Getting Started Guide: Designer Edition

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Product 1905-GSD-1

COPYRIGHT NOTICE.............................................................................................................
COPY RESTRICTIONS........................................................................................................
WHAT IS IT?.........................................................................................................................
WHY IS RCM A BETTER METHOD?...................................................................................
WHAT ROLE DOES STEELestimator PLAY?......................................................................
STEELestimator OVERVIEW..................................................................................................
FABRICATOR PRO...............................................................................................................
UPDATE & REGISTRATION....................................................................................................
HOW STEELestimator WORKS..............................................................................................
GETTING HELP.......................................................................................................................
STARTING A PROJECT...........................................................................................................
STEP 1 - ENTER COMPANY DETAILS................................................................................
STEP 2 - CREATE A NEW PROJECT..................................................................................
STEP 3 - PROJECT INFORMATION....................................................................................
STEP 4 - CREATE ZONE.....................................................................................................
STEP 5 - TAKEOFF USING FORMS....................................................................................
STEP 6 - VIEWING DATA.....................................................................................................
STEP 7 - REPORTING.........................................................................................................
IS THE DESIGNER EDITION FOR ME?.................................................................................
BACKGROUND IMAGE...........................................................................................................
AISC TABLE REFERENCES...................................................................................................
SIMPLE TUTORIAL..................................................................................................................
ADD CLIENT DETAILS.........................................................................................................
CREATING A NEW PROJECT..............................................................................................
CREATING ZONE.................................................................................................................
DETAILING OUR PROJECT.................................................................................................
VIEWING THE ACTIVITIES..................................................................................................
SUGGESTIONS FOR EXPLORING FURTHER...................................................................
SOFTWARE LICENCE AGREEMENT FOR STEELESTIMATOR...........................................


The software and the accompanying written materials are the subject of copyright.
Unauthorised copying of the software including the software which has been modified,
merged or included with other software or the written materials purchased with the
software is expressly forbidden. You may be held legally responsible for any copyright
infringement which is caused or encouraged by your failure to abide by the terms of this
Licence Agreement.

For more details on the conditions pertaining to STEELestimator, please refer to the
appropriate licence agreement at the end of this document.


The information contained within the data files of this software have been primarily
derived from the AISC Journal 1. The “Steel Supply Costs” (Appendix A1 of AISC Journal)
has been updated to reflect the current availability and relative costs.

This “Designer” Edition of STEELestimator is intended to provide users with a tool to

produce a guide to the relative costs for various construction options. If absolute values
are required then the “Fabricator” or “Fabricator Pro” edition should be used by a suitably
qualified estimator to produce the cost estimate.

Users of this version should note that:

A) The values provided do not include any GST
B) The values provided are averaged national values and therefore vary from region to
region and from fabricator to fabricator.
C) Attention must be given to the particular circumstances and conditions of the project
for which the steelwork is being estimated.

While every effort has been made to ensure that the accuracy of the information provided
in this software, neither the software developers, its agents and distributors in any way
accept the liability for the loss of any kind resulting from the use of such information.

1. Journal of the Australian Institute of Steel Construction, Vol. 30, No.2, June 1996 - “Costing of Steelwork from Feasibility Through to

Engineering Software Solutions STEELestimator (Designer Edition) Page 3


To remain competitive in the global market, a business must use all the information it can
to gain a competitive edge.

STEELestimator is a computer based software package which will assist some segments
of the steel industry to adopt IT systems which can dramatically streamline the costing of
steelwork from feasibility through to completion.

STEELestimator enables the end user to cost steelwork using a Rational Costing Method
(RCM). This method involves the storage, retrieval and manipulation of a vast amount of
detailed data at a higher level.

By considering all the individual costs associated with the construction of the steel
structure, STEELestimator is able to produce a rational and accurate estimate of the cost
of steelwork.


A Rational Costing Method (RCM) was developed and published by BHP, in conjunction
with AISC in 1996 in response to the need to construct more economical steel structures.

