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1.0 Title of innovation

‘What is inside the Sea?’ based on HP Reveal application

2.0 Objectives

This digital innovation is created to make the learning more fun and meaningful as it
integrates Augmented Reality (AR). This application enables students and teachers
to visualize 3D models in the real environment. It changes the way they see, imagine and
learn about the world around them. By using this application, it helps the students to acquire,
process and remember the information easily, plus increase pupils’ knowledge about sea
animals. Besides, this innovation aims to attract pupils’ interest to the subject. ‘What is
inside the Sea?’ able to make the lessons more interesting and interactive. This digital
innovation is different from other activities that they have used in the class. The right mix of
creativity along with curriculum helps students to be innovative and also encourages them to
learn new things. Moreover, students are also be able to develop better understanding
towards this topic. By using this application, pupils are not only reading the comprehension
text and seeing images provided in the PowerPoint slides, but it also helps pupils will be able
to remember the vocabularies word easily. According to British Council (2001), by using
instructional medias, learning process will be more memorable. Plus, it helps them process
the language more deeply, facilitating their ability to retain it in their long-term memory.

3.0 Before innovation

3.1 Teachers

Teaching strategies are not aligned with the 21st century learning. Most teachers are
still applying chalk and talk method in the classroom. Thus, the objectives to make students
to think critically and creatively, solve complex problems, make evidence-based decisions,
and work collaboratively are difficult to achieve. Teachers need to integrate the 21 st century
skills by using various strategies, techniques and methods to do it which are necessary for
students to attain achievement. Besides, most of the teachers are unable to create a good
classroom environment with some elements of creativity. It is very essential for the teachers
to stimulate imaginative thinking capability in students.
3.2 Pupils

Students get bored in the class because of traditional teaching methods. According to
Robinson (as cited in Mann, 2009), suggests that almost 60% of students find at least half
their lectures boring because it rarely allows for the sort of interaction and active learning
that more hands-on, practical sessions. A lot of students also do not participate throughout
the lesson because the instructional medias used are not engaging and entertaining. The
ability to connect reality and digital content opens more options for teachers and students.
This is because, by applying hands-on strategy in the class will be able to motivate and
engage students thus, they will understand a subject better and learn faster.

4.0 Problems faced before innovation

Teacher sorely focused on theoretical knowledge when teaching difficult content.

Thus, it makes it more difficult for the students to anticipate the information. Moreover, there
are still teachers who use the instructional medias incorrectly. According to Randima
Rajapaksha, & Chathurika (2015), incorrect use of instructional medias may lead to
ineffective teaching learning situations valuable information and when they are faced with
reality, they end up producing teaching aids that are
technically weak and educationally worthless.

5.0 Implementation of innovation

5.1 Relation with teaching and learning

‘What is inside the Sea?’ applies the Theory of Multiple Intelligences by Howard
Gardner. This innovation focus on intelligences such as linguistic, visual-spatial and
interpersonal. According to the American Institute for Learning and Human Development
(n.d.), the theory of multiple intelligences able to expand teaching and learning tools beyond
the conventional linguistic and logical methods used in most schools (e.g. lecture, textbooks,
writing assignments, formulas, etc.). Besides, this innovation also related to Trialogical
Learning Model which refers to the process where learners are collaboratively developing
shared objects of activity (such as conceptual artefacts, practices, or products) in a
systematic fashion (Babič, Bednár, Furdík, Paralič, Paralič, & Wagner, 2008). By using this
application, students can share their works by publishing it so that everyone can see their
result of learning. Their images or works that have been uploaded in this application also can
be shared through many online platforms such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Google Drive and
many more.
5.2 Description of innovation

‘What is inside the Sea?’ is a digital innovation created by using HP Reveal. This
innovation is a combination of PowerPoint slides with Augmented Reality (AR) through
laptops and smartphones. The innovation provides with interactive online module for English
subject of Year 3 on Topic 7 From the Sea. Refer to Appendices to see the process of using
this innovation.

5.3 Strategy

This digital innovation is based on the combinations of theory of multiple

intelligences, fun learning and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) to
create an effective instructional media in learning English subject for Year 3 pupils.

5.4 Major areas of innovation

‘What is inside the Sea?’ is built based on the concept of cross-curricular elements
which is Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). ICT is one of the education
emphases stated in Standards-Based English Language Curriculum (SBELC). This digital
innovation also incorporates 21st century learning strategy such as communication,
collaboration, creativity, hands-on learning and many more.

5.5 Details of innovation

It is free for everyone to access and download the application, and uncomplicated to
use. Teacher can create their own learning by uploading any image or video over top of an
image. It is easy for editing as teachers can do it via smartphones and also laptops
according to teacher’s preferences.

