel prize
• death ray (beam weapon)
• fuel-less car
• "flying saucer" like machine
• argued with Einstein about theory of relativity (which does not make any sense)
• participated in Philadelphia experiment
• predicted TV and mobile phones

I think it is pretty obvious that he did something which cause his “disappearance” from the
mainstream… and it is very likely that it was his discovery of FE.

There are many original writings available (many lost, supposingly confiscated by FBI) and even
more “popular” writing. Some people think it is nice to use such unusual figure to do money… so
we have all kind of crazy stories, music bands and even cars called Tesla :(

10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943

1. AC power system, motors
2. Magnifying Transmitter
3. Tesla Tower in Shoreham Long Island
4. Disc Turbine/Pump
5. Notes on unipolar dynamo
6. The first hydro-electric power plant
7. The Tesla Space Drive
8. Electric car
9. Wireless power transfer
10. Radio
11. Healing with electricity
(see also Multi Wave Oscillator, Lakhovski
12. Remote control

13. Death Ray

14. Philadelphia Experiment
15. Time travel
16. Tesla rejected Nobel prize
17. Was Tesla murdered?
18. The problem of increasing human energy
(most important part “A DEPARTURE FROM KNOWN METHODS”)

Tesla’s (classical) principle – lets learn from nature

“All natural FE systems built on the principle of a phase

transition in the field of conservative force. The water cycle
on Earth, storms on Jupiter, even the heat of the Sun…”
– dedivan (

I think it is obvious that environment or space around us contains energy, we can try extracting it
and use for our needs. So we don’t need any fuel. I think first time such idea was described by
Nikola Tesla in his article “The problem of increasing human energy” with special references to the
harnessing of the Sun’s energy by Nikola Tesla, Century Illustrated Magazine, June 1900.
And most important part is “A Departure from known methods – possibility of a “self-acting”
engine or machine, inanimate, yet capable, like a living being, of deriving energy from the medium
– The ideal way of obtaining motive power.”
Complete article available e.g. here and most
important part of it in Appendix A in the end of this book.
I believe that everyone FE researcher read this article, but amazingly small attention was paid to
this principle and it seems to be ignored until now. One possible reason is a difficulty to understand
it. It took probably 5 years for me to get the Tesla’s idea since I first time read this article.
Let’s consider this principle in more details and use example from nature - natural water cycle (or
hydrological cycle).

pic. Natural Water Cycle (source:

Water vaporized from ocean (lake, ground etc.) goes up into atmosphere, condense there, form
clouds and drops as a rain or snow, then flow through rivers and returns to ocean.
This is a natural water flow which exists in environment. Humans use it to harness energy by
inserting special devices (like hydropower stations) into the flow to capture energy.

As you probably know Tesla built first hydro power station in Niagara Falls in 1895 (*). Perhaps
working on that project brought him the idea of extracting energy from environment.

I think is important to consider where energy comes from? Most people will say “from the Sun” and
will be right, but not exactly. When water evaporates, it takes up energy from its surroundings and
cools the environment. When it condenses, it releases energy and warms the environment. So if we
assume that same amount of water first vaporized and condensed afterwards, from “global” point of
view no energy was consumed, heat was just transferred from one place to another. Also water
transferred from ground to some point above the ground and gravitation is actual force which
drives water down back to ground level and drive turbines in hydro power station. So in theory, heat
from Sun is not required here to continue the hydro cycle.

I am aware that this is very “controversial” claim and probably will not be accepted by many
people. As an argument to support my claim I can give an example – we know that outer planets
(e.g. Saturn, Jupiter) located far away from Sun and therefore receive much less Sun’s energy
(radiation) but we also know that there are very powerful tornadoes in their atmospheres, much
stronger than in Earth’s atmosphere (so this “extra” energy should come from somewhere and
gravitational field is very good “candidate” for such energy source).

Coming back to Earth and closer to Tesla’s principle let’s try do some generalization.

1. Tesla Biography Nikola Tesla, The Genius Who Lit The World

2. The Problem of Increasing Human Energy

Generalization of the principle

Knowledge is power.

In a very simple words Tesla’s principle can be explained like this: usually we use existing energy
flows in Nature, we insert our devices and extract power. But it is possible that we create energy
flow ourselves. This way there would be no limit on energy, time, etc

pic. Idealized FE system

I presented working cycle of system based on Tesla’s principle on pic.

Let’s say we have a field (gravitational for example) and we have a “working body” – some
substance which can change it aggregate state from liquid to gas and back (e.g. water).

The working cycle is shown on the picture.


4 -> 1 “working body” make a phase transition to the state where it “does not interact” with a field
(e.g. water vaporizing)

1 -> 2 “working body” moves to gain some potential energy (e.g. vapor comes up, we don’t do
work here against the field)

2 -> 3 “working body” make phase transition to initial state (e.g. vapor condensing)

3 -> 4 now “working body” start interacting with a field (water dropping down), on this phase we
can capture some energy. The cycle repeats.

This is a quite simplified picture, but it represents the principle.

Different fields can be used (gravitational, magnetic and eclectic), different working bodies and
phase transitions, so there are a lot of different systems possible.
We know 3 fields in nature (gravitational, magnetic and electric).

From practice we see also static and pulsed systems. In static system field present all the time and
working body make phase transitions, in pulse systems 2) field appeared only for short time and
“trigger” phase transition in working body which continues itself by “inertia” after triggering field
removed. Here are some examples of possible FE setups/systems (Tab. 1)

Table 1. Field and corresponding phase transitions

Field Static system

gravitation ”water cycle”
magnetic MEG, MHD
electric ”vacuum tube”, Kelvin dropper, spark gap

As we see from practice some time it is enough to have only sharp parameter variation (not phase
transition). Some of possible phase transitions and property variations presented in Tab.2
Of course there could be much more implementations, on different levels etc.

Table 2. Phase transitions in FE systems based on 1st principle

Field Phase transition

gravitation liquid – gas
magnetic Curie point, saturation
electric ionization

So now, when you see some claim about FE you can ask yourself
- What field used to perform work?
- What phase transition or related property change?
- Are there proper conditions to allow “field” to perform work?
- Is system parametric (load is not affecting control) ?

And based on the answers you can make good guess could it work or not :)

Let’s now consider some application of the principle and possible systems (see devices).

1) probably need to add forth field, field of inertia forces

2) see more about pulse systems in next section “Pulse systems”

Wardenclyffe tower

“J.P. Morgan, the richest and most powerful man

of that time, was a financier of the Tesla
Broadcasting system. The Tower was designed
as a world communications center and Nikola
Tesla added to the project in that the tower
would also be used for transmitting electrical
energy without wires to the entire globe. Tesla
wanted to saturate the globe with electricity as a
dynamo so that everyone on the surface of the
globe could obtain electrical light just by
sticking wires into the soil and a electrical bulb
would light. When J.P. Morgan heard about the
Tesla project, he was asked: "How can we get
money from the electricity which Tesla is
supplying to every part of the world?" After that
Morgan cut the funds and the Tower was never
Despite that other people continued research and
built some devices. Never heard of them ? (I
would not be surprised :)

Illustration – wireless power transfer

On July 4, 1917 (US Independence Day) demolition of the
tower by began by dynamiting it...

About magnifying transmitter

Quotes from “My Inventions” by N.Tesla, 1919

“As I review the events of my past life I realize how subtle are the influences that shape our
destinies. An incident of my youth may serve to illustrate. One winter’s day I managed to climb a

steep mountain, in company with other boys. The snow was quite deep and a warm southerly wind
made it just suitable for our purpose. We amused ourselves by throwing balls which would roll
down a certain distance, gathering more or less snow, and we tried to outdo one another in this
sport. Suddenly a ball was seen to go beyond the limit, swelling to enormous proportions until it
became as big as a house and plunged thundering into the valley below with a force that made the
ground tremble. I looked on spellbound, incapable of understanding what had happened. For weeks
afterward the picture of the avalanche was before my eyes and I wondered how anything so small
could grow to such an immense size. Ever since that time the magnification of feeble actions
fascinated me, and when, years later, I took up the experimental study of mechanical and electrical
resonance, I was keenly interested from the very start. Possibly, had it not been for that early
powerful impression, I might not have followed up the little spark I obtained with my coil and never
developed my best invention, the true history of which I will tell here for the first time.”
“Taken in the narrowest significance of the term, however, it is a resonant transformer which,
besides possessing these qualities, is accurately proportioned to fit the globe and its electrical
constants and properties, by virtue of which design it becomes highly efficient and effective in the
wireless transmission of energy. Distance is then absolutely eliminated, there being no diminution
in the intensity of the transmitted impulses. It is even possible to make the actions increase with the
distance from the plant according to an exact mathematical law.”

1. Tesla Tower in Shoreham Long Island (1901 - 1917) meant to be the "World Wireless"
Broadcasting system

2. My Inventions V - The Magnifying Transmitter

Hermann Plauson – Power from the Air

Hermann Plauson was an Estonian engineer and inventor. Plauson investigated the production of
energy and power via atmospheric electricity.

Plauson was the director of the Fischer-Tropsch "Otto Traun Research Laboratories" in Hamburg,
Germany during the Weimar Republic of the 1920s. He built on Nikola Tesla's idea for connecting
machinery to the "wheelwork of nature". Plauson's US Patent # 1,540,998 describes methods to
convert alternating radiant static electricity into rectified continuous current pulses. He developed
the Plauson's converter, an electrostatic generator. In 1920, Plauson published a book titled
"Production and Utilization of the Atmospheric Electricity" (Gr., Gewinnung und Verwertung der
Atmospharischen Elektrizitat). A copy of this book is in the British Library.

1. Hermann Plauson "Conversion of Atmospheric Electricity"

2. Science and Invention, formerly Electrical Experimenter

An article about Plauson’s invention: a system that will deliver current that can be used for
industrial purposes. by H. Gernsback, from Science and Invention, February 1922

Thomas Henry Moray

August 28, 1892 - May 18, 1974

from speech given by T. Henry Moray in the Speech-Drama Building, Valley State College
Northridge, California (1962)

”Tonight I am not going to try to prove anything. In fact, no one can prove anything to those who
cannot prove the matter to themselves, I will make certain statements of fact and mention other
facts which I and my associates have been able to prove to the satisfaction of ourselves and
hundreds of other open-minded thinkers, there remains the fact that a device has been developed
and adequately tested which traps energy from the Cosmos and makes it available in usable kinetic
energy. Our intention is to create an interest in this energy which exists throughout space, of which
the immortal Dr. Nikola Tesla said, Many decades ago, "Throughout space, there is energy."”

“The fact remains that Henry Moray demonstrated under the above conditions on numerous
occasions, up to 50,000 watts of power. The device always sat on a table where it was easily
examined by anyone coming into the room, so that it could be seen that the only wires entering the
device were the antenna and the ground...”

1.Thomas Henry Moray, Radiant Energy Receiver

2. Thomas H. Moray, Speech at Valley State College, Northridge, California

3. The Sea of Energy in which Earth Floats by T. Henry Moray

Typical trolling (disinformation tactics)

“Your ignorance is their power”
– Anonymous

One of dirty tricks is to present great inventor as a strange, unsocial, eccentric person, crazy
scientist implying that such person could not invent anything useful. Well, check the list of his
inventions :)

It is often stated by “skeptics” (paid trolls) that “Tesla never invented Free Energy” and because
people just not aware of facts they accept these kind of statements.

Well, what do you think now ? Formal description of the FE principle in speech on Niagara Falls
anniversary, principle which is universal, observed everywhere in Nature, isn’t it Free Energy ?

Magnifying transmitter which can wirelessly transmit and “magnify” power, isn’t it FE ? Ha ha

Pulse systems
This is a big group of systems where some very short stress applied to media (or system) and results
in release of extra energy. From electronics point of view, we can describe such systems as Negative
Differential Resistance (NDR) but it appears to be quite more common principle.

Types of NDR
There are two types of Negative Differential Resistance, one with N-shape and another one with S-
shape I-V characteristic (often omitted from books along with statement that no energy can be
gained from NDR).

pic. N type negative resistance I-V characteristic pic. S type negative resistance I-V characteristic

I think it is obvious that in some cases circuit with negative resistance have to deliver extra power
into circuit in order to “implement” S shaped I-V curve.

And so theoretically, if we subject some circuit with S type NDR to short pulses we could have
some extra power (Short pulses needed because we have to enter negative resistance region with a
minimal energy loses).

Broomstick antenna and glow discharge

“Broomstick antenna is known for a very long time, since the 30s of the last century, and is
sometimes still used as radio receivers for the LW and MW bands.”

pic. Construction of broomstick pic. The antenna has S-type NDR characteristic

From Mystery of broomstick antenna by Polyakov VT:

“But besides the usual positive resistance losses in the antenna circuit we now includes a negative
resistance discharge needle brooms! The total resistance is reduced, the quality factor of the circuit
increases, the current RF signal and coil voltage also increases. It turns out that the antenna
amplifies the received signal by feeding its atmospheric electricity. ”

1. Demystifying the Negative Differential Resistance Phenomenon

2. Zinc Negative Resistance Oscillator

3. Negative resistance in electrical discharge

4. FE Basics, chapter 6

5. Mystery of brom stick antenna by Polyakov VT (RA3AAE) page 269-

Heat pump
It appears that environmental heat is a most abundant source of Free Energy! We just need to learn
how to use it.

Understanding the Pair entropy – energy

I was asked "If you could choose the best hypothesis of all you have about why is possible energy
extraction from ambient? Which of them would you like to put in the first place?"
Usually when talking about hypothesis it is assumed that there is no reliable knowledge on the
subject. But there is pretty well defined methods confirmed by practice and mainstream science.
However there are no developed technologies because nobody really interested making energy
clean and fuel less (independent), but this is complete different story :)
I think first time idea how extract energy from the ambient environment was proposed by Nikola
Tesla in 1901. I tried to bring it to attention in these group (and different other places) many times
but it is ignored... as if there is some mental block preventing people understand it.
This idea was developed by many people in different variations e.g. N. Zaev with his kessor (energy
concentrator) concept, which I think I also was able to reproduce to some extent. At this point I can
make even more generic statement - energy can be extracted from media by manipulating entropy.

Well known examples:

• magnetic field re-align domains in core = change of entropy,
• electric field change orientation of dipoles in dielectric = change of entropy,
• your example - pyramid (and any other shapes) change natural energy distribution and
creates different flows or patterns (can be easily observed in nature e.g. with trees) = change
of entropy etc etc

No orthodox theories needed here. I think it is obvious that any life is also "OU" as it extracts (use)
ambient energy for functioning. So every life form creates very specific entropy (energy) gradients
or patterns around itself. And so we can detect and manipulate these gradients, use them to affect
life e.g. to heal people (real systems were developed e.g. by A.E. Akimov's colleagues) I think no
hypotheses needed here, it is quite clear and straightforward.

Here common methods to manipulate entropy and some examples

1. Use phase transition
this also includes magnetization and dielectric polarization (second order phase transitions)
Example: water cycle and hydro electric power, Zaev's kessors, gadolinium heat machines

2. Use rotation, it creates field of inertial forces

Example: tornado, Viktor Schauberger devices, Unipolar generators (DePalma's N machine), Clem's
generator etc

3. Apply very short stress to some media, so that media reaction is slower than you remove stress
Example: E.V.Gray gas discharge tube, probably Bedini's battery pulsers, probably Steven Mark's
TPU etc

If you check any known or supposed to be OU/FE device you see one of these methods or even
some combination.


1. Phase transition

Link between material and no material worlds

More complex thing I would like try explain.
We can say that entropy corresponds to order or shape. It connects non-material/abstract
information/ideas with material world/energy.
And since information is abstract we can manipulate energy changing order/shape/entropy. It is very
unlikely that any scientist agree with such concept as it have very serious consequences. But this is
quite off-topic here :)

Energy inversion
Here a (translated) fragment from A.Frolov book “New Energy Sources” with a summary about
energy inversion:

People from Oshchepkov’s institute, created a theory, and performed calculations for the design of
electronic systems to produce electrical current by converting the energy of the environment.
Created and worked on several experimental electronic equipment which convert ambient energy
directly into electric current. In the specially created circuits of resistors and specially processed
semiconductor diodes (they created "a rough analog" of potential barrier) was able to create a
device which generates a voltage of more than ten volts.

