3a - Magellan Vs CA

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7G a er oF Cre WAG SU quired an board bil) of lading oon ‘ Shipment. MMC, thus Cnnfracted FE. Zue hg te aw fins tmugh Onert Derceas Contaner L886, hte mine paid FE. Zuellig feght charges and Secured Ky the hill of ding ne was presented 10 Alted ‘Bank. when MMMMc's regent went back yo jhe bank latew, Ke 6 informed tat FF. uelg ised payment becauye Here at on-board bil of lading cd tere was shansshjenneat. fhe__ may fare were Shyped back to Mania by 2uehiy ard OOCL Grd _ ainardled pryment them Mum, wtich abandoned the whole cargo Jad asked_Gppellees for alances. | ____dgzellees dam that there was, an on-hand bill oF dag 1tted and tele v0 10 teanschpmont oF (pods, becayse he iacsok vole were owned hy the same ooner, nd that it pac ear tye bt of Ladtng that srarsshpment will ar ond the petitoners are aware of ths. Tlewwe: O nheher or rot here nas #0 yeni @ whethur or not lnc are eathed to Camages Shing: C1) jes, there ib taschyemert. Trarshypmend, in marine fay, 6 chfned a6 "he oct of sang cargo obit # One chy» and ag It in conother" or "te transfer of ged fom the spulated n Pe. Catract of afireighinent ® anather te place of cecinaton rand n He antag teached * o "the tansfer ‘ir tirther tengeartaton Ad ae td opr fhe 4H4 6; y) & rot J e HCL Hg SE, LH aT feted tm at Gango fom ne vese/ to.anothor Oper contend’ there was no.actual transchpment yon and it was merely a meake in the documon of Zell ard 0OCL , which ruitates Bainet the yerecs of the bil of lng as if ced not reflect He tome of contact Lefeon Parties: i Ab. A i of ng «bah 5. reed Gnd) fad. iS procumed that fhe GHoulatons of the bill vere, absene OF traud, concealment _or pe anduct, Known he shyghor and he kt ly bound ty As he.nead i? rae The dng ine been hat 4 styppor who recones a bit of fading bout elon after an_appel inspect ty and pprmnits. the A fo OG oh it b Proceed path the Shim 7 & presumed To have. accented it

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