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Write For Practitioner Source #1


2. Your inquiry question (3 points)

How to engage students who disguise math anxiety as hate towards the subject?

3. Why you chose this text and how it relates to your inquiry question (7 points)

The text does not directly answer my inquiry question; however, it provides a primer for the
work that needs to be done. A big component of mathematics is the writing and the notation
that comes along with it. The higher you go on math the more likely you are to use a heavy
amount of notation. In order for students to understand the mathematics itself, they need to
be able to understand how to read it. Sometimes even simple things as solve can be hard to
understand if a student never understood what that meant. Write On! Math focuses on the
writing portion of mathematics.

4. What useful information this text gives you about your inquiry question (10 points)

Write On! Math gives strategies to address effective communication skills so that students
can be successful. The author breaks mathematical writing into three areas: communication,
note taking, and writing techniques. Chapter 1: Introduction to Communication and chapter
2: The Notes You Take in Math Class are the most relevant to my research. Ch1 is about the
communication skills needed from a math instructor. Ch2 is all about equipping students
with the tools to take meaningful notes.

5. What useful ideas from the text you could apply to your own teaching and how you plan to
apply them. OR, if there is not anything you can apply to your teaching, explain why the
ideas in the text won’t apply to your teaching, classroom, students, or your school’s
community (10 points)

Teaching students how to take notes is something that I have seen pop up more and more. It
actually does make sense to offer students various strategies on taking notes. Inserts from
the text would actually be great since the text is directed towards teachers and students. I
think it would be useful to teach this at the beginning of the semester to imbed it into the
students. Monitor their progress and revisit as necessary, this could be done in a
performance indicator type of assessment and measured throughout the semester through
student’s notebook/binders.

6. Write the citation for your text in APA format (5 points)

Gerver, R. K. (2013). Write On! Math : Taking Better Notes in Math Class. Charlotte:
Information Age Publishing. Retrieved from
Write For Practitioner Source #2

1. Your inquiry question (3 points)

2. Your inquiry question (3 points)

How to engage students who disguise math anxiety as hate towards the subject?

3. Why you chose this text and how it relates to your inquiry question (7 points)

This Edutopia article provides specific strategies to identify math anxiety and ways to
address it. The article is thorough on describing the signs and symptoms of math anxiety and
its relation to students who tap out because it gets hard of simply because they do not like
the subject.

4. What useful information this text gives you about your inquiry question (10 points)

The website gives a full description on math anxiety as something more serious than dislike
for the subject or “being bad at it”. It describes effective strategies to identify these students
and provide a possible cause. It also offers strategies to help these students among other
articles you can find on the Edutopia website.

5. What useful ideas from the text you could apply to your own teaching and how you plan to
apply them. OR, if there is not anything you can apply to your teaching, explain why the
ideas in the text won’t apply to your teaching, classroom, students, or your school’s
community (10 points)

I like the tips they offer: Use healthy and accurate messages and Allow think time when
asking questions. I feel like that is one of the areas where I need to work, giving students
more time for the information to sink in and that they get a chance to ask questions. The item
that I may find the most useful might just be mixed-ability grouping. I have seen my CT
struggle through grouping and more than often it takes longer to group student due to
student’s perception and likeness of each other. Thus far in my research I have not looked
into students group work and it benefits on cultivating a healthy academic identity.

6. Write the citation for your text in APA format (5 points)

Picha, G. (2018, May 17). Recognizing and Alleviating Math Anxiety. Retrieved March

19, 2019, from


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