2019 Year of The Youth Pilgrimage of The National Youth Cross and Relic of St. John Paul II

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Episcopal Commission on Youth

Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines
During this 2019 Year of the Youth, the nationwide pilgrimage of the National Youth
Cross and the Relic of St. John Paul II hopes to bring God’s love to the young, who are
His BELOVED sons and daughters. GIFTED with many blessings, they are EMPOWERED
by the Father to actively respond to the call of MISSION.

This nationwide pilgrimage also endeavors to be a meaningful moment for the Church,
in her various levels, to gather entire Church communities and pray with and for
young people.

The Episcopal Commission on Youth (ECY) of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the
Philippines (CBCP) shares this document to guide the youth ministries within its
network of dioceses and of the Federation of National Youth Organizations (FNYO) in
organizing the pilgrimage.

These diocesan youth ministries and FNYO member-organizations are highly

encouraged to let this pilgrimage reach and transform more young souls, especially
those currently unreached by our existing efforts and those in the peripheries—
everyone who hungers and thirsts for Christ in their lives.


The National Youth Cross is the first Cross ever created for the Philippine Catholic
youth ministry. The ECY, during its 25th anniversary in 2011, came up with a Cross
which embarked on a pilgrimage all over the Philippines.

The Cross is made of tanguile wood. Tanguile, also known as Philippine mahogany, is
a type of hardwood, but shrinks and swells to a greater extent when exposed to
moisture. It is stringier, and frays or splinters when crosscut. Also, it is not advisable
to expose it to changes in humidity and to extreme heat.

On the Cross, the images and figures on the surface were hand painted; they are
youthful in style and color, and the persons garbed in Filipino get-up.

The vertical part of the Cross depicts the scenes of the story of the Road to Emmaus
[Lk 24:13-35], a Gospel story which serves as the icon of youth ministry here in the
From the bottom going upward
+ The two disheartened disciples meet Jesus, who listens to them
+ Jesus explains the Word of God
+ Jesus leads them in the breaking of the Bread
+ The two disciples return to Jerusalem, afire for the mission

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The horizontal part shows fourteen different faces of young people: a student, a
Maranao, a nurse, a hip-hop youth, a call center agent, a doctor, an out-of-school
young lady, a guitarist, a catechist, a businessman, a varsity player, a soldier, a
farmer and an Igorot. They also represent the fourteen Regional Youth Coordinating
Councils in Philippine Catholic youth ministry: Northern Luzon, Central Luzon,
National Capital, Southern Tagalog, Bicol, Central-Eastern Visayas, Western Visayas,
the five sub-regions in Mindanao-Sulu, i.e. Cabustam, Daditama, Dopim, Kidmaco and
Zambasuli, the Military Ordinariate, and the Federation of National Youth

Thus, the National Youth Cross represents Filipino youth and Catholic youth ministry
in the Philippines, accompanied by the Lord Jesus in His Paschal mysteries.


For the 2019 pilgrimage of the National Youth Cross, it will be accompanied by the
relic of St. John Paul II.

This relic of St. John Paul II is a portion of his own blood contained in a vial. This
blood was extracted in an emergency procedure while he was still alive. It was mixed
with an anticoagulant; thus, it remains in its liquefied form.

St. John Paul II is one of the contemporary saints who is not only well-known, but also
greatly loved especially by the young. Having made 104 apostolic journeys around the
world, he lived his pontificate in dedication and commitment to pastor the Catholic
faithful towards fullness of life in Christ.

He is known as the Pope who embraced the gift of young people to the Church. He
instituted the celebration of the World Youth Day to attract more youth to live and
deepen their Christian faith. St. John Paul II never failed to show his faith in, hope
and love for the youth. Thus, he is regarded not only as patron of the World Youth
Day but also a saint for young people.

2019 Year of the Youth – Pilgrimage of the National Youth Cross and Relic of St. John Paul II – page 3
The Pilgrimage of the National Youth Cross aims to:

1. gather the community for a time of prayer, encountering Jesus through the
presence of the National Youth Cross and experiencing ecclesial communion
through the intercession of St. John Paul II;
2. be an occasion to reflect on the theme of the 2019 Year of the Youth, and commit
to live the spirit of this year, especially to those who are least, lost and last; and
3. celebrate faith and communion, focusing on the gift of presence of the Filipino
youth to the Church and society.


