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J Mol Evol (1988) 28:87-97

Journal of
~) Springer-VerlagNew York Inc. 1988

Plant Mitochondrial DNA Evolves Rapidly in Structure,

but Slowly in Sequence

Jeffrey D. Palmer and Laura A. Herbon

Department of Biology,Universityof Michigan,Ann Arbor, Michigan48109, USA

Summary. We examined the tempo and mode of 1987; Zurawski and Clegg 1987). Animal mito-
mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) evolution in six chondrial DNA (mtDNA), however, has a very rap-
species of crucifers from two genera, B r a s s i c a and id rate o f point mutations. First clearly measured
R a p h a n u s . The six mtDNAs have undergone nu- for primates (Brown et al. 1979), this rapid rate now
merous internal rearrangements and therefore differ appears to be a general feature of most groups of
dramatically with respect to the sizes of their vertebrates (reviewed in Brown 1983, 1985; Wilson
subgenomic circular chromosomes. Between 3 and et al. 1985).
14 inversions must be postulated to account for the Sequence studies of several plant mitochondrial
structural differences found between any two species. genes suggest a much lower rate of point mutations
In contrast, these mtDNAs are extremely similar in than in animal genomes (reviewed in Palmer 1985a;
primary sequence, differing at only 1-8 out of every Sederoff 1987; Wolfe et al. 1987). However, several
1000 bp. The point mutation rate in these plant factors limit the conclusions that could be derived
mtDNAs is roughly 4 times slower than in land plant from such studies: (1) Comparison of a few kilobases
chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) and 100 times slower of gene sequences provides little insight upon mu-
than in animal mtDNA. Conversely, the rate o f rear- tation rates for the entire genome, which in plants
rangements is extraordinarily faster in plant mt- is quite large (Ward et al. 1981) and mostly non-
DNA than in cpDNA and animal mtDNA. coding (Makaroffand Palmer 1987). (2) These se-
quence comparisons have mostly been between dis-
Key words: Genome evolution -- Rearrangement tantly related angiosperms; comparisons between
-- Inversion -- B r a s s i c a - - Base substitution more closely related species are likely to yield more
precise and informative measurements of evolu-
tionary patterns and rates (Brown et al. 1982). (3)
None of these studies have allowed adequate com-
parisons with rates of change in chloroplast and nu-
clear genomes from the same groups of closely re-
Mitochondrial and chloroplast genomes contain two
lated plants.
vital sets of genes. First, they encode many proteins
Rates of sequence and structural evolution can
crucial to the fundamental bioenergetic processes of
be remarkably different for a given organelle ge-
the cell. Second, they encode many of the compo-
home. Animal mtDNAs, which change so rapidly
nents necessary for the proper expression of their
in primary sequence, are essentially invariant in gene
own genes. Given the vital importance of these two
order among all vertebrates (Brown 1983, 1985).
sets o f organellar genes, one might expect t h e m to
Land plant chloroplast DNAs (cpDNAs) evolve
change very slowly during the course of evolution.
slowly in base sequence and rarely undergo internal
Indeed, chloroplast genes have a low rate of point
rearrangement (Palmer 1985a,b). Plant mtDNAs
mutations (reviewed in Palmer 1985a; Wolfe et al.
may also change slowly in sequence, however, they
are extremely variable in size (200-2400 kb; Ward
Offprint requests to." J . D . P a l m e r et al. 1981; Palmer 1985a; Pring and Lonsdale 1985),