The publication called “Steel Construction - Costing of Steelwork From Feasibility

Through to Completion” has been supplied by BHP on the STEELestimator CD ROM for
your convenience.

The Rational Costing Method addresses the following five key needs:

· Simple to understand;
· Reliable and more accurate;
· Consistent in approach from initial project costing to fabricator’s detailed
· A clear focus on the elements which have a significant effect on the final cost;
· Able to determine and account for contract variations.

The methodology divides the costs into four main components:

· Steel supply
· Fabrication (Shop)
· Surface treatment
· Erection (Field)

For any steel member, each of the component costs can be determined from the cost data
table and summed to provide the total erection cost.


Traditional methods used to estimate the erection cost of steelwork for a project are
usually calculated on a cost per tonne basis.

Though measuring the quantity of steel and multiplying it by a rate is a simple way to
estimate, it relies on the skill of the estimator and carries some risk.

Steel supply costs are typically only forty percent of the total steelwork, while the
remaining sixty percent is derived from shop detailing, fabricators, surface protection and
erection which are more difficult to quantify. As a result contingencies have to be added
which makes the price of steelwork less competitive.


Although the philosophy of the RCM is both rational and simple, the amount of data
requiring manipulation is considerable and this factor has greatly inhibited its adoption by
the construction industry.

Recent developments in IT have allowed large amounts of data to be stored, retrieved and
manipulated quite routinely.

STEELestimator utilises these developments to implement the philosophy of the RCM,

making what was once a rigorous task of producing an accurate cost estimate, a fast and
simple one.

STEELestimator comes in three editions to suit the end users needs. They include:

· Designer
· Fabricator
· Fabricator Pro

This document concentrates on the “Designer” version and does not explore the extensive
depth of the Fabricator editions.

In brief, the version contains the following features.

Designer was developed to provide a useful tool to engineers, quantity surveyors and
design professionals to obtain accurate costings based on industry average pricing as
published by the AISC and BHP at various times.

The Designer version is generally distributed freely throughout the industry to encourage
the use of the RCM for improved costings.

Cost of material and other resources are not editable within Designer restricting the end
user to use predefined date tables when creating job costing.

An extensive range of material and fabrication items are supplied with STEELestimator
allowing you to be productive in minutes.

Fabricator is a fully featured edition of STEELestimator designed for a single user.

You can create your own intelligent fabricated items formed from purchased items and
actions driven by a resource.

Enter in your prices and cost for every area of your business and manage access through
a four level security system.

The main difference is that Pro has been developed for use over a Wide Area Network or
Local Area Network using a multi user SQL server.

This product is well suited for large fabricators where more than one person is working on
a project.

Over time the rates and prices incorporated in the Designer edition will become outdated.
For this reason Engineering Software Solutions will make available through the internet
updated data tables.

To be advised of updates we recommend you register your software and check our
website regularly.

Visit for registration and updates.

Alternatively you can print the registration form located in the “Docs” folder on the CD

To minimise the problems with software being used after its use by date the Designer
edition has a limited life of twelve months from date of installation.

STEELestimator can be thought of as a set of simple data entry dialog forms that sorts
information into one of two main databases.

These databases are called:

Global - Contains your companies standard rates and prices along with a register of
project and client information.

In the case of the Designer version it contains the predefined average rates
published by BHP and AISC.

Project - The project database contains data that is relevant to a project.

This may include a copy of the Global rates for modification at the project level
only, along with the project estimate data called the Activity Table.

The following illustration provides a systematic view of STEELestimator and how data is
exchanged and manipulated.
The rectangular box generally indicates a range of dialog boxes in the software to view or
enter data from the database (cylindrical shapes).

The oval symbols represent the logical process of combining data and generating

The last items are the two report sections on the right side of the chart. Reports can be
produced from the core data such as standard rates while the Activity Reports are created
using the estimated takeoff date created in the Activity Table.

All areas of the software are accessible from within STEELestimator except for Designer
which has limited access to the Global database.

