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Little Wizard Academie des Arts

3rd Quarter Exam


Name: _________________________________ Date: _________ Score: _____

Teacher: Mr. Ricardo R. Bayos Jr Parent's Signature: ____________

I A. Complete the sentence with the correct word from the parentheses.
Encircle the correct answer.
1. All living and non living things are __________
long matter hard
2. Some objects are light: some are __________
heavy shape matter
3. A marble is smaller than a basketball. This shows that fors of matter
have different __________
colors shapes sizes
4 . Many leves are green. Some are red. This shows that some form of
have __________
color shape size
5. All forms of matter occupy
shape space size

B. Tell the kind of each matter below. Write its name in the correct column
of the table.
drinking glass soy sauce cookie
air shampoo rain
orange smoke steam
table vinegar oxygen
pencil crayons bag


C. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which has a definite shape?
a. air b. book c. milk
2. How are ballons, balls, and tires alike?
a. They are filled with gas.
b. They have the same color.
c. They have the same shape.
3. What kind of matter is sinigang soup?
a. gas b. solid c. liquid
4. What happens to ice cubes if yyou take them out of a freezer?
a. They will change to gas.
b. They will change to liquid
c. They will remain the same.
5. In what way are solids and liquids alike.
a. They can flow.
b. They can be seen.
c. They can be folded.
A. Write the word HEAT if the picture is a heat energy, SOUND if the
picture is a sound energy and LIGHT if the picture is a light energy.
Little Wizard Academie des Arts
3rd Quarter Exam
Grade 1

Name: ________________________________ Date: _________ Score: _____

Teacher: Mr. Ricardo R. Bayos Jr Parent's Signature: ____________
A. Trace the stages of plant growth. Arrange the pictures in their correct order.
Write numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 on the lines.

A. Read each sentence. If it is correct, write YES on the line. If it s wrong,
write, NO.
1. Plants will die if the sun shines on them.
2. It is not good to add decaying leaves and dirt from animals to soil.
3. Plants need sunlight and water in order t live.
4. You do not need to take care of plants.
5. Fertilizers help plants to grow healthy.
6. Plants will still live even if they do not get enough water.
7. Proper care of plants includes giving them what the need.
8. When you break up a soil around the plant, you allow water to easily
flow to the plants roots.
9. A plant grows well whe weeds grow close to them.
10. Plants grow healthier when they gte enough sunlight.

B. Write true if the sentence tells a way to care for plants , and false if not.
1. Cultivate the soil around the plants
2. Remove dead leaves around the plants
3. Always put plants in a places without sunlight.
4. Allow weeds to grow around your plants.
5. Throw your trash into the plant boxes.
6. Water your plants once a month.
7. Remove dirt around your plants.
8. Keep your plants inside sealed plastic bags.
9. Do not use pesticides to kill the pests on your plants.
10. Use organic fertilizers to keep your plants healthy.

C. Draw happy face on the line if the sentence is correct, and sad
face if not.
1. Robe puts her plants under the sun
2. Rahmiel pulls out plants from their garden.
3. Mayson steps steps on the plants when the get in his way.
4. Shane puts her rose plant inside the cabinet.
5. Jhim helps his father in watering their plants everyday.
6. Joacquin enjoys tearing the leaves of plants.
7. Timothy slowly removes insect pests that ling to the leaves of his plant.
8. When Jerzle water her plant, she makes sure to flood the waterpot.
9. Eoghan breaks up the soil around the plant to allow air to enter the
10. Uriel picks flowers from the plants just for fun then she throws
them away.

A. Read the name of the plant. Tell if it is used for food or a source of materials for
buildings, clothing, or medicines. Use the letter below for your answer.

F - food
B- building
C - clothing
M- medicine
1. apple 6. kamote
2. narra 7. mahogany
3. buri 8. bamboo
4. guava 9. lagundi
5. cotton 10. pineapple

B. Match the plant in column A with one of its uses in column B. Write only the letter
of yor answer on the line.
1. narra a. for making medicines
2. roses b. for making furniture
3. buri leaves c. for clothing materials
4. bananas d. for food
5. lagundi leaves e. for decoration
Little Wizard Academie des Arts
3rd Quarter Exam
Grade 2

Name: ___________________________________ Date: _________ Score: _____

Teacher: Mr. Ricardo R. Bayos Jr Parent's Signature: ____________
A. Complete the table below. Write one ailment that each medicinal plant
can help to treat.

Medicinal Plant Ailment

1. duhat
2. guava
3. ginger
4. aloe vera
5. banaba
6. mayana
7. lagundi
8. oregano
9. amplaya
10. malunggay

B. Write only the letter of your answero the line.

1. Which is the food making process for plants ?
a. photoshoot c. photosynthesis
b. photosynth d. photosis

2. Which plant is the source of materials for the barong Tagalog?

a. pine c. pineapple
b. banana d. apple

3. What are essentials oils?

a. Oils extracted from plants. c. Oils extracted from animals.
b. Oils extracted from cloth. d. Oils extracted from food.