contain n u m e r o u s pieces o f c p D N A (Lonsdale 1988), phanus sativa cv. Scarlet Knight (fertile radish) by the DNase I
a n d usually exist as a collection o f different-sized procedure of Kolodner and Tewari (1972). Restriction endonu-
clease digestions, agarose gel electrophoresis, bidirectional blot
circles (Lonsdale 1988). This diversity implies a high
transfers to Genescreen (New England Nuclear) and Zetabind
rate o f length m u t a t i o n s (deletions, insertions, du- (AMF Cuono) hybridization membranes, nick-translations, filter
plications). H o w e v e r , there is little i n f o r m a t i o n hybridizations, and cloning of mtDNA fragments into plasmid
available concerning rates o f inversions a n d trans- vectors were performed as described (Palmer and Shields 1984;
positions, particularly as m e a s u r e d o v e r the entire Palmer 1986). Complete physical maps were constructed for
mtDNAs of B. oleracea and B. napus according to a previously
plant m i t o c h o n d r i a l genome. Extensive internal
described mapping strategy (Palmer and Shields 1984). Probes
r e a r r a n g e m e n t has b e e n suggested for m t D N A s in used in mapping hybridizations consisted of plasmids containing
Z e a (Sederoff et al. 1981) a n d N i c o t i a n a (Bland et almost the entire B. campestris mitochondrial genome (Palmer
al. 1985), but the evidence is limited to inferences and Shields 1984) and selected portions of the B. oleracea ge-
f r o m Southern blot hybridizations, in the absence nome, and also gel-isolated fragments from both the B. oleracea
and B. napus genomes.
o f a n y supporting physical m a p s . Specific m t D N A
r e a r r a n g e m e n t s h a v e been characterized in great de-
tail in several plants (Schardl et al. 1985; Bailey-
Serres et al. 1986; D e w e y et al. 1986; Y o u n g a n d
H a n s o n 1987), but these events h a v e not been placed
Tricircular M i t o c h o n d r i a l D N A s
in the larger context o f g e n o m e - w i d e rates a n d pro-
cesses o f rearrangement. W e previously showed that the m i t o c h o n d r i a l ge-
Here, we p r o v i d e the first m e a s u r e m e n t s o f the h o m e s o f three o f the six species e x a m i n e d here, B.
t e m p o a n d m o d e o f e v o l u t i o n a r y change o v e r the c a m p e s t r i s , B. nigra, a n d R a p h a n u s sativa, exist in
entire m i t o c h o n d r i a l g e n o m e in a group o f closely a tripartite organization as the result o f i n t r a g e n o m i c
related plants. W e h a v e chosen to study species in r e c o m b i n a t i o n across a pair o f direct repeats. T h i s
the genus B r a s s i c a ~ for several reasons. First, the r e c o m b i n a t i o n interconverts a m a s t e r c h r o m o s o m e
relatively small size ( 2 0 8 - 2 4 2 kb) o f the m i t o c h o n - with two s u b g e n o m i c circles ( P a l m e r a n d Shields
drial g e n o m e in B r a s s i c a considerably facilitates 1984; P a l m e r a n d H e r b o n 1986). In contrast, B.
analysis o f the entire g e n o m e ( P a l m e r a n d Shields hirta m t D N A lacks a n y r e c o m b i n a t i o n repeats 2 a n d
1984). Second, c o m p a r e d to other groups o f plants so exists as a single circular c h r o m o s o m e ( P a l m e r
( W a r d et al. 1981), g e n o m e size is relatively invar- a n d H e r b o n 1987). F u r t h e r m o r e , d i f f e r e n t se-
iant in B r a s s i c a (Lebacq a n d Vedel 1981; P a l m e r et quences are repeated a n d r e c o m b i n e in B. c a m p e s -
al. 1983b), m a k i n g it easier to study processes o f tris relative to B. nigra a n d R . sativa ( P a l m e r a n d
r e a r r a n g e m e n t a n d p o i n t m u t a t i o n in the absence H e r b o n 1986). W e h a v e n o w investigated the re-
o f the c o n f o u n d i n g effects o f extensive length m u - c o m b i n a t i o n a l activity o f m t D N A s f r o m B. oleracea
tation. Third, the t e m p o a n d m o d e o f c p D N A evo- a n d B. n a p u s and constructed c o m p l e t e restriction
lution are already w o r k e d out for B r a s s i c a species m a p s o f their g e n o m e s (Fig. 1) to allow e v o l u t i o n a r y
( P a l m e r et al. 1983a), enabling direct c o m p a r i s o n s c o m p a r i s o n s a m o n g all six o f these B r a s s i c a m t -
o f e v o l u t i o n a r y processes in the t w o plant cyto- DNAs.
p l a s m i c genomes. T h e s e m a p p i n g studies reveal that the s a m e 2-kb
W e report a r e m a r k a b l e a n d n o v e l pattern o f e l e m e n t that is duplicated as a direct repeat a n d en-
e v o l u t i o n a r y change in B r a s s i c a m i t o c h o n d r i a l ge- gaged in i n t r a m o l e c u l a r r e c o m b i n a t i o n in B. c a m -
n o m e s . C o m p a r e d to all p r e v i o u s l y studied orga- p e s t r i s m t D N A ( P a l m e r a n d Shields 1984) has a
helle genomes, these molecules change extraordi- similar organization in b o t h B. oleracea a n d B. na-
narily slowly in base sequence, yet v e r y rapidly in p u s (Fig. 1). This implies a similar tricircular struc-
structure a n d a r r a n g e m e n t . ture for all three g e n o m e s (Fig. 2). Note, however,
two m a j o r differences in the organization o f the re-
c o m b i n a t i o n repeats in the three m t D N A s . First,
Materials and Methods although overall g e n o m e size is highly conserved,
at 218 kb for tl. c a m p e s t r i s , 219 kb for B. oleracea,
Mitochondrial DNA was isolated from 6-wk-old green leaves of
Brassica campestris cv. Purple Top White Globe (turnip), B.
napus cv. American Purple Top (rutabaga), B. oleracea cv. Bruns- 2 We use the term "recombination repeat" as defined previously
wick (cabbage), B. hirta (white mustard; USDA PI 195, 922), B. (Stem and Palmer 1984) to denote a sequence present in two
nigra (black mustard; 84/row 1307, gift of D. Cohen), and Ra- copies relative to unique sequences in the genome, but which
exists in four different genomic environments as the result of
recombination occurring at high frequency (sufficient to produce
We shall use "'Brassica'" to refer to all five species compared an equilibrium mixture consisting of essentially equal levels of
herein that are classified in the genus Brassica and also for Raph- the recombinational isomers) between the two repeat copies. This
anus sativus (radish), because cytoplasmically it too belongs in operational definition does not include short repeats and other
Brassica (Palmer et al. 1983a) sequences that only recombine rarely
83 kb -~ 135 kb --

Bg~, l.*"'~llJ~lt~,l~"l"l'~" I,IPI " I ~ I "-I'~lt~oll ='''" Ho:~,1218.4

Pst, Jl,,I -,"l!.~lJ,,I-Illgl ~ II~,-PH-PIP;,,II~,H - i-I,,r ~7.~
Kp. I r r ~'l~,~,.~l"l~ " H'~ ~"=.1"1 ma.6
s.,, ~=~ " "'IlJ"I'~I'IW,,.r;I"I ~ :""I"PPIPH't~,I ~,6.,
Nru, I " 1'"l'4~~ " I"I'J"I~ 11~4
B, c a m p e s t r i s A',~o ~
A~k~ *

"~ 170 kb -~ 49 kb *"

