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Question 1. Answer the following questions.

(i) What is precipitation?
(ii) What is water cycle?
(iii) What are the factors affecting the height of the weaves?
(iv) Which factors affect the movement of ocean water?
(v) What art tides and how are they caused? Name three types of rainfall?
(vi) What are ocean currents?

Question 2: Give reasons:

(i) Ocean water is salty?
(ii) The quality of water is detreating?

Question 3: Tick the correct answer:

(i) The process by Which water continually changes its form and circulates between
oceans, atmosphere and land.
(a) water cycle
(c)Ocean currents.
(ii) Generally the warm ocean currents originate near.
(a) Poles
(c)None of these
(iii) The rhythmic rise and fall of ocean water twice a day is called
(a) Tide
(b) Ocean currents
(c) Weave

Question 4. Match the following:

1. Caspian Sea (a) Parodic rise and fall of water
2. Tide (b) Largest lake
3. Tsunami (c) Streams of water moving in definite paths
4. Ocean currents (d) Strong seismic waves

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