Survey Questionnaire - Bilingual - Final-2-1 PDF

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iùaðlY _âgÜûakú
School Name

District UDISE Code

Block/Municipality/NAC School Type (Please ck)

Govt. Govt. Aided

Ques onnaire for Students: (Please ü tick) Date :

QûZâQûZâú cû^u ^òcù« _âgÜûakú : (\dûKeò üPòjÜ \ò@) ZûeòL :

Name: Boy/Girl Boy Girl

^ûc : QûZâ/QûZâú QûZâ QûZâú
Standard: IX X
ùgâYú: 9c 10c
Percentage of marks scored in the
last Annual Examina on. Less than 60 % Between More than 80 %
ùgh aûhòðK _eúlûùe eLô[ôaû 60% eê Kcþ 60% to 80 % 80% eê @]ôK
cûKð (gZKWÿûùe) 60% eê 80% c¤ùe

As per your opinion, what is the greatest Change in Structure Investment of

suppor ng hand to use ICT at Computer lab? of Curriculum more me
(Pl. ck any one op on appropriate to you. In case of @]ôK icde ^òùdûR^
others, please men on in the box given)
_ûVýKâce Xÿûûùe _eòað^
Availability of
Zêc cZùe, ùKCñUò @ûAiòUòe aýajûeùe @]ôK Technical Support
Computer or Smart
cûZâûùe ijûdK @ùU? & Training
phone at home
(\dûKeò ù~ùKøYiò ùMûUòG iÚû^ùe (ü)PòjÜ \ò@ö ~\ò Zêce
ùa÷hdòK ijûdZû I _âgòlY
^òR Nùe KµêýUeþ Kò´û
Ce @^ýKòQò [ûG, ùZùa \ò@û~ûA[ôaû iÚû^ùe ùfLö) iàûUð ù`û^þ C_f² [ôùf
Others, Please Specify
@^ý KûeY _ûAñ GVûùe ùfL -

I. There is no wrong answer; each response will be treated as a correct one. Your opinion is what is
required in this study.
GVûùe ùKøYiò Ce bêfþ ^êùjñ, _âùZýK Ce VòKþ ùaûfò MâjY Keû~òaö Zêce cZûcZ jó Gjò @¤d^e @ûagýKZûö
II. Do not think too long about each statement. It should take you around 10 minutes to complete.
_âùZýK Cqò aòhdùe @]ôK icd ^ò@ ^ûjòñö GjûKê icû¯ Keòaû _ûAñ ZêcKê _âûd 10cò^òUþ icd fûMòaö
III. For each statement, put a ck ( ü ) to show your level of agreement; strongly Disagree, Disagree, Agree,
Neutral and Strongly Agree. Do not ck across more than one boxes.
Zêce _âùZýK Cqò _ûAñ (ü)PòjÜ ù\A Zêce cZe MêeêZß \gðû@, ~[û- \éXÿ @ijcZ, @ijcZ, ^òeù_l, ijcZ Gaõ \éXÿijcZö
GKeê @]ôK (ü)PòjÜ \ò@^ûjóö

