Practice Makes Progress!

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Practice Makes Progress!

1. Cozy nights in
2. Radiate kindness
3. Read books and drink tea
4. I need vitamin sea
5. "No legacy is so rich as honesty." -Shakespeare
6. Inhale confidence. Exhale doubt.
7. Put on your positive pants
8. Your vibe attracts your tribe
9. Either you run the day, or the day runs you
10. New week. New goals.
11. To travel is to live
12. Be the energy you want to attract
13. One day or day one. You decide.
14. Be scared and do it anyway
15. Nothing good comes from your comfort zone
16. You can. End of story.
17. Stay humble. Hustle hard.
18. Radiate positivity.
19. Go the extra mile. It's never crowded.
20. Don't indulge negative thoughts
21. Success is a series of small wins
22. Dare to be rare
23. It's a good week to have a good week
24. You're a limited edition
25. It's gonna be okay
26. Quit slackin' & make it happen
27. The struggle is part of the story
28. You matter
29. Caffeine + Confidence
30. Hello pretty
31. Be the good
32. Follow your bliss
33. I hold you in my heart
34. You are enough
35. Shine bright like a diamond
36. Happy everything
37. Forever and for always
38. Get it, girl!

39. But first, makeup.

40. "Nothing happens until something moves" -Einstein
41. We belong together
42. Rise and shine
43. Go your own way
44. Dream on.
45. Love you more
46. Live the life you love. Love the life you live.
47. Color Outside the lines
48. Do More of What Makes You Happy
49. Don’t Wish for It, Work for It
50. Don’t Let Anyone Dull your sparkle
51. Hello Sunshine
52. Good morning gorgeous
53. It is well with my soul
54. Let your soul stand cool and composed before a million universes. -Walt Whitman
55. Never ever give up
56. Chin up, buttercup
57. Thank you
58. Head, heels, and standards high
59. Be Strong & Brave
60. Not all who wander are lost
61. Love is Kind
62. Adventure is out there
63. Wanderlust
64. Love more
65. Eat more cake
66. Coffee/Tea is my love language
67. Bless this mess
68. Less is more (unless it's coffee)
69. We have this hope
70. Hey y'all!
71. Happily ever after
72. Sunshine is so much sweeter after the storm
73. Make a Move
74. Beauty is kindness
75. Faith over fear
76. Get lost in the right direction
77. Believe it. Achieve it.
78. Life begins after coffee

79. Makers gonna make

80. Dreams don't work unless you do
81. The mug life
82. Work hard & be nice to people
83. Here comes the sun
84. Sundays are for slowing down
85. I love you more than all the stars
86. Find joy in the journey
87. Never stop learning
88. Be all there
89. Be kind or be quiet
90. Our thoughts determine our reality
91. Get a little better every day
92. All we have is now
93. Make good choices
94. Don't forget to have fun!
95. Don't give up. Great things take time.
96. "The Earth laughs in flowers." -Emerson
97. Coffee, then hustle
98. Now is the new later
99. Let's start again
100. Make your own luck
101. More rest. Less hustle.

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