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Patricia Ann C.

De Guzman


“The Miracle Worker” Reflection Paper

I have never watched this movie before and when I asked my auntie if she knows “The Miracle
Worker, a movie about Helen Keller, she mentioned that the little girl in the movie was deaf and
could not also see. I became more curious not just about the movie but also about Helen Keller
herself as to why out of all the deaf and blind, the movie revolves on her. But after finishing the
film, I realized why her story was picked to become a movie. Her childhood is interesting and
very inspirational. It shows that people like Helen should not be pitied but treated the same way
as others. In the movie “Miracle Worker”, her parents let Helen do what she wants just because
she is disabled which made her a spoiled brat. She kept on having tantrums every time she does
not get her way. She was not properly conditioned. Even though she did something bad, her
mother still gives her a reward such as a candy which makes the child think that what she is
doing is okay.

Another thing that the movie tells us is that it is very important to have patience and to believe.
Annie Sullivan, Helen’s teacher is the said miracle worker. She is actually the main character.
She believed that the child is smart and that she is not a hopeless case. She was patient in
teaching Helen. And because of Ms. Sullivan’s determination and perseverance to help the child
learn, she succeeded. Helen Keller graduated from Radcliffe College and became a world famous
advocate for social equality. She was also awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. This
video made me realized that as long as we believe, it is possible. And that we should not easily
give up on what we believe in.

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