6.0 Benefits of innovation

By using this digital innovation, teachers are able to create customized educational
materials tailored specifically to their students’ needs. The material can be shared with the
students, who themselves decide when, where and how many times they want to watch it.
‘What is inside the Sea?’ is easy to create as it is not complicated as others application. This
will help teachers to save a lot of time to create a meaningful and fun learning. Besides, it
can be used for almost any subject, including science, mathematics, history and even
language. Teachers also can change the location and timing of studying because the
smartphones and laptops are convenient to be brought everywhere. In addition, it allows the
teachers to improve their creativity as they need to choose the best methods of teaching to
attract students’ interest in a subject. By using digital innovation, teachers can engage
students at a whole new level and capture the interest of even the most reluctant students
(Sensavis Education, 2013).

Besides, ‘What is inside the Sea?’ also benefits for students as it can increase their
learning motivations and experiences. According to Azuma (as cited in Chiang, Yang, &
Hwang, 2014) “Augmented Reality (AR), which combines human senses (e.g., sight, sound,
and touch) with virtual objects to facilitate real-world environment interactions for users to
achieve an authentic perception of the environment” (p. 352). Thus, ‘What is inside the Sea?’
can improve academic achievement compared to traditional teaching methods as it can
assist students in learning in real-world environment. By adding extra data, such as visual
3D models, would give students a wider understanding of topics. Furthermore, it is not only
making easier for the students to grasp the abstract and difficult content, but also help with
memory retention. This statement can be supported as Senvavis Education (2013) stated
that students learn more by seeing and experiencing than by listening.

The ultimate advantage of using HP Reveal application is it does not require any
expensive hardware. Parents and teachers do not have to spend extra on buying tools for
interactive learning and teaching as it can be easily assess using laptop, computer and also
smartphone (Paresh, 2018). According to a report from Common Sense Media, 75% of kids
under age 8 use mobile devices (Kamenetz, 2013). This makes HP Reveal application
immediately available for use for the majority of the students. It is the best way to replace
heavy books because they can learn anytime and anywhere from their smartphones.
Besides, HP Reveal can be used for almost any subject, including science, mathematics,
history and even language. It is also not limited to a single age group or level of education,
and can be used equally well in all levels of schooling; from pre-school education up to
college, or even at work (Aleksandrova, 2018).

1. Install HP Reveal application in Google App Store and search for HP Reveal using

2. Create an account in HP Reveal. Fill in the required details such as email, username and
password. Verify your email. Choose OK when asked to allow the app to access your
3. From the main screen, type ‘ainibrhm’ in “Discover Auras”. Then tap on “ainibrhm’s Public
Auras” which will appear in the list.

4. Click on “Follow” button.

5. Click back to return to main page.

6. Click on the target button (blue in colour)

7. Point the camera device and scan trigger image. Test the AR functionality by using the
picture below:
 Double tap the overlay to watch the video in full screen
 Tap the overlay once to load the url that contains further information about the animal

8. By using laptop, search for this link


9. Click on the link stated.

10. Open the slides and start teaching the pupils. (all images in Riddle can be scan using HP

Aleksandrova, M. (2018). Augmented Reality in Education: The Hottest EdTech Trend 2018
and How to Apply It to Your Business. Retrieved from

American Institute for Learning and Human Development. (n.d.). Multiple Intelligences.
Retrieved from

Babič, F., Bednár, P., Furdík, K., Paralič, J., Paralič, M., & Wagner, J. (2008). Trialogical
learning in practice. Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica, 8(1), 32-38. Retrieved from

British Council. (2001). Remembering vocabulary. Retrieved from https://www.teaching

Chiang, T. H. C., Yang, S. J., & Hwang, G. J. (2014). An augmented reality-based mobile
learning system to improve students' learning achievements and motivations in
natural science inquiry activities. Educational Technology & Society, 17(4), 352-365.
Retrieved from

Kamenetz, A. (2013). Study: 75% of kids under age 8 use mobile devices. Retrieved from

Mann, S. (2009). Why do 60% of students find their lectures boring? Retrieved from

Paresh Sagar. (2018). The Impact of Augmented Reality in Education. Retrieved from

Randima Rajapaksha, P. L. N., & Chathurika, P. R. D. (2015). Problems Faced by Preschool

Teachers When Using Teaching Aids in the Teaching Learning Process. International
Journal of multidisciplinary Studies, 2(1). Retrieved from https://www.

Senvavis Education. (2013). The Future of 3D Education. Retrieved from Public/8227/9478258/b567878833acc4ce.pdf

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