In the magazine Youth Technology, №11, 1983, the classification of the main methods of inversion
of the thermal energy of the medium were considered. We'll take it as a basis, but supplemented by
new methods.

Photo inversion. Known properties of certain substances (luminophores) re-emit the light falling
on them, but on the other, an increase in wavelength (so-called "Stokes luminescence"). Later cases
have been found to reduce the wavelength re-emitted light, ie increasing the photon energy (the so-
called "anti-Stokes luminescence"). The increase in the photon energy is going through the
transformation of its own heat energy to the phosphor in fluorescent light. Due to the selection of
heat phosphor is cooled, and lowering the temperature compensated heat gain from the
environment. Consequently, the energy increase in fluorescent emission occurs ultimately by heat
concentration of the environment, and this increase can be very significant. Theoretically, it may
reach 160%, that is, the phosphor may provide power 60% higher than it receives it in the form of
radiation. Currently, intensive work performed on the practical application of this effect (cooling
facilities masers fluorescent, luminescent photo multiplication and so on.).

Chemical inversion. Energetically open catalytic systems have the ability to store energy, and exist
in a non-equilibrium thermodynamic state. This process is possible by combining the exothermic
reaction occurring on the catalyst to the endothermic reaction (cooled) catalyst. These are capable of
self-maintenance (and heal) reaction realized on the absorption of scattered heat protection, open
prospects for the creation of new technological processes. There galvanic elements running on the
endothermic reactions. The energy for these reactions shown by the lattice structure, whereby the
housing member is cooled (covered with frost), and it continuously flows (concentrates) the thermal
energy of the environment. Consequently, electric energy in a chemical source of energy, partly due
to absorption of energy from the environment.

Mechanical inversion. There are various ways to use the kinetic energy of the air molecules. These
devices may be passive or active, i.e. cavitations and streaming technology.

Gravity inversion. Since the gravitational field of the environment makes patchy, then it should
make "distortion" in the process of leveling the thermodynamic condition characterized by an
indicator of increasing entropy. This fact is still commemorated by Maxwell and Tsiolkowski, who
expressed the idea that the atmosphere under the influence of the gravitational field, should arise the
vertical temperature gradient. Tsiolkovsky predicted that this gradient should depend on the
molecular composition of the gas.

Thermo inversion. Consider a piston engine operating on the injection into the chamber with a
cylinder of liquefied non-combustible gas (nitrogen, helium, air). The pressure of produced gas will
move the piston, the cylinder will be cooled as the gas expands, and it will direct the flow to the
thermal energy from the environment. Employment of such an engine, in the amount will be half of
the work of expanding gases, but also there will be some increase due to the use of thermal energy
of the environment.

Electric inversion. In this research, great expectations were associated with P.K.Oschepkov’s
semiconductor converters heat into electricity *).

*) There are reports that Oshepkov demonstrated in the mid 1980’s a device based on special Cu Al
aloy which was able to light a small light bulb using environmental heat. Metals were arranged in
the piece of wire in such way that concentration of one metal slow increase and concentration of
other decrease. This arrangement creates a potential barrier and “rectifies” heat noise.


1. Pavel K. Oshepkov

2. “New Energy Sources” book by Alexander V. Frolov

Magnet-gradient generator

Vyacheslav Zaboronsky and his experiment

"... In 1871, James Clerk Maxwell proposed a thought experiment, which entered into a science
called" Maxwell's demon ". In this experiment, the "demon" - an entity or device - selects, arranges
the gas molecules is initially in thermodynamic equilibrium, which leads to an imbalance,
occurrence of difference of temperature, pressure or concentration, which means breaking the
second law of thermodynamics.
Is it possible to create this "demon" in practice? Yes. The "demon" in relation to gas of electrically
charged particles - ions and free electrons can carry out gradient magnetic field. (Similarly, by the
way, are the crossed electric and magnetic fields).

Imagine a volume filled with charged particles that are in random thermal motion. With the help of
an external source - permanent magnet - in the volume created magnetic field. It is known that
charged particles in a uniform magnetic field under the influence of the Lorentz force moves in a
circle or spiral whose radius depends on the field strength. The axis around which the particle is
drawn parallel to the magnetic field vector and does not move with time. If the magnetic field is not
uniform, gradient, ie, its intensity varies smoothly in the direction perpendicular to the field, the
particle passes periodically varying the intensity of the field area, the radius of curvature of the
trajectory it also changes periodically. As a result, the axis around which turns a particle moves.
There is a so-called gradient drift. Drift velocity vector makes with the tension vectors and gradient
strength of three mutually perpendicular vectors.

This is true for all the charged particles involved in the random thermal motion. In other words, if a
certain volume filled with an electron gas located in the state of thermodynamic equilibrium, make
a gradient in the magnetic field, then all the electrons will drift in one direction that will lead to the
macroscopic effects - current, there will be a potential difference, temperature and so on. If the
volume is filled with a gas of electrons and positive ions, there is also a current, with the electrons
and the ions will drift in the opposite directions.

This creates magnetic gradient generator that converts heat into electricity without the temperature
difference. This conclusion is confirmed by the author of this experiment in July 1984.
In experiments observed gradient in vacuum electron current between two parallel hot cathodes
located at the same temperature. Changing the direction of the magnetic field or the magnetic field

gradient is reversed resulted in changing the direction of current. There was also a gradient current
of electrons from the cathode to the less than hot hotter. Physicists understand that this current
means heat transfer from less hot cathode to a hotter one - because each electron moves from the
cathode to the cathode of an additional energy equal to the electron from the cathode. Thus, the
experiment shows the heat transfer from a cold body to a hot without doing external work. This is a
direct experiment refutes the second law of thermodynamics.

pic. Vyacheslav Zaboronsky and his tube with two cathodes.


1. Energy inversion, two reasons for the prohibition. Magnet gradient "Maxwell's demon". Moscow
Society of Naturalists. A report dedicated to the 100th anniversary of PK Oschepkov. Gomel -
Moscow, 05.07.1984 - 28.03.2008
(you can use auto translated subtitles)

Drinking Bird - “Impossible” heat engine for 3$ on ebay

“The party told you to reject the evidence
of your eyes and ears...”
― George Orwell, 1984

pic. A toy illustrating this principle:

“Drinking birds consist of a glass tube with a bulb at each end. The tube extends almost to the
bottom of the lower bulb. After having a rough vacuum drawn to remove air they were originally
filled with trichloromonofluoromethane, a common air conditioning working fluid that boils at
room temperature. This chemical turned out to damage the earth's ozone layer and has been banned.
All current drinking birds use dichloromethane, also called methylene chloride, a much safer
common solvent with similar properties. When the head is dry the temperature of the methylene
chloride liquid and gas are the same and the liquid settles to the bottom. The bird stands upright,
waiting for a bit of moisture on the upper sphere to start the show.
Normally there is a fuzzy coating on the upper bulb that holds water and as it evaporates, cools the
top. To start the bird the top is wetted, the water evaporates cooling the top. As the methylene
chloride gas in the top cools it contracts and condenses reducing the pressure. Because of the small
temperature difference there is very little contraction. Most of the pressure change is from
condensation. Gas trapped above the liquid in the bottom bulb expands to maintain equilibrium. As
it does it pushes down on the liquid forcing it up the tube. (It's a matter of personal preference
whether readers want to think of the liquid as being sucked up the tube by the lower pressure in the
upper bulb or pushed up the tube by the greater pressure in the lower bulb. It all depends on which
pressure is chosen as the reference.) Liquid rises in the tube making the bird top heavy so it starts to
lean over.
The leaning increases as more liquid goes up the tube until it reaches a critical point near horizontal
where the end of the tube in the lower bulb raises above the surface of the liquid. When this
happens warm gas from the bottom is pushed through the top of the tube into the upper bulb (red
arrow) at the same time that liquid flows back into the bottom bulb (green arrow.) The reason this
happens is that while the image above shows the tube horizontal, in fact this happens with the upper

bulb slightly higher than the lower one. The gas, being lighter, wants to rise and the liquid, being
heavier, drains downward.
This results in the bird once again being bottom heavy so it swings back into its vertical position
and starts the process all over again.
One of the remarkable features of drinking birds is that they can function on very small temperature
differences. Using an infrared thermometer I measured the difference of the upper bulb and lower
bulb temperatures at only 2-degrees F. Calculations suggest it takes 1/2-watt of power to drive a
drinking bird. Because of the small temperature difference between the phases of operation its
efficiency is very low and only 1/20,000-watt of mechanical power is produced. People have
theorised ways to extract this power using magnets and coils and calculated the best that could be
done is on the order of 1uW electrical.”
Since our system “isolated” (sealed) we can use other working bodies e.g. liquid with low
vaporization temperature, or we can lower pressure, so again vaporization will happen easier…

One issue I see here is system will be quite big but still we could build it e.g. as a standard part of
every building, so why not? (*)


1. The History, Science and Speed Tricks of Drinking Bird Toys

Maxwell daemon and nanotechnology

Phase transitions in a field of conservative force is a classic daemon, but now we live in 21 century
and thanks to nanotechnology can have for example molecular filters which let go through only
molecules of particular size or type. This filters used e.g. for desalination of water (see
“Membranes” for device which use filters ti create water flow). Once we can filter out molecules
based on their type or size or energy, we have perfect daemon for creating disbalance and therefore
energy flow :)

Another interesting idea of Solid State Maxwell Daemon proposed by Dr. Daniel Sheenan.

Specially shaped p-n junction can produce significant electric field. It is reasonable to try using this
field to perform useful work.

Figure 1. Standard device with Junctions I and II Figure 2. Simulation of electric field in standard
and physical dimensions and standard device
coordinates indicated. Depletion region at
Junction I is shaded.

Quote from 4)

“The 1-D analytic and the 2-D numerical models above verify that significant electrostatic potential
energy resides in the J-II region of the standard device and that it can be released when the device is
switched from an open to a closed configuration. Both configurations (Cases 1 and 2 in Fig. 3)
represent equilibrium states; that is, these are states to which the device relaxes when left alone in a
heat bath. Their energies are different because of their differing boundary conditions, specifically in
the J-II gap, which frustrates the diffusive transport of electrons and holes between the n- and p-
regions. Since each configuration is a state to which the system naturally thermally relaxes, the
device may be made to cycle between Cases 1 and 2 simply by opening and closing (bridging) the
J-II gap with a piston (as done in Fig. 8). Many energy extraction schemes can be imagined. Here
we consider one that can be rigorously analyzed: a linear electrostatic motor...”

1. Batteries Not Included: Perpetual Computing with Perfect Cooling

2. Perpetual Computing with Perfect Cooling. Second Law of Thermodynamics violation

3. SSE Talks - Challenges to the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics - Daniel Sheehan

4. A Solid-State Maxwell Demon by D.P. Sheehan, A.R.Putnam and J.H.Wright

5. Websites associated with this invention (both are offline now) (

Rediscovering Zaev’s ferro-kessor 1)

You can cool a rubber band as follows. First stretch it isothermally.
That means, stretch it slowly, so that it has lots of time to lose any
heat that is generated. Then, suddenly de-stretch it, and before it has
time to gain any heat from its surrounding, measure its temperature
by immediately holding it up to your lips. You will find that it has
cooled by adiabatic de-stretching (11).

What if you could manipulate entropy in some volume ? This would result in direct energy
extraction. Amazingly these devices were discovered many years ago and as usual they never
mentioned in your school book :)

Nickolay E. Zaev worked on creation of the prototypes of converter energy, which do not require
any fuel. The direct conversion of environmental heat to electric power is possible in the processes
of charge-discharge in non-linear capacitor or by means of magnetization-demagnetization of
ferrite. Such converters of energy create cold and electric power without any fuel.

pic1. Test setup described in (2)

kessor – “environmental energy concentrator” - device which can convert low potential energy from environment to
some useful form e.g. electricity, originally was introduced by Pavel K. Oshchepkov.

1. History notes

N. E. Zaev’s article about using environmental heat to generate electricity was published
somewhere in 1991. According to some Internet resources, N.E. Zaev was researching this concept
since 1960s, probably in cooperation with P.K. Oshepkov, founder of Public Institute of Energy
Inversion. I heard first time about Zaev’s idea of conversion of environmental heat to electricity
about ten years ago. Since that time I made a lot of experiments and attempts to build such device

without any significant progress. In desperation, I started studding everything related to magnetic
properties, BH curves etc. And accidentally, last year a chain of unexpected events was triggered,
which brought me to understanding and some experimental results. Here, in this short summary, I
am trying to document a path which one have to follow in order to be able understand and build
such device.

2. Typical BH curve

pic2. Typical BH curve with specified

directions how it is traversed in usual

pic3. Typical asymmetric minor loop

(direction is same as above)

Picture source – LTSpice manual.

It is easy to obtain such curves in practice with a core tracer, here an example of experimental BH
curve (5)

pic4. current and flux (integrated voltage) pic5. experimental BH curve for N30 ferrite

3. Less known properties of BH curves

pic6. from (6)

Shape (or curvature) of BH characteristic

depends on frequency, or in other words,
on “speed”, the faster we move the more
curvature is.

This was also demonstrated in practice (5), here example BH curves for saw-shaped magnetization

pic7. top – current, bottom – core flux pic8. corresponding BH curve (ferrite)

pic9. top – current, bottom – core flux pic10. Corresponding BH curve (laminated
iron core)

4. Non-typical BH curves

More interesting curves were found on the Internet. Some people call it “over-saturation” and others
did not even noticed this effect in their results.

pic11. Fair-Rite Type 43 Material

source (9)

5. Condition to obtain energy

As we know, in usual transformer BH loop traversed counter-clockwise and loop’s area corresponds
to energy loss in transformer core. But if we manage to create such device where BH curve
traversed clockwise, area of the loop will represent an energy gain.

pic12. A quote from Cyril Smith "A New look at the MEG" page 3 (8)

6. BH loop for energy gain considerations

So is it really possible to “construct” such clockwise BH loop?


pic13. A this is not interesting for us (wrong pic13. B It seems that we found force which will
loop direction) make work for us? It’s environmental heat!

1 – magnetization
2 – heating
3 – demagnetization

I was thinking how to implement such loops for quite a while. If we use saw-shaped current, we got
loop which looks properly, but how we can be sure that it is traversed in proper direction. Some
efforts were made to verify this (4) but still no rock-solid proof were found.
Theoretical consideration suggests that BH loop should look like one on the pic. B, but there is a
problem, in order to implement transition 2 somebody have to perform work against magnetic field.
If we do it ourselves, e.g. mechanically increase a gap in magnetized core, it is unlikely that we gain
any energy in such cycle.

7. Thermo dynamical point of view

The Magnetocaloric Effect (MCE), discovered in 1881 by E.Warburg, is an exciting propriety of

magnetic materials. This effect can be seen from either an adiabatic or an isothermal process; both
due to a change of the applied magnetic field. Considering an adiabatic process, the magnetic
material changes its temperature, whereas from an isothermal process, the magnetic material
exchanges heat with a thermal reservoir.

From the quantitative point of view, the MCE is measured trough the magnetic entropy change DS
(=DQ/T, where DQ is the amount of heat exchanged between the thermal reservoir and the
magnetic material), when the isothermal process is considered; or adiabatic temperature change DT,
when the adiabatic process. These quantities can also be seen when the magnetic entropy is
expressed as a function of temperature for both, with and without applied magnetic field. (12)

In a simpler words, magnetic field re-arrange internal structure of core material, magnetic domains
align along field lines, i.e. entropy is decreased when magnetic field is on. So we can control cores
entropy by switching magnetic field on and off.

7. Magnetic cooling

It is straightforward the idea to produce a thermo-magnetic cycle based on the isothermal and/or
adiabatic processes (like Brayton and Ericsson cycles); and indeed this idea begun in the late 1920s,
when cooling via adiabatic demagnetization was proposed by Debye and Giauque (12).

