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Any changes concerning these instructions will be made at the time of


Preparation for Ceremony

1. Arrive no later than 8:30 a.m. for the 10:00 a.m. ceremony, no later than 12:30 p.m. for
2:00 p.m. ceremony and no later than 4:30 p.m. for the 6:00 p.m. ceremony.
2. Guests are to assemble at the grounds.
3. Graduates should check in with the Registry staff located in the foyer of the Admin.
4. Registry staff will check graduates to ensure that all of those expected are present and
in the correct order. Registry staff will provide each graduate with a note card which
contains the name of the graduate (that he/she wants to be read at the ceremony) and
an assigned number for placement order. This is the number order that names will be
called on stage during the graduation ceremony, so it is very important to stay in that
order. (Each graduate must keep this note card so that it can be handed to the
reader who will announce the graduate as he/she takes the stage.)
5. At this time, the graduates must be appropriately robed.
6. Graduates should wear their school uniform.
7. Caps will be worn in such a manner that the top is flat rather than slanted.
8. Tassels are worn on the right side.
9. Gowns should be free of any markings or other modifications. However, caps can be
10. Graduate Marshall will check the graduate list against the students that are present for
the ceremony. Once graduate list is checked graduates will be lined up in numerical
order for procession by the Graduate Marshall.

Student Procession into Ceremony

11. When the check list has been completed, graduates will be led by the Graduate
Marshall to the ceremonies. Students will follow the Graduate Marshall in the
processional and will walk single file, two spaces between individuals. It is important to
maintain this interval.
12. The graduate procession will begin about 15 minutes before the start of the
13. Graduates will be seated in the graduate section. The Graduate Marshall will direct
graduates to their seats.
14. Once graduates arrive at their seats, they should remain standing and be seated at
end of the entrance music.

Commencement Exercises
15. After the platform party, faculty and graduating students have arrived and the music has
stopped, the invocation, Pledge of Allegiance, and National Anthem will be
given. Gentlemen are to remove their caps and will remain standing until after the
National Anthem. Caps are to be put back on when National Anthem is finished.
16. At the appropriate time, graduates will be requested to stand for the certification of
graduates and the conferring of degrees and certificates.
17. The first row will remain standing. Everyone else will sit back down. At this time, all
graduates should shift the tassel from the right to the left side of their caps.
18. The Graduate Marshall will walk up to the first row of seats from the graduates’ right
side and direct the graduates to the speaker's stand.
19. Graduates must not leave the row until signalled to do so.
20. After receiving a diploma and returning to his/her designated seat, graduates should
immediately sit down.
21. After the first row, it is important that each row not rise or file out until the Graduate
Marshall signals.
22. Graduates will file out one at a time up to the speaker's stand located to the left of the
seated graduates. Graduate should stand beside the speaker and hand his/her note
card to the Reader. Graduates must remain there until called on stage.
23. Each graduate, upon hearing his/her name called, will walk across the stage and
receive a diploma cover with the left hand and shake hands with the school
principal with the right hand. Actual diplomas will be mailed to graduates.
24. After leaving the stage, graduates must return to his/her row and sit down.
25. For the benediction, all will rise and gentlemen will remove their caps. Caps should be
replaced after the benediction, but graduates will remain standing.

26. After the platform party and faculty have filed off the platform, the Graduate Marshall will
approach the first row and signal graduates to file out. Each row will follow the
preceding row.
27. Graduates must keep moving so that other students are cleared out. After all students
have filed out, graduates and guest are invited to attend the reception.

Remember, this is your day. You have earned it and have fun! We hope that you
and your guests will enjoy your graduation ceremony and we wish you every
success in the future.

Miscellaneous Information
28. Please ask your guests to be on time.
29. Please do not carry anything with you to the ceremony. A program will be placed in
each chair or given to you.
30. All students whose names appear on the graduation list should attend the graduation
31. Questions concerning the ceremony should be directed to Graduation Committee Chair.

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