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Building a strong Church through Faith in Jesus Christ beyond 22nd Century era

Head Office : 1187 Mahatshula North, P.O. Box 3095, Bulawayo. Regional office Box 151 Chimanimani
Tel/Cell Phone: 263 716 596 562, 263 777 244 641, Whatsapp 263 713 178 400
“ Truly, Truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone, but if it dies, it bears much
fruit”. (John 12:24)


Reformed Baptist Church United was launched on 4th of March 2019 at Bulawayo, in Mahatshula. The Church is both
Evangelical and Pentecostal in doctrinal affirmation and adheres to orthodox theology. Therefore, it does not bring in a new
teaching into the Christian arena as such, but brings an emphasis approach that is helpful to the needs of the African Christians
today in the midst of high level of hypocrisy in other Churches. In addition to the good teaching already uphold by some
Evangelical and Pentecostal teachings, this Church highlights the issue of covenants in the New Testament and the centrality of
love, forgiveness and peace as pivotal in understanding the message of the entire Scripture. Reformed Baptist Church United is
among those big footprint preaching and congregational perspective in Africa, that is becoming an examplar and an influencer,
a “Church” whose path development in Africa, is taking a proactive agency, by defining a way of doing “Church” in a continent
which had not taken and followed the teaching of Jesus Christ seriously. The result is that for many in Africa and elsewhere
Christian teaching on love, forgiveness and peace has remained a theoretical phenomenon. Today Christianity is growing
numerically and in theoretical in adherence, but continues to decrease in conformity in its teachings against other world
religions. Why as RBCU, we take love, forgiveness and peace as point of departure in understanding the gospel message? This is
an area where a lot of Christians have failed the gospel, especially in Africa. Can one be a true follower of Jesus Christ, a true
Christian without living a life of true love, forgiveness and peace? The answer is obvious not at all. But what do we have today
in our Churches around the the continent of Africa? People who call themselves Christians, go to Church every Sunday, but a lot
go there with full of anger in their hearts and cannot love and forgive those who do them wrong and cannot love their
neighbours as they love themselves and be able to create an environment for peace in their Christian life. This is worse in Africa
where people generally do not show their disappointments about other people. The face of hypocrisy is continuing to grow in
Africa, allowing unGodly people coming to hide in the Church today. Christianity in Africa has been hijacked and run by people
who came to hide in the Church and they are elected into positions through the face of hypocrisy. They really know who are true
Christians in the Church and know how to frustrate and persecute them well through their networks. Most Church leadership in
Africa are in the wrong hands and Churches are suffering spiritually. Even the good work started by many missionaries in this
Country was spoiled by the kind of the Church leadership mentioned above.

God has an answer for every situation. He has raised Reformed Baptist Church United {RBCU} to be “John the Baptist” of our
time. RBCU is calling people back to what they see as the simplicity of faith in Jesus Christ, and promoting a Christian identity
believed to be necessary in our time, yet rooted in eternity. As a Church, RBCU cannot avoid needs - personal, local, global, Christ
like life that seek to be met. So while RBCU does encourages social engagement, couching such work as giving hope to the
suffering, spiritual healing, and healing brokenness, at the same time RBCU believes in interpersonal rather than structural
solutions and pushes toward encouraging conscious decisions to move with God’s help beyond their personal sufferings which
can be either social or demonic covenants. Covenants are binding.

