1 General Considerations: Malaga V. Penachos

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subordinate legislation” to administrative bodies.

Due to the
growing complexity of modern society, it has become
1 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS necessary to allow specialized administrative bodies to
promulgate supplementary rules, so that they can deal with
Administrative Law Definition: technical problems with more expertise and dispatch than
 by Dean Roscoe Pound “that branch of modern law under the Congress or the courts. Regulations or supplementary
which the executive department of the government, acting in rules passed by the administrative bodies are intended to fill-
a quasi-legislative or quasi-judicial capacity, interferes with in the gaps and provide details to what is otherwise a broad
the conduct of the individual for the purpose of promoting the statute passed by Congress. For the rules and regulations to
well-being of the community… be valid and binding, they must be in accordance with the
statute on which they are based, complete in themselves,
“… as under laws regulating public interest, professions, and fix sufficient standards. If any of the requirements is not
trades and callings, rates and prices, laws for the protection satisfied, the regulation will not be allowed to affect private
of public health and safety, and the promotion of public rights;

(1) Constitutional and statutory enactments creating
administrative bodies Define Agency:
 ART IX Const.; Social Security Act; Admin. Code
(EO 292); EO 292 Book VII Ch. 1 Sec. 2(1). “any department,
(2) Decisions of courts interpreting the charters of bureau, office, commission, authority or officer of the
administrative bodies and defining their powers, National Government authorized by law or EO to make
rights, inhibitions, among others, and the effects of rules, issue licenses, grant rights or privileges, and
their determinations and regulations. adjudicate cases; research institutions WRT licensing
 Aratuc v. COMELEC functions; government corps. WRT functions
 Maceda v. ERB regulating private right, privilege, occupation or
(3) Rules and regulations in pursuance of the purposes business; and officials in the exercise of disciplinary
for which the administrative bodies were created. power as provided by law.”
(4) Determinations and orders of the administrative
bodies in settlement of controversies arising in their MALAGA V. PENACHOS
respective fields.
The SC explained: “government instrumentality refers to any
Define Administration: agency of the National Government not integrated within the
department framework, vested with special functions or
As an institution, it refers to the aggregate of individuals in
jurisdiction by law, endowed with some if not all corporate
whose hands the reins of government are for the time being
powers, administering special funds, and enjoying
As an institution v. government  the latter is the agency/ operational autonomy, usually through a charter.”
instrumentality through which the will of the State is
formulated, expressed and realized. Also: “chartered institution refers to any agency organized or
 Administration mans the government operating under a special charter, and vested by law with
functions relating to specific constitutional policies or
As a function, it means the actual running of the government objectives.”
by the executive authorities through the enforcement of laws
and the implementation of policies According to SC:
Agency  any of the various units of the Government,
As an internal activity, covers those rules defining the
including a department, bureau, office, instrumentality, or
relations of public functionaries inter se (among themselves)
GOCC, or a local government or a distinct unit therein.
 law on public officers
Department  executive department created by law
As an external activity, defines the relations of the public Bureau  any principal subdivision of any department
office with the public in general Office  any major functional unit of a department/bureau,
integrated within the framework of government organization,
Separation of Powers: including regional offices; may also refer to any position held/
 The separation of powers is a fundamental principle in our occupied by individual persons, whose functions are defined
system of government. It obtains not through express by law/regulation
provision but by actual division in our Constitution. Each Instrumentality  *Malaga v. Penachos*; includes regulatory
department of the government has exclusive cognizance of agencies, chartered institutions, and GOCCs
matters within its jurisdiction, and is supreme within its own
sphere. But it does not follow from the fact that the three Definition of GOCCs: any agency organized as a stock/non-
powers are to be kept separate and distinct that the stock corporation, vested with functions relating to public
Constitution intended them to be absolutely unrestrained and needs whether governmental/proprietary in nature, and
independent of each other. The Constitution has provided for owned by the Government of the Republic of the PH directly/
an elaborate system of checks and balances to secure through its instrumentalities either wholly or, where
coordination in the workings of the various departments of applicable as in the case of stock corporations, to the extent
the government … And the judiciary in turn, with the Supreme of at least majority of its outstanding capital stock;
Court as the final arbiter, effectively checks the other Provided that, for purposes of this Act, the term “GOCC” shall
department in its exercise of its power to determine the law, include GICP (Government Instrumentalities with Corporate
and hence to declare executive and legislative acts void if Powers) / GCE (Government Corporate Entities) and GFI
violative of the Constitution (Angara v. Electoral Commission) (Government Financial Institutions)

