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24-Hour Notice of Incident


Lost Time Recordable Property Damage

First Aid Near Miss

Employee Job Class: Contractor Shift: 1

Maria Fernanda Incident 21/03/2019
Dominguez Date/Time: 05:15 AM

El colaborador Gildardo Antonio Calvo, identificado con CC N° 94412278, cumpliendo su turno asignado
de 11pm a 7am, siendo las 5:50 am, se encontraba en el área de cuarto de carga de la planta de EFA
tomando unas medidas al puente de la banda curva, caminando por ésta área, no se percata de un hueco
que tiene el piso y de repente introduce su pie izquierdo al hueco lo que le produce un dolor intenso en su
tobillo izquierdo, El trabajador se dirige a área de enfermería para que le presten los primeros auxilios, una
vez terminada la primera atención, le informan que ha sufrido una contractura y que deberá ser remitido a
la clínica de los remedios. Por parte de SST del contratista se le hace acompañamiento hasta la clínica para
su respectiva atención..

The collaborator Gildardo Antonio Calvo, identified with CC N ° 94412278, fulfilling his assigned shift from 11pm to
7am, being 5:50 am, was in the cargo room area of the EFA plant taking some measurements to the bridge of the
Curved band, walking through this area, does not notice a hole that has the floor and suddenly enters his left foot to
the hole which produces an intense pain in his left ankle, The worker goes to the nursing area to give him Give first
aid, once the first care is completed, they inform you that you have suffered a contracture and that you should be
referred to the clinic of the remedies. On behalf of the contractor's SST, accompaniment is made to the clinic for
their respective care.


SO02-1402 Rev. 0, 2015-03-10

Immediate Containment Action(s)
 Se remite al operario a salud ocupacional / The operator is referred to occupational health.
 Se traslada a la clinica de los remedios. / Moves to the remedies clinic
 Se inicia la investigación del incidente. / Incident investigation begins.

SO02-1402 Rev. 0, 2015-03-10

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