~,, I,~'~|~o- I ~ I,#,'-It:~.l'::H'~,l'~,l P,~,I.I~ ~.~ 1#~1216., Fig. 1. Restriction maps o f the master
Pall I ' H '~= T-kd~l,.,~,H~ll~,~ll,.,I,,llgl~ II~f~.s[~l,l[ 218.1
chromosomes of three Brassica mtDNAs,
The circular maps are shown linearized at
a BglI site within the 2-kb repeat. Arrows
Z8 4k7 84
Nru . I ~ I.,I-,Itl~lo, l O ' , - I , ~ t l . , I , l - I ~ l - P l - l - J , . ~ l ,, I'l-~ 218.7 indicate the two copies of this repeat.
C - 5 0 0 bp D - 5 0 bp Numbers between arrows indicate sizes of
B. o l e r a c e a h ' kb
A-6 ~ ~ b*
subgenomic circles (cf. Fig. 2). Restriction
-.- 98 kb -,, 123 kb -.- fragment summations are given at the right
of the maps. Filled triangles indicate eight
length mutations, which are arbitrarily
Pstl 1'17-7]~:alJ~a[[~u ~ 1 ~ I"1~'1 " I~"1 I~-PII~i~"T"III~ 22oA shown only as insertions. Variable restric-
K,,., ,'*Pt~i ~:~'IT,. ~:'~,I"I"*H~, ~' ~,laeilJ"IH~'~ol4~i~l.,1221.7 tion sites resulting from length mutation
S,'' ~-=I~'HI"'T=H'I'~,i"i"I'IP-o~'~I ~'~'~ I"1 "="Ill 220.6 and point mutation are indicated with
" ~'
N r u I [ ~ I'"1"1~1,,1"1~'1~'1 " = 1~. HVlI-,I,~,*'I'~ I'l~,~gl 22o.s filled circles and stars, respectively. The B.
&tl" 9 campestris map is modified from Palmer
B. napus 9
E-S kb
r.~o~, e-~b, G-3 kb
and Shields (1984).

a b c d
and B. napus (123 kb and 98 kb) are more similar
091 I
PSI I (Fig. 2). Second, different repeat configurations are
Sa! I
present on different circles in one species relative to
: ': another. (There are two copies of the repeat per
B. campestris ~_ genome equivalent, but recombination places these
in a total o f four configurations with respect to unique
flanking sequences.) The " a " and "'b'" configurations
b a d c
are present on the master chromosome and the "c "
Pst I and " d " configurations on the subgenomic circles
Sal I
in both B. campestris and B. oleracea, whereas in
B. napus the reverse is true (Fig. 2). Moreover, in
B. campestris the " c " configuration is present on the
B.oleracea ~--
larger subgenomic circle and the " d " configuration
on the smaller one, whereas the opposite holds for
d c b a
B. oleracea (Fig. 2). These differences in circle size
Pst I and repeat location have the same cause, i.e., the
',: ',, : inversions described below.
Our map for B. oleracea m t D N A agrees with that
B. napus i ~ ~- + reported by Chetrit et al. (1984) in the placement
o f 90-95% o f the sites for the three enzymes mapped
in common. However, Chetrit et al. describe only
Fig. 2. Tricircular organization o f three Brassica mtDNAs. Ar- a single master chromosome, on which they place
rows denote the position and orientation o f a 2-kb sequence that our "a'" and "c'" configuration repeats, whereas ac-
is duplicated and engaged in high frequency intragenomic recom- cording to our mapping studies these two repeat
bination in each mtDNA. Letters distinguish each repeat in terms
of its configuration of flanking unique sequences. Cleavage maps
configurations can only exist on different genome
for three restriction enzymes are shown in regions encompassing isomers and never on the same chromosome. Be-
each of the repeats. cause the B. oleracea m t D N A s show identical pat-
terns with the three enzymes used in c o m m o n in
and 221 kb for B. napus, distances between repeats the two studies, strain differences cannot account
are different. This results in subgenomic circles of for these discrepancies. Therefore, we feel their map
unequal size in B. oleracea (170 kb and 49 kb), is in error, and in fact describes a highly improbable
whereas those in B. campestris (135 kb and 83 kb) genome arrangement.
5 4 3 2 1
:;~ I ,Itl ,I t
170 kb 1,.o ]" 4 9 kb
I 9 11 I I i 3.1 *
B. oleracea , I lull I 17.21 I le~lli ; ;I I/ /11 I 11.8111 I 1 lo.1,

B. campestris
83 kb ~ 17.o 135 kb
~! LI-M -" ', -~1 I

171 kb inversion 1 I 2 3 4 5tl

9 l, I. I~'I, l
6 6 kb inversion 1 5 r 4 i3 2 1

,l ~ I -t.el J l
8 4 kb inversion 1 5 4 2 t 1
tl' I t I 'e'l ' 'I
1 5 4 3 2 1

1 5 3 4 2
I ,I ,I ,I, I ,I
"- 9 8 kb " 123 kb
B. napus 1~1t, 28
I'o"lql 1. I 10.1 33
11"1 ,o II:i-I - I"1 z

Fig. 3. Relative arrangement of

similar sequences in three Brassica
mtDNAs. Numbered horizontal
,~I .1 I,~ arrows above and below the com-
8 3 kb ~-- 135 kb ~,- plete SalI maps indicate blocks o f
I ~1 t-I Jl '1 "1 sequences whose arrangement has
5 7 kb inversion 1 I 2 3 I 4 5 been conserved between genomes.
The crossing lines between Sail
I 'I" I' I .I 'I
fragments connect regions of
123 kb inversion 1 3 t 2 4 5 t
cross-hybridization. Double-head-
I .I' I. I' I 'I ed vertical arrows indicate inver-
70 kb inversion 1 t 3 5 I 4 2 sion endpoints. Horizontal arrow-
I ,I tl LI, I ,I heads indicate recombination
1 5 3 4 2 repeats.

