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Project York

Workstream Project Plan

Milestone / %
Project Unique ID NEW Project Milestone/Activity Description Milestone Status Planned Start Date Planned End Date Planned Duration TR/F&R/Joint
Activity ID Complete

Status of the
Naming Convention: activity/milestones
P-Workstream-Project-ID On-Track : Activties expected
E.g., IAM-Project Name- to meet due date
Milestones Number of days from
001 or Name of Project (e.g. At-Risk : Activities has
denoted by start to (end or if
Treasury-Project Name-005 Policies and Estimated potential risk to due date ;
1.0, 2.0, delayed, to delayed Who is primarily
Procedures) Flag if this is percent mitigation plans in place Enter planned start Enter planned end
etc. Description of Milestone or Task end date responsible for this
Highly recommended to a Milestone completion Off-Track : Activities will not date YYYY/MM/DD date YYYY/MM/DD
Activities activity?
use the same Project (Value calculated of activity meet due date; mitigation
within (Value calculated
Unique ID used across rest automatically) plans and daily review in
milestone automatically)
of workbook (Blueprint and place
s are then
Project Prioritization tabs) Complete : Activities resolved
1.2, 1.3,
to maintain consistency Not Started : Activities not

KPI Development 1.0 KPIs developed and definitions agreed upon by stakeholders 2018/03/26 2018/05/01 36 News / F&R
Detailed definitions of KPIs covered by the News Agreement developed and
KPI Development 1.1 2018/03/06 2018/04/07 32 News / F&R
P-NewsAg-KPIs-001 communicated to relevant stakeholders
Sign off received from all relevant stakeholders across News and F&R on KPI
KPI Development 1.2 2018/04/07 2018/04/22 15 News / F&R
P-NewsAg-KPIs-001 definitions
KPI Development 2.0 Processes to track KPIs established 2018/03/26 2018/06/01 67 News / F&R
Process flow for capturing KPIs mapped (including technology elements -
KPI Development 2.1 2018/03/06 2018/04/15 40 News / F&R
P-NewsAg-KPIs-001 Database, Dataceters etc.) and documented
KPI Development 2.2 Policies on frequency of KPI measurment established 2018/03/06 2018/04/01 26 News / F&R
Storage and archival policies for KPIs designed in collaboration with Technology
KPI Development 2.3 2018/03/06 2018/04/01 26 News / F&R
P-NewsAg-KPIs-001 team
KPI Development 2.4 Roles and responsibilities for KPI tracking process defined and communicated 2018/03/20 2018/04/15 26 News / F&R
Dashboard to track and present KPIs to relevant stakeholders (e.g., Partnership
KPI Development 2.5 2018/05/01 2018/05/15 14 News / F&R
P-NewsAg-KPIs-001 Council) developed
All key policies and developed materials circulated to relevant stakeholders and
KPI Development 2.6 2018/04/15 2018/04/25 10 News / F&R
P-NewsAg-KPIs-001 received inputs incorporated
Successful pre-Day 1 test run of KPI tracking performed and potential issues
KPI Development 2.7 2018/04/25 2018/06/01 37 News / F&R
P-NewsAg-KPIs-001 identified and resolved

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