S.N. Statement Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree
Kâ.iõ Cqò \éXÿ @ijcZ @ijcZ ^òeù_l ijcZ \éXÿijcZ
1 Using ICT-enabled learning at Computer lab
provided by our school would enhance my
effec veness.
@ûc Äêfþe KµêýUeþ fýûaþùe C_f² @ûAiòUò \ßûeû
_eò·kòZ gòlû ùcûe lcZûKê aXÿûAaö
2 Using ICT-enabled learning at Computer lab
provided by our school would improve my
performance in course subjects taught as per
@ûc Äêfþe KµêýUeþ fýûaþùe C_f² @ûAiòUò \ßûeû
_eò·kòZ gòlû aýajûe Keò _ûVýKâc @^ê~ûdú _Xÿû
~ûC[ôaû aòhd ùcûe _â\gð^ùe C^ÜZò @ûYòaö
3 Using ICT-enabled learning at Computer lab
provided by our school would improve my
produc vity in course subjects taught as per
@ûc Äfê eþ KµýêUeþ fýûaùþe C_f² @ûAiUòò \ûßeû _e·
ò kZò
glòûe aýajûe ùcûe \lZû a¡éò Keaò ûùe ijûd ùjaö
4 I find ICT-enabled learning at Computer lab
provided by our school useful for my studies.
cñê @^b
ê a Kùe ù~, KµýêUeþ fýûaùþe @ûAiUòò \ûßeû _e·
ò kZò
gòlû ùcû _ûV_Xÿû _ûAñ aòùghbûaùe `k_â\ @ùUö
5 I find equipment for ICT-enabled learning
(such as Computer System, Smart Board &
Integrated Computer Projector) easy to use.
cêñ @^êba Kùe ù~, KµêýUeþ fýûaþùe @ûAiòUò \ßûeû
_e· ò kZò C_KeY (~[û:-KµýUêe,þ iûàUùðaûW,ð AùòMùâUWþ
KµêýUeþ ù_âûùRKÖe) aýajûe Keòaû _ûAñ ajêZ ijRö
6 It would be easy for me to learning the use of ICT
equipment for ICT- enabled learning.
@ûAiòUò \ßûeû _eò·kòZ _ûV_Xÿû _ûAñ CŸòÁ @ûAiòUò
C_KeYe aýajûe gòLôaû ùcû _ûAñ @Zò iek ùjaö
7 My interac on with ICT-enabled learning is
clear and understandable.
@ûAiòUò \ßûeû _eò·kòZ gòlû ijòZ ùcûe _ûeÆeòK
ù~ûMûù~ûM @Zò ÆÁ I ùaû]Mcý ùjûA_ûeòQòö
8 It would be easy for me to find the necessary
informa on using ICT-enabled learning.
@ûAiòUò \ßûeû _eò·kòZ gòlû aýajûe Keò @ûagýKúd
iìP^û @^êi§û^ Keòaû ùcû _ûAñ ajêZ ijR ùjaö

2 UDISE Code
S.N. Statement Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree
Kâ.iõ Cqò \éXÿ @ijcZ @ijcZ ^òeù_l ijcZ \éXÿijcZ
9 I do not support the idea of using ICT-enabled
@ûAiòUò \ßûeû _eò·kòZ gòlû aýaiÚûKê cêñ ic[ð^
10 I have a generally favorable a tude toward
using ICT-enabled learning.
@ûAiòUò \ßûeû _eò·kòZ gòlû aýajûe \òMùe ùcûe
iû]ûeYZü @^êKêk cù^ûbûa @Qòö
11 I believe it is a good idea to use this ICT-enabled
learning for my course.
ùcûe _ûV_Xÿû _ûAñ @ûAiòUò \ßûeû _eò·kòZ gòlûe
aýajûe GK CPòZþ aò·e ùaûfò ùcûe aògßûiö
12 Using ICT-enabled learning is not an
appropriate idea.
@ûAiòUò \ßûeû _eò·kòZ gòlûe aýajûe GK C_~êq aò·e
13 I intend to use ICT-enabled learning during the
current academic year.
PkòZ gòlûahðùe @ûAiòUò \ßûeû _eò·kòZ gòlûe aýajûe
Keòaû _ûAñ cêñ AzêKö
14 I will repeatedly use ICT.
cêñ @ûAiòUò \ßûeû _eò·kòZ gòlûKê aûe´ûe aýajûe
15 I intend to experience ICT-enabled learning
frequently for my course.
ùcû _ûV_Xÿû _ûAñ @ûAiòUò \ßûeû _eò·kòZ gòlûKê ^òe«e
aýajûe Keòaû ùcûe flýö
16 I use ICT-enabled learning frequently.
cñê @ûAiUòò \ûßeû _e·
ò kZò glòûKê aûe´ûe aýajûe Kùeö
17 I use online educa onal content for my
_ûV_Xÿû _ûAñ cêñ @^þfûA^þ gòlû i´§úd aòhdaÉê
aýajûe Kùeö

