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I. At least I still make night wishes…

At nights only,
comes a Horse in my bedroom
and stands in the corner, behind the door,
to laugh at me in his horse-laugh…
this laughing Horse
is not at all funny,
it does not make me smile…
it makes me syck and crazy-
I say my prayers and ask my Angel
to find me some courage
and make me ask the Horse for a race
in which I’ll bet my only soul
in order to…
(if I come out victorious)
… force him cut out his own tongue
to keep myself sound and sane.

II. This is NOT a cruel world

In fact, I am stallion
but I currently do not participate in any horse race,
because It’s been always made clear to me
that I would never win no cup, no medal, no prize, no award,
except for some broken legs as a gift from the Hooven Mob
in the sense: “there you go… buddy!, it’s all fixed now”.

III. A white box of gray

I think that
the Box is White
because they are afraid,
and devastated by the White.
IV. The Gospel according to Timmy
By pancake the careless World was created,
and no one could ever say what was the exact time of its creation;
it’s not like there was an scheduled event taking place at the same time.
And then there were waterfalls pouring down rivers from way above,
where old balconies with rusted chairs and tables keep safe my oldest of breakfasts;
now, dear reader, only blue dogs sit on the chairs with their blue boyfriends.
Sisyphus is… Wait! a! minute! There is no Sisyphus is this World,
no boulder has to be pushed all the way up-and-down the mountain
and no one needs to really understand why is anything happening.
And then the pancake rested, and gave his powers to an invisible orbiting teapot
and the teapot boiled some waterfall water in order to make some sky-flying birds
and some feather-bearing walkers
and some flying fish in the sea
and some airports with lots of airplanes.
But, the teapot managed only to to make some waterfall tea and created
falling Harveys, and falling Franks, and falling Philoctetes; it was gruesome.
But the teapot made its mind, and decided a decision, and said:
“I am invisible, and orbiting, and a teapot, so no one would ever believe that
for all this mess I am the one who bears the legal responsibility.
Because of that, and abiding to the Law of Murphy, I flee thee, careless World,
and I stand fast upon my orbiting trajectory around the Sun and around the Sun,
which by now I have already created. Peace!”
The teapot left and left alone the teacup and the teaspoon, without any instructions of
how to continue.
So they start to think, but they thought to much and the thinking process turned them
into stone.
The World was left all by pancakes company, but the pancake was resting;
then the World out of boredom created a King and a Kingdom of one,
because the King was the Kingdom’s only resident.
So, the King wore his sunglasses and took off to recruit his people.
He did not rest by his beating heart, he did not rest by his horse
From there the wind blows water upon his face,
from here dead leaves fall down and cover him in dirt,
and always the birds try to find a good spot wing-attack and steal his crown.
There are no mornings with any rest, there are no nights with any rest.
Until the end of this road, that led to a lake full of waterfall water.
There were several dozen of people camping in the glade around the lake
and the King asked them if they spoke his language,
but none of them could speak, not even the king,
and that’s why they managed to communicate and they came to an agreement:
he would hire them as his people, and they would be his people.
So they all got prepared for the journey to their new home
but the King lost a portion of his map to a morning hawk
and the only the map could now point was the gift of garage music.
And now all of them were lost and wet due to heavy rains,
and the King felt lonely in this treacherous terrains
where the only thing that could go wrong
was to find no sea but a desert sun, and it did.
So the king spoke to his people like a man of reason
and prepared all of their hearts “ to march like a legion
through the harshness of the desert, because the deserts end,
where there are only ice-creams and a huge shadowy umbrella.”
But the people were tired and all was lost,
until a thousand horses galloped near by
and the people caught them, and tamed them, and rode them to safety,
and all came to the Land of Promise,
and all was nice and safe
because they built a Palace for the King
inside of a square,
inside of a castle,
inside of walls,
inside his realm and kingdom.
The King’s ears were finally pierced by the telephone ringing
through an empty wire,
and then I was born in a basket of hay
I was grey and white with rusted bones
pretty much safe from everything.
My ears were generated ages ago
by dead buildings, dead terraces, dead swings, and dead blackbirds;
all of these friends of mine.

V. The White Knight

“Preparing for War is difficult,
I can never find a rainy cloak in the dark
nor I like this kind of incompetence.
The dead ahead of me are always hidden
(are always hidden until the last moment),
but they are never bothered by the muddy terrain
because they can’t remember how to be cozy.”
A White Knight is preparing her white armor
moments before she finds her cozy muddy bed,
her red cape drops down like a heavy rainstorm,
her cape is even muddier than the terrain.

“After noon,
I opened my eyes
and saw that
There are no trees left in here.”
And yet the White Knight keeps on with herself
and flies away.
“I saw the Sun in his Judicial Robes
hushing down to boys silence.”
The White Knight sat on the ground
and dug a hole in order to bury
a small white wing
because there are no humans today.

“It’s still raining.
There no humans today.
At any moment now this meadow will become green.
The world is a machine
and its fuel is called Catastrophe.
War keeps the best boys for himself.
Can my armor become all the same black?
It’s still raining.”
The White Knight recently passed a Gate,
it was an ancient gate, made of greystone
and it had an eye symbol in the center.
Only… Nobody knows where it leads
and yet nobody tries to find out.

You can never choose whom to love,
but you can always choose who will love you.
‒ Marius’ Principle on Knights

“I always thought that

the flowery boyish love is catastrophic
because it runs out of thrust really fast.
The first time I encountered two male Knights
they were in their arms of each other
with the scent of the sword lasting till dawn;
that was the first time I nearly got killed by green goblins.”
And the rain fell all day until dawn.

“Inside of this cave there is an armored Bear
only by herself and the sums of knight skeletons by her side;
all this metal bravery is dead by daytime.
There is no merit inside this cruel Cave Kingdom of hers,
there is no forgiveness when you are inside a bear cave.”
Try to imagine that the White Knight never fights with animals
she thinks of them of some other level of morality.
“There stands a Polar Bear
she is hidden in the shades and there is no polar bear
and she is ready to capture us by her weight.”
But there is not a Knight in the whole Kingdom that would fight her
there is not a champion, neither in color nor in perfect armor that would fight her.
There is not a White Knight that would fight a Polar Bear,
at least not in any time soon
because the raindrops in the muddy terrain are still fresh.

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