Delegation: GFIs 
 The Congress delegates the so called “power of
Doctrine of Qualified Political Agency: power of the President of the delegate’s authority, announce the legislative policy,
to reorganize the National Government may validly be and specify the conditions under which it is to be
delegated to his cabinet members exercising control over a implemented.
particular executive department.  accepted sufficient standards: “public interest”,
“simplicity, economy and efficiency”, and “public welfare”
Types of administrative bodies are those set up:
Delegation valid when:
(1) To offer some gratuity, grant or special privileges  it is complete in itself, setting forth the policy to be
(e.g. Phil. Veterans Admin.) executed, carried out or implemented by the delegate; and
(2) To carry on certain the actual business of  it fixes a standard – the limits of which are sufficiently
government (BOCustoms) determinate or determinable – to which the delegate must
(3) To perform some business service for the public conform in the performance of his functions.
(4) To regulate business affected with public interest
(5) To regulate private business and individuals under
the police power (SEC) What is quasi-legislative power?
(6) To adjust individual controversies because of some
strong social policy involved (NLRC) Kinds of Administrative Rules
(7) To make the government a private party (GSIS)
Administrative Relationships:
 shall not apply to chartered institutions attached Misamis Oriental Case
to a Department. Cruz v. Youngberg
 agency is free from Departmental interference Republic v. Drugmakers
with respect to appointments and other personnel
actions “in accordance with the decentralization of Requisites for Valid Administrative Rule
personnel functions” under the Admin. Code. Requisites in case of Administrative Rules with Penal
(3) ATTACHMENT Sanctions
 lateral relationship between the department or its
equivalent and the attached agency or corporation People v. Macaren
for the purposes of policy and program coordination.
Romulo Mabanta v. HDMF
De Jesus v. COA (internal regulation)
Olsen v. Aldanese
Beja Sr.
Phil. Consumers’ Foundation v. Sec. of Educ

Landbank v. CA
CIR v. CA (Fortune Tobacco)
Lupangco v. CA
Quasi-legislative power

Limitation on quasi-legislative power 5 QUASI-JUDICIAL POWER

Rabor v. CSC
Definition of Quasi-Judicial Power
Eugenio v. CSC
Determinative Powers of Quasi-Judicial Power (Implied &
Lianga Bay Express Powers)

Quasi-judicial power  power of the administrative Requisites of Judicial Power

authorities to make determinations of facts in the
performance of their official duties and to apply the law as
they construe it to the facts so found Jurisdiction
Determinative Powers Jurisdiction conferred by legislature pursuant to the law
 ENABLING POWERS  those permitted creating the agency
Test for valid delegation Power to promulgate rules of procedure; express/implied?
COMPLETENESS TEST Say, administrative agency vested with quasi-judicial power;
the law must be complete in all its terms and conditions says in law, with power to resolve disputes between parties
when it leaves the legislature so that when it reaches the (e.g. re: phone bill); can agency promulgate rules of
delegate, it will have nothing to do but to enforce. procedure even if impliedly?
 if there are gaps in the law that will prevent its
enforcement until they are first filled, the delegate will have Doctrine of Implication
the opportunity to repair the omission
Respondent filed an administrative case against petitioner
the law must offer a sufficient standard to specify the limits
before the Peoples Law Enforcement Board (PLEB) for Grave
Misconduct for allegedly having an illicit relationship with GR: Administrative Tribunals are unrestricted by the
respondent’s minor daughter. technical/formal rules of procedure which govern trials
before a court
Petitioner claims the under the PLEB Rules of Procedure,  especially where the administrative order has the effect of
prior conviction was required before the PLEB may act on the only prima facie evidence
administrative case considering that the charge was actually  this rule is applied to questions of evidence, pleading and
for violation of law (although denominated as grave other matters