This means that you will not be able to add or modify existing industry based rates.

Throughout STEELestimator you will find a help button located in the bottom right corner
of each dialog box or from the pull down menu.

Help is sensitive to your current task and will provide help on that task when launched
from a dialog box.

The online help covers every section of STEELestimator and in addition, support and
estimating concepts.

As a user of the STEELestimator Designer version you need to enter some basic
information about the project and the companies involved. Hint - Use the online help for


Select the company option under the Global menu option.

Add all companies and contact information that you will be involved with during the

Once you have entered them, they will be available on subsequent projects.


From the file menu select “New Project” and enter a unique project code to create a new
project database.


Once the project database has been created you will be prompted to provide a title and
client to the project.

Investigate the tab option and complete as required.

You can always return to the dialog form by going to the file menu option and selecting
“Modify Project”.


Zone allows you to break the project into manageable sections of work for reporting and
cost breakdowns.

In addition, zone contains default information that is saved with each fabricated item into
the Activity Table.

To add a zone select “Zones” from the project menu.


STEELestimator contains a number of special data templates called Activity Forms.

Essentially each form provides a simple and quick method of describing each aspect of a
project for fabrication.

The detailed content of the forms are then saved to the Activity Table providing a
comprehensive costing of all work and supplied items.
Note: The data provided with STEELestimator is based on the AISC publication called
“Costing of Steelwork From Feasibility Through to Completion” and as such is basic in its

The Fabricator edition allows for various detail and multi level bills of work and materials to
be entered.

The current form includes:

· Members for the detailing of beams and columns

· Fabrication of other components or detailing of resource
· Cladding/decking for sheeting work

Each form allows for an identification code and description such as a drawing number.

Use the online help for assistance.


After entering data in any of the forms you can view the detailed data through the Activity

The form provided allows you to view takeoff data associated with the project.

A filter section is provided to quickly locate search data for viewing or modification.
Information can be added, deleted or modified as required through the use of the edit

Data can be displayed in various formats for easier viewing.

A large number of predefined Activity Reports are provided and can be viewed and/or

It’s that simple and after you become familiar with STEELestimator you’re able to review
your project in more details than ever before.

To gain a sound understanding of STEELestimator it is important that you begin to

understand how data is used and the meaning of the terms.

For this reason we recommend that you enter the online help and read the various parts
associated with “Using STEELestimator”.

The Designer edition of STEELestimator has some very limiting features with the most
obvious being the capability to modify, add or delete stock items, resource and action.

If you are from an organisation that needs to price steelwork up using your own standard
processes then you need the Fabricator edition.

You can place an order by simply contacting Engineering Software Solutions at:

1-5 Hawke Street, Albert Park, South Australia, 5014

Phone 08 8241 0575, Fax 08 8241 0070



However, if you only need to perform accurate estimates using average industry rates the
Designer version will generally meet your needs.

You can change the background image of STEELestimator to suit your personal

Simply create a BITMAP file called “logo.bmp” and copy it to the STEELestimator
directory. Next time you start STEELestimator the background will have changed.

The image will scale to fit the window size.


For many organisations, they need to be up and running with new technology quickly to
gain a competitive edge.

Engineering Software Solutions provides regular training throughout Australia.

Simply call Engineering Software Solutions on 08 8241 0575 or visit our web site to obtain the latest training schedule.

The courses run over a full day and covers all aspects of the software (Fabricator edition).

We also cater for special or group training needs on site or one of our training centres
near you.

The Stock and Action code supplied in STEELestimator are based on the AISC Journal
called “Costing of Steelwork From Feasibility Through to Completion”.

To assist you in locating the same stock and action codes, we have provided the following
cross reference table for you convenience.