few detectable length mutations in these genomes,

Inversions in Brassica mtDNAs
which will be discussed in a later section.
The relative arrangement of sequences in the six Second, the genomes differ significantly in linear
Brassica mtDNAs was assessed by hybridizing sequence order. The B. carnpestris and B. oleracea
cloned fragments covering 96% o f the B. campestris genomes can be divided into five linkage groups,
genome (Palmer and Shields 1984) to filter-bound where sequences within each group have the same
mtDNAs from the other five species, each digested arrangement in the two genomes, but where the rel-
with the five enzymes used in mapping. In addition, ative order and orientation o f linkage groups differ
selected clones from these five genomes were hy- between the two species (Fig. 3). A m i n i m u m o f
bridized to filters containing digests ofB. campestris three separate inversions must be postulated to ac-
mtDNA. We first compared the three most closely count for these linkage disruptions, i.e., to convert
related mtDNAs, from B. campestris, B. oleracea, one genome arrangement into the other. The B.
and B. napus. Alignment of cross-hybridizing SalI campestris-B, napus comparison also breaks the ge-
fragments from these three mtDNAs leads to two nomes into five linkage groups and postulates a min-
major conclusions (Fig. 3). First, the three genomes i m um o f three inversions (Fig. 3).
have essentially the same sequence content. Every In each of the two comparisons, two of the pos-
fragment from the B. carnpestris reference genome tulated inversions share a c o m m o n endpoint. For
hybridizes to fragments from the B. oleracea and B. example, in the B. oleracea-B, campestris compar-
napus genomes, and vice versa. There are only a ison, the right endpoints o f the 171-kb and 84-kb
inversions map to approximately the same position
within a B. campestris probe fragment o f 4.0 kb.
Only by sequencing these endpoints can we be cer- a5) t2b ~
123 kb

tain o f whether they fall precisely at the same place. Inversion

Certain regions o f the genome, perhaps containing [I II
short dispersed repeats, may promote inversional 1 3 1 3
recombination. a , ~ , b --... d , ~ , c
Knowledge o f the positions of inversions enables
us to derive simple explanations for the differences
kL/' kb 2 4 ~ 5
noted in the preceding section regarding circle size l

57 kb TInversion

70 kb ~ Inversion
and repeat location. The net effect o f two successive
~~3b 1 5
inversions, each one flipping one repeat relative to dt ~ ~ c
the other (as diagrammed in each o f the compari-
sons in Fig. 3), is to retain a direct orientation of
the repeats on the master chromosome, but to move 4 4
them either farther apart or closer together. Hence, B. campestris B, napus
a tricircular organization will be retained, but the
Fig. 4. Evolutionary model for the interconversion of the B.
sizes o f the subgenomic circles will differ from one
campestris (A) and B. napus (D) mitochondrial genomes. Mol-
species to the other. ecules B and C represent hypothesized evolutionary intermedi-
Such a two-step inversion o f repeat-containing ates which themselves are interconvertible by a nonevolutionary
linkage groups postulates an evolutionary inter- inversion--a flip-flop inversion occurring within the paired re-
mediate genome in which the repeats are oriented combination repeats as shown in the equivalent molecules B' and
C'. Numbers and arrows denote linkage groups shown in Fig. 3.
inversely relative to one another (Fig. 4). These ge-
Small letters denote the four configurations of the recombination
nomes would be direct physical analogs o f the "flip- repeat (cf. Fig. 2).
flop" inversion pairs found in cpDNA (reviewed in
Palmer 1985a, b) and the 2-micron plasmid o f yeast
(Broach 1982). The two inversion isomers in the tions that would convert one genome form into
hypothesized intermediate genome are both "mas- another, as was feasible for the more closely related
ter chromosomes," i.e., they contain the entire se- genomes (Figs. 3 and 4). If, by analogy to these
quence complexity of the mitochondrial genome. simpler comparisons, we assume that all rearrange-
Therefore, the second evolutionary inversion in these ments (excluding length mutations) are inversions,
two-step progressions is as likely to occur in the then a m i ni m um o f 10, 11, and 14 inversions must
inversion isomer o f the circle that sustained the first be postulated to convert the B. campestris genome
evolutionary inversion as in the unripped circle. into a B. hirta, B. nigra, and R. sativa genome, re-
The net effect o f this first outcome would be to gen- spectively. If each o f these putative inversions oc-
erate a tricircular genome with direct repeats, in curred independently (in location) of the others, then
which the two repeat configurations o f the original 20, 22, and 28 inversion endpoints would be pre-
master chromosome are now on the subgenomes dicted for each o f the three comparisons. Because
and vice versa. This is exactly the situation de- only 11, 12, and 15 rearrangement breakpoints were,
scribed in the preceding section for B. napus com- in fact, detected (Fig. 5 and Palmer and Herbon
pared to the other two genomes (Fig. 2). Figure 4 1987), many o f the inversions must share com m on
shows an evolutionary model postulating exactly endpoints. This reinforces the conclusion derived
this series o f events--a "flip-flop" inversion occur- above from the more straightforward and inter-
ring in between (in a phylogenetic sense) two evo- pretable comparisons among the closely related
lutionary inversions--the net effect o f which is to Brassica species (Fig. 3) and suggests that certain
convert the B. campestris genome into a B. napus regions of the mitochondrial genome are relatively
genome. active in promoting recombination.
The other three mtDNAs, from B. hirta, B. nigra,
and R. sativa, are much more highly rearranged rel-
Nucleotide Sequence Divergence
ative to each other and to the reference genome,
from B. campestris, than are the three genomes com- We estimated levels of nucleotide sequence diver-
pared thus far. Relative to B. campestris, these gence among the six mtDNAs based on the pro-
mtDNAs can be divided into no fewer than 11 (B. portion of shared restriction sites. Comparisons over
hirta; Palmer and Herbon 1987), 12 (B. nigra; Fig. the entire genome were possible only for the three
5), and 15 (R. sativa; Fig. 5) blocks o f linkage con- most closely related mtDNAs, from B. campestris,
servation. Rearrangement is so extensive in these B. oleracea, and B. napus. Excluding 10 sites located
genomes that we cannot derive a single unambig- within regions that are not present in all three ge-
uous and parsimonious series o f individual muta- nomes, a total of 133 mapped sites could be com-
R. s a t i v a --~ 139kb 103kb
Bgll 4o t'{'11"2"3[[l"' 2, 1-~+~-'1f2-~
l"~i~']l'7. 1 ~..4 ~'~? ,~:~ ,, ,.,+ 1~,.,
] 14.3 /I 11317
2~ 2.,tl f 2.s
, 6.711140
7.51ll 9.7 i 110.3 I

