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TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………
1.1 Background…………………………………………………..
1.2. Formulation of Problems ……………………………………………….
1.3. Purpose ……………………………………………………………
2.4. Youth Phases ………………………………………………
3.1. Conclusion……………………………………………………..

A. Background Problems
Social development is the achievement of maturity in social relations. It can also be interpreted as a learning
process to adjust to group norms, morals, and traditions; merge into a unity and communicate with each
other and work together. Teenagers are the level of development of children who have reached the level of
adulthood. Humans as social beings, always in touch with other humans in society. Social beings are beings
who need each other and depend on other creatures. Socialization is basically a process of adjusting to social
life, namely how one should live in his group, both in the primary group (family) in the secondary group
Characteristics of social development such as the development of awareness of silence and encouragement
of association, the effort to choose social values, increased interest in the opposite sex, began to tend to
choose a particular career. Factors that influence social development are family factors, maturity, socio-
economic status, education, and mental capacity. The role of adolescent social development is the role of
society, environment and family.

B. Formulation of Problems
1. What are social developments in adolescence?
2. How are the characteristics of social development in adolescence?
3. What are the factors that influence social development?
4. How are the implications of social development in adolescence in education?

C. Objectives and Benefits of Discussion

1. To know social development in adolescence.
2. To find out the characteristics of social development in adolescence.
3. To find out the factors that influence social development.
4. To find out the development implications


The ability of individual social relationships to develop because of the urge to curiosity about
everything that is in the world around it. In its development, each individual wants to know how to make
good and safe relationships with the surrounding world, both physical and social. Social relations can be
interpreted as ways individuals react to the people around him and how the influence of that relationship on
him. In this social relationship, it also involves adjusting to the environment, such as eating and drinking
alone, dressing alone, obeying regulations, building joint commitments in groups or organizations, and the
Social relations have a huge influence on individual behavior. Individual social relations starting from the
individual's birth, the baby's relationship with the people around him, especially the mother, have very
important meanings. This relationship is most felt in its warmth and then it becomes a very deep experience
of social relations through mother's touch to the baby's child, especially when breastfeeding. This mother's
love has a big influence on the future development of the child's soul.


Thibaut and Kelly (1979), who are experts in interaction theory, define interaction as an event that influences
each other when two or more people are present together, they create one result from each other, or
communicate with each other. So in each case the interaction of each person's actions aims to influence other
individuals. Chaplin defines that interaction is a natural social relationship between individuals in which
individuals influence each other simultaneously.

The Homans define interaction as an event where an activity or sentiment carried out by someone against
another individual is rewarded or punished by using an activity or sentiment by another individual who
becomes his partner.


In every interaction it always implies the existence of interpersonal communication. Likewise, vice versa,
every interpersonal communication always contains interactions. It is difficult to separate between the two.
On that basis, there are at least three types, namely:

Verbal interaction
Verbal interaction is an interaction that occurs when 2 or more people make contact with one another using
articulation tools or conversation. The process occurs in the form of exchanging one another's conversations.

Physical interaction
Physical interaction is an interaction that occurs when two or more people make contact using body
languages. For example: facial expressions, body position, body movements, and contact.

Emotional interaction
Interactions that occur when individuals make contact with each other by doing a feeling.
In addition to the types above, the type of interaction can be distinguished based on the number of
individuals involved in the interaction process and the pattern of interactions that occur, on that basis, then
there are two types of interactions, namely:

Dyadic interaction
Dyadic interaction occurs when there are only two people involved in it or more than two people but the
direction of interaction only occurs in two directions.

Tryadic interaction
Tryadic interactions occur when more than two individuals are involved and the interaction patterns spread to
all individuals involved.


Teenagers in the original language are called adolescence, derived from the adolescere language which
means "to grow or grow to reach maturity". Further developments, the term adolescence actually has
meaning including mental, emotional, social, and physical maturity (Hurlock, 1991). This view is supported by
Piaget (Hurlock, 1991) who states that psychologically adolescents are an age where children do not feel
below the older level, but feel the same or least equal.
In addition, adolescents have uniqueness that lies in each individual. It seems clear that teenagers from the
same family show differences in body size, intelligence, interests and social traits. Teenagers from one social
class are different from teenagers from other classes in their attitudes and ideals. In short, some of the
uniqueness of teenagers lies in their individuality not in their teenage years.
The characteristics or characteristics of adolescents include:
1. Sexual development
2. Overflowing emotions
3. Start to be attracted to the opposite sex
4. Anxiety
5. Conflict
6. Group activities
7. The desire to try everything