The Fabricator edition of STEELestimator allows the user to define their own coding
structure that best fits their needs

AISC Table Table Name STEELestimator Code

A1.1 Universal Beams & Welded Beams UB
A1.1 Universal Beams & Welded Beams WB
A1.2 Universal Columns & Welded Columns UC
A1.2 Universal Columns & Welded Columns WC
A1.3 Taper Flange & Parallel Flange Channels PFC
A1.4 Taper Flange Beams TFB
A1.5 Equal Angles EA
A1.6 Unequal Angles UA
A1.7 Flats FB
A1.8 Plate PL5G250
A1.8 Plate PL5G350
A1.9 Grade L15 Plate PL8G250L15
A1.10 Floor Plate FPL
A1.11 Circular Hollow Sections CHSC250LO
A1.12 Circular Hollow Sections CHSC350LO
A1.13 Square Hollow Sections SHS
A1.14 Rectangular Hollow Sections RHS
A1.15 Purlins & Girts Z or C10010
A1.16 Structural Steel Decking SSD
A1.17 Shear Studs SS
A1.18 Colorbond Sandwich Panels SP150
A1.19 Roofing & Walling Profiles PROSIN0.42CB
A1.19 Roofing & Wall Profiles PROTRAP0.42CB
A1.19 Roofing & Wall Profiles PROCTRAP0.48CB
A1.20 Rounds RB
A1.21 Metric Commercial Bolt, Nut & Washer Assy M12X30G4.6ASSY
A1.22 High Strength Structural Bolt, Nut & Washer M16X50G8.8ASSY
A2.1.1 Connections Costs WSP60
A2.1.1 Connections Costs FEP60
A2.1.1 Connections Costs MH60
A2.1.1 Connections Costs M60
A2.1.1 Connections Costs BP60
A2.1.2 Splice Connections Costs SCW/B6050%
A2.1.2 Splice Connections Costs SCFB6050%
A2.1.2 Splice Connections Costs SCW/B60100%
A2.1.2 Splice Connections Costs SCFB60100%
A2.1.2 Splice Connections Costs SCWSP60
AISC Table Table Name STEELestimator Code
A2.1.3 Notch End of Beam & Cope Costs NEUS60
A2.1.3 Notch End of Beam & Cope Costs NES60
A2.1.3 Notch End of Beam & Cope Costs COPE60
A2.1.4 Hollow Sections End-Connections Costs HSEF; HSEW; HSES;
A2.1.5 Bracing Connection Costs BUCW; BEAB
A2.2.1 Truss Web Member Fabrication Costs TWMA30
A2.2.1 Truss Web Member Fabrication Costs TWMRHS30
A2.2.1 Truss Web Member Fabrication Costs TWMSHS30
A2.2.1 Truss Web Member Fabrication Costs TWMCHSG30
A2.2.1 Truss Web Member Fabrication Costs TWMCHSP30
A2.2.1 Truss Web Member Fabrication Costs TWMI30
A2.2.2 Stiffeners Fabrication Costs FSBW; FSFW; CSBE;
A2.2.3 Penetrations Fabrication Costs PFUC; PFUR; PFRRS;
A2.2.4 Three Plate Girder Fabrication Costs TPG
A2.2.5 Tubular Column Fabricated Costs TC
A2.2.6 Camber Costs CAM
A2.2.7 Purlin Cleat & Fly Bracing Cleat Costs PC; FBC
A2.2.8 Cover Plate CP
A2.3.1 Continuous Fillet Welds CFW (GP/SP)
A2.3.2 Incomplete Penetration Butt Welds IPBW (V OR VV)
A2.3.3 Complete Penetration Butt Welds CPBW (V OR VV)
A2.3.5 Split “T” SPLIT
A2.3.6 Section End Cuts CUTSQ; CUTMITRE;
A2.3.7 Stripping, Cropping, Cut to Shape & Bevel STRIP; CROP; SHAPE;
A2.3.8 Drilling & Punching Holes PUNCH; DRILL
A2.3.9 Drilling & Punching Slotted Holes PUNCHSLOT;
A2.3.10 Handling & Assembly HANDLING

This tutorial has been designed to get you up and running quickly using the basic
command sets within STEELestimator.

