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and Beauty

Adams: Who will be crowned as the Miss Southland Icon 2018?

Mello: Are you ready?

Adams: Are you ready?


Mello: Requesting everyone to please rise for the opening prayer to be followed by the singing of the Philippine
National Anthem.

**First Act Perf

Adams: Ladies and gentlemen, we give you, our eight gorgeous ladies in their production number.


After prod, enter stage.

Adams: Good Evening, partner.

Mello: Good Evening, too partner.

BOTH: Good Evening ladies and gentlemen!

Adams: Welcome to the coronation night of Miss Southland Icon 2018. I am Joshua Adams Maligid.

Mello: I am Mello Jane Dedosin,

BOTH: Your hosts for tonight.

Adams: Finally partner! This is the most awaited night of our candidates and as well as their

Mello: Yes it is! Finally there’s no more typhoon that will hinder this event. Thank God.

Adams: Anyways, partner before we take back the girls on stage let me first read to you the contest
rules and criteria.


Mello: Also, we would like to introduce the board of judges for tonight’s event.

Adams: Requesting the school president, Juan Antonio Z. Villaluz and the VP Operations, Mrs. Annette
Villaluz to join us on stage as we give the certificates to the board of judges.


Mello: Thank you so much.

Adams: Yesterday, our eight gorgeous ladies showcased their talents at Kabankalan City Mall. May
nagkanta, saot and partner may nag painting and may nag monologue.****adlib.

Mello: Correct and they did prove us that they are more than just face but they are more than something else.

Adams: In other words partner, talented gid sila ya. So ladies and gentlemen who do you think is the
best in talent?

Mello: Without further much ado, our best in talent is candidate number 5 from science technology engineering
and mathematics!

Adams: Requesting the adviser of the candidate to please come up on stage to pin the sash.
Thank you so much candidate___. At this point, I would like to invite everyone to watch the interview of
our lovely candidates’ number 1 to 4. Roll VTR.

**SAKA After vid

*Short talks

Adams: Partner, ang taho ta subong dos mil dese otso gid. Imagine bala partner gin una pa nila ni sa
Ang Probinsyano.

Mello: Partner, let’s us ask this dos mil dese otso ka taho if they are ready for more? *Shouts Are you ready?

Adams: I think they are ready, so without so much ado, here are the ladies in their school uniform


Adams: Right now, we will now award the best in production number and the first special award and our Best
in Production Number, goes to………..

Mello: Thank you candidate number……. And now we will announce the Miss Congeniality

Adams: and our Miss Congeniality goes to…… candidate number………! Thank you so much ladies.

**Short Talks GOING ON SIDE

Adams: You know what, I heard that the journey of our eight lovely candidates was quite tough this
past few days.

Mello: I heard it too, they even went places in Kabankalan for their photo shoots, pose here and there and they
had a tough time balancing their acads and their preparations for this night.

Adams: But, I guess all the hardships and sacrifices are all worth it and it paid off. Ladies and
gentlemen let us once again focus on the white screen as we bring you the Behind the scenes.



Adams: Let us now be entertained by a song number from another talented Southlander ,ladies and
gentlemen Miss Melchie Marie Mediadero, our Miss Southland Icon 2013.


Adams: Ladies and gentlemen, once again our eight lovely candidates in their Professional Attire!


Mello: Wow, I am now certain for sure that these ladies will shine in their chosen fields in the future. So, right
now we will award the Best in School Uniform and I would like to ask the adviser to come up that stage.

Adams: The Best in School Uniform goes to candidate number…………! Thank you

Mello: We will now also have the Miss Photogenic and for us to know who that face is, a face that launched a
thousand ships, I would like to request representatives from Pico Ads to come up the stage.

Adams: Congratulations. Thank you very much ladies.


Mello: Aside from the Royalty feels, Adams, what made you choose Southland College?

Adams: Well partner, Southland College is offering a quality education, it empowers individuals, it
molds the heart of every student and this institution is making me feel like home.

Mello: Wow, it’s not obvious that you memorize that mission and vision but that’s okay. This time I would like to
invite again our audiences to pause and focus on screen as we give you more about what Southland College
can offer you.