Characteristics of Development in Adolescents

a. Physical development
Adolescence is one of the two life spans of individuals in which very rapid physical growth occurs. The first
period occurs in the prenatal and infant phases. Certain body parts in the early years of life are proportionally
too small, but in adolescence the proportions become too large, because they first reach maturity rather than
other parts. The most obvious thing is on the nose, legs and arms. In late adolescence the proportion of the
individual body reaches the proportion of the adult body in all its parts.
In the development of teen sexuality, it is characterized by two characteristics, namely as follows:
a) Characteristics of primary sex
1. In young men marked by very rapid testicular growth. After the testicles begin to grow and the penis
becomes long, the seminal vessels and prostate gland become larger. The maturation of the sex organs,
allows young men (around the age of 14-15 years) to experience "wet dreams".
2. In young women the maturity of their sexual organs is marked by the growth of the uterus, vagina and
ovary (ovary). The ovary produces eggs and secretes hormones released for pregnancy, menstruation. At this
time around the age of 11-15 years young women experience the first menstruation.
b) Secondary sex characteristics
1. Woman: Growing hair or fur around the pubic and armpit, increasing breasts, increasing hip size.
2. Men: Grow hair or hair around the genitals and armpits, there is a change in sound, growing mustache,
growing Adam's apple.
b. Cognitive (intellectual) development
At the age of 12-20 years the process of brain growth reaches perfection. At the age of 16, the brain weighs as
much as an adult. In adolescence there is a reorganization of the nerve circle Lobe frontal which functions as
a high level cognitive activity, namely the ability to formulate strategic planning or make decisions. Lobe
frontal develops until the age of 20 years is more and very influential on the intellectual abilities of
adolescents, as well as children aged 12 years even though intellectually the teenager is gifted but not yet
c. Emotional development
In adolescence is the peak of emotionality that is high emotional development. Physical growth and sexual
organs that influence the development of emotions or feelings and new impulses experienced before such
feelings of love, longing and the desire to be more intimate acquaintance with the opposite sex. In early
adolescents the development of emotions shows a sensitive and reactive nature of events or social situations,
emotions are negative and temperamental. While the final teenager is able to control their emotions.

d. Social Development
In adolescence developed "social cognition" which is the ability to understand other people. Adolescents
understand other people as unique individuals, both concerning personal traits of interest in values and
feelings. His understanding, encourages teens to establish social relations that are more familiar with peers,
both through friendship and romance. In a friendship relationship, teenagers choose friends who have
relatively the same psychological qualities as themselves, both concerning interests, attitudes, values and
personality. At this time also adolescents tend to follow opinions, opinions, values, habits, hobbies and also
the wishes of others.
e. Moral Development
At this time there is an urge to do things that are considered good by others. The diversity of the moral level
of adolescents is caused by various determining factors. One of the influences is parents.

f. Personality Development
Personality traits reflect physical, sexual, emotional, social, cognitive development and values. In adolescence
the most important for the development and integration of personality. New factors and experiences that
appear to be the occurrence of personality changes in the future include adolescents:
a. Obtaining physical growth that resembles adulthood.
b. Sexual maturity accompanied by new impulses and emotions.
c. Self-awareness, the desire to direct yourself and self-evaluation again about standards (norms), goals and
d. The need for heterosexual friendship, making friends with men and women.

Adolescence is a time of developing identity. The development of "identity" is a central issue in adolescence
which provides a basis for adulthood. Erikson believes that the development of identity in adolescence is
closely related to commitment to future occupation.
In collaborating with Erikson's theory of the identity of adolescents, James Marcia et al. Find out that there
are four alternatives for adolescents to test themselves and their choices as follows.
a. Identity Achievement, which means that after a teenager understands realistic choices, he must make
choices and behave according to his choices.
b. Identity Foreclosure, accept parents' choices without considering their choices.
c. Identity Diffusion which means confusion about who he is and what he wants in his life.
d. Moratorium, delays in adolescent commitment to personal or occupational aspects of choice. In this case
Erikson realized that adolescents in complex societies experienced identity crises or periods of moratorium
and temporary confusion.
g. Development of Religious Awareness
To obtain clarity about adolescent religious awareness can be listened to as follows:
a. Early adolescence (around the age of 13-16 years)
At this time belief in God is sometimes very strong, but sometimes it is greatly reduced. This can be seen in
the way of worship, sometimes diligent sometimes also lazy. This shock in diversity arises because of internal
and external factors.

