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Chapter 4 review

$1gnd ordlu d IW pmtlk ,. - . ,. u.

60. . If lb<o •
po,.11iM \<OU> !lint plf'llo dc,:l\";u.,,.,.ll>I
1h!\ Uldk ;u t .:..bout ,C"lochyMuh mt "
A. Vcio<cd) o UKfc.11>lllg.
8 . \'dcK-11) b """·-ri:..u.m, . II I . •

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C Vclool) rtnwn<«'<IIUIIC r• IV. •
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D. Vclotd) o u ro.
65. F....-d,rrm:ct obµu .tt IDO\"IDI oloni;• bonmaul...,,.
.16 RIIII> tllro'A• • b.ucl\111>1r•,ib1up11?Om._ \\ 'lu& o lb<b..Jr• •"'h ,.,th• ddrcrm1c,,a lno11M or,do,uy .><J..... i..-r.u-
,..,IN-ii) •flcr-'<" "' .,_ n hct< 110\\ ffl>II)' 01 thncol>J«b "1<., ....lnJ c1o .... 1
A. 10.2 ml,
B. - 19.2 ml, ,A ""'
C. II> ml< B
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C. t!u'tt
D. -76.3ml, D. fnw

6C>. Jtd d"'I'• a I l t,<> ofr <>hhc IWf<I T<l"c, Aller 1 s."""
Start I = 0 End I = 3s (:ut I>th: ho, •- ·,cg!
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61 , A nrt I, mUang :aloas at• Ml) 2m'• "hm II nlC'<t< • >lop<

The C.wt ...,,lcn!c<
•t I m/i till roD1"'-"""Ill<lull. H°" (111
•ilJlhe ('A:1 fflO\( inJ.,?
A. l>m
B. $m
C 1\m

<>.l. II.,.ot.,-,ai ,uru...,,kndng rrom,cot a1 a 1111e of .\4 mr, 2•

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A m 67 0111) oocal tho(o,,r • lo<at) - ll m< ,r,c,h> (ol,o\C n hl)' ""
8 . lim pn,._,iNy «11T<> d 1(1the>1n I, J'l"iUOn-tJmc i;npb(ON•
C .l-' m kfl). \\',hi h" 11?
0. !6 m A . Gr"f'h A
8 . Gr.ifh B
A , -· - C I,.':. C, Cr>phC

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D. Ct"f'h D

61. Yoa "" drh-bi• mctri, c..r tlw hu a Jf""l<,mct<t th.II

d•q,I an m<ttr< p;,r «<'Md , \\1lc • )'flll lool. d.lll11■1 Y""'
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)'M loci.l. do,.,11 uM:t ll rn d J?J m/, \\'lu& o )t'IUI "'"DEC'
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6.1 Wh1th ohh< four dup,m< " r<pre r;a. • .,..,...,,.., ><lo<il) ,I\ .15 1}\'• •'
v..i:h a f)('SltJ\(' .k"\."C'kNhon? ,\ Uffie' lhc pcblll\ d1fe\:'tl◄►n ,, a . 2m1r
IO th< ngbl. C . J .7S
D. Um/,·
A. A
11. 8
D. 0

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