Project details:

·Project Code = Simple01

·Title = Simple Project
·Client = First Company Pty Ltd

We shall assume that this project has two clearly defined scope of work (Zones) begin:

·Warehouse building with a Zinc Silicate surface treatment and shop detailing work
based on a fabrication time (Ratio 5 to 1)
·Office building with a Zinc Silicate surface treatment and shop detailing work
based on a fabrication time (Ratio 2 to 1)

We shall also assume that this project will use members with a mass of less then


To add a client or other company records select “Global” from the menu and then the
“Companies” option. Once the “review Companies” dialog is displayed, click on the “Add”
button to create a new company record.

Enter the client code as ‘FIRST01’ and a company name ‘ First Company Pty Ltd’.

Ensure that the client role tick box is selected to identify this entry as a client.
Note that there are a range of roles that can be identified for a company, and multiple
roles can be selected for the one company.

In addition you may wish to enter some contact names at the First Company Pty Ltd.


To create a new project we need to select “File” from the menu and then “New Project”.

We shall call our project ‘Simple Project’ with a code ‘simple01’.

Note: The database is automatically named.

Be aware that you have the ability to transfer this file to someone else using this software
by using the export & import functions.

Note: In the designer edition there is limited ability to manipulate the global or project
information that has been provided, however in the Fabricator editions, the export function
would be used for maintaining historical data in the project file, even if the global database
was changed.
After creating the project database the “Add/Modify Project” dialog form is displayed.

Now enter the project titled ‘Simple Project’ and a 10% GST rate.

Note: To get to this at any time select “File”

“modify Project” or the button next to the
project name and select the ‘Simple Project’

Select the “Transport” tab and add some

rates from our generic transport company.

(You can add a specific transport company using the “Global” and “Companies” box with
the role of transport ticked.)

Note that there are two transport rates, one direct to site, and one to the painters then on
to site.

The price to the painter is usually more expensive as it has two loading/unloading
components, and may not necessarily be a direct route.

We will now define the appropriate project breakdown (Zones) and appropriate surface
treatment and detailing specifications.

Select “Project”, “Zones” and you will have a dialogue box as above. Press the “Add”
button to detail the Zones with the following information.

Warehouse building (Code WAREHOUSE) with a Zinc Silicate surface treatment and
shop detailing work based on a fabrication time (Ratio 5 to 1).
Office building (Code OFFICE) with a Zinc Silicate surface treatment and shop detailing
work based on a fabrication time (Ratio 2 to 1).


Before we start detailing this project, select the Warehouse zone from the toolbar. By
selecting a Zone, all of the relevant information defined in the Zone will be copied into
each of the appropriate Activity records. In addition, the detailing time and surface
treatment area will be automatically calculated and entered as separate Activity records.

Now we will define the Member.

This is done by selecting the icon button of the ‘I’ beam.

Enter an identification code (Mark Number or Member ID), description and quantity of six.

Then select the section type eg 200UB22.3G300 and specified a 10m length.

To this section, you will add two penetrations and connections.

To add the penetrations, click on the penetration tab and select the penetration type and
quantity per section as shown.
The right and left fabrications can then be selected as shown. We have selected a web
side plate for the right connection, and a square cut on the right end of the section.

We have selected a moment haunch for the left connection, and a mitre cut on the left end

of each section is required.

You have now completed our member details.


We can view the activities by clicking the activity button.

Various levels of details can be viewed. We have shown here the short listing & pressed
Note you can filter this by specific activity types eg “treatment “ will just show the
treatment activities etc.


We can print a detailed report by selecting the Detail Report button as shown.

You can show just a specific members by entering the Code Identification, or we can
report on all members.

We only have one member type, so we will select all.