Ps t I H i2tl
7. 20.5 l'" 2.,t.iF.o
2.,~I e.'l
2..'1 12.,t ,,~o,
" li9.6 ~,~
110.: ,I.Illl~l.l'.'llfo~ i ''~.., b4l~ 241.3
12.2 3. 0.6 1.4 4.2 17.8 3.7
Kpn I 1.~i5"7i1~.~1'" N. It'.' 1.1]t22
t:.2l ,.1 ] 12~1'2'8tl 1"1 ,2 I,.+.212.;-1l'1 242.s
i,9 17,51,1 14.2 Ii 2,
t l I,.,I .,12.,o.s'la.o1,., 12.a-I. .so. 4.o 2.1 4.2
11,1,4 I.I .P 2 4 1 . 3
~o /1~,1":" ,1 4.5 4.8
Sal I 3..+1 ~ 34 ~.oil~.~,,.,
3.0 ,,I I,';.I, t>,41,.,I1"I
21 i t,t,~112,~;.~i..i F,,5,o2f,.,ll~,.oi
.s " " 1'7.21[117.Sl
15., 11,.51 2s 11~t1:~.,?" 243~

1 6 12 2,4 14 9 513 7 11 3 10 15 8

1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9 1 0 11 12 13 14 15
B. c a m p e s t r i s
-~- 3.7 "~ "~
Pst I ]t,.~l1. ,~" t,~;tl,.;I;~lb.4
<,, :~ :" 3.~t ".21fl "'-~ 3., ,-io~l ~~ "
-I'1t,,~1 ~'PLL]]218.4
Kpnl ,~oll~ 2. I=1'<"~-'1,-11 ,-s - 4~11.11-~1.1...~' :~,,o=~,,,.~
Sal I
I i,,.o z,,t .o ,., 8,1,.14,24 ..o I i,.2 33 "1o,.I,~101
Nru I 15.s ,a ,4 a,lll 2s '.'l':ll@<'l~,s 14'1 :~t 1~,,o., I1,, cz.8.4

5 9 8 4 6 12 11 10 2 7 3
B. n i g r a 96 kb --~ 135 k b --"
2.1 2 2,6 42 3.9 5 1.6 1.2 117
Bgll ,, l;,o.sl..~lf 3.=3~ 0,,tl 1..o I,.:141].~1~ ,H 2,d,o21'M3.= 2 3 0 . 5
Pst ' "'§162 ,2 1 ,,.ob~ll,.%bol,s.~ 11..slJ,:,ll,:oQH.[-~ ~.41,II 229.7
,,.' ,,., t1,~1'.11'-'1 ,'.'1,., ~I~ [' I2"' [~ ' 4"8 I8"01 4l0428 ~1 23 ],4U~.,U.IP,,, 1.,1 23o.,

Nrul 66
' [ 15.4 I 24 3 '0 12231"1
45 87 l { ~t7~ 93 [ 154
" 111:'111G~fl:
0 ' 28 ] J7.~]"75 I lg [ 165
. i .93 J 111. f. 3 231.1

Fig. 5. Relativearrangement of similar sequences in three highly rearranged Brassica mtDNAs. Restriction site maps for B1 nigra
and R. sativa (fertile radish) are from Palmer and Herbon (1986); the map for B. campestris is from Palmer and Shields (1984). Arrows
directly above the three restriction site maps indicate recombination repeats. Numbered horizontal arrows above and below the B.
campestris map indicate blocks of sequences whose arrangement has been conserved relative to the genomes of R. sativa and B. nigra,
respectively. The crossing lines connect these cross-hybridizing, arrangement-conserved regions. Squiggles in the arrows indicate
sequences found in only one genome in each comparison. Restriction fragment summations are given at the right of the maps.

pared. Mutations were observed at only 2 o f these 19 PstI fragments from B. c a m p e s t r i s m t D N A , which
133 sites (Fig. 1). c o v e r 130 kb o f the g e n o m e that is colinear a m o n g
T o obtain a m o r e accurate measure o f divergence, the three m o s t closely related m t D N A s , were serially
we next c o m p a r e d all six m t D N A s with the 5 en- hybridized to filter blots containing all six m t D N A s
z y m e s used for m a p p i n g and with 15 additional d o u b l y digested with PstI a n d each o f the a b o v e
enzymes, A v a I , B a m H I , BanI, BanII, BclI, BglII, enzymes. D o u b l e digests were analyzed in order to
ClaI, EcoRI, EcoRV, HaeII, H i n d I I I , NciI, NsiI, reduce the size o f the fragments being c o m p a r e d and
XbaI, and X m n I . In order to study restriction site therefore allow better resolution o f point m u t a t i o n s
divergence without the c o n f o u n d i n g effects o f rear- f r o m small length mutations. Furthermore, because
rangement, we focused our attention o n unrear- the PstI sites defining the 19 probe fragments arc,
ranged regions o f the genome. Plasmids containing with two exceptions, absolutely conserved in all six
Table 1. Sequence differences among Brassica mtDNAs and cpDNAs

campestris napus oleracea sativa nigra hirta

campestris -- 3/4002 5/4002 5/1900 9/1759 8/2163

napus 0.07/0.33 -- 4/4002 5/1900 9/1759 8/2163
oleracea 0.12/0.30 0.10/0.33 -- 4/1900 8/1759 7/2163
sativa 0.26/1.00 0.26/1.00 0.21 / 1.00 -- l 0/1496 l 0/1900
nigra 0.51/2.49 0.51/2.49 0.45/2.49 0.67/2.20 -- 14/1759
hirta 0.37/2.08 0.37/2.08 0.32/2.08 0.53/1.90 0.80/1.00 --

