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Advertisement and
Communication Department

Sai Krishna
This Assignment is related to the Payroll Analytics where the
Group of two people i.e., Susmitha and Sai Krishna worked on
the Advertisement and Communication Agency is having a
Turnover of 13 crore through providing services to the
customers in a year ( Min of 4 projects where it will design the
Advertisement and Branding for each Project Each Project takes
3 months to complete ) and the Payroll analysis done

1. Inventory Skills :
i. Knowledge of Media Platform
ii. Anlaytical skills
iii. Good Communication
iv. Typogrhaphy
v. Creative Problem Solving
vi. Programming Languages(HTML & CSS)
vii. Visual Design
viii. UX User Experience
ix. SEO & Optimising Content
x. Strategy Planning
xi. Writing , Editing , Research
xii. Awareness of Digital Marketing Trends.

Above are the Skills and Abilities Required for the

roles in the Advertisment Department in the organisation .
2. Various Processes of Company :
i. Creative
ii. Media Buying
iii. Production
iv. Research
v. Online Development
vi. Traffic ( Makes the Process Smoothly and ensure no
barriers are there )

These are the various Processes carried out in the

Company and each process has its own objectives and these
processes have the following Job Roles
3. Job Description :
i. Marketing Director
ii. Brand Strategist
iii. Media Planner
iv. Creative Director
v. Art Director
vi. Graphic Designer
vii. Web Developer
viii. Social Media Manager
ix. Content Producer
x. Traffic Controller

Band Widths In the Agency :

We have created the 3 Salary Band Widths
1. Band Width 1
2. Band Width 2
3. Band Width 3

1. Band Width 1 (₹.52,600 per Employee )

Who All comes under this Band Width

 Marketing Director
 Creative Director
 Art Director
 Brand Strategist

2. Band Width 2 ( ₹. 46,800 per Employee)

Who All comes under this Band Width

 Media Planner
 Social Media Manager

3. Band Width 3 ( ₹. 38,700 per Employee)

Who All comes under this Band Width

 Graphical Designer
 Social Media Manager
 Web Developer
 Content Producer
 Traffic Engineer
Working Hours Needed: 25 days in a month ( 8 Hours in a
Day )
Each project takes 3 months to complete and when we try to
calculate the spending of Organisation on a Project on each
employee is
For Band Width 1
1. Per year :₹ 25,24,800
2. Per Month : ₹ 2,10,400
3. Per Project : ₹ 6,31,200
4. Per Day : ₹ 2,104
5. Per Hour : ₹ 263

For Band Width 2

1. Per year :₹ 16,84,800
2. Per Month : ₹ 1,40,400
3. Per Project : ₹ 4,21,200
4. Per Day : ₹ 1,872
5. Per Hour : ₹ 232
For Band Width 3
1. Per year :₹ 37,15,200
2. Per Month : ₹ 3,09,600
3. Per Project : ₹ 6,96,600
4. Per Day : ₹ 1,548
5. Per Hour : ₹ 193.5
Need During Hour:
1. Laptop
2. Stationary
3. Food
4. Allowances
5. Travel Accommodation
Benchmarks :
Should Complete a project in 3 Months

No.of Control Point Needed : ( 2)

1. Branding
2. Advertisement

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