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Worksheets on Empowerment Technologies

Name:_________________________________________________ Date:_____________________
Grade Level and Section:_________________________________ Score:_____________________
Worksheet no:_____________ Strand:____________________
General Directions: Fill out legibly the required information presented
above and follow all the directions below.

I. Directions: Answer the questions that follow with your own understanding. Otherwise, the use of
internet or library resources, carbon copied, photocopied and solicited answers from your classmates
and from experts/teachers will invalidate your assessment. Handwrite your answers in blue or black
pen only. Use extra sheet if necessary. 25 points per item. DO NOT LEAVE A SPACE.

1. By virtue of Empowerment Technologies, we have experienced the beauty of social media and that
has made our communication to other people fast and easy. In this sense, what is the greatest
contribution of technology/ies in your own experience today? Answer in 3 or more sentences. Cite
example/s to support your answer.

2. The existence and emergence of ICT has become a portal of major opportunities with respect to
business, education, politics and mass media. As a student, how would you foster the essence and
language of responsibility on the use of social media in life? Answer in 3 or more sentences and cite
example/s to support your answer.

3. Leonardo da Vinci, Alexander Graham Bell, Benjamin Franklin, Samuel Morse, Mark Zuckerberg
and other intellectuals in the land who have contributed a lot in the field of science and technology. In
your opinion, would you like to follow their footsteps to bring innovation to the world or would you
rather create your own to inspire others? Answer it in 3 or more sentences and cite example/s to
support your answer.

4. Study and examine the picture below. Write your own title and insights on the picture below.


Spread your wings to fly high, be confident to achieve your dreams and never forget fidelity and humility in
your heart and mind to inspire others. Sir Pera, LPT

Prepared by: ANGELITO TIMCANG PERA, LPT Page 1 of 5

Worksheets on Empowerment Technologies
Name:_________________________________________________ Date:_____________________
Grade Level and Section:_________________________________ Score:_____________________
Worksheet no:_____________ Strand:____________________
General Directions: Fill out legibly the required information presented
above and follow all the directions below.

I. Directions: Answer the questions that follow with your own understanding. Otherwise, the use of
internet or library resources, carbon copied, photocopied and solicited answers from your classmates
and from experts/teachers will invalidate your assessment. Handwrite your answers in blue or black
pen only. Use extra sheet if necessary. 25 points per item. DO NOT LEAVE A SPACE.

1. The development and design of the World Wide Web through the wisdom of Tim Berners Lee
sprouted the use of internet to improve and embrace digital life. In this context, how significant and
relative/connected is World Wide Web (W3) to the lives of digital natives and netizens?

2. World Wide Web contains syntax and hypertext which are programmed to embody the morphology
of internet. In other words, internet is broad that entails a collection of websites for specific navigation
and of information/data. In this manner, how does the internet of our generation today shape the lives
of many and translate the world from classic to modern society?

3. The use of internet is associated with World Wide Web (W3) to give, navigate and view specific
website. In this manner, we understand that every information/data we can get from or on the internet
is associated with protocol via hypertext/hyperlink embedded to a specific website. Thus, how
important is the development of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) for a particular website found
embedded on the internet?

4. World Wide Web (W3) through internet is a classic breakthrough in science and technology that is
truly helping our digital society and online community to experience abundantly the latest information
in social media. In other words, how does W3 orchestrate and contribute change and development in
relation to digital technology and online media?

“The beauty of success comes to those who persevere and determine to follow their dreams”. Sir Pera, LPT

Prepared by: ANGELITO TIMCANG PERA, LPT Page 2 of 5

Worksheets on Empowerment Technologies
Name:_________________________________________________ Date:_____________________
Grade Level and Section:_________________________________ Score:_____________________
Worksheet no:_____________ Strand:____________________
General Directions: Fill out legibly the required information presented
above and follow all the directions below.

I. Directions: Answer the questions that follow with your own understanding. Otherwise, the use of
internet or library resources, carbon copied, photocopied and solicited answers from your classmates
and from experts/teachers will invalidate your assessment. Handwrite your answers in blue or black
pen only. Use extra sheet if necessary. 25 points per item. DO NOT LEAVE A SPACE.

1. Netiquette on and with use of internet is encouraged to foster responsible online users. It teaches
ethics that will embody the standard, universal and effective use of internet in all aspects and cases.
In this manner, how would you apply in yourself netiquette as a language of respect and responsible
use of internet at all times?

2. Netiquette, a combination of internet and etiquette, was developed to promote respect and
responsible use of internet and to apprise the online users on the advantages and disadvantages of
internet. To this effect, how would you translate the important call of respect and responsible use of
internet into action? Is it plausible to paraphrase individual online mindset via netiquette?

