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After some days of navigation, at around 7pm, the 2nd boat arrived
G.R. No. 17958 | February 27, 1922 | Malcolm, J. between the islands of Buang and Bukid in the Dutch East Indies. Said
boat was attacked by 6 vintas (a traditional boat from Mindanao)
THE CASE: Appeal from a judgment of CFI of Zamboanga with 24 Moros, all armed.
3. They asked for food but once on board, took the cargo, attacked
RELEVANT PROVISIONS some men and raped 2 women by “methods too horrible to
Art 153, Penal Code – the crime of piracy committed against citizens of the describe”. Everyone on the boat except the 2 women was left on
United States and citizens of the Philippine Islands, or the subjects of another the boat and holes were made on the boat so that it may sink. (After
nation not at war with the United States [Dutch in this case], shall be 11 days, the people on the ship would be assisted) The women were
punished with a penalty ranging from cadena temporal to cadena perpetua. repeatedly raped until the Moros finally arrived at Maruro.
If the crime be committed against nonbelligerent subjects of another nation 4. 2 of the Moros were Lol-lo, who raped one of the women, and
at war with the United States, it shall be punished with the penalty of presidio Saraw. The women escaped. The two Moros went back to their
mayor. homes in South Ubian, Tawi-Tawi, Sulu and were arrested and
Art 154 of Penal Code – those who commit the crimes referred to in the first charged in CFI of Suhn with the crime of piracy.
paragraph of the next preceding article shall suffer the penalty of cadena 5. Demurer was interposed by counsel saying that (1) the offense was
perpetua or death, and those who commit the crimes referred to in the not w/in jurisdiction of CFI and (2) facts did not constitute a public
second paragraph of the same article, from cadena temporal to cadena offense under the laws in Phil Islands.
perpetua: 6. Demurer overruled by trial judge. The defendants were found guilty
1. Whenever they have seized some vessel by boarding or firing upon and charged with life imprisonment or cadena perpetual.
the same.
2. Whenever the crime is accompanied by murder, homicide, or by any ISSUES/HELD
of the physical injuries specified in articles four hundred and fourteen 1. WON CFI was without jurisdiction – NO
and four hundred and fifteen and in paragraphs one and two of  Piracy is, robbery or forcible depredation on the high seas,
article four hundred and sixteen. without lawful authority and done animo furandi (intention to
3. Whenever it is accompanied by any of the offenses against chastity steal), and in the spirit and intention of universal hostility.
specified in Chapter II, Title IX, of this book.  Piracy is hostes humanis generis (enemy of mankind). It has no
4. Whenever the pirates have abandoned any persons without means territorial limits.
of saving themselves. 2. WON the provisions of the Penal Code dealing with the crime of
5. In every case, the captain or skipper of the pirates. piracy are still in force – YES
 Even if the Philippines was under the US, municipal law is
FACTS applicable if not in conflict with the Constitution, the laws of the
1. Two Dutch boats left Matuta, Mozambique for Peta (in Indonesia?). US or the characteristics and institutions of government.
In one boat, there was a Dutch subject. In another, there were 11 Subsisting laws designed to secure good order and peace and are
men, women and children all from Holland. strictly municipal in character continue until new gov’t alters or
repeals them. Principles of public law were given specific  That means were employed which added ignominy to the
application to the Philippines by the Instructions of President natural effects of the act, must also be taken into
McKinley to General Wesley Merritt. [Hence, Penal Code may be consideration in fixing the penalty.
 Crime falls under Art 153 in relation to Art 154. Crime of piracy
was accompanied by (1) crime against chastity and (2)
abandonment of persons without apparent means to save
themselves. Trial court only found nocturnity as aggravating
circumstance and lack of instruction as mitigating under Art 11 of
PC. Superior strength and ignominy must also be considered.

Judgment of trial court with regards to Saraw (life imprisonment) affirmed.
Lol-lo sentenced to be hung until dead. The two along with Kinawalang and
Maulanis shall indemnify jointly and severally the offended parties 924
rupees and shall pay a one-half part of the cost of both instances.

1. Piracy is a crime not against any particular state but against all
mankind. It may be punished in the competent tribunal of any
country where the offender may be found or into which he may be
carried. The jurisdiction of piracy unlike all other crimes has no
territorial limits.
 As it is against all so may it be punished by all. Nor does it
matter that the crime was committed within the
jurisdictional 3-mile limit of a foreign state, "for those limits,
though neutral to war, are not neutral to crimes."
2. At least 3 aggravating circumstances of Piracy:
 That the wrong done in the commission of the crime was
deliberately augmented by causing other wrongs not
necessary for its commission;
 That advantage was taken of superior strength; and

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