8. Generating power

By analogy we can also propose a cycle for power generation. First, we magnetize core very fast
(1). This cause entropy decrease and core’s temperature rise. Then, since we do not thermally
insulate our device, heat exchange occurs and core being cooled down back by surrounding
environment (3). On stage (2) we switch magnetic field off and collect energy from collapsing
magnetic field. In practice (2) and (3) occurs at the same time. Surprisingly this process looks very

similar to one which I described in 6. on pic.13 B. And it represents upper part of BH curve for

It is possible also imagine another variant of power generation cycle. If we use permanent magnet
to magnetize core, we can choose magnetized core state as a “initial” state. Demagnetization of the
core (1) will cause entropy rise and temperature drop, then core will be heated up by environment
(2) and magnetized back by permanent magnet (3). I haven’t come yet to final conclusion whether
this cycle is possible a (will give an extra power out) but it is worth to consider further.

9. Required conditions – Summary

Summarizing conditions which are required to implement the ferro-kessor:

- Proper core working point offset
- Fast magnetization (tm)
- Core should be saturated
- Slow demagnetization (td >> tm)
- Some pause before next cycle to allow core gain temperature

10. Analogy with capacitors

In conclusion, I would like to say that just now, while compiling this document I realized that there
are very similar processes in capacitors. We can control entropy in dielectric with electric field.
Indeed, there is known effect, called “dielectric absorption” which can be very nice explained from
the thermo dynamical point of view. And we know that N.E. Zaev explored capacitors based kessors
also. They have an advantage that there is no need to maintain high current through the coil. This
probably can lead us to more practical solution, but need to be explored further.

11. Conclusion

Despite technical difficulties I believe that it is possible to build non-mechanical systems which will
use avalanche magnetization to convert environment heat to electricity (Zaev’s concept).
Magnetic refrigeration


1. Ferrites and Ferromagnetics Free Energy Generation, Nikolay E. Zaev

2. Inductive conversion of heat environmental energy to electrical, Nikolay E. Zaev

3. Pavel K. Oshchepkov

4. Rediscovering Zaev’s ferro-kessor

5. Core Tracer message #1399

6. Frequency dependence of hysteresis curves in conducting magnetic materials, David C. Jiles

7. The influence of the frequency and waveform on the hysteresis loop of some NiZnCu ferrites, M.
Fecioru-Morariu*, A. Paduraru, O. Caltun

8. A New look at the MEG, Cyril Smith a.k.a. Smudge

9. Fair-Rite Type 43 Material - B-H Curve

10. Adiabatic process

11. Adiabatic demagnetization

12. The magnetocaloric effect

13. Research on the Capacitance Converter of Environmental Heat to Electric Power,

Nikolay E. Zaev

14. Dielectric absorption

15. GE Magnetic Refrigeration - How it Works

Kessor with nonlinear capacitor

pic. Linear capacitor vs non-linear

“From positions of orthodox physics there is no subject of research. It is evident that the energy of
charging condenser (Ac) is always equal or more than the energy of discharging (Ad), i. e. always
Ac ≥Ad.
In the end of 1969 I noticed a systematic inequality Ad >Ac during the measurement of Ac and Ad
of many capacitors with different dielectrics. “

1. Research on the Capacitance Converter of Environmental Heat to Electric Power N.E. Zaev

2. About Dielectric Absorption

Dielectric absorption

Dielectric absorption is quite “unfortunate” effect when you perform measurements, but it can be
used as a power source. Dielectric absorption manifests in both situation – when capacitor
discharged and when capacitor charged.

pic. Dielectric absorption when capacitor discharged *)

These effects relatively small e.g. about 10% of overall capacitor energy for standard capacitors (the
worst possible capacitor should be selected :).

*) picture source: Analog Devices ANALOG-DIGITAL CONVERSION, Chapter 7. Data Converter Support Circuits,
page 101

Stefan Marinov and trail of dead bodies

"And it's all about "free energy…

If you really discover it, you're dead."
– Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Stefan Marinov (1 February 1931 – 15 July 1997) was a legendary scientists, who devoted his life
to bring Free Enegry to people and ”clean” physics from Einstein’s relativity nonsense (see also
section about Theory of Relativity).

Despite severe difficulties (prison, mental institution, emigration) he managed to collect and
publish several volumes of evidence of “Energy non conservation”. He tried to bring several FE
devices into production...but his colleagues were killed or bankrupted.

From The Strange Death of Stefan Marinov:

“Marinov was acolleague of Ark's with whom he had corresponded on a number of occasions.
Around the time that Ark learned of the flood in Poland described in a previous chapter, apparently
Stefan was jumping off a fire escape in Graz, Austria. As it happens, Stefan was a political and
scientific dissident. He did, indeed, have a history of protest against suppression of truth and the
Scientific Thought Police. He did have a history that would suggest that suicide was not
unbelievable in his case. His friend and colleague, Panos Pappas wrote:

I knew Stefan Marinov over 20 years. He used to say I am his oldest scientific co-fighter and fellow
friend. Stefan was with me in Athens repeating his last experiments, just 15 days before he died. At
that time, nothing could make me suspect his early death , two weeks later. Adopting the Police
explanation that Dr Stefan Marinov Killed himself, on July 15, 1997, jumping from the University
of Graz Bibliotheque (Library) building, I would like to ask: Why there was no official press or
news release? I was the first to inform his son, Marin Marinov two weeks later, on 31/7/1997 in
Sophia for the death of his father who asked me a similar question. "Why the police still did not
inform me, for two weeks, after the death of my father?" Stefan Marinov was known all over the
world, half of the citizens of city of Graz knew him. Stefan Marinov's death , jumping off a public
building, should have been the first news for the city of Graz, for half the people there will now
look for Stefan and many more from all over the world. Is it true that there is no press release in this
case for the city of Graz? Does it look like a cover up? Even, Mr Deisting who first informed us,
found out accidentally about Stefan's death from the librarian on 25/7/1997. Stefan had attempted
unsuccessfully to kill himself in the past, in Paris, in an attempt to make a protest against scientific
censorship and the indifference of the scientific community. Assuming that Stefan had chosen for
himself, a public building, as the Library of the University of Graz, instead of his own high elevated
balcony, apparently he did so for the same protest, however, not particularly for the University of
Graz. He did so to protest against all universities and position-occupying, indifferent-for-the-truth
scientists and salary receiving professors. The authorities of the University, knowing Stefan and his
continuous efforts to answer unanswered scientific questions for the last 20 years, apparently
managed to cancel an annoying press conference or press release by the police, which they thought
would have caused students all over the world to ask more questions which their Professors could
not answer and Editors would not publish, like the lists of questions and problems Stefan used to
send and never got an answer - other than the typical "Professor's" answer: "I am not a Specialist",

"Do not get me involved", "I have no time...", quoting only the most recent responses to his
questions, just one month before his Last Protest. Whoever controls knowledge for humanity and
tries to stop human evolution by confusing the masses and public media should know that whatever
they call Stefan Marinov's death -- suicide or killing, they committed another killing for Stefan
Marinov killed himself, in order to protest against the control of scientific knowledge.
Just before the end of the last century the authority of the USA patent office issued a direction: "No
more patents on electromagnetism will be accepted, for whatever is to be invented in
electromagnetism, has already been invented!". At the dawn of the airplane revolution, scientific
authorities, like the Academy of Science in France or the Royal Society with Lord Kelvin made the
aphorism: "Machines heavier than air may not fly!", presumably based on mathematical proofs!
At the last part of our century for ten years (decade of 1970), scientific institutions and public media
were making repetitively clear via all means: "We are facing a disaster, petroleum is coming to an
end before the year 2000!" Now, they say "conservation of energy" is perfect!, even they cannot
prove this "conservation" better than the degree of error present day technology introduces -- at
least 1 ppm masking error, remaining in all experiments, which is huge for planetary and
astronomical scale. Instead, they want to say: Energy was violated only once in the past, at the
beginning, only at the "Big Bang", and that this conservation will never be violated again in the
future by all means! (not to allow humans to step to the next scientific evolution). They say the
"Perpetual Mobile" is not possible, only a crazy scientist may attempt it, even, they have no
scientific proof for its non-existence, only the assumption that it has not yet been invented. This
attitude is not science! Apparently the sense and politics, for the next step of civilization is coming,
dictates these actions in order to stop or delay scientific evolution. However, it was the Teslas, the
Wrights, the Marinovs who did not listen to these politics, and science advances despite the
intentionally spread confusion. Stefan spent a big portion of his life to fight confusion and
misinformation in Physics. Theories reducing the Physics of experiments in to the Physics of
gendaken utopia, such as the relativity theory with observers moving with constant velocity (non-
existing). Stefan, however, soon realized it was a waste of his time fighting a dead horse and the
politics behind the Physics. Stefan Marinov was also a strong believer in the non-conservation of
energy as the underlying principle of the universe, creation, and life. Soon, the big passion and
mission of his life became to prove the non-conservation of energy and to offer it to humanity, as a
mechanism of supplying abundant energy for every one, terminating third world starvation and
poverty below all elementary living standards and elevating humanity to its next due stage.
Stefan Marinov considered, during the last fifteen years of his life, the construction of a self-
sustaining energy producing device, the so called "Perpetual Mobile", as the only mission of his life
given to him and purpose of living. When the noble man (correctly or wrongly) believed could not
accomplish this last mission of his life, decided to offer his life against his first noble goal,
fighting misinformation, censorship and deliberately spread confusion in Physics. He decided his
Last Protest. Stefan you may not have been able (and you would not be able) with your short
resources to give us an effective Perpetual Mobile, producing energy out of nothing and sustaining
itself, however, you left us many principles and knowledge. You were unable because of another
non-conservation Perpetuum that has long been discovered outside the world of Physics and is in
operation in human society - the Perpetual Money Machine, producing (issuing and printing) money
out of nothing and sustaining itself. For as long as the second Perpetuum (even unknown to many,
but very well known to a few) is in existence, the first is not allowed to exist. For the big truth is
(without entering into details for the effective mechanisms): The one Perpetuum excludes and will
exclude the other Perpetuum, ...and yours, Stefan, really happens to be the second. Stefan you left
us, though you could work, dig into forgotten and forbidden research, and produce more. However,

you considered your Last Protest more important. Be sure, we do not listen, too, to politics and
economics. It is only a matter of time. Your example will give more energy to us. It was the best
Perpetual Mobile you made--that of energy and knowledge.
Professor P. T. Pappas

On 18 to 20 of August, [1997] I and Dr. Paul LaViolette visited the city of Graz to investigate the
accident. We visited the University of Graz at the back of the Bibliotheque at Universitatsplatz 2, A
8010-Graz, where Stefan Marinov presumably jumped off from the top of the four level outside
emergency staircase to the street. According to the librarian only one student show Stefan actually
jumping off. The name of the student is not known to us. The body of Stefan was found lying on the
street below the staircase by Professor Ernst Ebermann. Stefan was not bleeding and initially
Professor Ebermann thought he was sleeping there. He was still alive. Stefan left no cry or cries.
The ambulance was called and Stefan died on his way to the Hospital. The bicycle with which
Stefan presumably arrived there, is still there, locked and unnoticed (at least up to 19/9/1997). No
body else noticed the accident, except first the assumed student and later Professor Ebermann, and
perhaps a few other people later. According to Professor Ebermann, a brightly visible fluorescent
spot, about the same size and in the same exact position with the body, was left on the asphalt of the
street, for 3 days, after the removal of the body, without an apparent cause for the spot, or without
being due to any bleeding of blood or another liquid coming from Stefan's body. The Police has
made no official announcement today. Apparently, they did not investigate the case obviously in
depth, since the bike is still by the place of accident, locked and unnoticed. The apartment of Stefan
is sealed by the police and nobody is allowed to enter, except for his son Marin Marinov who
entered for a brief time on 6 or 7 of August 1997. His belongings were not allowed to be taken and
are still sealed there. Stefan left various letters typed over his typewriter and bearing his signature.
In a particular letter, he was asking me to be notified immediately and a few others. The police
never made the notification to anybody. The authorities of Graz refuse any value for the letters and
to his last will, for it bears only one signature without witnesses. The case of Stefan Marinov and
his letters were given to the city Advocate: Dr Egbert Sprenger, Joanneuming 11, A-8010 Graz.
In the morning of 19/8/1997, we, together with Mr. Jeorg Deisting visited the offices of the city
advocate Dr E. Sprenger. The said case and letters were there, but, we were refused of any
information. We strongly protested against the refusal, but, eventually, we had to leave without
getting any information. The son of Stefan Marinov, Marin Marinov is currently Deputy Minister of
Industry of Bulgaria and is in a delicate situation with respect to the death of his father.
No one knew or was told about the intended and assumed suicide of Stefan Marinov, even his
brother who talked to him on the phone one hour before Stefan's death. Stefan had visited his son in
Bulgaria 20 days before, myself in Athens 15 days before, had written a letter to me 3 days before,
and had written letters to various other people, making appointments or suggesting various future
collaborations (to Professor Selleri for example). 10 days before Stefan's death, Stefan had made a
Hotel reservation for me and himself for an International Physics Conference to take place in Koln,
Germany, on August 25, 1997.
Professor P. T. Pappas”

”Only in religion and similar AUTHORITATIVE spiritual and ideological domains are there
"orthodox" and "unorthodox" views. In physics there are views confirmed or rejected by
experiments. Of course, there are views for whose verification there are no experiments, or
contradictory views which predict the same experiments. However a FORMULA can be either right
or wrong, a formula cannot be "orthodox" or "unorthodox". In my writings I present FORMULAS.
And I present EXPERIMENTS which can be calculated by these formulas and which cannot be
calculated by the formulas of "orthodox" physics.”
– Stefan Marinov

from Dr. Turtur’s paper:

Motionless-converters are ZPE-systems without mechanical parts in motion. The only items in
motion within such converters are the fields of interaction (electric and/or magnetic fields) which
propagate with a finite speed (perhaps the speed of light). Such systems should be understandable,
with the “Theory of the finite speed of propagation of the interacting fields” most easily, because
we do not have to follow any trajectories of any mechanical parts, but we only have to follow the
trajectories of the interacting fields. This makes computations most easy. Furthermore, motionless-
converters have many practical advantages, such as very low abrasion and very low deterioration,
very good durability and very low noise (in the ideal case no noise at all) and no mechanical
vibrations, disturbing other technical engines being supplied with power.

Examples for such devices (reported in literature) can for instance be some very special
transformers, driven by electrical signals of very short pulses (low pulse-pause-relation), which can
produce more electrical power at the secondary coil, in comparison with the power being supplied
at the primary coil for their operation. An example therefore is the Marinov’s converter, invented by
Prof. Dr. Stefan Marinov at the University of Sofia (Bulgaria). The input power can be taken from
an accumulator, being modulated by an electronic circuit and then fed into the primary coil in such

a way, that the secondary coil gives more power-output then the accumulator has to deliver. Under
good adjustment of the system parameters, the converter can run as a self-running transformer,
giving some additional power to any consumer.
Unfortunately, Prof. Marinov did not write a good documentation, but he committed suicide, so that
we do not have a serious amount of useful information in literature today. Prof. Marinov presented
his work to a colleague at the University of Vienna. From there we have a very small hand sketch,
from which a copy is printed in figure 7 [Hor 10].

The primary coil is supported with bipolar short-pulsed signals, producing bipolar short-pulses of a
magnetic field, magnetizing a Barium ferrite magnet within the yoke back and forth. A very thin air-
gap within the yoke is not yet completely understood. The fact, that Barium ferrite can display an
over-unity effect when being magnetized back and forth, is known from the patent DE3501076A1
from 17.07.1986 (Title: „Energiewandler mit Magnetkernzwischenspeicher“) by Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang
Volkrodt, where the magnetic pulses, driving the magnetization back and forth, have to be
extremely short (few Nanoseconds).
In meantime, the engineer Herbert Schnelzer was reported to have a successful reproduction of the
setup, and several oral reports have been given, confirming that his ZPE device was converting ZPE
energy, even under control of the official TÜV in Munich – but there is no documentation available
any further, because Mr. Schnelzer committed suicide *), and his widow says, she does not have any
documents any further. So the statements are not confirmed today anymore.
Clear it, that the pulses driving the Marinov’s converter must be extremely short, in order to get a
self-running transformer. And also clear is, that the permanent magnet inside the middle of the yoke
must have a very small hysteresis loop in order to make the losses of as small as possible.