Adams: At this time, let us all welcome as Joseph Cawit and his company will entertain us with a
dance number. A round of applause please.


Adams: Ladies and gentlemen, we bring you again the eight gorgeous ladies in their Departmental


Adams: We will once again give the award, the Best in Professional Attire, and the lady who got the
award is……….candidate…….number…..!Thank you so much.

Mello: And now, for another special award, sponsored by avon. And our miss avon is
candidate…..number…….! Thank you ladies.


Adams: Let us be entertained once again by a song number to be given by Miss Anne Tagamolila. A
round of applause please.



Adams: Sponsors acknowledgement….. I am inviting you all again to watch the interview of candidate
numbers 5, 6 7, and 8.


Adams: Fasten all your seat belts, as we bring you the eight gorgeous and dazzling candidates in their
Gown Attire.


Mello: Congratulations in advance ladies and finally we are now down in the most awaited part of the program,
the question and answer portion.

Adams: But, before that partner let us first award the Best in Bohemian Attire, the best in bohemian
attire is candidate number.. Thank you so much.


Mello: To make our candidates feel a little nervous and I guess a bit kilig, help me welcome on stage the
Tawag ng Tanghalan two-time defending champion, let us give him a round of applause,

BOTH: Mr. Kevin Ibanez.


Adams: Moving on, let us now go to our question and answer portion. Candidate number one take the
center stage please.

--------------------------------------------------------1 TO 8 Q AND A---------------------------------------------------------------------

Adams: You know what partner our event will never be possible without the following sponsors. Thank
you so much once again ……… SPONSORS ALTERNATE

Mello: We would like also to thank the school administrators, faculty and staff, and everyone who supported
this event from the very beginning up to now.

Adams: Requesting all the candidates to please join us again on stage for the announcement of the
Top 3.
But before that we will award first the Best in Gown and Miss HBC.

Mello: and the best in gown goes to candidate number…

Adams: and our miss HBC is non other than candidate number..

*awarding chuchuuuu

Mello: We will announce the Top 3 in no particular order.

Adams: You have the chance to wear the crown candidate number……….number!

Mello: Join her……candidate number…………number…….!

Adams: and to complete the Top 3……… are in….candidate number…..number……!

Ladies you may now take your exit.*referring to other 5.

Mello: Ladies and gentlemen there you have it, our top 3 and one of them will be crowned as the new Miss
Southland Icon.

Adams: at this point of time we will have the question and answer for the remaining three candidates

Mello: requesting candidate number… to please take the center stage and the other two candidates will
proceed backstage and we will provide earphones for them not to hear the question, because the question that
will be given is the same.


Adams: and now is your turn candidate number…..


Mello: please join us here candidate number….



***lakat saleft wing….

Adams: Ladies and gentlemen, last year she captured our hearts and she became the Miss S-Icon 2017
and finally she we be handing over her crown let us welcome Miss Marianne Dalipe as she reminisce
her reign as MS S-Icon 2017. Please give her a round of applause.


*saka emcee

Mello: Again, requesting the Top 3 candidates to please come on stage together with the other candidates.
ARE YOU READY!!!!!!!/????????

Adams: So we will announce first the second runner-up. I would like to request JUDGE 1 and 2….to
please come up on stage to pin the sash. Congratulations!
Mello: And here comes the most awaited part of event! Again, are you ready?? I would like to request our
Preside snt Sir Ja and the Chairman of the board to come up the stage to award the Miss Southland Icon and
then other two judges for the 1st runner up.

Adams: The first name to be mentioned is the Miss Southland Icon 2018, again the first name to be
mentioned and the name that will not be mentioned you are automatically the 1st runner up. Requesting
the remaining ladies to take the center stage.


Adams: Before this night ends once again thank you sponsors, faculty and staff, board of judges,
people behind the scene and to everyone who stayed with us tonight, THANK YOU SO MUCH! Once
again I am JoSHUA Adams Maligid,

Mello: I am Mello Jane Dedosin


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