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USN 10EE751

Seventh Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2014

HVDG Transmission
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100

Note: I. Answer any FIVE full questions, selecting
o stleust TIYO questions from each purt.
! 2. Drow suitable sketches and assume suitable
dats wherever necess&ry.

la. With suitable schernatics explain the constitution of HVAC and HVDC lines. (10 Marks)
b. What are the lirnitations of HVDC lines? (06 Marks)
a& C. Mention the details of the first HVDC link in the world and that in India. (04 Marks)
o:: 2a. Describe a typical HVDC converter station and mention the function of each element.
u= (10 Marks)
-- b. Explain the various types of DC links. (06 Marks)
?.q c. Compare HVAC and HVDC transrnission with respect to stability lirnits. (04 Marks)

3a. Describe with suitable schematic and waveforms the operation of single phase bridge
=7 rectifier. (10 Marks)
b. With the help of a schematic explain the operation of six phase diametrical rectifier circuit.
List the limitations. (10 Marks)

4a. With the help of schematic and the waveforms of input and output voltages, describe the
operation of six pulse rectifier circuit. List the assumptions made. (10 Marks)
ty b. What is a twelve pulse converter? Draw the schematic and state the advantages with respect
to a six pulse converter. (10 Marks)

9a PART _ B
>i ,+
5a. Derive the expression for average direct voltage of a six pulse converter with a delay angle
-^o of cr and overlap angle of less than 60". What is commutation resistance? State the equation
O= for equivalent commutation resistance. (12 Marks)
b. A Graetz circuit operating at 50Hz has a line to line voltage of 440V. If the AC line
inductance perphase is I Henry, cr: 15o and overlap angle is 10o, compute:
* a.l
i) Average DC cunent and voltage.
o ii) Equivalentcommutationresistance. (08 Marks)
6 a. What are the basic means of control of HVDC link? (10 Marks)
b. What are the limitations of manual control of HVDC link? (04 Marks)
c. List the desired features of control of HVDC link. (06 Marks)

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7 a. Describe combined characteristics of rectifier and inverter. What is current margin?

(08 Nlarks)
b. Explain constant current control in HVDC converter stations. (08 Marks)
c. ^
Describe the various circuits used for damping line oscillations for stability'control.
(04 Marks)

8 a. List the functions of DC reactors. (06 Marks)

b. Find the inductance of the DC reactor required to prevent consequent commutation failure in
the inverter described below: (08 Marks)

Normal extinction angle 16o

Nurrrtier of bridges per pole 2
Rated voltage per bridge 200kV
Rated current 1.8kV
Isz 10kA
Tm 8o
Frequency 60Hz

c. Write a brief note on 'causes of oscillations on DC lines'? (06 Marks)

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