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This chapter shows and illustrates some related systems that were utilized to

provide the developers necessary knowledge and background for conceptualizing the

design and implementation of the project. This will also present the technical

background and the definition of terms for better comprehension of the study.

Technical Background

In a software development life cycle, different software is used to help the

developers so that they will be able to produce high-quality software. For developing the

project, the developers will integrate different technologies that will be used in the

development of the project.

JavaScript. Like Java, this is a programming language designed by Sun

Microsystems, in conjunction with Netscape, which can be integrated into standard

HTML pages. While JavaScript is based on the Java syntax, it is a scripting language,

and therefore cannot be used to create stand-alone programs. Instead, it is used mainly

to create dynamic, interactive Web pages.

JavaScript will be used to create animations that will add beauty to the website. It

will also be used for other computations necessary to improve the web portal.

PHP. PHP stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. It is a well-known

programming language which is usually used for web development and to develop

dynamic web pages. Hypertext pertains to files linked together using hyperlinks, such as

HTML files.

The developers will use PHP codes on HTML for web processes. It will also have

an important role in the system because almost all the processes on the database will

be executed using PHP codes. One more huge advantage that PHP offers is its

community. PHP will be used to access the database that contains the records of the


MySQL. MySQL is an open source relational database management system. It is

based on the structure query language (SQL) which is used for adding, removing, and

modifying information in the database. It acts as a server providing multi-user access to

a number of databases. It has a good quality like scalability and flexibility. It has strong

data protection which provides powerful mechanism to make sure only authorized users

have an entry to the database server.

MySQL is used not only because it is easy to use and free or open source but it is

secured and fast. Passwords are encrypted and privileges to individuals can set.

Developers need database which retrieve and run fast to avoid delay for retrieving data

that is why MySQL is used.

Apache. Also known as Apache HTTP Server is the most popular Web server

software. It enables a computer to host one or more websites that can be accessed

over the Internet using a Web browser.

It is used because it is very robust, meaning it can handle large volumes of traffic

on a single server. Apache can also serve many different kinds of content with minimal

configuration. It scales really well. So the same course offer can serve tiny static sites

for the couple requests an hour to large enterprise applications with hundreds

of thousands if not millions of hits per day. The fact that it's free to use is also positively

contributed to its adoption. Apache is a highly modular system meaning that

functionality can be easily added to the core application.

Related Systems

Foreign Studies

Chingos, M. And Schwerd, G showed a statistics of students engagement in

Florida Virtual School (FLVS). Florida Virtual School is the state wide Internet-based

public high school in the United States. Florida Virtual School deals with education

virtually using social networks like – online blog, email, virtual chat system, audio, video

and tutorial based learning. In 2012- 2013, 30 states had multi-district, fully online

schools with enrolment of about 310,000 students, and 26 states had state virtual

schools with over 740,000 course enrolments [1].

An online teaching and learning portal named Coursera is a non-profit

educational organization founded by computer science professors Ng, A and Koller, D

from Stanford University that deals with massive open online courses (MOOC).

Generally it works with cooperation of different Universities to make some of their

courses which are available in online classroom. As the latest report in October 2014,

Coursera has 10 million users in 839 courses from 114 institutions [2].

CJ online classroom is the first ever online LIVE classroom in Bangladesh

developed by a large IT Magazine company ‘Computer Jagat’[3]. Computer Jagat(CJ)

classroom is live for all that allows online live classes with live classroom of different

kinds of options. This online classroom is using live streaming as a form of teaching it is

also using a tracking method that can help the professor’s monitor the progress of the


Piccoli, G., Ahmed, R. and Levs, B.developed a model for an effective virtual

learning environment (VLE) in the context of basic information technology skill training

by providing an online activities, online teaching and forums [4].

Liu, J., Wang, J. And Gu, N. illustrates a virtual classroom with three-layer

client/server architecture integrating some supported tools, exams, cooperative

mechanism, activities and a real-time learning mode based on synchronization [5].

This mentioned systems are related to the developed system because of the

similarities of functions such online teaching using videos, online activities, online

exams and tracking the students progress which will be featured in the developed


Local Studies

Content Based E-Learning for SRG Nursing Review by Flores, Lagman and

Vergara (2010) supports the nursing students for review on NLE and as well as the

students inaccessible to review centers. It provides materials to be access anytime

through internet which it can guide students for their review. The system provides fast

and easy way to use digital technologies as well as the strategies to help the student to

use their learning in actual examination [6].

This said system is related to the developed study since it will also provide

materials for the students to access anytime through internet.

E-Learning on Network Management was designed by Firme and Reyes (2010)

to create an environment in which users will have the capability of using technological

tools such as the computer to learn a particular subject matter, particularly network

management of their very own convenience [7].

This said system is related to the developed study since it will also have the

capability of using technological tools such as computer.

The system developed by Baguio, Bigay and Cabusay (2013) Implementation of

Project Management using Virtual Office generates project management software that

provide and design in a real time web based application. It also provides a virtual

workplace among the employees that resides in different location to interact using the

system features [8].

HP Unix Fundamentals E-Learning with Simulator developed by Medallon,

Meneses and Ocastro (2011) aims to help the students to simulate, be familiar and

more knowledgeable about the Unix Fundamental commands without connecting to the

server. It provides simulator, interactive laboratory, assessment examination and

progress tracking that will be able to show all previous results of the students. The

instructor on the other hand would be able to review student’s progress upon

completion of their assessment exams [9].

This said system is related to the developed study since it will also provides

examination and progress tracking that will be able to show the progress upon the

completion of the exams of the students.

Furthermore, the system E-Learning Review on National Secondary Assessment

Test (NSAT) and College Entrance Test developed by Bayunda, Guarin and Vela (2011)

provides a fast and effective way to use digital technologies to deliver needed

knowledge. Provide reviewer that is technologically inclined [10].

This said system is related to the developed study since it will also provide a fast

and effective way to use digital technologies.

An Intranet based E-Learning System for Morrison Ridge Academy making an

advance and modernized school lecture and quizzes/exams materials to be uploaded to

an official database. The study aims to improve the existing learning method of the

Morrison Ridge Academy to engage its students to informative computer activities. [11].


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