Sample Lesson Plan 3 Grade 7 Mathematics 1

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Sample Lesson Plan #3: Grade 7

British Columbia Math Curriculum

Grade Level:​ Grade 7 Date:​ April 2019

Big Idea(s):
● Decimals, fractions, and percents are used to represent and describe parts and
wholes of numbers.
● Computational fluency and flexibility with numbers extend to operations with integers
and decimals.

Curricular Competencies:
● Use reasoning and logic to explore, analyze, and apply mathematical ideas
● Demonstrate and apply mental math strategies
● Develop, demonstrate, and apply mathematical understanding through play, inquiry,
and problem solving
● Use mathematical vocabulary and language to contribute to mathematical discussions

● experimental probability with two independent events

Constructivist Elements
Accessing Student Prior Knowledge and Experiences: Build upon the prior knowledge of
● Ask students to share examples of events that are not possible, unlikely, likely, and
● Discuss examples in life that involve chance and uncertainty

Provocation​: ​Used to help students develop their own meanings of concepts.

● Begin with a game - Pick a Card

Metacognition: How will students reflect question and think about their own thinking?
Students will be prompted throughout the lesson to be reflective in their thinking.
The following questions will be posed by the teacher (the teacher will also be modeling how to
answer these questions):
● What do you notice?
● How do you know?
● Can you show your thinking in another way?
● What will you do next?

Concepts: Plan for students to explore concepts in a variety of ways.

● Student will explore through games, experiments, and small group discussions

Goals: How will you ensure that students understand what they are learning and why they are
learning it?
● Learning goals for this lesson will be displayed before the start and reviewed at the
conclusion of the lesson
● Consistently refer to the importance of probability, chance, and uncertainty in real
world circumstances

Collaboration, Cooperation and Dialogue: Build in social aspects.

● Partner/small group activities, whole group discussions and idea sharing

Materials: Can the lesson include a hands-on element?

● Could involve any of the following: playing cards, coins, dice, spinners

Synthesis: Provide opportunity for reflection, closure, sharing and discourse around where
learners will be going next.
● Students will revisit the initial learning goals, self determine their level of
understanding, and share with the group if they wish
● Questions: What is new for you? What are you wondering about? What are you
comfortable or confident with? What challenges are you having?

Lesson Outline: Be as detailed or open-ended/flexible as you like.

Opening: Access prior Knowledge
● Lead discussion around events that are impossible, unlikely, likely, and certain
● Have students share their ideas and explain that this lesson is about determining the
likelihood of various events occurring - Probability

Part 1
● Have a student draw a card from a deck of cards
● Ask the students what is the probability/chance of the chosen card being a Queen
● Lead the students to the answer which is 4 in 52 ( or 1 in 13.)
● Ask the students what is the probability of the chosen card being a Heart
● Lead the students to the answer which is 13 in 52 ( or 1 in 4.)
Part 2
● Heads or Tails
● Divide the students into pairs and give each pair a coin
● Ask students what the probability of flipping heads would be on each flip
● The probability would be 1 in 2 or ½
● Ask the students to predict what the probability of flipping heads would be if they
flipped the coin 40 times
● The probability would be 20 in 40 (or 1 in 2.) 7. Instruct the students to flip the coin 40
times and make a tally mark on a frequency table for each heads rolled and each tails
Part 3
● Analyze the data developed from the students flipping the coin
● Ask the students: Were the results the same as you predicted? Did everybody get the
same results? Why were they different? What if we averaged Heads and the Tails for
all the groups? Is this number closer to our prediction?
● Introduce the terms Theoretical Probability and Experimental Probability
● Theoretical Probability- favorable outcome divided by total possible outcomes or what
you expect results to be
● Experimental Probability- the actual outcome divided by total possible outcomes or
what the actual results are.
● Relate to root words: What word do you think of when you hear the word
“Theoretical?” Possible answer might be “Theory.” What about the word
“Experimental?” Possible answer might be “Experiment.”
● If there is time, you may use the same procedure with dice.
Part 4
● Play Dice Game ​“SMILE”

Close: Synthesis
● Students will revisit the initial learning goals, self determine their level of
understanding, and share with the group if they wish
● Questions: What is new for you? What are you wondering about? What are you
comfortable or confident with? What challenges are you having?

Assessment Notes:
● Observations during class discussions, group work, and game play
● Exit Ticket - Ask the students to determine the chance (in fraction, decimal, or percent
form) of a specific event - eg. Rolling a 3 on a six-sided die, being born on a Tuesday,
pulling the letter Q from a bag containing all letters of the alphabet
● Whiteboards or notebooks could be used to display their answer and teacher can
quickly make note of each student answer

Additional Notes:

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