Student’s Signature
QûZâ/QûZâúu Êûle
3 UDISE Code
iùaðlY _âgÜûakú
Ques onnaire for Teachers: (Please ü tick) Date :
gòlK/gòldZâúu ^òcù« _âgÜûakú : (\dûKeò üPòjÜ \ò@«ê) ZûeòL :
Name: Marital Status
^ûc : ùa÷aûjòK iÚòZò
Age (in complete years) Married Others
Gender: Male
adi (iµì‰ð ahðùe) aòaûjòZ @^ý
fòw: Female Unmarried
No. of Years of Experience
(in complete years) Less than 10 Yrs. Between More than 20 Yrs.
10 ahðeê Kcþ 10 to 20 Yrs. 20ahð eê @]ôK
@bòmZû (iµì‰ð ahðùe) 10 eê 20ahð c¤ùe
Teaching Subjects
_XÿûC[ôaû aòhd
_òiòGcþ/iòaòùRWþ ùiûiò@ûfþ iûA^þi fòUùePeþ
(Note: You may ck one or more than one boxes as per applicability)
(_â~êRý ùjùf, @û_Y GK Kò´û GKû]ôK aKèùe (ü) PòjÜ ù\A_ûeòùa)
Do you use Computer or Smart phone at home for various Yes No
daily requirements ? jñ ^û
@û_Y ù\÷^¦ò^ @ûagýKZû _ûAñ Nùe KµêUeþ Kò´û iàûUðù`û^þ aýajûe Ke«ò Kò?
As per your opinion, what is the greatest Investment
Change in Structure of
suppor ng hand to use ICT at Computer lab? Curriculum of more me
(Pl. ck any one op on appropriate to you. In case of _ûVýKâce Xÿûûùe _eòað^ @]ôK icde ^òùdûR^
others, please men on in the box given)
@û_Yu cZùe, ùKCñUò @ûAiòUòe aýajûeùe @]ôK Technical Support Availability of
cûZâûùe ijûdK @ùU? & Training Computer or Smart
phone at home
(\dûKeò ù~ùKøYiò ùMûUòG iÚû^ùe (ü)PòjÜ \ò@«êö ~\ò @û_Yue ùa÷hdòK ijûdZû I _âgòlY
Ce @^ýKòQò [ûG, ùZùa \ò@û~ûA[ôaû iÚû^ùe ùfL«êö)
^òR Nùe KµêýUeþ Kò´û
iàûUð ù`û^þ C_f² [ôùf
Others, Please Specify
@^ý KûeY _ûAñ GVûùe ùfL«ê -

I. There is no wrong answer; each response will be treated as a correct one. Your opinion is what is
required in this study.
GVûùe ùKøYiò Ce bêfþ ^êùjñ, _âùZýK Ce VòKþ ùaûfò MâjY Keû~òaö @û_Yue cZûcZ jó Gjò @¤d^e @ûagýKZûö
II. Do not think too long about each statement. It should take you around 10 minutes to complete.
_âùZýK Cqò aòhdùe @]ôK icd ^ò@«ê ^ûjòñö GjûKê icû¯ Keòaû _ûAñ @û_Yuê _âûd 10cò^òUþ icd fûMòaö
III. For each statement, put a ck ( ü ) to show your level of agreement; strongly Disagree, Disagree,
Agree, Neutral and Strongly Agree. Do not ck across more than one boxes.
@û_Yue _âùZýK Cqò _ûAñ (ü)PòjÜ ù\A @û_Yu cZe MêeêZß \gðû«ê, ~[û- \éXÿ @ijcZ, @ijcZ, ^òeù_l, ijcZ Gaõ
\éXÿijcZö GKeê @]ôK (ü)PòjÜ \ò@«ê ^ûjóö