3. By virtue of netiquette, we have learned that it is very significant to steward every online user on
and with responsible use of internet/social media. In this context and with your experience if you
have, what will you feel when someone/a friend of yours will be bashed/disrespect on the internet.
Will you join them or will you remain silent or undecided on what to do? What option/s you can make?

4. Nowadays, each and one of us has facebook account which is most popular social networking site
that can be used in different types of communication and of searching information. With facebook,
how will you have managed from the day you are officially registered and part of facebook community
with those posts and comments that you have read, streamed, searched and discovered online? How
is your mental and emotional landscape in your online/social media life?

“Be visionary and responsible is a champion leading to a mature personality”. Sir Pera, LPT
Prepared by: ANGELITO TIMCANG PERA, LPT Page 3 of 5
Worksheets on Empowerment Technologies
Name:_________________________________________________ Date:_____________________
Grade Level and Section:_________________________________ Score:_____________________
Worksheet no:_____________ Strand:____________________
General Directions: Fill out legibly the required information presented
above and follow all the directions below.

I. Directions: Answer the questions that follow with your own understanding. Otherwise, the use of
internet or library resources, carbon copied, photocopied and solicited answers from your classmates
and from experts/teachers will invalidate your assessment. Handwrite your answers in blue or black
pen only. Use extra sheet if necessary. 25 points per item. DO NOT LEAVE A SPACE.
1. In today’s remarkable growth of social media, it has been a large consideration to safeguard and
protect our social media accounts against from hackers. Thus, apps/software developers persistently
created updated passwords to protect our social media account/s. In this situation, how would you
foster the information of online safety and security to your fellow social media users in its significant
call to digital society?

2. Online safety and security is always appended with ethics/etiquette to empower the landscape of
prevention from hacking/online stealing and protection from the darkside/shadows of social media. A
netizen or digizen is encouraged to safeguard and protect their social media accounts. In this
manner, how does online safety and security help you in your daily social media life and how will you
impart your understanding and experience with respect to online safety and security to the digital
society or to online community?

3. Ethics teaches us the do’s and don’ts on and with use of internet. As a member of online and
digital community/society, we truly understand that our actions speak better words. How will you act
and encourage each netizen to help them understand the context of online safety and security? Cite
examples to support/substantiate your answer/s.

4. Online safety and security is a significant call to combat hackers and to eradicate doubts on and
with use of internet/social media. Netizens/digizens should be careful and have enough knowledge
when signing up and logging in a website. As a student, how does your experience in social media or
internet orchestrate your views and understanding in online safety and security?

“Do your best and let Almighty God do the rest. In Him, he will make a way”. Sir Pera, LPT

Prepared by: ANGELITO TIMCANG PERA, LPT Page 4 of 5

Worksheets on Empowerment Technologies
Name:_________________________________________________ Date:_____________________
Grade Level and Section:_________________________________ Score:_____________________
Worksheet no:_____________ Strand:____________________
General Directions: Fill out legibly the required information presented
above and follow all the directions below.

I. Directions: Answer the questions that follow with your own understanding. Otherwise, the use of
internet or library resources, carbon copied, photocopied and solicited answers from your classmates
and from experts/teachers will invalidate your assessment. Handwrite your answers in blue or black
pen only. Use extra sheet if necessary. 25 points per item. DO NOT LEAVE A SPACE.

1. Internet threats are now invading the social media that will create a tsunami to the online users. In
this view, we have been warned and continued to be warned. As a student and a member of online
community and with your experience. How will you combat/fight these internet threats? How to
prevent or lessen them if plausible? Share your thoughts and cite examples to support your answer.

2. Internet threats have different characteristics and forms which are designed to destroy the
computer programs or to steal personal/confidential information from the online users. If your account
is hacked, thus, how will you deal the situation? How will you manage that drawback/problem if it
happens? Share your thoughts and cite examples to support your answer.

3. In a situation when someone is emailed you who is unknown, then, you have doubt and curiousity
that how did he/she know your email address. In this view, how would you deal this situation when it
happens to your account? Would you like to open or reply/ignore the message or not? Share your
thoughts and cite examples to support your answer/s.

4. Internet threats are designed for commercial purposes on the internet in order to continue upgrade
the antivirus applications and to destroy the computer programs. Henceforth, internet threats should
be prevented or lessened. As a student or a member of online community, what can you contribute to
online community in relation to internet threats and what is your message to the programmers of
internet threats who darkened or took advantage the uncontrollable growth and expansion of social
media to digital society/community?

“Enlighten your mind with all possibilities and embrace all consequences to become a champion”Sir Pera, LPT

Prepared by: ANGELITO TIMCANG PERA, LPT Page 5 of 5

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