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Meeting Type:-- _. _.--... _....Regular Meeting

Date:-_---_____ -Wednesda!,May 23,2018
Time:.__..._.__ .4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Location:--__ Town Manager's Office
Address:..._. .43 Bombardier Road I Milton, VT 05468
Contact_-_-_ -(802) 893-1186 or
Website:--- -

DonTurner lr., Ex-Officio Chair Ann Bradshaw, Ex-Officio B Vice-Chair Tony Micklus, Business Member/Clerk
lamie Parent, Milton Business Association Lou Mossey, Communi$ Member Bob Lombard, Communi$ Member
Michael loseph, Community Member Rich DeSouza, Business Member


1 7. Call to Order & Welcome

2 The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:04 p.m.
4 2. Attendance
5 Members Present:Tony Micklus, Business Member /Clerk; Jamie Parent, Milton Business Association; Lou
6 Mossey, Community Member; Bob Lombard, Community Member
7 Members Absent: Don Turner Jr., Ex-Officio Chair; Ann Bradshaw, Ex-Officio & Vice-Chair; Rich DeSouza,
8 Business Member; Michael Joseph, Business Member
I Staff Present Victor Sinadinoski, Planning Director; Kym Duchesneau, Recreation Director
11 3. Public Forum
12 None.
14 4. Agenda Review
15 The Economic Development Commission agreed to change Business section B to only focus on the Town
16 Plan Survey Results rather than also including the Economic Chapter of Town Plan Edits.
18 5. Staff update
19 Duchesneau shared that the roof and pavilion of the field house are being built. Duchesneau said that
20 colors are being decided and that work is going according to plan. Duchesneau also said that there are
21 plans to have a dog park finished by this fall.
23 Sinadinoski said that the Conservation Commission was approved to replace the Lamoille River Walk
24 Bridge and that work should begin this summer.
26 6. Business
27 (A) Milton Business Survey
28 Sinadinoski said that out of thirty surveys distributed, only three responses have been received so
29 far. Sinadinoski shared a suggestion from the survey that a welcoming gurde be created and
30 distributed to residents to help advertise local businesses.
Milton Economic Development Commission Meeting Agenda

1 Duchesneau said that the events that Milton hosts bring in a lot of traffic based on how they are
2 advertised.
4 Mossey said that Milton should try to be a part of regional activities to help bring new people into
5 the area.
7 Duchesneau said that Milton used to have challenges and game passports that would lead to prizes
8 based on stamps collected but it stopped due to low interest.
10 (B) Economic Development Chapter of Town Plan Edits and Survey Results
11 Sinadinoski shared that Survey #6 and #7 resulted in residents sharing that they want more
12 restaurants in Milton to offer a wider variety of food. Sinadinoski also shared that people of Milton
13 enjoyed a wide variety of attractions when asked about what makes a great town. Sinadinoski said
14 that this information can be used to figure out what is needed in order to develop Milton with the
15 citrzens' interests in mind. Sinadinoski said that he put a flow chart regarding how to start a
16 business in Milton on the Town's website to assist newcomers.
18 (C) Overview of Economic Development Initiatives in Other Vermont Municipalities
19 Sinadinoski researched approximately eight towns to compare how they are pursuing economic
20 development with what Milton is currently doing. Sinadinoski noted that one town does a business
21 of the week and that he would like to make this a part of Milton, though perhaps at a monthly rate
22 instead. Sinadinoski said that branding is a key element in bringing outsiders into Milton.
23 Sinadinoski mentioned that one town does video tours and he believes that this may be beneficial
24 in showing the charm of Milton in a professional way.
26 Micklus suggested that the Town of Milton try to get in touch with Travelocity to promote "Stuff to
27 Do" in Milton to attract visitors to the area.
29 (D) Milton ]ob Bank
30 Sinadinoski said that a job bank is active on the Town website in which companies can ask to put
31 their job openings on the page with contact information in hopes to find potential employees.
32 Sinadinoski suggested adding a separate section for business owners who reside in Milton but hold
33 their business in a nearby town. Sinadinoski also plans to add an intemship and volunteer section
34 to promote non-profit organizations that are seeking help.
36 (E) Next Business Breakfast?
37 The Economic Development Commission decided to discuss this at the next meeting that Don
38 Turner is present.
40 7. Minutes
41 Parent MOVED to APPROVE the minutes of April 25,2018. SECOND by Lombard. Motion APPROVED.
43 8. Adjournment
44 Parent MOVED to ADJOURN the meeting at 5:03 p.m. SECOND by Lombard. Motion APPROVED.
46 Minutes approved by the Commission this day of 2018.

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Milton Economic Development Commission Meeting Agenda

6 Draft filed with day of
8 Filed with the Town Clerk this day of 201.8.

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