4 UDISE Code
S.N. Statement Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree
Kâ.iõ Cqò \éXÿ @ijcZ @ijcZ ^òeù_l ijcZ \éXÿijcZ
1 I find the ICT facili es provided at Computer
lab of my School useful in teaching process.
cêñ @^êba Kùe ù~, @ûc Äêfþe KµêýUeþ fýûaùe @ûAiòUò
i´§òZ iêaò]û iêù~ûM gòlû\û^ _ûAñ C_ù~ûMúö
2 The available ICT facili es enable me to
accomplish task more easily.
C_f² @ûAiòUò i´§úd iêaò]û ùcû Kû~ðýKê ijRùe iµì‰ð
Keòaûùe iûjû~ý KeêQòö
3 The available ICT facili es increase my
efficiency at workplace.
C_f² @ûAiòUò iêaò]ûKê C_ù~ûM Keòaû \ßûeû ùcûe
Kû~ðý\lZû aéþ¡ò _ûCQòö
4 If I use the ICT facili es offered at present in my
School, It will increase my chance for further
career development.
@ûc Äêfþùe aðcû^ ù~ûMûA \ò@û~ûA[ôaû @ûAiòUò i´§úd
iêaò]û iêù~ûMKê ~\ò cêñ aýajûe Kùe, ùZùa ùcûe
Kýûeòdeùe aòKûg ùjaö
5 My knowledge with respect to usage of ICT
tools/equipment is clear and understandable.
@ûAiòUò iû]^/C_KeY aýajûe aòhdùe ùcûe mû^ @Zò
ÆÁ I ùaû]Mcýö
6 It is simple for me to use the exis ng ICT
ùcû _ûAñ aðcû^e @ûAiòUò _â~êqò aò\ýûe aýajûe iek
7 Any technological advancement with respect
to ICT in due course will be simple and easy to
@ûAiòUò ùlZâùe icdKâùc ù~ùKøYiò ùa÷hdòK C^ÜZò
ùjùf, Zûjû gòlû\û^ _ûAñ ijR ùjaö
8 The knowledge of using ICT is simple for me.
@ûAiòUò aýajûe _ûAñ @ûagýKúd mû^ @Rð^ Keòaû ùcû _ûAñ
ijR @ùUö
9 People who influence my ac on assume that I
should apply ICT technology during teaching
ù~Cñcû^u \ßûeû ùcûe Kû~ðý _âbûaòZ jêG, ùicûù^ bûa«ò
ù~ cêñ @ûAiòUò \ßûeû _eò·kòZ _â~êqò aò\ýû _âùdûM Keò
_XÿûAaû CPòZþö
10 People who are important to me think I should
use the ICT.
ù~Cñcûù^ ùcû _ûAñ MêeêZß_ì‰ð ùicûù^ bûa«ò ù~, cêñ @ûAiòUò
\ßûeû _eò·kòZ _â~êqò aò\ýû _âùdûM Keòaû CPòZþö
11 The teachers in my school have been helpful in
the use of the ICT.
ùcû Äêfþùe [ôaû gòlKcûù^ @ûAiòUò aýajûe Keòaûùe
ijûdK @U«òö
12 In general, the School has supported the use of
iû]ûeYZü, @ûAiòUòe aýajûeKê Äêfþ ic[ð^ KeêQòö
5 UDISE Code
S.N. Statement Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree
Kâ.iõ Cqò \éXÿ @ijcZ @ijcZ ^òeù_l ijcZ \éXÿijcZ
13 I have the requisite resources to use the
current ICT facili es available at my School.
aðcû^e @ûAiòUò iêaò]û iêù~ûMKê @ûc Äêfþùe aýajûe
Keòaû _ûAñ ùcû _ûLùe ~ù[Á iû]^ @Qòö
14 I have adequate ability to operate ICT
@ûAiòUò _â~êqò aò\ýûKê _eò·k^û Keòaû _ûAñ ùcû _ûLùe
~ù[Á iûc[ðý @Qòö
15 The ICT technology that I use, is not coherent
with the new technology.
cêñ ù~Cñ @ûAiòUò _â~êqò aò\ýû aýajûe KeêQò, Zûjû aðcû^e
_â~êqò aò\ýû ij ùck LûC^ûjóö
16 Some people are present to help me with ICT
KòQò ùfûK @ûAiòUò i´§òZ iciýûùe ùcûùZ iûjû~ý Ke«òö
17 I could finish the teaching process using ICT ...
when nobody is available to assist.
ù~ùZùaùk ùcûùZ iûjû~ý Keòaû _ûAñ ùKjò ^[ôùa...
cêñ @ûAiòUò aýajûe Keò _XÿûA _ûeòaòö
18 I could finish the work with ICT if I have
enough me.
~\ò ùcû _ûLùe ~ù[Á icd [û@û«û, cêñ @ûAiòUòe ijûdZû
ù^A ùcûe Kû~ðýKê icû¯ Keò _ûe«òö
19 I could complete the job or task using the ICT
...if I had just built-in help facility for
~\ò ùcûùZ C_~êq ijûdZû C_f² Keû~û@û«û.... cêñ ùcûe
Kû~ðýKê @ûAiòUò aýajûe Keò icû¯ Keò _ûe«òö
20 I guess I can operate ICT within three months.
cêñ @^êcû^ KeêQò ù~, Zò^òcûi bòZùe cêñ @ûAiòUò _eò·k^û
21 I predict I will use ICT in the next three months
cêñ @ûgû KeêQò ù~, @ûAiòUòe aýajûe @ûMûcú Zò^òcûi
c¤ùe cêñ Keòaòö
22 I am planning to use the ICT in the next three
@ûMûcú Zò^òcûi bòZùe cêñ @ûAiòUò aýajûe KòeaûKê ù~ûR^û
23 I use ICT-enabled teaching frequently during
cêñ _XÿûAaû icdùe @ûAiòUò \ßûeû _eò·kòZ gòlû _âYûkúKê
aýajûe Kùeö
24 I use online educa onal content for teaching
course subjects.
cêñ _XÿûC[ôaû aòhd _ûAñ @^þfûA^þ gòlû i´§úd aòhdaÉêKê
aýajûe Kùeö

Teacher’s Signature
gòlK/gòldZâúu Êûle
6 UDISE Code

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