RTC annulled the decision of the PLEB. The CA reversed ANG TIBAY V. THE COURT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS
ruling holding that the petition for certiorari filed by petitioner FEBRUARY 27, 1940
before the RTC was not the proper remedy because appeal
was available and the issues raised were not pure questions The Cardinal Rights or Principles to be observed in
of law. administrative proceedings:

Held: The CA decision is affirmed. (1) RIGHT TO A HEARING which includes the right of a party
interested to present his own case and submit
The charge was grave misconduct (not a violation of law).
evidence in support thereof.
Definition: Misconduct  wrongful, improper, or unlawful
conduct, motivated by premeditated, obstinate or intentional (2) THE TRIBUNAL MUST CONSIDER THE EVIDENCE
purpose. It usually refers to transgression of some PRESENTED.
established and definite rule of action, where no discretion is
left except what necessity may demand; it does not (3) While the duty to deliberate does not impose the
necessarily imply corruption or criminal intention, but implies obligation to decide right, it does imply the necessity of
wrongful intention and not a mere error of judgment. HAVING SOMETHING TO SUPPORT ITS DECISION.
 Principle: A decision with absolutely nothing to
Criminal and administrative cases are separate and distinct support it is a nullity
from each other. In criminal cases, proof beyond reasonable  Principle: The genius of constitutional gov’t is
doubt is needed whereas in administrative cases, only contrary to the vesting of unlimited power anywhere.
substantial evidence is required. Law is both a grant and limitation on power.
Administrative cases may proceed independently of criminal
proceedings. The PLEB, being the administrative disciplinary
body tasked to hear complaints against erring members of
 Definition: “Substantial Evidence” means such
the PNP, has jurisdiction over the case.
relevant evidence as a reasonable mind might accept
Paterok v. BOC as adequate to support a conclusion.

Is it always necessary that parties should be notified at the (5) THE DECISION MUST BE RENDERED ON THE EVIDENCE
outset? PRESENTED AT THE HEARING, or at least contained in
the record and disclosed to the parties affected.
Even without notice, as long as pwede MR, there is due
 Boards of inquiry may be appointed for the purpose
of investigating and determining the facts in any given
Dela Cruz v. Abille case, but their report and decision are only advisory.

Mendoza v. COA (6) The Court of Industrial Relations (CIR) or any of its
judges, therefore, MUST ACT ON ITS/HIS OWN
Substantial Evidence; need not be totally compliant with rules
on evidence?
FACTS OF THE CONTROVERSY, and not simply accept
Ombudsman v. Valencia the views of a subordinate in arriving at a decision.

Adamson v. Amores (7) The CIR should, in all controversial questions, RENDER
Which among the cardinal rules was not followed in Globe v.
Carbonell v. CSC RENDERED.

Why is right to counsel not imperative? In GSIS v. CA 357 Phil 511 (1998), the SC added the
A person can invoke his right against self-incrimination in all requirement of AN IMPARTIAL TRIBUNAL which, needless to
administrative proceedings? Pascual case say, dictates that one called upon to resolve a dispute may
not sit as judge and jury simultaneously; neither may he
A person cannot invoke right to counsel but can invoke right review his decision on appeal.
against self-incrimination; why?
Administrative Appeals and Review
Rules of Procedure
Enforcement of Decision
The Subpoena Power
Res Judicata
The Contempt Power
Applicable only to adjudicatory decisions?
Notice and Hearing
NHA case v. Ysmael case (finality of case)
Administrative Due Process
Encinas case

What made the SC rule that the complaint does not
constitute an adjudication; thus, there is no forum shopping
because there is no res judicata between the two? Why was
the proceeding of the BFP

Doctrine of Judicial Review under Admin law (p 220)

Courts can no longer review questions of fact, as a rule; why?

Questions of law v. Questions of fact

How do you determine?

When can courts review questions of fact? (p 301)

GR: Questions of fact; not reviewable by courts; why?


Doctrine of Primary Jurisdiction

Why? (p 300 235)





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