Internal factors such as the maturation of sex organs that encourage to meet these needs, but on the other
hand are prohibited by religion. The other is psychological, namely an independent attitude, a desire to be
free, not willing to be bound by family norms. Edang relates to the development of culture in society, which is
not often in conflict with religious values such as the circulation of films and pornographic photographs,
alcoholic drinks, marijuana or illegal drugs.
If lack of religious guidance in the family can be a trigger for the development of adolescent attitudes and
behaviors that are not good such as promiscuity (free sex), drinking, drinking marijuana and becoming a
trouble maker in society.

b. Late adolescence (17-21 years)

Psychologically, this period is the beginning of adulthood, his emotions begin to stabilize and his thinking is
critical. In religious life, adolescents have begun to involve themselves in religious activities and can
distinguish religion as teachings with humans as adherents of whom there are those who are righteous and

Youth Phases
1. Pueral phase
Pueral, from the word "puer" means big child. Puerperal is the end of school age. Puer is a child who does not
like being treated as a child but he is not yet an adult group.
Physical development: there is not much we know about this physical development because puerperals are
experienced in a short time. Boys feel that their bodies are getting stronger than they were in the past. The
increase in strength was followed by signs of being bolder, happy to be together, like to disturb others, cause
disputes and fights. Most of the traits seen in boys are not very clearly seen in girls. A privilege for girls is that
they like to laugh loudly and happily.

Psychic development:
a. Pueral wants to be given the opportunity to express their own opinions. He does not want to always be
treated as a child. They like to trigger their feelings, if they are deemed necessary to rebel but cannot be said
to oppose the authority of their parents or teachers. Immediately after the incident they usually want peace
b. They consider the power of parents as a matter of course, provided that parents act wisely. They need
leaders who are honest, assertive and whose actions do not offend their sense of pride.
c. A teacher who is good in his attitude is obeyed because puzzles are critical, not just accepting everything.
Bad deeds are seen as bad because they are detrimental to themselves, not because they are indeed bad.

In pueral the feeling of self-esteem gets stronger, courage crosses the line, likes to brag, often acts
disrespectful, and likes to experience extraordinary things.

2. Prepubertal Phase
Actually prepubertal is still included in the transition period. This period is experienced by girls is shorter than
the duration experienced by boys. Both types gradually release themselves from their parents' ties to enable
them to act and think more freely. Suppose they cannot break away from that attachment and feel that their
independence is threatened, there is a possibility that they will rebel or at least do not want to follow the
order, not submit to the rules. When it comes to opposing parents and their environment, this can be difficult
for teachers to carry out their duties.

In connection with the above attitude, Oswald Kroh mentions it "the period of opposition". The arrival of this
period is accompanied by symptoms such as being easily affected by his friends, his activities tend to damage
the situation, likes to disturb public order, act as he pleases, often acts disrespectful, likes to do things that are
contrary to habit, likes to criticize but himself haven't been able to do better.

Negative Period: Hetzer and Bartling have researched about this negative period. In this period psychiatric
changes are very difficult to study objectively because their feelings are very stunned and their behavior is
very passive. To get clear information, research should be conducted with systematic observation. Among the
characteristics that appear at negative times include:

a. Ability to work decreases.

b. His obligations and hobbies are often ignored.
c. Feeling anxious and unhappy about the environment.
d. They are arrogant, besides still showing their weaknesses.

In negative times there is easy moral violation, especially for those whose education is not good and their
environment does not contribute to preventing the unfavorable situation. In these circumstances they need
guidance in order to understand their situation and behavior. Charlotte Buhler described the pre-puberty
situation with the words: "I am very sad, but I don't know why."
The Period of Missing Puja: In the prepubertal period there is a feeling of longing for the puja. Merindu puja is
not only directed at humans, but also to abstract things that are very much admired like beauty of nature,
kindness, and beauty. In this case there is clearly a physical element because the reaction to the environment
is generally psychophysical. Besides that, there are also aspects of lust, namely wanting to find satisfaction
and joy, but that desire is not derived from psychological motives. If we describe it in words, longing for the
puja to experience the process as follows:
a. A person is worshiped because of his form, birth characteristics, and inner qualities.
b. The idol is based on cultural values supported by the individual himself, for example a leader, a character,
an actor, and so on.

Youth in the original language called adolescence, comes from the adolescere language which means "to
grow or grow to reach maturity". Whereas in Piaget's view, adolescence is the age at which individuals
integrate with adult societies, the age at which children no longer feel below the level of older people, but at
the same level, at least in matters of rights.

Anonymous. accessed

1/3/2014 at 13.30

Asrori, Muhammad. 2005. Student Development. Malang: Wineka Media

Sunarto and B. Agung Hartono. 2013. Student Development. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta

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