1. Research concept – Zero point energy The finite speed of propagation of the electric and the
magnetic field by Prof. Dr. Claus W. Turtur

2. Stefan Marinov Remembrance

3. The Strange Death of Stefan Marinov

4. About Marinov’s letter to the President of the German Federal Republic, Becocraft case

5. Marinov: Annus Horribilis (The Story of) A Payed Advertisement Published by Nature

*) do you believe in such coincidences ? ;)

Gravity battery

Theory of operation

Under gravity influence concentration of salt in water depends on height, similar as air pressure
depends on height. If we insert two electrodes in the tube, one near top and one near bottom, due
to difference in ions concentration some EMF will appear between electrodes and if we close circuit
there will be electric current. In such buttery plus will be on top terminal and minus
on bottom terminal. If you turn it upside-down polarity will change. I think if we periodically
turn such battery upside-down, polarity will change periodically and we can control (reverse)
processes on electrodes and avoid chemical destruction. So, theoretically, such battery can have
quite long life time.

1 plastic tube filled with salt water
2,3 plates e.g. copper

I use plastic tube 1m and electrodes

made from copper foil.

Fill battery with tap water and table salt

(one big spoon per 0,25l)

Seal carefully with silicon sealant.

Place vertically and wait at least several hours

1. Educational toys


Let’s consider two vertical tubes with height h, which

connected on the bottom end and located in gravitation field.
One tube filled with liquid solvent with density ρ1 and second
one with solution with average density ρ2, let’s assume the ρ2
> ρ1. In the places where tubes connected on the top and on
the bottom installed membrane filters, penetrable only for
solvent molecules…

Picture shows experiment installation. A liquid manometer is

shown in photo, which shows the difference in pressure in the
right and left parts of the system. Differential pressure
up to 200 mm of water column is achieved in 7 days. The
average rate of occurrence of the level difference in the
manometer is 1.2 mm / h. The pressure gauge in the left part
of photo 2 shows osmotic pressure in part of the system
occupied by the solution. Thus, in the system under
consideration, the liquid (solvent) will inevitably come into
motion. The circulation of a substance, under the condition
that the dissolved substance does not penetrate in a solvent,
will continue indefinitely. During the experiment (three
months), its readings did not change. The dissolved substance
is sugar. And the semipermeable membrane used is -SWC2-

1. Spontaneous processes”, Minin V.N. (Ukraine) Magazine of Russian Physical Thought, 2011,
Issue 1-12

Inversed thermo generator


Two tubes filled with different gases (1, hydrogen

and radon) covered with thermo isolation material
(2) on sides and on top. Gravity creates
temperature gradients (temperature drops when
height increase) but in tube with heavier gas
temperature on top will be significantly lower than
in second one. This temperature difference can be
used to generate electricity if we insert two
thermoelectric elements (3) and make electric
circuit (4) with a useful load e.g. motor (5). This
circuit will produce some usable power because
both tubes have thermo connection with ground (6)
and there occur heat flows (7).

1. Magazine Youth Technology, №11, 1983 page 26 “In a search of Energy”

Ultra-efficient LED
Puts out more power than is pumped in. Science 09 March 12 by Duncan Geere

MIT physicists have been testing a light-emitting diode that has an electrical efficiency of more than
100 percent. You may ask, "Wouldn't that mean it breaks the first law of thermodynamics?" The
answer, happily, is no.

The LED produces 69 picowatts of light using 30 picowatts of power, giving it an efficiency of 230
percent. That means it operates above "unity efficiency" -- putting it into a category normally
occupied by perpetual motion machines.

However, while MIT's diode puts out more than twice as much energy in photons as it's fed in
electrons, it doesn't violate the conservation of energy because it appears to draw in heat energy
from its surroundings instead. When it gets more than 100 percent electrically-efficient, it begins to
cool down, stealing energy from its environment to convert into more photons.

In slightly more detail, the researchers chose an LED with a small band gap, and applied smaller
and smaller voltages. Every time the voltage was halved, the electrical power was reduced by a
factor of four, but the light power emitted only dropped by a factor of two. The extra energy came
instead from lattice vibrations.

Don't miss: Let there be LED: The future of the light bulb

The scientists involved have detailed their discovery in a paper published in Physical Review
Letters, saying: "Experiments directly confirm for the first time that this behaviour continues
beyond the conventional limit of unity electrical-to-optical power conversion efficiency."

69 picowatts of light, of course, is a very small amount -- so you're not likely to be able to read in
bed with one of these LEDs. However, it could have applications in low-power electronics, acting
as a thermodynamic heat engine but with fast electrical control.

Updated 13 August, 2012: A previous version of this article suggeted that MIT built the LED. It was
actually built by the Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute in St. Petersburg.

1. Ultra-efficient LED puts out more power than is pumped in

In order to build something it is really necessary to gain understanding how it works. In science you
usually collect facts and analyze them. Here is attempt to collect some devices built/invented over
last 120 years and try understand on what principles they work. I describe the idea if it was done
many times or just a device if it is more or less unique.

Heat Pump
Heat pumps commonly used now days in heating/cooling systems and according to Wiki have COP
range 2 to 7.2. In other worlds many of us have FE device installed at home (I let you decide for
yourself why these devices still consume a lot of electricity :)

pic. Heat pump (source:


1. Heat pump

Use of fuel-free energy plants based on turbo expander-

generator sets for the production of heat, cold and electricity

Over the last two decades, in industrialized countries, effective installations have been actively
created and are being implemented that convert the energy of fossil fuels into electricity and heat.
To increase the technical and economic performance of such facilities, new, unconventional
methods are needed. Their application would lead to a significant increase in the technical and
economic indicators of power equipment, as well as to improve its environmental friendliness.

A variant of solving this problem at industrial facilities that use natural gas as fuel is the EGS -
expander-generator sets. In these devices first an expander convert the energy of the flow of natural

gas into mechanical energy, and then in the generator - into electrical energy. In this case, it is
possible in principle, together with electricity, to obtain heat energy at different temperature levels
(high-temperature for heating, low-temperature for use in refrigeration and air-conditioning

The EGS consists of an turbo-expander, an electric generator, heat exchangers for gas heating,
regulating and shut-off fittings, a control and automation system and automation.

Currently, EGS is used at gas control points (GRP) and gas distribution stations (GDS), where due
to the throttling of the gas flow, a technological reduction of the gas pressure occurs. The analysis
showed that with the use of technological differences in the transported gas, EGS generate
electricity with better thermal efficiency than that produced by existing gas turbine and steam
turbine units. However, at the same time, combustion of fuel occurs, leading to air pollution.

The method of operation of the EGS, allowing this unit to function without burning fuel, as well as
a technical solution for implementing the proposed method, were proposed and patented in 1999. In
the proposed model, the gas entering the expander is heated by a heat pump, which operates on
energy, which is generated by the generator of the EGS. Such a technical solution allows to ensure
the normal operation of the EGS by using low-potential energy without burning fuel. The source of
such energy can be both secondary energy resources and thermal energy of the environment.

Another fuel-less unit is based on heating the gas entering the expander, due to the operation of the
so-called air heat pump, which combines an air compressor and an air turbine. This technical
solution is also patented.

The work of both the heat and air heat pump in both units is provided by the electricity generated by
the generator of the EGS. Due to this, the useful electrical capacity of the plants decreases - that is,
the power that can be transferred to consumers.

Creation of a fuel-free installation based on the device and the principle of operation of the
expander-generator set is possible in the case of a choice of the operating mode with the gas heating
at the expander exit. However, in this case, the gas leaving the expander will have such a low
temperature that it can not meet the operating conditions (-80 - -100 ° С). In addition, with such a
technical solution, the gas before the expander would have to be throttled, losing a significant part
of the potential of its pressure. Proceeding from this, such installations will most likely not be
widely used. Of more interest are fuel-free plants based on EGS, in which the gas that enters the
expander is heated by heat with a temperature so low that it can not be used to heat the gas to the
temperature required by the operating conditions (+80 to +100 ° C). Transforming facilities are used
to increase the potential for such heat.

To date, on the basis of expander-generator sets, two types of fuelless plants have been developed.
The first model consists of a EGS and a traditional heat pump, in which the working medium is
refrigerants - substances having a low boiling point. The second model operates on a so-called air
heat pump, in which the working body is ordinary atmospheric air. Each of the options has a
number of advantages and disadvantages. However, both these models of installations are
inherently fuel-less, that is, their work takes place without burning fuel.


1. Use of fuel-free energy plants based on turbo expander-generator sets for the production of heat,
cold and electricity

Heat Engine of Dr. Albert Serogodsky


“A Russian semi-governmental, semi-private company, Protek (after: "protection of innovative

technologies") is promoting, among other systems, a free-energy device designed by Dr. Albert
Victorovich Serogodsky of the Moscow Central Aerological Laboratory. The device was recently
presented at a St. Petersburg conference, "Practical & Theoretical Problems of Non-Traditional
Energetics", organized by Dr. Anatoly P. Smirnov. It works with a mixture of a gas and a vapor
(steam) somewhat as another thermal device invented by the Austrian Rudolf Doczekai (See Vol. 6,
2-4). It reportedly "transforms" heat taken from a heater into mechanical energy without requiring a
cooler --- so should theoretically work off environmentally available heat. It produces 18 kw
mechanical energy. The device has been demonstrated to the German Bundestag, ex-Green Party
deputy Daniels, and to a Swedish corporation which has negotiated a blackout against further non-
Russian exposure of the device in action.”

Stefan Marinov made an attempt to promote this system and put it in production in Germany, but
his efforts were blocked by government (see Becocraft case).

“The working medium is a two ingredient mixture, the first ingredient having a critical temperature
below boiler temperature, while that of the second ingredient is above it. The mixture combines at
boiler temperature where retrograde condensation occurs. The lighter volatile or gaseous ingredient
is soluble in the heavier volatile one in the fluid phase. The specific volume may be abscissa above
the ratio of the amount of the lighter ingredient to the total amount of the mixture. “

1. Heat Engine of Dr. Albert Serogodsky

2. About Marinov’s letter to the President of the German Federal Republic, Becocraft case

Isolated hydro power

pic. Conventional hydropower

As we know water cycle most common FE process we can see in nature. Conventionally it’s done
this way - we “insert” our device to harness energy into flow naturally existing in the environment.
So we need proper conditions and we change environment (usually not into better direction).

However, nothing stops us from creating our “own” flow, isolated from environment and capture
energy in it. We can do something like this:

pic. Concept of “Isolated” hydro power station

Key to working system is phase transition (liquid-gas) which allow gravitational filed perform some
useful work ;)

*) Oil here used to prevent water from vaporizing in “a wrong place”


Lazarev’s colcar / Kulibin’s fountain

Another interesting toy which everyone can build at home is

Kulibin’s fountain or Lazarev’s Kolcar or “mono-therm”.

Construction: A bottle separated in two parts with a

membrane, some amount of water placed in both upper and
lower compartment. A tube allows water to come from the
bottom of the bottle to the upper compartment.

Water under action of gravity will be pushed through

membrane from top to bottom compartment of bottle. At the
same time pressure in the bottom part will rise and some
water will be pushed through the tube back into upper

pic. My version of Lazarev’s pic. Construction of Lazarev’s Kolcar

Kolcar (“cycler”) 1-porous membrane, 2-water, 3-tube

1. Some historical information about Ivan Kulibin:

2. Reading about Kulibin’s fountain and other gravity powered device


Drinking clock
I think everyone knows about "Drinking bird" toy 1). Here I would like present "modern",
solid state analog :)
Take a Peltier element and put wet rag on one side and big heat sink on the other side.
Water will be evaporating from the rag and it will be cooling.
This creates small (about one degree) temperature difference for several hours.
Using modern DC-DC converter for energy harvesting (like LTC3108) some small electronic
device can be powered e.g. clock. I also believe that it is possible build similar system with
"closed cycle" where water (or perhaps some other coolant circulate inside device).
This, however, presents much more serious engineering challenge.

pic. “Drinking” clock setup

1. Drinking bird

2. Drinking Clock

John Huston

Fate Magazine, November 1956, pp. 126 & 128; "Report from the Readers"
"Heat From Air"

The story of Alfred Hubbard and his coil in the July 1956 issue of Fate made me recall another
mysterious device. Around 1920 John Huston of Prineville, Ore., claimed to have invented a way to
take heat out of the air with condensers. The first poorly insulated rig of his that I saw boiled water
in 20 minutes. The device was claimed to replace fuels, to be good for household heating or
refrigeration and to be able to run railroad engines or steamboats.
Huston and his father formed a company of 20 stockholders and Huston built an up-to-date model
of his device. This model performed better than expected, and Huston and his father took it to San
Francisco to demonstrate it. They hoped to interest manufacturers in building the device on a
royalty basis.

I talked to Huston after he returned to Prineville. He told me, "The machine can be made so hot that
it will destroy itself. Reverse the machine, and the temperature will go as low as 250 below zero."
He said manufacturers in San Francisco refused to build the machine because it would throw too
many men out of work. It would also kill the sale of fuels, the major cargo of steamships at that
time. Huston also told me he had patented his device in Canada and England. The USA had refused
to patent it. Huston evidently got nowhere with his device and I do not know what became of it. He
died a young man of 22 in 1920 or 1921.

Bert Grater,
White Salmon, WA

1. John Huston “Heat from Air”

Underwater electrolyze

Let’s take a look on another possible setup

pic. Concept of device which use gravitation as a power source

- put electrolyze device into “lake” (any water reservoir)
- bubbles come up, put on the bubble’s way a turbine, here our FE
- on the top, we collect bubbles, burn and drop water back to lake, use released energy to supply
power for electrolyze device
- COP of electrolyze device and burner not 100%, but we can use some part of FE to compensate
- power of device depends on how deep we put electrolyze device :)

It is known that performance of electrolyze is not affected by pressure. It is also possible do

electrolyze in a closed can. High pressure of H2 and O2 will build up. We can use this pressure also
to perform some useful work.

Stanley Meyer – water powered car


Electronics World & Wireless World (January 1991)

“Eye-witness accounts suggest that US inventor Stanley Meyer has developed an electric cell which
will split ordinary tap water into hydrogen and oxygen with far less energy than that required by a
normal electrolytic cell. “

1. Stanley Meyer Water Fuel Cell

2. It Runs On Water Stanley Meyer (1995)

Kelvin dropper

Another FE process observed in nature was discovered by Lord Kelvin when he observed static
electricity in water falls. Traditionally mainstream science denied FE here, usually claiming that
work performed by gravity (see synergy principle).

pic. Kelvin dropper

There are some difficulties preventing practical applications

- Effectively stepping down HV
- maintaining high charge flow

However with advancing of power electronics there more and more chances that we see such
devices in use.

There were reports about enhanced variant of this device feeding water under pressure through
spraying gun. This significantly increase performance of device.

1. Kelvin water dropper

Nickel Curie Point Engine

In the video 1) work performed by magnetic and gravitational field, heat used only to change
property of nickel washer and could be recycled.

pic. Nickel Curie Point Engine working points

(source: captured frames from above video)

Nickel washer attracted by magnet and pull pendulum into left. Due to heat nickel washer
occasionally loses its magnetic properties (when temperature reach Curie point) and became non-
magnetic, so pendulum returns to vertical position. Then washer cools down and process repeats.

pic. Magnetic permeability of Nickel vs Temperature

We can use not only heat (first order phase transition) but also saturation (second order phase

1.Nickel Curie Point Engine

2. Permeability

3. Phase Transition

Ga heat engine

If we use Gadolinium *) which is a ferromagnetic metal with a Curie-temperature of ~ 20°C. At

room temperature (below 20°C) a bar of Gadolinium (6x6x35mm) is attracted by a magnet. After
warming up by a hot copper strip it will no longer be attracted by the magnet and be pulled up by a
spring, whereupon it slowly cools until it is again attracted by the magnet.
In a similar manner we can construct motor which could run on small temperature difference e.g.
from sea water or lake.