There are many covenants in African society and life, such as tribal, family covenants and individual acquired covenants. These
covenants have become part of people’s interpretation of their existence and bringing Christ in their lives can only take place
when the ties with covenants is truly broken in one’s life. Consciously or unconsciously we see the African Christians saluting
some of these demonic covenants, such as we see in burials, marriage ceremonies and in dealing with different types of
illnesses. What collides with the gospel teaching, especially on love, forgiveness and peace in Africa is not “people” but the
covenants they belong to, hence creating a pseudo Christianity in Africa, when they fail Christ by not living according to the word
of God. God is love (1 John 4:20), therefore, to fail to love is to fail the nature of God Himself and one cannot be of God. It is
disheartening to see that in the world today the message of the gospel has been coloured by people’s interest, cheap
theology,racism, demonic covenants, politics, culture, economics, tradition and customs, status, environment, perception, need
and reason. There is no” free” understanding of the gospel in Africa, and elsewhere where the gospel has not collided with the
message of love, forgiveness and peace on practical sense and reality in one’s life. Today “Christians” are regarded as the
greatest liars in the world, because most Christians uphold the theory of Christian teaching only and find it impossible to live the
message they preach and teach.” Love yourself as your neighbour” (Mtt. 5:43). The teaching of Jesus Christ on love, peace and
forgiveness had become impossible for many Christians, and in their Church uniforms and collars of ordination, they still find it
difficult to live the message of the gospel, apart from the fact that they preach it so well. Sunday after Sunday many pastors
across the provinces of Zimbabwe, lead the congregants on the Lord’s prayer in recitation through the echo of beautiful voices,
but very few of those voices is able to live a life according to the demands of the Lord’s prayer. If people fail the Lord’s prayer in
their lives, what are we then doing every Sunday when we recite it? This is true that in so doing we are sharpening hypocrisy at
its highest level. There are millions of Christians in the world today, but the level of hate, killings, revenge and wars are also
growing at the same rate with Church planting. It is not surprising that some of the Christians are involved in these things
themselves. Tribalism and hatred, Racism , cultural discrimination are demonic and are found in the Church and we find it hard
to love other people as the Bible tells us to do. At RBCU we break the chain. The world has no peace, love and forgiveness,
because Christians have failed in these areas. Reformed Baptist Church brings in hope for true character of a true Christian, free
from demonic influences of such nature. Our teachings and view of the Scripture are truly liberatic and brings true salvation
through Jesus Christ. Love, forgiveness and peace are channels that make it possible for us to connect to God. On the other side
anger, hatred and unloving and unforgiving heart connect us to a world that is without God. We all ask for God’s blessings in our
prayers, but we forget to ask ourselves as to which channel do we belong to? Demonic controlled life has no place in the channel
of love, forgiveness and peace, but it finds home in a channel of anger, hatred, unloving and unforgiving life and the result is
that you have no peace in your heart. When there is no peace in your heart your life has no peace as well no matter how one call
one’s self a pastor or Christian. The old type religion has missed a lot on this. Love is the fuel that makes the gospel engine to
move in your heart, while forgiveness is the oil that lubricates it and avoid friction and stoppage of the engine. Its not easy to
love and to forgive. You need help? Join the RBCU teaching, preaching and prayer and healing sessions and you will have a step
ahead in your life as you understand God much better toward become a true Christian.

God has raise Reformed Baptist Church United to correct the mistakes of the centuries that has became part of the outward and
empty religious system and formalism of our time and that is capable of pleasing man and not God, when they live not
according to the teaching of love, peace and forgiveness. If one loves and forgives, then a covenant of peace and harmony is
created. Then one draws closer to God as God is love. This is the starting point of a Christian journey. Becoming a Christian is not
simple as most people take it. One has to accept Christ willingly and then freed from the world demonic bondage of either
tribalism, racism, witchcraft covenants, prostitution, hatred, gossiping, injustice, cultural worshipers, pride, hypocrisy etc. These
ares are powered in one’s life by demonic covenants. If these areas are not eradicated in the life of a Christian, then the message
of the gospel will not find its place in a person’s life. For the seat where the gospel sits in a person’s life is love. If love is not
there, something else is there and one cannot be a Christian by conformity, but by name and becomes a liar. A life without the
love of Christ is the life that is full of demonic powered stress resulting in some illnesses that is spiritual eradicable, hence
torment people day and night toward spiritual poverty and physical hopelessness and bondage


This is how God’s work starts. Small, but very

determined people who truly seek God’s way

The process of conversion into membership for RBCU is similar within the evangelical Baptist Churches, except for deliverance
from demonic forces as stated above to produce a true believer in the true sense, who is honest to live a life of Christ like life of
love, peace and forgiveness, thereby forming the back born of our Christian faith and practice. A member of our Church is
expected to be faithful in love, peace and forgiveness, thereby portraying a society for Christ’s true believers in all walks of life
as required by RBCU Constitution. They are also freed from demonic forces which collide with the Christian message and oppose
the God given human life on earth . The result is that they enjoy the love, forgiveness and peaceful fellowship with Christ, fellow
humans and believers and with their families for the glory of God. This will create a peaceful, home, Church, Society and world.
Come and join the exciting and growing happy family of the Reformed Baptist Church United members in your area. Should you
want to start a RBCU Fellowship in your area, you can contact us and a team will come and train you.

Pastor Mukoyi and Mrs Mukoyi (RBCU Founding members)


Pastor L. Deo Mukoyi and Mrs. T. Mukoyi are the Founders of RBCU as led by our Almighty God. It took him more that 35 years
to get to this calling by the Lord Himself. Born in the hilly land of Biriiri in the Eastern Highlands, He was parented at a tender
age by missionaries from the Africa Evangelical Fellowship {AEF). He became a born again believer at a very young age in the
Baptist Church, uniquely, and led by the Holy Spirit, he excelled in many activities of the Church and Christian work. His call as a
pastor was easily identified by missionaries and other Christians in the Church, and was sent to Bible School to train as a pastor
where he graduated with a B.Th. degree and proceeded to University of the Western Cape, in SA for further studies, and
graduated in 1996 with a B.Th. He was involved in the following Church ministries: Church Pastor, Bible
Correspondence Director (ZMBC), Rehabilitative counselling co-ordinator for Ex offenders after care Christian Ministry (Second
Chance), Alpha Ministries co-ordinator for Alpha Courses(Alpha Zimbabwe), Church planting and Assistant Pastor (Harrisval
Baptist Fellowship) and Bible College lecturer (Rusitu Bible College). He has also carried out independent researches in areas of
primary causes of high rate of crime in a punitive justice system, sympathy or evangelism which way for Churches in prison
ministry in Zimbabwe and evangelize or civilize: which way for the Christian mission in Southern Rhodesia. In all these years the
approval of the Lord on Pastor Mukoyi’s calling was not difficult to see. Reformed Baptist Church United, marks a significant
God’s leading on Pastor Mukoyi’s obedience for the Lord’s calling in this work. He is full of the Lord’s leading in his service for
God. He has a special and outstanding gift of discernment that others have equated to special prophecy.