The number o f restriction site mutations between any two mtDNAs is given in the upper right-hand section of the matrix along with
the number of base pairs compared (these numbers take into account the sites cut by both KpnI and BanI). Values in the lower leR-
hand section correspond to the percentage sequence difference between pairs of mtDNAs (left of slash) and cpDNAs (right of slash)
and are calculated as 100p, where p is the estimated number of substitutions per base pair from Eq. 3 of Brown et al. (1979). The
m t D N A data are from this study and the cpDNA data are from Palmer et al. (1983a)

genomes, we were better able to compare regions nome was possible only for the three most similar
lying very close to breakpoints without any of the mtDNAs, which are also very similar in overall size
confounding effects of the rearrangements. (218-221 kb; Fig. 1). Length mutations among these
The six Brassica mtDNAs are very similar in three mtDNAs were detected by comparing frag-
nucleotide sequence as estimated by their propor- ment sizes in two ways-- first, by hybridizing clones
tion of shared restriction sites (Table l). The most covering the entire mitochondrial genome to blots
divergent pair of species are over 99% identical in containing adjacent lanes of the three mtDNAs di-
primary sequence, whereas the three most closely gested singly with the five mapping enzymes, and
related genomes, those ofB. campestris, B. oleracea, second, by the double digest hybridizations de-
and B. napus, are roughly 99.9% identical. More- scribed in the preceding section. This latter assay
over, even these very low sequence divergence val- was more sensitive than the first because the average
ues (0.07-0.80%; Table 1) may be overestimated, fragment being compared was smaller. Thus, our
because some of the site changes could be due to study was biased to detect small length mutations
very small length mutations rather than base sub- in this unrearranged 130-kb portion of the genome.
stitutions. Therefore, our estimates of sequence di- A m i n i m u m of eight length mutations, ranging
vergence should be considered maximal ones. in size from 50 bp to 6 kb, distinguishes among the
The entire, roughly 220-kb genomes of three mtDNAs ofB. campestris, B. oleracea, andB. napus.
species (B. campestris, B. oleracea, and B. napus) Six of the eight length mutations distinguish the B.
were compared with the five enzymes used in map- napus genome from the other two genomes (Fig. 1),
ping, and 130 kb of each genome was compared and three of these mutations are fairly large (3, 5,
with the 15 additional enzymes, producing a total and 6 kb), so that the absolute value of these size
sample size of 675 restriction sites and 4002 nu- differences far exceeds the overall genome size dif-
cleotide pairs, or almost 2% of the genome. At the ference. For example, the 2-kb size difference be-
other extreme, only about one-fifth (45.6 kb) of the tween the 221-kb B. napus and 219-kb B. oleracea
B. nigra and R. sativa mitochondrial genomes could genomes reflects the combined insertion and dele-
be compared, producing a sample size of 253 sites tion of over 14 kb of DNA in a minimum of seven
and 1496 bp. Because roughly equal proportions of separate events. In contrast, the B. campestris and
site mutations were observed in the genomewide B. oleracea genomes differ by only 550 bp in size
comparisons of the three closely related Brassica and by only two detectable length mutations.
species as in the more extensive sampling of their The other mitochondrial genomes cover a much
unrearranged regions, it appears that rearranged and wider range of sizes--208 kb for B. hirta (Palmer
unrearranged regions are equally susceptible to point and Herbon 1987), and 231 kb for B. nigra and 242
mutations. Hence, the limited (in physical terms) kb for R. sativa (Palmer and Herbon 1986). Rear-
sampling of the more rearranged genomes should not rangement and size variation in these genomes were
produce any bias in detection of point mutations. too extensive to allow analysis of most length mu-
tations. However, Fig. 5 does show the largest length
mutations in the B. nigra and R. sativa genomes
relative to that of B. campestris. These are of two
Size Variation and Length Mutations
types, sequence duplications (creating recombina-
An accurate assessment of length mutations (dele- tion repeats; Palmer and Herbon 1986) and dele-
tions/insertions) over the entire mitochondrial ge- tions/insertions of unique sequences (Fig. 5).

B. oleracea 1 I 2 31 4 I ~ I 1

B. napus : 1 I 2 In 4 I 5 :

B. hirta =1 1 I= 2 I 3 41 s 16171 a 191 lo Im., - k

B. nigra =1 1 -I 2 I 3 4 I 5 6 I 7 =1ol , I ,o Ill I'~'

R. sat iva | 1 121 3 ~4~s 161 7 8 ~1~ 11 [ 12 Bill3~ 14 [ 15

Composite =1 Bill II II I II Imll I I -'11 I~= I I f I=

2 3 456 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Map 1

B.campestris coxl! atp6 coxl cob'c~xll/ /nbhl ~tp9 atpA 26S 18S cox.
eoxlll rps13

t, 1,1, t, I ~ 1 , 1 , 1 , I,1,11i i I J l l l , I,I, I, 1,1,1, I,I

o lo 20 30 40 so 6o 70 s o 90 loo 11o 12o 13o 14o 1so 1so 1to ,ao19o 200 21o 22o

Fig. 6. Summary o f m t D N A rearrangement breakpoints relative to the reference genome, from B. campestris. Each individual species
map shows its rearrangement breakpoints (indicated with horizontal slashes), deletions larger than 1 kb in size (indicated with solid
boxes), and blocks of unrearranged sequences (numbered regions between breakpoints) relative to the map of B. campestris (cf. Figs.
3 and 5). The composite map summarizes rearrangements and deletions for all five comparisons. The B. campestris gene map is from
Makaroff and Palmer (1987). Size scale is in kilobases.