*) or other material

1. Linear Gadolinium motor

2. Gadolinium motor

3. Gadolinium


Variation of permeability in transformer core can be used to “modulate” field of permanent magnet.
We can build a non-mechanical system, a special version of transformer.
Using proper coils arrangement we can change core permeability and avoid load reaction on
modulation coils, so work will be performed by permanent magnet.

pic. MEG concept (INKOMP by Valery Ivanov, source

There is well established theory for magnetic circuit calculations and simulation. Such system could
be designed using same methods which used to design conventional motors and generators.

pic. Magnetic circuit

I made several attempts to build such device. There are some technical difficulties, but I could not
say that it is impossible to overcome them. There are many patents about such kind devices and
many people claimed to have it working. It is a matter of using proper materials and selecting right

1. The Magnetic Amplifier

2. Homemade Magnetic Amplifiers

Eclin-Brown generator
Here some mechanical setups which are good candidates for success - mechanical implementation
of PM flux modulating device

pic. Eclin-Brown generator pic. Another variant, patent 3,879,622

Similar approach can be implemented with a rotor between pairs of opposed magnets

The Brown-Ecklin Generator

“Brown [1] modified the design of the mechanical perpetuum mobile proposal from Ecklin (5) see
fig. 1, to make it useful for electric power generation. Inspired by Kromrey's patent [6] he used a
closed magnetic circuit. Contrary to Kromrey (see part 3 this article, fig.13) he used a stationary
coil as energy output source. The test result of this generator build showed overunity efficiency.
Because the literature source is not easy available we reproduce here the contents of his report as
exact as possible and necessary. “

1. John W. Ecklin Stationary Armature Generator

2. The Brown-Ecklin generator

Robert Adams and his pulse motor


“Invented in the period 1967-1969 by Mr Robert Adams of New Zealand, for a variety of reasons
the technology did not win immediate acceptance, not least of which was that the New Zealand
government and the Lucas corporation, for various reasons, allegedly directly suppressed it,
followed by a typically botched and incompetent CIA assassination attempt. That this direct
suppression could happen during a period of global economic crisis triggered by the 1970s oil
shock, is simply astonishing, and with hindsight, outright scandalous. As for the academics, they
ignored it, and simply told Mr Adams free energy was impossible and 'against all the laws of
physics'. Academics like to put theory before experiment - it is their way. Frustrated in 1992 Mr
Adams published his technology in Nexus Magazine, putting for the very first time, a working free
energy device into the public domain. However, sadly, the continued lack of interest in free energy
solutions from the general public, government, big business, scientific community, and
environmental organizations alike, means the motor has still not been commercialized.”

1. Robert ADAMS Motor-Generator

Bill Muller and his motor generator


Advantages Of The Muller Motor/Generator

The Muller Dynamo offers levels of performance

unattainable with conventional generators through greater
energy efficiency, improved operational flexibility,
reduced size and weight, and lower life-cycle cost. To
summarize, the Muller Motor/Generator offers the
following advantages over conventional generators:

* Simple, lossless construction

The Muller Motor/Generator utilizes rare earth type
permanent magnets on the rotor.
No coils are used on the rotor.

* No brushes
Unlike conventional generators there are no brushes to wear out. Using permanent magnets on the
rotor, there is no need to input energy to the rotor coils. Brushes that input the power to the rotor
and heat losses of core material are totally eliminated.

* Much less copper

Fewer windings in the coils. The super magnets create the current, not the wire windings, which
eliminates some resistance losses.

* Much lighter weight

The overall size of the 10 hp prototype generator is approximately 100 cm X 100 cm with a width
of approximately 18 cm and a weight of 70 kg.

*Operates cold
This makes possible a much greater electrical output, inch by inch, pound per pound.

* Inexpensive to manufacture
By using Muller’s Patented Amorphous Polycrystalline Ferrite compound, expensive components
made from metglass or specially laminated steels can be eliminated. The entire structure of the
motor can be made of extruded components of plastic/ferrite.


Howard Johnson’s magnet motor


"We don't grant patents on perpetual motion machines," said the examiners at the U.S. Patent
Office. "It won't work because it violates the law of Conservation of Energy," said one physicist
after another. But because, inventor Howard Johnson is not the sort of man to be intimidated by
such seemingly authoritative pronouncements, he now owns U.S. Patent No. 4,151,431 which
describes how it is possible to generate motive power, as in a motor, using only the energy
contained in the atoms of permanent magnets. That's right. Johnson has discovered how to build
motors that run without an input of electricity or any other kind of external energy!

The monumental nature of the invention is obvious, especially in a world facing an alarming,
escalating energy shortage. Yet inventor Johnson is not rushing to peddle his creation as the end-all
solution to world- wide energy problems. He has more important work to do. First, there's the need

to refine his laboratory prototypes into workable practical devices -in particular a 5,000-watt
electric power generator already in the building. His second and perhaps more difficult major
challenge: persuade a host of skeptics that his ideas are indeed practical.

1. Howard JOHNSON Magnet Motor

MHD generators
Here another interesting possible FE system (presumably developed by Tesla)

pic. Electricity from air device sketch

Air (or some gas) ionized, ions moving in magnetic field separated and charge absorbed by two
collector plates. This is more “sustainable” version of modern MHD generators where ions
produced by burning some fuel.

1. Magneto-hydrodynamic generator

Now let’s consider systems which use electric field.

pic. Concept of device using electric field and ionization.

High voltage ionize air and one type of ions (e.g. negative) moved by fan towards a collector plate
which is connected through capacitor to ground. Positive charges “pumped” from the ground wire.
Load connected through DC-DC step-down converter to the capacitor.

pic. Also symmetrical version (which does not require ground) possible.

For charge transfer we could use special tube (see below) or some other special setup e.g.
electrostatic spraying or ultrasonic evaporation.

This device employs also synergy principle of FE (non-linear growth of energy in capacitor).
In these setups we have current (moving charges) supplied by one source and static electric field
accelerating these charges provided by other source. In other words this allows us combine current
and voltage from different power sources and so gain power. (UxI concept)

1. History of Lines--Atmospheric Electricity

NR in electronic valves

We cold build a special vacuum tube and implement same principle as above on a low level using
electrons instead of ions (as perhaps did Tesla, Moray and Gray).

pic. "Static" electric field accelerates charges

pic. source “Theory and applications of electron tubes”, Herbert J Reich, page 58

Secondary emission which is responsible for negative resistance behavior and could be a source of
usable energy appeared in first electron tubes and was considered as a parasite effect, so there were
special changes made in tube construction to reduce or completely avoid this effect in newer tubes.
But some traces of the effect are still three even in “modern” tubes.

1. Theory and applications of electron tubes

Temperature variation modulate capacitance

pic.24 Temperature variation modulate capacitance

This is a “twin-brother” device of non-linear inductance device. But here we modulate capacitance
changing dielectric’s properties inside capacitor. Changing charge density (mechanically or
changing dielectric properties) we can also gain energy.

Also dual system to MEG possible – we can use electret and modulate its field changing dielectric

1. Electrets

2. Dielectric Amplifiers Or What The Hell is a Nonlinear Dielectric and Why Should I Care?

Spark gap (electron avalanche)

Tesla coil based system could provide extra energy as we already saw

pic. Spark gap transmitter – one of first FE devices ;-)

It is sad to hear how Tesla’s “followers” claim that Tesla never claimed or achieved Free Energy.
There are at least two possible sources of FE in spark gap transmitters:
- Earth’s natural electric field in combination with ionization provides negative resistance in
- Spark gap itself can be source of energy (see below)

Such system most probably will not be acceptable in modern word because it produces very high
radio interference…but it may be it would be possible use 2 or 3 phase systems to reduce radio

Spark gap represents most possible energetic phase transition (gas - plasma)

pic.1 Concept of device utilizing electron avalanche in spark gap

(picture source:

Electron avalanche initiated with very short high voltage pulse. It produces 50 or even 100 times
more energy than required to start the avalanche (you should not try it at home :-)
This extra energy can be captured and used. Most known example is Edvin Gray’s devices.

pic.2 Variation of spark gap device (picture source:

*) Here DC-DC step down converter should be used to convert charge collected by capacitor into
practically usable voltage

Edvin V. Gray used similar setup but he didn’t have high voltage power MOSFETs in 1960s

pic. EVGray setup

*) here HV DC power supply switched with electronic tube and current limited by resistor
connected in series. We don’t know for sure but it could be also that Gray use bifillar coil (two
cylinders on the sketch) to collect displacement currents instead of capacitor used in system
presented on pic. 1 and 2

pic. Linear discharge


pic. Discharge became non-linear after reaching some threshold (avalanche)


Edvin Vincent Gray car and magnet propulsion

1925 – 1989

The National Tattler (1 July, 1973, page 5)

"Man Creates Engine That Consumes No Fuel; Invention Could Change History By 1984"
A California inventor has found a way to create limitless electric power without using up fuel ---
potentially the greatest discovery in the history of mankind. Edwin Gray Sr., 48, has fashioned
working devices that could: Power every auto, train, truck, boat and plane that moves in this land
--- perpetually.

1. Edward V. GRAY Electro-Magnetic Association (EMA) Motor/Pulsed Capacitance Discharge

2. E.V. Gray story

Josef Papp

Hungarian immigrant worked on “Fastest Submarine” in 1960s for Canadian government. Built this
100 hp engine fueled with noble gases.

1. The Mystery and Legacy of Joseph Papp's Noble Gas Engine

2. Introduction to the Josef Papp Noble Gas Engine

Messiah machine

The Messias Machine was invented by Al-Masih Daruish Al-Khooss. Mr Al-Khooss was born in
Syria in 1926 and throughout his life, worked as a farmer, a tile layer and a shoemaker. Very little is
known about the early development of the device.
In 1979, Ahmad Khammas wrote an article for a German magazine, describing the simple device as
a water bucket with a hole in the bottom. When the bucket was spun on a flywheel, like a potters
wheel, water would enter through the hole in the bottom and be lifted up the sides.
In 1980, walter baumgartner wrote an article for his Energy Unlimited magazine where he
translated much of the article by Ahmad Khammas into English.
Mr. Al-Khooss believed that the development of the Messias Machine was a “peace project for
God”. A power plant based on this idea would use a rotating vertical cone to raise water against
gravity, using centrifugal force, and then let the water fall again through a turbine to produce
electricity and more energy than it takes to keep the cone spinning.

Some variations of this device also known as Newton’s bucket (see 2) and was also studied by
Stefan Marinov (see 3)

1. Messias Machine

2. Bucket argument

3. Stefan Marinov “The thorny way of truth : documents on the violation of the laws of

John Searl
May 2, 1932 -

The Searl Effect Generator (SEG) is a self-contained, electrical power generator, able to produce
clean and sustainable energy. It is a magnetic prime mover that operates without friction and can
supply electrical power to suit both home and industry.

The core technology behind the SEG is referred to as the "Searl Effect" which enables natural
ambient sources of energy to be converted into useful electrical power.

The SEG is based on magnetic fields that generates a continual motion of magnetized rollers around
magnetized rings that in turn produces electrical currents and under certain conditions, a unique
gravitomagnetic force is also generated.

1. Searl Effect

2. John Searl Searl-Effect Generator

Roshin-Godin experiment

“There has been a great interest in examining nonlinear effects in the system of rotating magnetic
fields. Such effects have been observed in the device called Searl's generator or SEG (SEG, Searl
Effect Generator). An SEG consists of a series of three rings and rollers that go around those rings.
All parts of SEG are based on the Law of the Squares. The rollers revolve around the plates that
form the rings, but they do not touch them. There's a primary north and south pole on the rollers and
a primary north and south pole on the plates. Obviously you will have the north pole of the roller
attracted to the south pole of the plate. The plate and the rollers have layered structure. The external
layer - Titan, then Iron, Nylon and last internal layer was made from Neodymium. John R.R. Searl
has supposed that the electrons are given off from the central element (which is neodymium), and
they travel out through other elements. If nylon had not been put there, the SEG would act like a
laser and one pulse would go out and it would stop, build up, and another pulse would go out. But,
with the nylon being, nylon acts as a control gate, and that control gate gives you an even flow of
electrons throughout the SEG [4]. In [4] it was shown that in the process of magnetization of the
plate and rollers, the combination of constant and variable magnetic fields for creating a special
wave (sine wave) pattern on a plate surface and rollers surface was used. The basic effects are the
rollers self running around a ring plate and reduction of weight up to occurrence of propulsion and
flying up of all magnetic system. These effects come about because of a special geometry of
experimental setup. It was shown that the work of the device in critical regime is accompanied by
biological and real physical phenomena. Unfortunately except for the listed references we could not
find other information where similar effects are be mentioned. ”

1. V. Roschin & S. Godin Magneto-Gravitational Converter (Searl Effect Generator)

2. V. V. Roschin and S. M. Godin: Verification of the Searl Effect

Unipolar generators

Unipolar generator was discovered by Michael Faraday during his experiments in 1831.
Interesting property of generator is that it works even when magnet rotating with the disk (Faraday
paradox). This usually not mentioned in school book. It easily lead to a conclusion that we can build
generator with no reaction on prime mover. And also suggests “unpleasant” questions about ”who
owns the field of magnet” ? magnet of space itself and leads unavoidable to missing Ether :)

N. Tesla worked on Unipolar dynamo and made some improvements (he also may be got self
runner, but there is no reliable information about that).

Bruce Depalma and Paramahamsa Tewari developed FE systems based on Unipolar generator.

There are some reasons to think that EMF in unipolar generators created with no electromagnetic
induction and this is why they are OU.

1. The Generation of a Unidirectional Force by Bruce E. DePalma

2. Notes on a Unipolar Dynamo by Nikola Tesla Electrical Engineer, The September 2nd, 1891
Page number(s): 258-260

3. Faraday paradox unipolar dynamo demo

Bruce DePalma


“Bruce Eldridge De Palma, son of noted orthopedic surgeon Anthony DePalma and elder brother of
film director Brian De Palma, was a well known figure in the Free energy suppression community.
He claimed that his N-machine Homopolar generator, a device based on the Faraday disc, could
produce five times the energy required to run it. According to mainstream physics, no such device is
physically possible.

De Palma studied electrical engineering at Harvard (1958) and taught physics at MIT for 15 years,
working under Harold Eugene Edgerton. He was also employed by Edwin H. Land of Polaroid

Bruce De Palma's development of the N-machine concept in 1977, among his other anomalous
devices (at least one of which, De Palma claimed, displayed anti-gravity characteristics) and the
claims surrounding them, set him on a collision course with his more mainstream peers. His claims
of 'free energy' were vigorously refuted over the course of twenty years, by conventional scientists
and some members of the alternative energy community alike.”


1. Bruce DePalma

2. Bruce DePalma N-Machine

3. Paramahamsa Tewari

Adam Trombly

“Thus although Adam Trombly, the senior designer of the machine, has received two written gag
orders from the Pentagon Department of Defense, forbidding him to reveal details of the machine
--- upon threat of 10 years imprisonment for violating security relating to homopolar generator

design -- through the very nature of life itself by a totally automatic process, the attached document
falls into the public domain.”
“I went on to co-invent six further generations of devices that demonstrated the actual principles. In
1989 a former colleague and I physically demonstrated a solid state ZP device in both New York
and Washington D.C. Our presentation at Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium received a 20 minute
standing ovation but the press about the demonstration and speech that followed was totally
suppressed. We physically demonstrated over 50 times greater output than input but you will not
find any acknowledgment of that on any of the so called Free Energy websites which presume

1. Homopolar Generator

2. The Truth About ZP Technology

Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube

The vortex tube, also known as the Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube, is a mechanical device that
separates a compressed gas into hot and cold streams. The air emerging from the "hot" end can
reach temperatures of 200 °C, and the air emerging from the "cold end" can reach -50 °C. It has no
moving parts.

By analogy vortex heaters can be constructed for liquids also (e.g. water)


1. Vortex tube

2. Cavitation heaters

Richard Clem

“The following is from a newspaper clipping that has no name or date. In 1972, Richard Clem
announced the invention of a way to operate automobile engines on cooking oil. He’s still making
that claim today, even though his first prototype motor fell apart and he had been “strung along” by
at least 15 companies before he found financial backing. Clem, 48, a heavy equipment operator for
the city of Dallas and part-time inventor, says if the automobile industry adopts his invention,
motorists could change the eight gallons of vegetable oil only every 150,000 miles and never buy
any gas. Clem said he uses vegetable oil because his motor runs at 300 degrees – a temperature
where water has boiled away and conventional motor oil breaks down. Though he won’t divulge
many details of the engine, a 12-volt battery apparently is the only other source of power. When
Clem finished his first vegetable oil engine in 1972, he mapped a 600- mile test trip to El Paso for
the first engine model he had financed through his earnings. But he only made it as far as Abilene
before the ‘shafts and everything bent in it.’He blamed the failure on poor construction, too small a
shaft and the use of chains instead of gears. Undaunted, he decided to try again, but said, ‘I needed
money to build this thing better.’Neither the automobile industry nor the 15 other companies he
wrote – some as far away as Taiwan – were interested in financing a prototype and then
manufacturing it. Then last year, he said, a large coal company offered to back him. Clem refused to
disclose the name of his benefactor, but did say the coal company had signed contracts to sell the
engines to power companies for use in pulling turbines. Clem said he expects to finish work on the
motor by the end of this year. (1972)”


1. Clem Engine Revisited by Tommey L Reed

2. Clem Engine Index Page

Viktor Schauberger


Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958) made an extraordinary contribution to knowledge of the natural


He intuited what we now recognize as the quantum or subtle energy effects of water. His
understanding was built up from shamanic and experiential observation of Nature in the untamed
Alpine wilderness. His motto: "Observe and Copy Nature".