For many people its a matter of asking questions like “How, Where, Why, Which, and What” with regard to where God has
placed me in His work. For me my testimony has answered all these questions as I do now understand what God is doing in my
ministry life for Him.

When I was born my father was not a believer in Christ, while on the other hand my mother was a devoted one. My mother
realized that there was some thing unusual in me that was not so obvious in any of her children. When I dream my dreams come
to pass even when I was a little boy. She gave me a second name from the Bible and taught me how to pray and fast most of the
time. It did not end with my mother. A white missionary wife by the name Mrs. Judson Merrit and Gracious Mandidzidze, the
Junior Church teacher, at Biriiri Mission School, asked to have a meeting with me after the service one Sunday. I thought there
were a lot sweets coming on my way. To my surprise a lot of questions were asked about my life and they requested to meet
with my parents. These meetings marked the road of my Christian calling to God’s work up to where I am today. At the pick of
the war, I was moved to stay with a missionary family in Chimanimani, who had just moved from Rusitu mission. I was in grade
four during that time. In the years that followed many missionaries and Christians, who happened to have a discussion with me
were convinced that Bible training would probably enhance my calling for God’s work. In 1988 I found myself in Bible College as
a young man.

Going to Bible College was not my life dream, even though I would see and feel God’s presence in the shaping of this direction
against my desire. Upon graduation and assigned to a congregation, then my battle began. When I stood up to preach, the
progression of my sermon was interrupted by visions coming to me that have to do with some Church members situations
needing help. I was so scared to talk about this as I was so young by then. I then decided to leave the pulpit ministry for a Bible
correspondence ministry, where I could not stand in front of people. And later I got involved in many other Christian ministries
that had less of pulpit involvement. I returned to the Church in 2016 as a Bible lecturer, with some preaching assignments to the
local main Church and College Chapel. Now this time I was even in more trouble than ever before. When I stood up to preach
God gave me visions of some of the congregants’ problems and joys for some. At each time I could hardly follow my preaching
notes as I will be seeing these things. I did pray for some of them as God would have asked me to do. Some in sickness, some in
broken relationships and some in serious demonic covenant ritual bondage. Then The Church leadership asked me to assume
responsibility as a local pastor at the main local Church first time, I declined. End of 2018 I was asked to take that same
responsibility again then I declined again. Why declining is the obvious questions that was raised by my students and some
congregants. This was not the right time as it would mean that I was to introduce a new approach in the Church.

This local Church is built on the sacred ground. Sacred because those who laid the stone for this Church asked God to do so in
prayer and God allowed them to do so that many will come to know God through it. There is a lot that Christians around this
area do not understand in area of the covenantic shine demands of the ancient times which God had revealed to the pioneer
Christians in this area. Get me correct here. I am not a prophet in the sense people understand the word, but in the process of
worshiping God together its entirely up to God to reveal a healing message for some body’s life needs or ask me to pray for
them without them knowing about it. This type of prophecy does not start with anyone else, but it starts with a person when one
invite God and connect one’s heart to God with God’s word. If one go to someone and ask her/him to prophesy then be careful
for we do not control God, but God controls us as we remain faithful vessels for Him.

Pastor Mukoyi and his workmate during Youth Alpha

Training session in Bulawayo

Pastor Mukoyi is assisted by other pastors who are joining the vision. Reformed Baptist Church United treats female pastoral
role as equal to male pastors role. Therefore, if you are a female and you believe God has called you to join our Church come this
is a place you can make a difference. You can join our basic orientation training for RBCU pastors for on part time bases in
foundation Courses that includes , Pastoral Care, Peace building one, Bible study methods, Relief and Development and more
many more.


Sincere worshiping is always an element that pastor Mukoyi

Encourages the worshippers to adhere to during service time
“Search your hearts for God’s love, forgiveness and peace”
Youth Choir in worship is the hope for this generation Women Choir in worship is the pillar for worship

Reformed Baptist Church United encourages the involvement of youth and women in Church activities for the glory of God. We admire what other
Churches do in this area.

MIDWEEK BIBLE STUDY 19:00 pm to 20:00 PM On Friday

Bible study and teaching is indeed an area that is God given for
Pastor Mukoyi. His sessions are exciting and spiritual rich.

You are all invited come and experience the liberating power of the gospel of our Lord, Jesus Christ, through our Bible study
sessions and Sunday services. THANK YOU

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