Discussion with ambiguous polarities in the phylogeny depicted

in Fig. 7.
General Features of mtDNA Rearrangement
The composite rearrangement map shown in Fig.
in Brassica
6 reveals that rearrangement breakpoints occur on
This study is the first to measure mutation rates average every l0 kb in the 208-257-kb Brassica
over an entire plant mitochondrial genome and doc- mitochondrial genome and that the longest block o f
uments a unique tempo and mode o f evolution for unrearranged sequences (no. 9) is only about 10%
plant mitochondrial DNA. Nucleotide substitutions o f the length o f the genome. Many of the identified
occur at a very slow rate in these Brassica mtDNAs, plant mitoehondrial genes map singly within indi-
whereas internal rearrangements, predominantly in- vidual rearrangement units and several o f these genes
versions, occur frequently. Thus, the Brassica mi- (atp6, coxI, atpA) are closely flanked on both sides
tochondrial genome may be viewed as a collection by rearrangements in one genome or another. Fur-
o f unchanging sequences whose relative arrange- thermore, although cob and coxII are linked in all
ment is extremely fluid. Brassica genomes, they are located far apart in
The overall extent and nature of m t D N A rear- m t D N A s o f maize (Lonsdale 1988) and sunflower
rangements in Brassica are summarized in a spatial (Siculella and Palmer 1988). In addition, o f the four
framework in Fig. 6 and in a temporal, phylogenetic genes (coxIII, rps 13, ndh 1, atp9) that remain linked
framework in Fig. 7. Figure 6 shows that many o f on sequence block 9 in the composite Brassica map
the rearrangement breakpoints found in the five ge- (Fig. 6), only two, rps 13 and ndh l, are also linked
homes that were compared to the B. campestris ge- in such plants as maize, tobacco, and sunflower
nome map to the same approximate locations rel- (Bland et al. 1986; Lonsdale 1988; Siculella and
ative to B. campestris. This probably reflects two Palmer 1988). In general, then, gene order is incon-
factors. First, as discussed in the Results section on sequential to the proper function o f plant mito-
inversions, many rearrangements that occurred in- chondrial genes.
dependently in time are likely to have been fostered There are two indications that rearrangement has
by recombination at a limited number o f shared been most extensive in the lineage leading to radish,
endpoint sequences. Second, some rearrangements R. sativa. First, the fertile radish line examined in
undoubtedly occurred in the c o m m o n ancestors of this study is more rearranged relative to B. cam-
two or more o f these species. Unfortunately, the pestris than any other Brassica species, including
complexity o f rearrangement in these genomes, to- two species (B. nigra and B. hirta) that are phylo-
gether with the apparent high incidence of shared genetically more distantly related (Fig. 7). Second,
rearrangement breakpoints, makes impossible an the mtDNAs o f this fertile radish line and a cyto-
unambiguous determination of phylogenetic direc- plasmic male sterile (CMS) radish line have been
tion o f individual rearrangement events. It is for shown to be extensively rearranged (approx. 10 in-
this reason that most rearrangements are portrayed versions), in spite of a high degree o f primary s e -

10 k b r z~aJ~c
sir~jle ~ germ

< 10-11

I < 14

i~ o t 10 kb
~lnmtion za~eat
o t 2 kb (oo~ zz)
rux~b~unatio. ~ - ~ t z ~ ,'r.
<. 3
> laHm of
~ m m
zeca~b. Fig. 7. Phylogenetic history of m t D N A
< 3--~ rearrangements in Brassica. Top Cytoplas-
mic phylogeny for Brassica based on cp-
I DNA restriction site mutations (Palmer et
D. c a n m s t : r t s D. o l _e~___ ]}. ha:us B. sat~va B. s a t t v a D. ld.~ al. 1983a). This phylogeny is cladisticaily
cau:~je rebec.tie 04S black derived and is not intended to convey di-
mustazd vergence times. Numbers of rearrangments
are given relative to the reference genome,
B. campestris, except for the 10 rearrange-
218 219 221 242 257 231 208
ments that have been shown (Makaroff
and Palmer 1988) to distinguish the CMS
135 + 83 170 + 49 123 + 98, 139 + 103 130 + 127 135 + 96 and fertile mtDNAs of R. sativa. Bottom
2 y- Sizes of master chromosomes and (where
present) subgenomic circles resulting from
t'~twb. high frequency recombination at the indi-
z'qpmt cated recombination repeats.

quence similarity in both mtDNA and cpDNA of sica mitochondrial genome. Although these large
the two radish lines (Makaroff and Palmer 1988). duplications in plant mtDNA are relatively ephem-
We are presently sequencing the endpoints of a eral compared to those in cpDNA, which can persist
number of these radish-derived rearrangements in for several hundred million years (Palmer 1985a,b),
order to examine mutations potentially involved in they are long-lived relative to tandem duplications
CMS; these studies may also provide clues con- in animal mtDNA, which are usually restricted to
cerning the greater instability of m t D N A in radish. particular individuals or populations (Moritz and
Although it is impossible to polarize Brassica Brown 1987).
mtDNA inversions, the evolutionary direction of
several large insertions and deletions can be inferred
Novel Mode o f Evolution of Plant mtDNA
with reasonable confidence. In particular, the du-
plication o f the coxlI gene as a recombination repeat Comparisons of plant mtDNA with cpDNA and
is a relatively recent event in Brassica evolution, animal mtDNA reveal striking contrasts in genome
occurring in the common ancestor of the three most evolution. The much smaller mtDNAs of animals
closely related species examined, B. campestris, B. are extremely invariant in genome arrangement (all
oleracea, and B. napus (Fig. 7). The duplication rep- vertebrate mtDNAs have the same gene order) yet
resented by the 10-kb recombination repeat is pres- undergo extraordinarily rapid changes in primary
ent in only some taxa in each of the two major clades sequence (Brown 1983, 1985; Wilson et al. 1985).
of the Brassica phylogeny (Fig. 7). We favor the idea, The mean intraspecific divergence in animal mtDNA
expressed in Fig. 7, that this duplication was present ranges from 0.18% to 4.10% within 12 different
in the common ancestor of the genus and was sub- mammalian species (Wilson et al. 1985). This com-
sequently lost twice independently--once in B. hirta pares to a mean interspecific divergence of 0.37%
and once in the 2-kb recombination repeat-contain- (Table 1) and an intraspecific divergence of 0%
ing lineage. We prefer this explanation to the equally (Palmer 1988) in Brassica mtDNAs. We estimate
parsimonious one of two parallel gains, once in B. plant mtDNA sequence change to be on the order
nigra and once in R. sativa. It seems easier to imag- of 100 times slower than for animal mtDNA. This
ine parallel loss o f one copy of a duplicate (and hence is based on calculations that cpDNA mutates 10--
nonessential) sequence than its parallel duplication 100 times slower than animal m t D N A (Zurawski et
in a genome of the size and complexity of the Bras- al. 1984) and on our own findings that m t D N A in