He was critical of textbook theory and the arrogance and lack of imagination of 'experts' and
refused to go to college, believing that he would lose his intuitive gifts.

Schauberger was also gifted with engineering skills which are apparent in his environment-friendly
technology and implosive energy devices designed to release people from enslavement to
destructive sources of energy.

He is celebrated for his discoveries in the water sciences, in agricultural techniques and in the
energy domain – which energies enhance and which harm life.

Schauberger provides us with a comprehensive and holistic approach to understanding Nature. His
insights form the foundations of what might be called a 'science of Nature'.

He found two forms of motion in Nature: outward, expanding flow that is used to break down, and
inward-spiralling which Nature uses to build up and energize. We use the first to generate energy,
which is why it is destructive to the environment.

Minute changes in temperature affect the outcome of an energetic process. The balance between the
attraction and repulsion of polarized atoms is the engine of creation.

Viktor Schauberger vividly described how our disdain for Nature's ways will bring only
environmental catastrophe.

His vision - humanity working within Nature's laws - is the path we must rediscover, if we are to


1. Viktor Schauberger photos & family patents

2. Viktor Schauberger Klimator

3. Viktor Schauberger’s Repulsine - Viktor Schauberger’s Inventions

Veljko Milkovic

A simple mechanical system that produces 9:1 over-unity and antigravity


1. Veljko MILKOVIC Two-Stage Oscillator

Nitinol case

“The world Nitinol is derived from its composition and where it was discovered: (Nickel Titanium-
Naval Ordnance Laboratory). While shape-memory properties of metal alloys was first discovered
in 1932 by Swedish chemist Arne Ölander using gold-cadmium alloy, nitinol’s shape-memory effect
was first observed by William J. Buehler and Frederick Wang at the US Naval Ordnance Laboratory
in 1959. At the time of discovery, Buehler’s goal was to make a fatigue-, heat- and impact-resistant
nose cone for missiles. After finding that 1:1 nickel titanium alloy would be sufficient, he presented
a sample at a management meeting in 1961. The sample piece of metal alloy was folded up like an
accordion and passed around by attendees. One attendee took out his pipe lighter, applied heat to
the metal and to everyone’s surprise, the metal stretched and morphed to its previous shape.
As far back as 1974 researchers have successfully been producing working nitinol heat engines. In
Silver Springs, Maryland in 1978, a conference sponsored by the US Navy and the Department of
Energy was held, where “Eight different prototype engines, all working, were displayed by 7
inventors.” All prototypes can be found in the paper called Proceedings of NITINOL Heat Engine
Conference (1978).
The United States Navy declared to the Department of Energy that the development of the nitinol
heat engine would serve the national interests by helping reduce petroleum energy dependence, but
the power of the energy industrial complex was too great, as we’ve seen many times before, and
this technology was basically swept under the rug and forgotten.”

1. The Amazing Nitinol Heat Engine: Clean, Abundant Free Energy

Battery is most important part of FE device ;)
– Joke from Internet

On first sight it looks like a joke, why would FE system need a batteries. But it appeared that
batteries actually very complicated and non-well studies electro chemical systems. Some people
suggest that there is transmutation occurs (similar to LENR) in regular batteries. Many
experimenters reported increase of battery life and performance if it subjected to pulse charging
and load. One most known case is John Bedini. (Unfortunately he got involved with T.Bearden, so
be careful what you read ;)

Bedini Technology
Negative resistor process for taking extra energy from the vacuum. For simplicity, the process will
be produced in a common lead acid storage battery.


Element of Bugarsky

In chemistry, there are endothermic reactions taking place with the release of heat, and exothermic
reactions taking place with its absorption. So, there are galvanic elements (for example, the element
of Bugarsky) on endothermic reactions. The energy for the course of these reactions is taken away
from the crystal lattice of the structure, whereby the cell body is cooled (covered by frost) and the
thermal energy of the environment continuously flows (concentrates) to it. Consequently, the
electrical energy produced by such an element is, in the final analysis, the transformed energy of the

Element is the following electrochemical system:

Hg / Hg2Cl2, 0.01vKCl // 0.01vKOH, Hg2O / Hg

Hg2Cl2 + 2KOH = Hg2O + 2KCl + 2KCl + H2O-Qp

This reaction is endothermic, hence it can not be current-generating. This element takes heat from
the environment not only for the generation of electrical energy, but also for the chemical reaction
in it. The element is composed of two half-elements of the Santinormal Calomel:

Hg / Hg2Cl2, 0.01 mCl

0,01m of the mercury oxides: Hg / Hg2O, 0.01mKOH.

The intermediate solution is a 1N solution of KNO3, which is filled with an electrolytic key.

Flower Power – unusual battery design


LENR and Eugene Mallove

June 9, 1947 - May 14, 2004

“Eugene Mallove, a science writer who for the past 15 years had dedicated himself to advancing the
case for cold fusion, was murdered Friday in an apparent robbery. Mallove, 56, was founder and
president of the New Energy Foundation and editor in chief of its magazine, Infinite Energy. He
was previously chief science writer at the MIT News Office. He left MIT largely because his point
of view on cold fusion was vehemently opposed by most scientists at the Institute.

One of my first assignments when I joined Technology Review was to work on a piece Mallove had
written in which he vigorously defended the proposition that cold fusion was a real scientific
phenomenon and not, as many scientists claimed, an artifact of experimental error or even a fraud.
Although the magazine ultimately chose not to publish his article, I vividly remember Mallove’s
passion and commitment to the cause of advancing what he firmly believed was a world-changing
technology. For most of the past 15 years, the cause that he espoused has been rejected by most
mainstream physicists. In the past year, however, some stances have softened, and the U.S.
Department of Energy recently decided to take another look at the validity of cold fusion.“

“Infinite Energy and New Energy Foundation founder Dr. Eugene Mallove was murdered on May
14, 2004 (just a day before presentation of FE device). His death has left a tremendous void in not
only the daily lives of those who loved him, but also within the new energy field. Gene was a long-
time advocate for new energy science and technology and perhaps the most well-known
spokesperson for the field…”


1. Dr. Eugene F. Mallove

2. The Magazine of New Energy Science and Technology

3. Death of a Cold Fusion Proponent

Other cases
Group of devices which worked beyond reasonable doubt but it is not clear how. There are too
small information available and I can’t see it from the device description.

Alfred M. Hubbard

The Post-Intelligencer (Seattle WA), Thursday, July 29, 1920

Hubbard Coil Runs Boat On Portage Bay Ten Knots An Hour; Auto Test Next

1. Alfred M. HUBBARD Coil Generator

Lester Hendershot

Lester Jennings Hendershot (1898-1961), born in West Elizabeth, Pennsylvania, was the inventor of
the so-called Fuelless Motor (1928). In the 1920's Lester Hendershot was working on a new type of
aviation compass. He stumbled across a method of generating energy. His "Hendershot magnetic
motor" drew attention of the press and attracted big name investors as Charles Lindbergh. He got
into political trouble promoting his device and consequently tried to take his business to Mexico. He
is reported to have accepted an offer he couldn't refuse being paid never to work on his device
again. In 1961 Dr. Ed Skilling, from Columbia University, successfully built and tested a
Hendershot free energy device, out of which he got 300 watts. Skilling had been associated with
Hendershot and learned of the device through him. The generator was self-resonant at 500 kHz. -


1. Lester HENDERSHOT Fuelless Motor

2. Lester J. HENDERSHOT Generator & Motor

Hans Coler
1920-1946 (?)

Coler was questioned first about the history of his inventions, when the details above were given.
He was then questioned about the theory of the devices, but he was unable to give any coherent
suggestions as to the mechanism. He sated that his researches (apparently conducted with crude
apparatus) into the nature of magnetism had lead him to conclude that ferro-magnetism was an
oscillating phenomenon, of frequency about 180 kilohertz. This oscillation took place in the
magnetic circuit of the apparatus, and induced in the electrical circuit oscillations the frequency
which of course depended on the values of the components used. These two phenomena interacted,
and gradually built up the tension. As the mechanism was not understood the proper arrangement
could not be worked out, but had to be arrived at by experiment, and the apparatus had to be
brought into adjustment by similar trial and error methods. Coler stated that the strength of the
magnets did not decrease during the use of the apparatus; and suggested that he was tapping a new
sort of energy hitherto unknown "Raumenergie" (Space-energy). Coler gave a resume of the work
done by Dr. Frohlich for the O.K.W., and produced a copy of Frohlich’s report, written jointly with
himself (translation reproduced in Appendix IV) and a report of his own (part of which is given in
Appendix V).
Coler was asked if he would consent to build models of these devices if material was made
available. He agreed that he could do this, and stated that it would take one week to construct a
"Magnetstromapparat", and a month to construct a "Stromzeuger". Accordingly we supplied the
magnets, condensers and copper wire needed for the former, and Coler proceeded to build an
apparatus as discussed in Section 3. A list of materials required for the "Stromzeuger" was drawn up
by Coler.


1. British Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee Final Report # 1043

The Invention of Hans Coler, Relating to an Alleged New Source of Power

Paul Baumann

pic. 3 KW / 220 V DC Testatika Generator

Free Energy Machine developed by Paul Baumann used by Methernitha group in Linden,
Switzerland and were witnessed in operation by many people, including well known scientists.


1. Paul Baumann Testatika Generator

Floyd Sweet

Floyd Sweet's VTA Unit

by Walt Rosenthal (Excerpted from: Space Energy Newsletter IV (1) March 13, 1993 ~ PO Box
11422, Clearwater, FL 34616)

The Vacuum Triode Amplifier (VTA) invented by Floyd Sweet consists of two ferrite magnets and
two to four coreless wire coils. It is self-powered in the preferred configuration and produces in
excess of one KW of 120 VRMS 60 Hz power in the form of energy that resembles electricity. This
energy is referred to as negative energy. The VTA development history, its anti-gravity
characteristics, negative energy properties, and some of the personalities involved are discussed.


1. Floyd A. SWEET Space Quanta Magnifier (Vacuum Triode Amplifier)

Stiven Mark

“The device is reported to develop measurable amounts of electric power beyond any known battery
or storage device. In fact the inventor claims that his device will create electric power indefinitely
as long as it is permitted to cool at intervals.”


1. Toroidal Power Unit

2. Steven Mark - TPU - Demonstration One

3. Steven Mark - TPU - The UEC Generator Demonstration - Narrated by Brian Collins

4. Steve MARKS Toroidal Power Unit

Noah's Ark Research Foundation / Dr. Schwarz

“Dr. Schwartz comments on the video on his forum. "The proof of concept video that Stefan posted
up is relatively new, filmed just a few months ago, but the technology and principle of operation
have been a matter of research for many years now. Others ahead of us have pioneered similar
technology, like Moray and Tesla, but as of yet none have perfected it to the point that others can
use it. ... My research has had quite a few setbacks over the years and even now there are safety
concerns associated with this type of device. Progress is being made and arrangements are in place
to move toward the realization of genuine usable power production, but there are still steps ahead
that must not be rushed to ensure the success of this technology." (Aug 8, 2009)

“Back in 1968 a Russian theorist V.G. Veselago had predicted that new materials could be
engineered to interact with our environment, which is just the opposite of how natural materials
react. In 2000, researchers at the University of California-San Diego (UCSD) confirmed this,
creating what's known as the first "left-handed" material. A special team at UCSD created material
that caused fields to move to the left even though the electromagnetic energy moved to the right.
The light waves produced in this material also produced an inverted Doppler effect. Researchers at
MIT and the University of Delaware, is also exploring left-handed media.
We are now discovering that the things we held to be inviolable can in fact, be violated under
certain conditions. Many research teams are already able to build structures that support this theory.
Much of my research over the past 17 years has proved that these new kinds of materials can cause
different affects when it comes to magnetic fields. I’m already using left-handed material in my
ERR (Electromagnetic Radiation Receiver) experiments. I’ve proven this theory with my ERR
prototype. Lawrence Rayburn a researcher of electromagnetic fields has also proved this theory
with his left-hand wound coils. Even though some of us have proven the left-hand theory, no one
seems to want to admit that we have disproved one of the sacred laws of nature.”


1. ERR Fluxgenerator by Noah's Ark Research Foundation

2. Free_Energy_Elemental_Rod_Generator(Dr. James B. Schwartz)

3. ERR Fluxgenerator selfrunning 3 KW Free Energy generator

Theoretical energy generation concepts

Parameter variation
Variable inductor
In this section I would like to present several LTSpice models to illustrate how power can be
generated in ”unusual” way (not using mechanical power generators). It is also often claimed that
you can’t simulate FE/OU device in standard simulator. Which is obviously wrong. You can
simulate anything, you just need to come up with some kind of model.

pic. Model with variable inductor


Magnetic flux through L

Current through L

Voltage on L

Inductance variation control

Load current


power in power out

Non-linear capacitor
Similar aproach can be used with variable (or non-linear) capacitor.

pic. Model with variable capacitor

Power in

Power out

Capacitor variation

Voltage on capacitor
(blue), current
through R1 (red)

Current through
power supply

power in power out

It is important that it is not enough to have non-linearity, the nonlinearity must be different for the
charge and discharge (or magnetization and demagnetization)!
Here examples with “symmetric” non-linearity

Synergy principle

“Since a nonlinear system does not exhibit linear superposition, a combination of inputs often
produces surprising, synergistic effects – the whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts.”
Quote from”Tapping Zero-Point Energy” by Moray B. King

pic. Nonlinear system example

(source: ”Tapping Zero-Point Energy” by Moray B. King)

We often see this principle used together with first principle.

pic. Charge and energy stored in capacitor

For example energy stored in capacitor will grow quadratically depending on the charge.

(and we see similar quadratic growth in many other physical processes)


pic. An experiment with charge transfer

Here simple experiment with a power source which provide 20v. Moving “metallic” object back
and forth we can charge a metallic can to any voltage, e.g. to 400v

This is what actually demonstrated here:

Van der Graaf generator

pic. Van der Graaf generator

(picture source:

Van der Graaf generator is just “automated” version of experiment shown on pic. If we would use it
to charge capacitor then we could get a modification of “Blower” system described earlier.

Pic.35 Small Testatica machine

You probably agree that following this logic we can guess that Testatica machine could use same

1. Electrostatic generator

2. Operation of the Wimshurst machine

Another interesting concept device can be based on variable inductor.

pic. Non-linear inductance concept (mechanical)

pic. Variable inductor – good candidate to implement non-mechanical device


Compressing magnetic field (mechanically or by changing core properties) we can gain energy.

1. Explosively pumped flux compression generator

2. Homemade Magnetic Audio Amplifier.

3. Magnetic Amplifiers: How They Work, What They Do July 1960 Popular Electronics

Negative resistance and pulse systems

We can use S-shaped Negative Differential Resistance to supply additional power to a load if we
subject NDR to short pulses. In some way we saw already this principle in pulse systems when
discussed first principle (e.g. discharge in gas can be represented as NDR).
I still think it is appropriate list it as a separate principle because it refers to one of fundamental
property of mater – inertia. We use small portion of energy to start some process and then we can
capture more energy back. Such behavior can be observer in many completely different systems.
Keeping in mind this principle could help us recognize potentially FE system/process.