Feb 13 Launch of the Pilgrimage
Send-off for the National Youth Cross and Relic
Venue: CBCP Chapel

Feb 13 - Mar 13 Pilgrimage within the Central Luzon Region

Mar 13 - May 03 Pilgrimage within the Central-Eastern Visayas Region

(Apr 23-28 National Youth Cross in the NYD2019Cebu)

May 03 - May 26 Pilgrimage within the Western Visayas Region

May 26 - July 15 Pilgrimage within the Mindanao-Sulu Pastoral Conference

July 15 - Aug 10 Pilgrimage within the Bicol Region

Aug 10 - Aug 31 Pilgrimage within the Military Ordinariate

Sep 01 - Sep 25 Pilgrimage within the Northern Luzon Region

Sep 25 - Oct 20 Pilgrimage within the Federation of National Youth Organizations

Oct 20 - Nov 15 Pilgrimage within the Southern Tagalog Region

Oct 15 - Nov 20 Pilgrimage within the National Capital Region

Nov 20 End of the nationwide pilgrimage

Relic is returned to the Diocese of Balanga
National Youth Cross returns to the CBCP Chapel

2019 Year of the Youth – Pilgrimage of the National Youth Cross and Relic of St. John Paul II – page 4
The following activities and initiatives are proposed for implementation and
celebration during the stay of the National Youth Cross and the Relic of St. John Paul
II in a particular venue. Most of the elements were patterned from the program
prepared by the National Youth Cross Pilgrimage Team for the Pilgrimage of the
National Youth Cross during the Year of the Youth in 2011.

I. Opening Liturgy

On the reception of the Cross and Relic:

+ In the presence of the bishop/ parish priest
+ Festive reception by the entire community: with the youth, families, youth
ministers, adult leaders (clergy, religious and lay)
+ Solemn enthronement of the Cross and Relic
+ As conclusion: Prayer for the 2019 Year of the Youth

Other creative ways of welcoming and receiving the Cross and the Relic are

II. Orientation on the 2019 Year of the Youth

It is important to orient the community about the 2019 Year of the Youth, e.g.
through a 30-minute orientation with the following contents:
+ “What is the 2019 Year of the Youth?”, either through an AVP or other creative
and youthful media
+ Presentation of the activities and initiatives of the diocese/ organization to
mark the 2019 Year of the Youth
+ Conclusion: singing and dancing the theme song of the 2019 Year of the Youth,
“One In Mission”

III. Catechesis on the Journey to Emmaus

This moment with the National Youth Cross and the relic of St. John Paul II is also
a fitting opportunity for catechetical interaction:
+ The Road to Emmaus [Lk 24:13-35]: After the proclamation of the Word, a
speaker creatively and youthfully shares significant insights on the Gospel text
+ Guided reflection, possibly with the figure of St. John Paul II as a young person
and later as a youth minister
+ Sharing in small groups

IV. Vigil with the Cross and the Relic with confessions

In the evenings, when more people have greater opportunity to come, to organize
an evening encounter or overnight vigil with the National Youth Cross and Relic, in
either of the following ways:

2019 Year of the Youth – Pilgrimage of the National Youth Cross and Relic of St. John Paul II – page 5
+ By groups: 30-minute/1- hour periods throughout the stay of the Cross and
Relic, with a common program (with songs, prayer, testimonies, reflection and
sharing) and the opportunity for confession
+ (especially on the last night in a specific setting) By a Grand Vigil, with an open
invitation to all (families, BECs, youth groups, schools, barangays, etc.), and a
program similar to the above

V. Festive Program (Barrio Fiesta; Pista sang Katilingban)

Another possibility is to organize a night (or a portion of the night) for dinner and
fellowship, with creative presentations by young people, centered on the Cross
and on the call to holiness and mission.

VI. Closing Liturgy and Send-off Ceremonies

On the farewell to the Cross and Relic:

+ In the presence of the bishop/ parish priest
+ Communal send-off by the entire community: with the youth, families, youth
ministers, adult leaders (clergy, religious and lay)
+ As conclusion: Prayer for the 2019 Year of the Youth and the singing and
dancing of the 2019 Year of the Youth Theme Song, “One In Mission”

Other creative ways of welcoming and receiving the Cross and the Relic are

1. Responsible for the National Youth Cross Pilgrimage: The ECY Secretariat

The ECY Secretariat coordinates and monitors the 2019 pilgrimage of the National
Youth Cross and Relic of St. John Paul II in the Philippines.

Point Person: Ms. Maria Lea P. Dasigan

Contact numbers: (02) 5279566 to 67 (landline)

+639178536792 (mobile)

Email: secretariat@cbcp-ecy.ph

2. Responsible in the Regions

2.1. The Host-Region Team

2.1.1. The Regional Youth Director, Coordinator and Leader serves as the Host-
Region Team, unless they designate another set of people for this. This

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team is responsible for the movement of the Cross and Relic within their
region, including the reception from the previous region and the transfer
to the next one.