Brassica mutates 4 times slower than cpDNA (see is genie in the larger plant genomes (Ward et al.
below). Overall then, plant and animal m t D N A evo- 1981). In contrast, land plant cpDNAs are densely
lution are completely opposite with respect to both packed with genes, many of which are cotranscribed
primary sequence and genome arrangement. (Gray 1986), whereas animal mtDNA lacks spacer
Gene order is almost as highly conserved in land sequences almost entirely and in mammals at least
plant cpDNA as in animal m t D N A (Palmer 1985a,b; is transcribed into a single genome-sized RNA
Gray 1986) and is therefore orders of magnitude (Clayton 1984; Brown 1985). Thus, gene packing
more constrained than in plant mtDNA. Indeed, we constraints on rearrangement should be extremely
earlier demonstrated (Palmer et al. 1983a) complete relaxed in plant m t D N A compared to both cpDNA
colinearity among the cpDNAs of the six Brassica and animal mtDNA. Furthermore, plant mitochon-
species whose mtDNAs are shown to be so highly drial genomes seem able to tolerate at least certain
rearranged (Figs. 3 and 5). This disparity in rear- rearrangements that actually do affect gene struc-
rangement rates for the two plant cytoplasmic ge- ture; these generate novel, recombinant genes that
nomes far exceeds their difference in point mutation appear to be involved in cytoplasmic male sterility
rates. Comparisons among the same Brassica species (Bailey-Serres et al. 1986; Dewey et al. 1986; Young
reveal that substitution frequencies across the ge- and Hanson 1987).
nome are about four times slower for plant m t D N A A second major factor promoting rearrangement
than for cpDNA (Table 1). This number, which is in plant mtDNAs is the prevalence of short dis-
based on indirect sampling of substitutions by re- persed repeats that could serve as the points o f cross-
striction site analysis, is in excellent agreement with over for homologous recombination events. Such
the recent estimate of a threefold slower rate of syn- repeats are virtually absent from animal m t D N A
onymous substitutions for plant mitochondrial genes and from most cpDNAs (Palmer 1985a,b; Brown
compared to chloroplast genes (Wolfe et al. 1987). 1985). In contrast, several families of short dis-
Our total genome divergence estimates and those persed repeats exist in Brassica mtDNAs (Palmer
based on single genes (Wolfe et al. 1987) are in dis- and Shields 1984; Shirzadegan and Palmer, unpub-
agreement with those of McClean and Hanson lished data). Furthermore, hybridization studies re-
(1986). They estimated nucleotide substitutions veal that these repeats are located near or at the
based on the shared fragment method, which as- precise breakpoints of the three inversions (Fig. 3)
sumes that all fragment changes are due to substi- that distinguish mtDNAs of B. campestris and B.
tutions. However, they pointed out that their esti- oleracea (M. Shirzadegan and J. Palmer, unpub-
mates would not reflect actual accumulation of lished data). Sequencing studies are now in progress
substitutions if the mitochondrial genomes con- to clarify the relationship between repeats and in-
tained many rather than a few rearrangements. The versions in Brassica mtDNA.
assumption of few rearrangements is clearly not met The slow rate of point mutations in plant m t D N A
for Brassica mtDNAs, nor apparently for those in is intriguing. The fact that the genomes are mostly
Zea (Sederoffet al. 1981; Schardl et al. 1985; Dewey noncoding might cause one to expect high levels of
et al. 1986) and in Nicotiana (Bland et al. 1985) and sequence variation, particularly when measured by
Petunia (Young and Hanson 1987), two genera in restriction site studies of the entire genome. Yet,
the same family as Lycopersicon. Because rearrange- plant m t D N A accumulates substitutions 3--4 and
ment appears to be the major mode of plant mtDNA 100 times more slowly than the densely gene-packed
change, we believe that the Lycopersicon divergence DNAs of chloroplasts and animal mitochondria, re-
values calculated by McClean and Hanson (1986) spectively. We therefore favor the idea that the mu-
are significantly overestimated. tation rate in plant m t D N A is driven by factors
affecting mutation pressures, rather than by strin-
gent selection pressures. For example, we predict
Mechanisms of Plant mtDNA Evolution
that plant mitochondria are likely to contain highly
Why does plant m t D N A rearrange so rapidly, yet efficient systems for repairing damage to their DNA,
remain so invariant in primary sequence? The large and perhaps, a relatively error-free DNA replication
size of plant mitochondrial genomes and their abun- system. In contrast, the high mutation rate in animal
dance of noneoding sequences suggest that a high mtDNA has been attributed, at least in part, to faulty
proportion of possible rearrangements is likely to replication enzymes and a general absence of DNA
be tolerated, i.e., will not disrupt gene function. Our repair processes (Brown 1983).
transcriptional studies indicate that at most only The explanations we have offered for the high
about one-third of the 218-kb mitochondrial ge- rate of rearrangements and low rate of substitutions
nome ofB. campestris is likely to have coding func- in plant m t D N A are but prima facie biochemical
tions and that almost all genes are transcribed singly ones and do not address underlying selective factors.
(Makaroff and Palmer 1987). It seems reasonable What at present is completely mystifying is why
therefore to expect that only 10% or less of the DNA plant mtDNAs can tolerate lots of extra sequences,

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C. Moritz, and M. Zolan for critical reading of the manuscript. genomes. Annu Rev Genet 19:325-354
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