The printed report will appear similar to the one shown below.
Try adding some components in the ‘OFFICE’ Zone and notice the difference in detailing
rates due to the different fabrication to detailing ratio.
Discover the filtering capability in the activity reports (eg filter by zone).
1-5 Hawke Street, Albert Park South Australia 5014
P.O. Box 2150, Port Adelaide South Australia 5015
Phone (+61) 8 8241 0575 Facsimile (+61) 8 8241 0070
(ACN 063 969 059)


This is a legal document and represents an agreement between you, the end user, and Engineering Software Solutions Pty Ltd (ESS)
(hereinafter referred to as The Company). By opening the sealed media or installing and using the software supplied to you by The Company
you are agreeing to become bound by the terms of this agreement which includes a SOFTWARE LICENCE WARRANTY AND
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. By opening the sealed media or installing and using the software you also acknowledge that you and The Company
intend to enter into legal relations in respect of the matters referred to in this document.

but promptly return the software package with the media and any other items received from The Company (including written materials,
binders, containers, hardware (if any) and other items which you have received from The Company which are part of this product) to the place
where you obtained them for a full refund.

IF YOU DO NOT RETURN the software media and other materials referred to above, to the place of purchase within twenty one (21) days of
the date of which you take delivery of said items, then you will be deemed to have accepted and agreed to the terms and conditions contained
in this document.

In order to preserve and protect its rights under the applicable laws The Company does not and is not selling any of its rights in the
STEELestimator software. Rather, The Company grants to you, the end user, the right to use its software pursuant to the terms of a software
licence. As end user, you acknowledge that The Company is the owner and registered proprietor throughout the world of certain individual
and unique computer software products which computer software products have been designed and invented by The Company as a new and
unique product. The Company specifically retains title to all STEELestimator software at all times hereafter.


In consideration of payment of the licence fee which is a part of the price you paid for this product (the receipt whereof is hereby
acknowledged by The Company through its agents) and your agreement to abide by the terms and conditions of this licence and
the warranty, The Company as Licensor grants to you, the Licensee a non-exclusive right to use and display the copy of The
Software Program which you have purchased (hereinafter referred to as 'The Software’) on computers not exceeding one (1) in
number and at a single location for so long as you comply with the terms of this licence. The Company reserves all rights not
expressly granted to the Licensee AND the Licensee hereby acknowledges and agrees that The Company is the sole proprietor and
owner of The Software and the Licensee further acknowledges that with the exception of the licence to use The Software hereby
granted by The Company to the Licensee the Licensee has no further claim right of interest in The Software whatsoever AND
nothing in this Licensing Agreement is to be interpreted or taken as transferring to the Licensee any proprietary right title of interest
in The Software which shall always remain the property of The Company.


As the Licensee, you do not own the written materials enclosed or magnetic or other physical media on which The Software is
originally or subsequently recorded or fixed and an express condition of this licence is that The Company retains title and
ownership of the written materials, original media, and The Software recorded thereon as well as all subsequent copies of The
Software regardless of the form or media in or on which the original and other copies may exist. This licence is not a sale of the
original Software or any copy thereof nor is this Licence Agreement to be taken as in any way confirming or establishing a
partnership between the Licensee and The Company.


The Software and the accompanying written materials are the subject of copyright. Unauthorised copying of The Software
including The Software which has been modified, merged or included with other software or the written materials purchased with
The Software is expressly forbidden. You may be held legally responsible for any copyright infringement which is caused or
encouraged by your failure to abide by the terms of this Licence Agreement. Subject to the restrictions noted above and only if The
Software is not copy protected you may make one (1) copy of The Software solely for your own back-up purposes PROVIDED
THAT you MUST reproduce and include this copyright notice with this back-up copy.


As the Licensee you may physically transfer The Software from one computer to another computer provided that The Software
issued is only installed on not more than one (1) computers at any given time. You may not distribute unauthorised copies of The
Software or accompanying written materials to others. You may not modify, adapt or translate, reverse engineer, decompile or
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The Software is licensed only for use by you, the Licensee, and may not be transferred to any person whether real or corporate
without the prior written consent of The Company. Any authorised transferee of The Software shall be bound by the terms and
conditions of this Licence and Warranty. In no circumstances whatsoever may you transfer, assign, rent, lease, sell or otherwise
dispose of The Software on a temporary or permanent basis except as expressly provided herein.