As an illustration of my words I am adding here simulation results of very simple NDR resistance

pic. Test S-shaped NDR based on function f(x) = 1.3+(x-1)*(x-5)*(x-4)/15;


pic. Simulation pic. Simulation results – power supply voltage

and current

pic. Simulation results – power from power pic. Negative resistance

supply and in load

pic. Energy delivered by power supply pic. Energy dissipated on load resistor

Few more words about negative resistance

pic. S type negative resistance, region with negative resistance marked with red)

In order to use NR as energy source we can create very short pulse to enter into NR region and “try”
be there as long as possible to gain energy as much as possible. This is why such setups always use
very short pulses to power the circuit where NDR created (step-down flyback in this particular

It is convenient speak about this setup in terms of resistance and negative resistance. These are
electronics abstraction terms used to hide actual complex physical process behind the scene. It is
fine in standard electronics but usually not ok in case of OU device. We should always remember
where negative resistance comes from and why.

BTW It is interesting that this process seems to be quite universal.

If we apply some force (or excitation) to media, nature try compensate our action. But speed of
propagation(reaction) is limited by media’s properties. If our excitation is short enough, we can gain
energy from the media reaction. Examples: electron avalanche in gas discharge, audio shock waves
in metals, "radiant" battery chargers, gaining energy from ambient heat through manipulation of
magnetic domains of the ferrite core etc etc.

Concepts considered as philosophically wrong

Fields cancellation

Magnetic fields are not canceling each other in nature. Do not confuse real things with terms in
math equations (see more about math miss-use in physics).

Action without reaction (BEMF cancellation)

Reaction can’t be “canceled” at least not this way

Extracting reactive power without reflection

Hector’s “Non Reflective Diode plug” nonsense and many others reactive power converters.
Reactive power is an abstraction. It does not exists independently from real power.

About physics theory – what happened to common

There is strange way of doing “things” in modern science. In theoretical science often there are
several models which can give “explanations” to experimental results. In modern science the most
obscure and illogical model is usually chosen.
So we have waves without media (electromagnetic waves in vacuum or empty space), then we have
vacuum which is not empty and can occasionally bend, we have imaginary entities like time first
included in formulas and then mixed with space etc etc

Missing Ether
There is information on the Web that original version on Mendeleev’s periodic table of elements
contained Ether (element with 0 mass called Newtoniy). Later table was rearranged an Newtoniy
was removed.

“Many have heard that D.I. Mendeleev was the organizer and leader (1869-1905) of the Russian
public scientific association called "Russian Chemical Society" (since 1872 - "Russian Physical-
Chemical Society"), published throughout its existence, the world-famous magazine, until the
abolition of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1930 - and the Society, and its magazine.

But there are few who know that D.I. Mendeleyev was one of the last world-famous Russian
scientists of the late 19th century, who defended the idea of the ether as a universal substantial
entity in world science, who gave it fundamental scientific and applied significance in revealing the
secrets of being and improving people's economic life.

Even fewer of those who know that after the sudden death of D.I. Mendeleyev (27.01.1907), then
recognized as an outstanding scientist by all scientific communities in the whole world except the
St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences alone, his main discovery is "Periodic law "- was deliberately
and universally falsified by the world academic science.”

Another great Russian scientist Nikolai A. Kozyrev experimentally demonstrated that there are
interactions faster than speed of light in nature.

“The effect of time differs basically from the effect of force fields. The effect of the causal pole on
the device (pendulum) immediately creates two equal and opposite forces, applied to the body of
the pendulum and the suspension point. There occurs a transmission of energy, without momentum,
and, hence, also without delivery to the pole. This circumstance explains the reduction of the
influences inversely proportional to the first power of the distances, since according to this law an
energy decrease takes place. Moreover, this law could be foreseen, simply by proceeding from
circumstance of time to expressed by the turning, and hence with it it is necessary to link the plane,
passing through the pole with any orientation in space. In the case of the force lines emerging from
the pole, their density decreases in inverse proportion to the square of the distance; however, the
density of the planes will diminish according to the law of the first power of the distance. The
transmission of energy without momentum (pulse) should still have the following very important
property: Such a transmission should be instantaneous: i.e. it cannot be propagating because the
transmission of the pulse is associated with propagation. This circumstance follows from the most
general concepts concerning time. Time in the universe is not propagated but appears immediately
everywhere. On a time axis the entire universe is projected by one point. Therefore, the altered
properties of a given second will appear everywhere at once, diminishing according to the law of
inverse proportionality of the first power of the distance. It seems to us that such a possibility of the
instantaneous transfer of information through time should not contradict the special theory of
relativity -- in particular, the relativity of the concept of simultaneity. The fact is that the
simultaneity of effects through time is realized in that advantageous system of coordinates with
which the source of these effects is associated. ”

And of course Stefan Marinov’s work:

“Marinov devoted himself trying to establish the absoluteness of space-time
and also to measure the absolute velocity of the solar system by means of a coupled mirrors
experiment and a coupled shutters experiment. The latter references presented controversial results
compared with other established results. However, Marinov emphasized the need to repeat the
experiment. Reports in (*) also suggested repeating this experiment in a sophisticated laboratory.
Despite these requests, discussions and criticisms, there has been no repetition so far. ”

1. Dmitri Mendeleev

2. Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kozyrev

3. Possibility of Experimental Study of the Properties of Time by N. A. Kozyrev *)

4. V. Kaznacheev Kozyrev Mirrors -- Breaking The Future

5. To re-consider the one-way speed of light using fizea U-type coupled-slotted-disks

Md. Farid Ahmed, Brendan M. Quine, Stoyan Sargoytchev, and A. D. Stauffer

6. Cosmic microwave background

7. How can one measure speed relative to the rest frame of the Cosmic Microwave Background

*) It was absolutely impossible to publish something about Ether in USSR, so when you read “density of time” take it
as a waves in Ether, BTW they are much faster than light

“Trained blindness”
The second law of thermodynamics states that the total
entropy of an isolated system can never decrease over

Sometimes it seems like school and university training set a goal to make people blind. Otherwise
how it is possible not notice such obvious things ? If you look around you (probably can) see
evidence of non increasing entropy everywhere. There are cycles in nature, all things born, grow
and die, from viruses to galaxies, there is very distinct shape, present every where… but mainstream
science prefer to see only death around :)

Math as an obfuscation tool

“Today’s scientists have substituted mathematics for
experiments, and they wander off through equation after
equation, and eventually build a structure which has no
relation to reality. ”
– N.Tesla

If you try reading any modern “advanced” physics course you will see that almost from the first
pages it flooded with formulas and math. And more you read more you see that it about math and
how to manipulate formulas to get some solution… and so we have people who think that field lines
are real, magnetic flux is actually a flux (something flowing), magnets have poles etc etc
People being taught to substitute reality with math…
Somebody call math a “Queen of sciences” because there is no science without math, that is true.
But math also called a “whore”, because it does not care what to calculate :)

Einstein’s relativity is subversion, rotation is absolute

Why theory of relativity was created

In 1935 when speaking with The New York Times, Tesla was critical of Einstein stating that
his theory of relativity was “a beggar wrapped in purple whom ignorant people take for a king” and
“a mass of error and deceptive ideas violently opposed to the teachings of great men of science of
the past and even to common sense… the theory wraps all these errors and fallacies and clothes

them in magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the
underlying errors…. its exponents are very brilliant men, but they are meta-physicists rather than
scientists. Not a single one of the relativity propositions has been proved.”

1. FE R&D group file archive, attachment to message #1783 message #1783

2. Fragments of Olympian Gossip poem by Nikola Tesla

3. Alternative Physics On Line

About forces of inertia

Although the forces of inertia were recognized by researchers more than 300 years ago, arguments
about their nature and significance in physical theories are still going on. If we make a sample of
about 100 textbooks on the theoretical Mechanics, the ratio of opinions as to whether the inertia
forces are real or not, is shown in Fig.

As we can see, the number of scientists considering inertia forces as unreal is the majority. Such a
situation in science can be considered as a linguistic-semantic nonsense, since forces, if observed in
experiments, can not be called “unreal”.

Quote from G.I. Shipov “Fields and forces of inertia as a subject of scientific research”

Related topics
I would like just list some topics and names which among with Free Energy never mentioned by
mainstream science and media (only as pseudo-science or conspiracy theories). This would give
advantage to open minded researcher to discover these things easier ;)

Inertial drive

Eric Roberts Laithwaite

“One night in 1973 the stuffed shirts got a shock from which they have still not recovered. It was an
experience at which, like Queen Victoria, they were not amused. Indeed it was so unamusing for
them that it is the only occasion in the Royal Institution's two hundred year history that it has failed
to publish a proceedings of a major lecture, or 'evening discourse'. The cause of this unique case of
scientific censorship was the maverick professor of electrical engineering of Imperial College,
London, Eric Laithwaite.”

1. Professor Eric Laithwaite: Shaping Things to Come - 1972

2. Non-Newtonian propulsion

3. Professor Eric Laithwaite: The Circle of Magnetism - 1968

4. The Incredible Genius Of Eric Laithwaite by Richard Milton

Vladimir N. Tolchin

In 1936, V. N. Tolchin designed and built a device that developed the original method of mechanical
traction. Improving this device, which he called inertcoid, since the work done was accomplished
by forces of inertia, seeking to improve the design efficiency, V.N. Tolchin created a number of
various mechanisms in which the found principle was used and each of which solved certain
experimental problems.

1. Tolchin presenting inercoid (from the film about inercoid)

2. Inercoid and some explanations

3. The Tolchin inercoid test of the air cushion at Stanford University in 2000

Gennady I. Shipov
“If someone says that you are "empty", believe him, because it's true. You, me, the table, the
computer sitting on it, and the whole visible material world is emptiness.
Everything is made of vacuum. Its energy gives birth to, penetrates, and feeds the whole world of
existence. Clever scientists know this, but only smile skeptically. New representations of the nature
of physical vacuum do not fit the picture of the world created by classical science. But, the idea of
the Great Emptiness, the Dao, was known in China 5000 years ago. Today, this idea is promising a
cataclysm in natural science, technology, and all spheres of life.
Along comes Shipov with his formulas. His equations of physical vacuum explain and unite all
types of interactions present in nature. These formulas should help provide unexpectedly new and
unusual answers in a number of areas- transport, communications, medicine, etc. The solutions are
so improbable that they are difficult to believe.
Why has Shipov so exasperated the strict, mistrustful scientific world? Even the subject of his
research, "mysterious torsion fields", is like a nail in the shoe of physicists, very inconvenient! But,
scientists today are recognizing that "spinning fields" really do exist. Just as electromagnetic fields
are caused by a charge and gravitational fields are caused by weight, torsion fields are created by
any rotating objects.
This idea was first introduced by the French mathematician R. Cartan in 1913, then by Einstein.
Within the framework of Cartan-Einstein theory, the existence of these fields has been permitted.
But, they are weak, cannot be observed, and seem to have no practical application.
Shipov states the opposite. This is connected to his theory of physical vacuum and the "mysterious
ether" Newton wrote about. For the last 30-40 years, scientists have been trying to analyze the
properties of physical vacuum, although from an electromagnetic or gravitational approach.
In our early school years, we were taught that the world consists of solid bodies, liquids, gases, and
elementary particles. Shipov states that these 4 levels form just the material world. Contemporary
physics is involved in the study of this particular world. But, in micro-world research, this approach
leads to a dead end. Elementary particles must appear from somewhere. What is their origin? It is
obvious that there must be other levels. The fifth level is the primary torsion field, with its unique
properties. For example, torsion fields do not have a property called velocity. They occur in the
universe simultaneously and penetrate everything. And there are more levels: Primary vacuum
(occurring before torsion fields) and Absolute Nothingness. Everything begins from this
"nothingness" and comes to an end in "nothingness".

But, vacuum is not at all a "dead zone", says Shipov. It is similar to a "boiling broth". Particles are
being born and dying instantly in it. It is something like "pre-matter" or "the pre-condition of
substance". It is not yet matter, but it already has a plan of how it (matter) will be arranged. In all its
variety, physical vacuum continuously influences both living and non-living matter. Its hidden
energy penetrates everything.
Any breakthrough in science or technology begins with doubts about the correctness of existing
postulates…. We believe that a major breakthrough in the way science views the world is clearly at

1. Development of inertial drives

2. G.I. Shipov

Torsion fields and technologies

A torsion field (also called axion field, spin field, spinor field, and
microlepton field) is a feature of a pseudoscientific theory of energy
in which the quantum spin of particles can be used to cause
emanations lacking mass and energy to carry information through
vacuum orders of magnitude faster than the speed of light. This
theory was the basis of a number of various pseudoscientific claims
and scams.

Anatoly E. Akimov
The Torsion Fields (Spin Fields) theory has been formulated using the ideas of Eli Cartan, who was
first to clearly establish the concept of fields generated by the spin angular momentum density. To
date over, a thousand articles by about 100 authors (half of them Russian) constitutes the literature
of Torsion fields. This technology was only theoretical until the 1970s.
Early theory indicated that torsion fields would be about 10-30 times the force of gravity. Later it
was shown that this result was only for one type of static torsion field generated by spinning
sources without radiation. Now it has been shown that much larger torsion fields occur with
dynamic torsion (spinning source with emission). It was not until the 1980s that Russian scientists
developed torsion field generators with the resulting experimental work yielding many practical
Because of the reluctance of the Western scientists to consider a Physical Vacuum as having a real
energetic structure, the Russian scientists are the leaders in this new science. Some aspects of the P.
Dirac electron-positron model of the physical vacuum have been retained in the development of the
model for torsion fields. The big difference is that the vacuum is considered as consisting of
annular wave packets of electrons and positrons rather than electron-positron pairs. The

development of the model supports the experimental findings that the vacuum forms an orderly
structure with linear packing with spin transverse polarization.
This model has led to better models for the gravitation field (characterized by frequencies extending
from 1020 to 1040 Hertz). Under appropriate conditions the polarized state of the vacuum can be
turned into a spin field. So interdependent are the fields of the physical vacuum that Ya.I.
Pomeranchuk has said, "The entire physics is the physics of the Vacuum." As stated in this article,
"Modern nature does not need any unifications. There is but Vacuum and its polarized states
existing in Nature, whereas the unifications only reflect the degree of our understanding of fields'


1. Unconventional research in USSR and Russia: short overview by Serge Kernbach

2. Collection of Akimov’s books and papers

3. Akimov’s lecture
(you can use auto generated and translated subtitles, transcript also available in FE R&D group

Georges Lakhovsky
“hundred years ago we knew what caused cancer and how to treat it. Then the Government stepped
in and started to pay for health care. The pharmaceutical companies figured out they could make a
lot of money "treating" people, not making them well, and then getting someone else to pay for it.
Have you lost a loved one to cancer? Georges Lakhovsky had a 98% success rate in treating fatal
cancers over an 11-year period. Today we celebrate a 50% five-year survival rate. Does it anger you
that the AMA and the entire medical establishment have a financial interest to never solve any
medical problem?”


1. Lakhovsky's Multi-Wave Oscillator (MWO)

2. Multi-Wave Oscillator (MWO)

Royal Raymond Rife

“Royal Rife is considered one of the greatest scientific minds of the 20th Century. He is credited in
the book, "The Cancer Cure That Worked", as the man who discovered a cure for cancer and many
other diseases… simply by using vibrational energy. A "Rife machine" works on the principle of
sympathetic vibration and resonance, which states that if there are two similar objects and one of
them is vibrating, the other will begin to vibrate as well, even if they are not touching.
Rife learned that different species of life have their own electromagnetic 'signature', or pattern of
oscillation (frequency) based on its individual genetic chemical blueprint. It's different for all. Dr.
Rife discovered that viruses, bacteria, and parasites are particularly sensitive to their own specific
'bio frequencies' and could be destroyed by intensifying those frequencies until chemical changes
occur within the pathogen and it would devitalize and die. Sometimes they could see them literally
explode... like an intense musical note that can shatter a wine glass. “


Wilhelm Reich and Orgone energy

“Wilhelm Reich began his career as a psychoanalyst in the Freudian tradition, but Reich went much
further than Freud in linking psychology to sex. He believed that orgasm was the ultimate key to
physical and mental health, and that conditions such as schizophrenia originated from an inability to
achieve orgasm. According to Reich, the effect of an orgasm is to generate large quantities of a
special form of energy called orgone. Although the idea was new to western science when he
proposed it in the 1930s, orgone can trace its roots to the Kundalini energy of ancient India or the
Qi of traditional Chinese medicine.
Reich came to believe that orgone could be collected and stored in the same way that electrical
energy can be stored in a battery. He invented a device for this purpose called an orgone
accumulator – a wooden booth lined with metal foil that would collect the orgone of whoever was
seated inside. Convinced that he had discovered a previously unknown form of energy, Reich even
persuaded Einstein – the most famous physicist of the day – to take an interest in the orgone
accumulator. Einstein carried out various tests, but after two weeks concluded there was no physical
basis to Reich’s orgone theory.
Reich soon became Public Enemy Number One. By 1954, the Federal authorities had issued a
declaration banning orgone accumulators and all associated literature. Reich was fined $10,000 – a
lot of money in those days – and sentenced to two years in jail. The judge ordered that all orgone
accumulators should be destroyed, and that all copies of Reich’s books were to be burned. The
ensuing wholesale destruction is described by the Encyclopaedia Britannica as “one of the most
blatant examples of censorship in U.S. history”.