4. Which is an example of medicinal plant?

a. orange c. organo
b. mango d. watermelon

5. Whhich plant parts help to hold water during times of heavy rain?
a. leaves c. stems
b. trunks d. roots

6. Which item is made using materials from plants?

a. hairbrush c. plastic toy car
b.wooden bench d. plastic earings

7. Which plant is a good source od essentials oils?

a ilang-ilang c. turnip
b. amplaya d. brocoli

8. Which is produced from the remains of the plants that have been
burried in the ground for thiusands of years?
a. coal c. plastic
b. guava d. lumber

9. Which gas do people and animals need that plants give off?
a. carbon dioxide c. oxide
b. oxygen d. carbon

10. Which is used to build houses and make furniture and paper products?
a. flowers c. lumber
b. rice d. coal

A. Write true if the sentence tells a way to care for plants , and false if not.
1. Cultivate the soil around the plants
2. Remove dead leaves around the plants
3. Always put plants in a places without sunlight.
4. Allow weeds to grow around your plants.
5. Throw your trash into the plant boxes.
6. Water your plants once a month.
7. Remove dirt around your plants.
8. Keep your plants inside sealed plastic bags.
9. Do not use pesticides to kill the pests on your plants.
10. Use organic fertilizers to keep your plants healthy.

B. In the box draw one way by which you cab help take care of plants.
Color it
A. Classify each object into solid, liquid or gas. Write its name in the
correct column of the table below.


Little Wizard Academie des Arts
3rd Quarter Exam
Grade 3

Name: ________________________________ Date: _________ Score: _____

Teacher: Mr. Ricardo R. Bayos Jr Parent's Signature: ____________

A. Identify each habitat below. Write your answer on the line.
1. Plants that grow on it sustain grazing animals.
2. It receives generous amount of rainfall and does not experience winter.
3. Rooted plants can only grow on the shallow part of its floor.
4. Plants that live in it have to keep from being carried away.
5. Among the plants that thrive in it are mangroves.
6. Its trees have leaves that are thin and needlelike.
7. It is a wetland characterized by shallow water n flat land areas.
8. It is a body of water that does not flow to another body of water.
9. Peat is produced from the decaying plants in this habita.
10. Phytoplankton are among the plants in this habitat.

B. Aswer each question. Encircle only the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which plant will survive in a land habitat?
a. mangrove b. sunflower c. waterlily
2. What kind of stems do plants like kangkong have?
a. fleshy b. hollow c. wooden
3. Which plants live in water habitats?
a. aquatic plants
b. terrestrials plants
c. xerophytes
4. Which plant can survive in the dessert habitat?
a. cactus b. cranberry c. phytoplankton
5. Which characterizes the trees in a tropical rainforest?
a. They have broad leaves.
b. They have seeds in cones.
c. They alomost have the same size and shape.

A. Match the plant in column A with the specialized parts it has developed in
column B. Write only the letter of your answer on the line.

1. mangrove a. sharp-bladed leaves

2. rose plant b. stinky smell
3. cacti c. needlelike leaves
4. aloe vera d. toxic substance
5. pine tree e. long stem
6. water lily f. roots wih air spaces
7. nettle g. thorny stem
8. skunk cabbage h. fleshy stem
9. water lotus i. wide leaves
10. pineapple j. horizotal roots
B. Classify the plants in the box according to the adaptations they have
developed. Write them in the correct column of the table below.

rafflesia bougainvillea kankong

mangrove chrysanthemum cactus
nettle water lily skunk cabbage
bromeliad water lotus cogon grass
oak tree rattan palm rose



C. Answer each question briefly. Write the asnwer on the lines.

1. How do the parts of plants help them to survive in their habitats?

2. Aside from using their body parts, in what other ways do plants protect
Little Wizard Academie des Arts
3rd Quarter Exam
Grade 4

Name: ________________________________ Date: _________ Score: _____

Teacher: Mr. Ricardo R. Bayos Jr Parent's Signature: ____________

A. Read each sentenece and identify he moving object described in it.
Enircle the word that refers to the moving object and then underline its
reference point.
1. Johnny rode his bike to school and cylced past the grocery store.
2. Buses bound for Baguio usually drive past the Mount Arayat in
3. The chickens rushed past the open fence of the barn to get into the
4. The turtles bred in captivity crept out of their cages and paddled their
way back into th sea.
5. Migratory birds fly past the Sierra Madre mountains into warmer
plains during the old months.
6. The lighthouse
7. Sailors in the olden times used North Star to help them find their
ways at sea.
8. Sheepdogs ran across the yard into the field.
9. The bus driver picks up his passenger at the bus stop.
10. Archers set up marking cones to test their ability to shoot arrows.

B. Read each situationa and tell if it exhibits true motion or an object at

rest. Write YES on the line if it exhibits true motion and No if it exhibits
an objet at rest.
1. A car parked in a parking lot.
2. Branches swaying in the breeze
3. A bowling ball on a rack
4. Water in a river
5. Waves in the shore
6. A dog sleeping in its house
7. Clothes inside the drawer
8. Children in a playground
9. A tomato inside a basket
10. The moon seen in the sky

C. Determine if the given situation shows a good reference point. Put

on the line if it reflects a good reference point. Put if it does not.
1. The acacia tree by the corner.
2. The louds in the sky
3. Dpgs sleeping in the park
4. Telephoen booth in a mall.
5. Roving security guard in a building
6. Flagpole in the city hall
7. Children playing in the gym
8. Basketball court in the school
9. Tricycles parked in the market
10. Grocery store in a city.
A. Identify the measuring tool and unit of measurement appropriate to use
for each given need. Choose from the tools and units in the boxes.
Write your answer on the lines.
1. Thickness of construction paper
Unit: Tool:

2. Manila to Bicol road trip:

Unit: Tool:

3. Ferry ride from Batangas to Mindoro

Unit: Tool:

4. Length of a basketball court

Unit: Tool:

5. Length and width of a table

Unit: Tool:
Little Wizard Academie des Arts
3rd Quarter Exam
Grade 4

Name: ________________________________ Date: _________ Score: _____

Teacher: Mr. Ricardo R. Bayos Jr Parent's Signature: ____________

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