This licence is effective until terminated. This licence will terminate without notice from The Company if you fail to comply with any
provisions of the Licence Agreement or if the purchase price is refunded to you pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. Upon
termination of this licence you shall return all materials and copies to The Company or alternatively, at The Company's discretion,
destroy the written materials and all copies of The Software including all modified copies. If it should come to the attention of The
Company at any time during the currency of this licence that you as the Licensee have breached the conditions contained in this
Licence Agreement then The Company shall be at liberty to terminate this licence forthwith upon the delivery to you of written notice
of the termination of the licence hereby granted and thereafter this licence shall be terminated.


The Company may produce from time-to-time up-dated and/or modified versions of The Software. At this option of The Company it
may make such updates/modifications available to you as Licensee and to any approved transferees who have a current support
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shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this Licence and reference to The Software in this licence shall mean and include all
and any such up-dates and/or modifications supplied to the Licensee or any approved transferee.


This Licence Agreement and the terms and conditions herein contained are to be governed by the laws of the State of South
Australia, PROVIDED ALWAYS that the Licensee hereby consents to jurisdiction in the State and Federal Courts situated in the
State of South Australia. The terms and conditions contained in this agreement shall apply to the successors and permitted
assigns of each party hereto. Words importing the singular number or plural number shall include the plural and singular number
respectively and words importing any gender shall include each other gender. Nothing in this agreement shall constitute or be
deemed to constitute the Licensee as agent for The Company for any purpose whatsoever and the Licensee shall have no authority
or power to bind The Company or to contract in the name of and create a legal liability against The Company in any way or for any
purposes whatsoever. Service of any notice or documentation under or relating to this agreement shall be sufficiently given to one
party by the other party if sent by registered mail to the usual last known place of business or registered office of the other party.
Unless the context otherwise requires the words 'The Company' shall be deemed to mean and include representatives and assigns
of The Company. The words ‘The Licensee' shall be deemed to mean and include the representatives and assigns of the


a) If within ninety (90) days from the date of delivery of The Software to the Licensee as evidenced by production of a copy
of the delivery docket the Licensee notifies The Company of a defect in The Software (not caused by use, abuse,
accident or misapplication) then in that event The Company will in its absolute discretion either:

I. Return the purchase price to the Licensee or;

II. Replace The Software in which case the replacement of The Software will be warranted for a period of ninety (90)
days from the date on which the replacement software if delivered to the licensee in replacement of the original
software so delivered.

b) To the full extent permitted by the law applicable to this agreement any conditions or warranties imposed by such
legislation are hereby excluded. In so far as liability under or pursuant to any legislation may not be excluded, such
liability is limited to:

I. Replacement of The Software;

II. Correction of defects in The Software at the absolute discretion of The Company

c) The Licensee hereby acknowledges that no promise, representation, warranty or undertaking has been made or given
by The Company or any person or company on The Company's behalf in relation to the profitability or any other
consequences or benefits to be obtained from the delivery or use of The Software and any accompanying hardware and
written materials or as to its merchantability or fitness for any purpose or purposes whatsoever and the Licensee has
relied upon the Licensee's own skill and judgement in deciding to acquire The Software and any accompanying hardware
and written materials for use by the Licensee AND the Licensee hereby agrees to indemnify and keep indemnified The
Company against all actions, costs, expenses, charges, claims of demands whatsoever whether at law or in equity which
may arise out of the use by the Licensee of The Software excepting always the rights conferred on the Licensee
pursuant to the terms of this agreement. This agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between
The Company and the Licensee in relation to the supply of The Software and any accompanying hardware and written
materials to the Licensee.

Should you have any questions concerning this agreement or this warranty or if you desire to contact
Engineering Software Solutions Pty Ltd for any reason, please phone (+61) 8 8241 0575, fax (+61) 8 8241 0070, email or
write to:
Engineering Software Solutions Pty Ltd
PO Box 2150
Port Adelaide 5015
South Australia

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