1. The Dangerous Truth about Orgone by Andrew May

2. What is Orgone Energy

Viktor S. Grebennikov

“Viktor S. Grebennikov is the scientist-naturalist, professional entomologist, gifted painter and, on

the whole, comprehensively well-educated specialist with a wide spectrum of interests. For many
people and scientists in Russia he is well-known as discoverer of cavity structural effect (CSE). But
is far from being all are acquainted with his other opening, also borrowed from among concealed
secrets of alive Nature. In 1988 he found out antigravitational effects of chitinous covers some
insects species. But the most astonishing attendant phenomenon associated with antigravity was a
phenomenon overall either partial invisibility or deformed visual perception of the material object
which was located in a zone of compensated gravitation. Based on this opening and by using
bionics principles, the author designed and built antigravitational platform, and also, practically,
developed principles manned flight with the speed up to 25 km/min. Since 1991-92 years the device
was used by the author as a means of fast movement.“
1. Viktor Grebennikov Cavity Structural Effect & Insect Antigravity

John Hutchinson

“John Hutchison's life changed drastically in 1979 when, upon starting up an array of high-voltage
equipment, he felt something hit his shoulder. He threw the piece of metal back to where it seemed
to have originated, and it flew up and hit him again. This was how he originally discovered
fundamental frequencies can shield gravity.
John Hutchison is one of the formost Nikola Tesla experts alive today. He has replicated many of
Nikola Tesla's works over the years, including the Death Ray, and a smaller Philadelphia
When John's Tesla coils, electrostatic generator, and other equipment created a complex
electromagnetic field, heavy pieces of metal levitated and shot toward the ceiling, and some pieces

shredded. Upon analysis and thorough investigation, the Canadian government dubbed this
phenomenon the Hutchison-Effect. What is the Hutchison effect?” (watch the video)

1. Is John Hutchinson The Modern Day Tesla?

2. Hutchison effect

3. The Hutchison Effect

Edward Leedskalnin

“Edward Leedskalnin (1886 – 1951), a modest official, Latvian immigrant, 5 feet tall and weighing
only 40 pounds, suffering from tuberculosis, once said “I have discovered the secrets of the
pyramids. I discovered how the ancient Egyptians and builders in Peru, Yucatan and Asia, with
simple tools, have lifted stones weighing tons “… and his castle (built out of coral rock in blocks of
up to 30 tons) is irrefutable proof.”

1. Edward Leedskalnin and his Coral Palace

2. Who’s Ed?

Other taboo topics

Evolution theory and archeology

1. Michael Cremo: Forbidden History Of Our Planet

2. Michael Cremo: "Forbidden Archaeology" | Talks at Google

3. The official website of Zecharia Sitchin


Curious to know how plants communicate with each other? There should be a way they exchange
thoughts, advice, views, etc. And how they think? It's a difficult question to answer. However, this
amazing BBC nature documentary have some answer of these questions.

Psychic phenomena

1. "Science and the taboo of psi" with Dean Radin

2. The Global Consciousness Project Meaningful Correlations in Random Data

Kirlian photography

1. Kirlian Photography

2. Kirlian Photography at UCLA


1. Aerosol Crimes (a.k.a. Chemtrails) 2005 Documentary
2. Climate Change and Global Warming – Exposed by Andrew Johnson

Philosophical afterworld
“The challenge for governments in the future will be to
prevent man from effectively discovering his true self. And
keeping humanity locked in consumerist materialism!”
– Zbigniew Brzezinski

It’s a wrong Future Marty!

The older I grow the more distinctive feeling became… remember “Back to The Future” movie
when they end up in a wrong time line ? When seeing TV News accidentally (I am not watching TV
regularly) or titles in newspaper I feel like we live in a Wrong Future.
I was trying understand why I feel like this. It because world I see now does not fulfill expectations
which I had let say 5 years ago. It is result of decisions made by people. How usually important
decisions made ? Two bad options discussed and the worst one chosen while proper solution not
mentioned at all :) What I expected ? For example that science and automation make life easier,
people don’t need work hard, can retire earlier (and such things were expected 30 years ago ;) What
we got ? Pension reform, so people have to work longer, get smaller pension. Salary is smaller and
it more difficult find a decent job.

Why my (and many other’s people) expectations are wrong ? Because we were taught to think like
this. But are there real facts that confirm such way of thinking ? Just follow the facts and you will
see that there is no.
Analyzing this further I tend to think that our society build on lies and violence. This is not an
assertion but result of observation and reasoning. False believes and expectations embedded into
our minds by socium, school and media. This is sort of mind control technique. It make
manipulation and control much easier. Brute force needed only when “social programing fails”.

You can take any significant event of 20th century, like Kennedy assassination, Moon landing,
9/11 and 7/7 events. They are all controversial. Official versions/opinions are bogus and full of
misconceptions. Any person who can do logical thinking will not be able accept official point of
view… but still, how often it is challenged ? ;)

Common misconceptions

I will shortly list most common misconceptions and related facts to consider.

Western “civilization” is humanistic About 3% of Earth population died in Wars and

democide in 20th century.
Violence and pathologic behavior patterns actively
promoted by media (check your TV schedule)
Free Energy needed by society and you can Most probably you will be dead among many other
became reach if you invent FE machine inventors of FE devices.
Free Energy makes control of society difficult.
Science are looking for new discoveries, all Check the “related” topics

scientists are open minded

Things/life get better Think about pension age, salaries 30 years ago and
now, planed obsolescence and other “agile”
Modern medicine is advanced There is strong conflict of interests. Modern
medicine in many cases work for profit, not for
your health.
Free speech Why all big media owned by same group of
people ? Why you never see honest investigation in
mainstream press but mostly propaganda and
perception management ?
Patents help innovation By not allowing others use new inventions ? How
nice :)
WiKi is reliable source of information Check what kind of information WiKi contains
about topics discussed in this book ;)
UFO does not exists Why then such desperate effort to hide them ?

There is no Aliens, we are alone in the Another case of trained blindness. What so special
Universe about Earth to bear life ?

Why our world is like this ? I believe it’s because of people. Dictators and governments could not
do anything without support of people. In the end it’s people who execute orders. When people
became more conscious our world will change :)

1. Andrew Johnson’s web page
2. Richard D. Hall web page
3. A fragment from They Live We Sleep movie - The Third Eye Glasses

Appendix 1

List of Researchers and their Experiments and/or Devices

N Researcher(s) Experiments, Devices, and Demonstrations

Adams, Robert Adams Pulsed Motor Generator
Baumann, Paul Methernitha Swiss M-L Converter
Bedini, John Many plans of motors and other devices
Clemm, Richard Ambient heat(?) engine
Coler, Hans Magnetstromapparat and Stromerzeuger Devices
Christie, John and Brits, Lou Lutec 1000 Free energy Machine
dePalma, Bruce N-Machine (improved unipolar generator)
Eclin, John W Stationary Armature Generator
Flynn, Charles J. Parallel Path Magnetic Technology
Finsrud, Reidar Moving sculpture
Gray, Edvard V. Electro-Magnetic Association (EMA) Motor and
Hathaway, George Unipolar Dynamo of Novel Construction
Hendershot, Lester Fuel-less motor and generator
Hickox, Barbara Electric Dynamo Patent
Hubbard, Alfred M. FE Generator, boat
Newman, Joseph Magnetic Fields Utilization Energy Machine
Lambertson, Wingate WIN Process
Mark, Steven Toroidal Power Unit (TPU)
Marinov, Stefan Venetin Coliu Generator and many more
McKie, Richard Power On Demand Module Concept (PODMOD)
Meyer, Stanley Water Fuel Cell and water powered car
Moray, T. Henry Moray's Radiant Energy Device
Minato, Kohei Permanent Magnet motor
Muller, William Muller Motor/Generator
Pappas, Panos Energy Creation in Sparks and
Discharges Experiments

Papp, Josef Noble gas engine

Podkletnov, Eugene Gravity shielding devices and more
Plauson, Hermann Use of atmospheric electricity
Reed, Troy and Evelyn Reed Magnetic Motor Experiments
Roschin V. V. and Godin S. M. Searl Effect Generator experiments
Searl, John R.R. Searl Effect Generator
Serogodsky, Albert Ambient heat engine
Seike, Shinichi Negative Energy and Landau Oscillator
Sweet, Floyd “Vacuum Triode” Device
Schauberger, Viktor Implosion, FE and propulsion using water
Schwartz, James B. ERR Fluxgenerator by Noah's Ark Research
Foundation (ERR = Electromagnetic Radiation
Steorn Ltd Permanent magnet motors and more
Tesla, Nikola Genius, inventor :)
Tewari, Paramahamsa Space Power Generator Experiments (N-machine
replication and development)
Trombly, Adam Homopolar generator and more
Milkovic, Veljko Mechanical oscillator and more
Zaev, Nikolay Kessors and many more

Cold fusion and transmutation related

N Researcher(s) Experiments, Devices, and Demonstrations

Binder, Timothy Russell's Nuclear-Magnetic Transmutation
Fleischmann, Martin and Pons, Stanley LENR
Grotz, Toby Russell's Power Multiplication Principle
Rossi, Andrea eCat (Energy Catalisator) device
Storms, Edmund Established Cold Fusion and Reproducible

pic. from “The Manual of Free Energy Devices and Systems” by D.A.Kelly, vol.2, page 4

1. The Race to Zero Point Free Energy

2. A Machine To Die For The Quest For Free Energy

Appendix 2


by Nikola Tesla

Century Illustrated Magazine, June 1900



When I began the investigation of the subject under consideration, and when the preceding or
similar ideas presented themselves to me for the first time, though I was then unacquainted with a
number of the facts mentioned, a survey of the various ways of utilizing the energy of the medium
convinced me, nevertheless, that to arrive at a thoroughly satisfactory practical solution a radical
departure from the methods then known had to be made. The windmill, the solar engine, the engine
driven by terrestrial heat, had their limitations in the amount of power obtainable. Some new way
had to be discovered which would enable us to get more energy. There was enough heat-energy in
the medium, but only a small part of it was available for the operation of an engine in the ways then
known. Besides, the energy was obtainable only at a very slow rate. Clearly, then, the problem was
to discover some new method which would make it possible both to utilize more of the heat-energy
of the medium and also to draw it away from the same at a more rapid rate.
I was vainly endeavouring to form an idea of how this might be accomplished, when I read some
statements from Carnot and Lord Kelvin (then Sir William Thomson) which meant virtually that it
is impossible for an inanimate mechanism or self-acting machine to cool a portion of the medium
below the temperature of the surrounding, and operate by the heat abstracted. These statements
interested me intensely. Evidently a living being could do this very thing, and since the experiences
of my early life which I have related had convinced me that a living being is only an automaton, or,
otherwise stated, a "self-acting-engine," I came to the conclusion that it was possible to construct a
machine which would do the same. As the first step toward this realization I conceived the
following mechanism. Imagine a thermopile consisting of a number of bars of metal extending from
the earth to the outer space beyond the atmosphere. The heat from below, conducted upward along
these metal bars, would cool the earth or the sea or the air, according to the location of the lower
parts of the bars, and the result, as is well known, would be an electric current circulating in these
bars. The two terminals of the thermopile could now be joined through an electric motor, and,
theoretically, this motor would run on and on, until the media below would be cooled down to the
temperature of the outer space. This would be an inanimate engine which, to all evidence, would be

cooling a portion of the medium below the temperature of the surrounding, and operating by the
heat abstracted.


A, medium with little energy; B, B, ambient medium with much energy; O, path of the energy.
But was it not possible to realize a similar condition without necessarily going to a height?
Conceive, for the sake of illustration, [a cylindrical] enclosure T, as illustrated in diagram b, such
that energy could not be transferred across it except through a channel or path O, and that, by some
means or other, in this enclosure a medium were maintained which would have little energy, and
that on the outer side of the same there would be the ordinary ambient medium with much energy.
Under these assumptions the energy would flow through the path O, as indicated by the arrow, and
might then be converted on its passage into some other form of energy. The question was, Could
such a condition be attained? Could we produce artificially such a "sink" for the energy of the
ambient medium to flow in? Suppose that an extremely low temperature could be maintained by
some process in a given space; the surrounding medium would then be compelled to give off heat,
which could be converted into mechanical or other form of energy, and utilized. By realizing such a
plan, we should be enabled to get at any point of the globe a continuous supply of energy, day and
night. More than this, reasoning in the abstract, it would seem possible to cause a quick circulation
of the medium, and thus draw the energy at a very rapid rate.
Here, then, was an idea which, if realizable, afforded a happy solution of the problem of getting
energy from the medium. But was it realizable? I convinced myself that it was so in a number of
ways, of which one is the following. As regards heat, we are at a high level, which may be
represented by the surface of a mountain lake considerably above the sea, the level of which may
mark the absolute zero of temperature existing in the interstellar space. Heat, like water, flows from
high to low level, and, consequently, just as we can let the water of the lake run down to the sea, so
we are able to let heat from the earth's surface travel up into the cold region above. Heat, like water,
can perform work in flowing down, and if we had any doubt as to whether we could derive energy
from the medium by means of a thermopile, as before described, it would be dispelled by this
analogue. But can we produce cold in a given portion of the space and cause the heat to flow in
continually? To create such a "sink," or "cold hole," as we might say, in the medium, would be
equivalent to producing in the lake a space either empty or filled with something much lighter than
water. This we could do by placing in the lake a tank, and pumping all the water out of the latter. We
know, then, that the water, if allowed to flow back into the tank, would, theoretically, be able to
perform exactly the same amount of work which was used in pumping it out, but not a bit more.
Consequently nothing could be gained in this double operation of first raising the water and then

letting it fall down. This would mean that it is impossible to create such a sink in the medium. But
let us reflect a moment. Heat, though following certain general laws of mechanics, like a fluid, is
not such; it is energy which may be converted into other forms of energy as it passes from a high to
a low level. To make our mechanical analogy complete and true, we must, therefore, assume that
the water, in its passage into the tank, is converted into something else, which may be taken out of it
without using any, or by using very little, power. For example, if heat be represented in this
analogue by the water of the lake, the oxygen and hydrogen composing the water may illustrate
other forms of energy into which the heat is transformed in passing from hot to cold. If the process
of heat transformation were absolutely perfect, no heat at all would arrive at the low level, since all
of it would be converted into other forms of energy. Corresponding to this ideal case, all the water
flowing into the tank would be decomposed into oxygen and hydrogen before reaching the bottom,
and the result would be that water would continually flow in, and yet the tank would remain entirely
empty, the gases formed escaping. We would thus produce, by expending initially a certain amount
of work to create a sink for the heat or, respectively, the water to flow in, a condition enabling us to
get any amount of energy without further effort. This would be an ideal way of obtaining motive
power. We do not know of any such absolutely perfect process of heat-conversion, and
consequently some heat will generally reach the low level, which means to say, in our mechanical
analogue, that some water will arrive at the bottom of the tank, and a gradual and slow filling of the
latter will take place, necessitating continuous pumping out. But evidently there will be less to
pump out than flows in, or, in other words, less energy will be needed to maintain the initial
condition than is developed by the fall, and this is to say that some energy will be gained from the
medium. What is not converted in flowing down can just be raised up with its own energy, and what
is converted is clear gain. Thus the virtue of the principle I have discovered resides wholly in the
conversion of the energy on the downward flow.

*) red text marked by me


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