2.1.2. To streamline communication, each Host-Region Team designates a

Pilgrimage Coordinator who serves as the contact person to the ECY and
reports significant incidents to the ECY during the pilgrimage in their

2.1.3. In the Dioceses and in the FNYO Members: The Diocesan Youth Director
of each diocesan youth ministry is delegated as the person responsible
for the Cross and Relic while in his diocese (in the case of the FNYO, the
Chair Organization is responsible the whole time). At some instances,
the ECY will be contacting him during the pilgrimage of the Cross and
Relic in his diocese.

2.1.4. Each Host-Region Team is asked to submit to the ECY a detailed

schedule of the movements of the Cross and Relic within the region.
This should be submitted by email not later than 2019 March 31.

2.2. Responsibilities of the Host-Region Team

2.2.1. Reception of the Cross and Relic: All participating dioceses and
organizations shall be responsible for the whole logistical support for this
pilgrimage, to include:

+ Transportation: Pick-up of the Cross and Relic from its previous

+ Security of the Cross and Relic
+ Appropriate mode of transportation: with a cover to prevent them
from being exposed to the elements, can accommodate security
personnel, and provisions for a “silent transfer", should there be a

2.2.2. Security of the Cross and the Relic

For the pilgrimage schedule in their region, the Host-Region Team

designates 1-2 persons who will serve as Attendant/s to the Cross and
Relic. The Attendant/s must constantly update the Host-Region Team
on the location and condition of the Cross and Relic.

IMPORTANT: In Securing the Cross and the Relic:

 The Cross and Relic should never be left unattended.
 For the proper handling of the Cross and Relic, the Host-Region Team deploys able-
bodied pall-bearers who shall carry these during transfers. They should be dressed
appropriately, i.e. at least smart casual attire.

2019 Year of the Youth – Pilgrimage of the National Youth Cross and Relic of St. John Paul II – page 7
 Pilgrims must be instructed to touch the Cross and Relic with reverence, i.e. not to
use sharp objects that could scrape the Cross and scratch the Relic.
 While on display and veneration, the Cross should be placed on its stand.
 Care must be given in placing the Cross on its stand to prevent scratching its surface.
 When the Cross is not being carried in procession, it should be transported in its
case; in the same way, the Relic should be secured in its case. Accidents may
happen when this precaution is not taken.
 A sturdy table should always be available to hold the Relic securely.
 A plan (movement of people, assigned ushers, etc.) should be in place for the
veneration of the Cross and the Relic.
 The Diocesan Youth Director, as the person responsible for the Cross and Relic while
in his diocese, conducts a briefing of police escorts and everyone involved in security
as regards the Cross and Relic, and their movements within the diocese, including
the route and speed of the vehicles for an orderly flow of the procession/ motorcade
and transfer of the Cross and Relic.

2.2.3. Documentation

As needed for the 2019 Year of the Youth documentation, the Host-
Region Team submits documentation of the pilgrimage of the Cross and
the Relic in the region, consisting of:
+ A written synthesis of the pilgrimage (between 3-4 pages)
+ Accompanying documents (photos, handouts, etc.) and testimonies
(from the reflections and sharing of young people)
+ Anecdotes and articles from the local and national press (including
photographs, videos if available)

The Host-Region Team sends these materials to the ECY within one
month after the pilgrimage of the Cross and Relic in their region. The
ECY reserves the right to use these materials in their, or other third
party, publication.

2.2.4. Media and Publicity

While the CBCP-ECY will have its own publicity efforts to spread
nationwide awareness of the Pilgrimage of the National Youth Cross and
the Relic of St. John Paul II, the local youth ministries and other groups/
individuals are also highly encouraged to coordinate with local media to
promote this nationwide activity in line with the celebration of the 2019
Year of the Youth.

Social media is utilized for the promotion of the pilgrimage through the
ECY Facebook fanpage: www.facebook.com/CBCPECY.

3. Detailed Movements of the Cross

2019 Year of the Youth – Pilgrimage of the National Youth Cross and Relic of St. John Paul II – page 8
The Host-Region Team submits a detailed schedule of the movements of the Cross
and Relic within the region to the ECY.

The CBCP-ECY is grateful to all the Diocesan Youth Directors, Coordinators and
Leaders, as well as the national councils of member-organizations of the FNYO for
their cooperation in this meaningful and worthwhile undertaking within the 2019 Year
of the Youth!

We also thank the following persons for their singular contribution to this Nationwide
Pilgrimage of the National Youth Cross and Relic of St. John Paul II:

His Excellency
Most Rev. Oscar Cruz, DD
Archbishop-Emeritus of Lingayen-Dagupan
for his generous contribution in the creation of the National Youth Cross

The Focolare Carpentry Center, Rizal

for refurbishing the Cross for its 2019 Year of the Youth Nationwide Pilgrimage

His Excellency
Most Rev. Ruperto Santos, DD
Bishop of Balanga
for generously lending the Relic of St. John Paul II

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