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A Study of Forensic Imaging in the Absence of Write-Blockers

Article · January 2014

DOI: 10.15394/jdfsl.2014.1187

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2 authors, including:

Gary Kessler
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University


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Journal of Digital Forensics,
Security and Law
Volume 9 | Number 3 Article 4


A Study of Forensic Imaging in the Absence of

Gary C. Kessler
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Gregory H. Carlton
California State Polytechnic University

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Kessler, Gary C. and Carlton, Gregory H. (2014) "A Study of Forensic Imaging in the Absence of Write-Blockers," Journal of Digital
Forensics, Security and Law: Vol. 9 : No. 3 , Article 4.
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A Study of Forensic Imaging in the Absence of… JDFSL V9N3

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Gary C. Kessler Gregory H. Carlton
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University California State Polytechnic University
Dept. of Security Studies & Computer Information Systems Dept.
International Affairs Pomona, CA 91768
Daytona Beach, FL 32174

Best practices in digital forensics demand the use of write-blockers when creating forensic
images of digital media, and this has been a core tenet of computer forensics training for
decades. The practice is so ingrained that the integrity of images created without a write-blocker
are immediately suspect. This paper describes a research framework that compares forensic
images acquired with and without utilizing write-blockers in order to understand the extent of
the differences, if any, in the resultant forensic copies. We specifically address whether
differences are superficial or evidentiary, and we discuss the impact of admitting evidence
acquired without write blocking. The experiments compare the changes made to a hard drive
and flash drive when imaged and examined with a Windows-based forensics workstation.
Keywords: Digital forensics, computer forensics, write-blocking, forensic image, forensic data

1. INTRODUCTION create the forensic image. The intent of the

write-blocker is to prevent the forensic
The first phase of the computer forensics workstation's software or operating system
process - after identifying digital devices that from making any inadvertent changes to the
might have a nexus to an investigation - is original media, including adding, deleting, or
data acquisition. This action includes creating modifying any information (Forensic Focus,
a forensically correct copy of the desired 2010; Henry, 2009; Nelson, Phillips, &
media and is typically achieved by obtaining a Steuart, 2010).
bit-stream image of the original data
(Carlton, 2007). This activity is necessary in Employing a write-blocker during the
order to adhere to the mandate of conducting imaging process is so ingrained in our
a forensic examination on a copy rather than teaching, education, and practice that there is
on the original evidentiary media, where the no known mention within the literature
copy is presumed to be identical to the addressing the treatment of a forensic copy
original. Digital forensic examiners typically that has been made without a write-blocker.
perform the imaging process by attaching the This omission raises many scientific questions:
original storage medium (i.e., a hard drive or What happens if a disk or other media is
an external storage device) to a write-blocker imaged without benefit of a write-blocker? Is
that is, in turn, attached to a forensic the copy tainted? If so, what is the extent of
workstation, and then employing software to any contamination? Procedurally, if a device

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is imaged without a write-blocker, should such behind the requirement to use write blockers
evidence be discarded by an examiner or and the assertion of their necessity. The
investigator, ignored by counsel, or challenged testing framework is presented below in
by the opposing party on the presumption section 2. In section 3 of this paper, we
that the image no longer represents the discuss the results of our examination
original media? If such a generalized objection comparing images acquired with write-
were raised, how should a judge know whether blockers to those acquired without write-
to sustain or overrule the objection, and how blockers. Lastly, in section 4, we offer our
should the party offering such evidence argue conclusions.
for the evidence's inclusion?
These questions are not entirely
hypothetical. The current Scientific Working
Group on Digital Evidence (SWGDE) Best
2.1 Test Philosophy
Practices for Computer Forensics document is
clear that write-blockers should be used Write blockers are used in digital forensic
"when possible" (SWGDE, 2013, p. 7) imaging based upon the hypothesis that
without mention of the negative impacts of changes will occur to the source media if write
not using blockers. The Federal Rules of blockers are not employed. For testing
Evidence (FRE) specifically allow duplicates purposes, the null hypothesis is that no
to be admitted as evidence to the same extent changes will occur to the source media if a
as the original unless legitimate questions can write blocker is not used. The authors
be raised as to the veracity of the copy (FRE, designed a test framework in an attempt to
2013). Does the lack of a write-blocker test the null hypothesis, or to measure the
undermine the veracity of a copy so as to amount of changes, if any, made to digital
make it ineffective as evidence? media during the process of making a
The National Institute of Standards and forensically correct copy (i.e., a bit-stream
Technology (NIST) has detailed specifications image). The framework was necessary in order
on how to test hardware and software write- to ensure that the experiments are repeatable
blockers to validate their proper operation and reproducible. In this context, repeatable
(NIST, 2003, 2004, 2005). They do not, means that we can get the same result over
however, describe the impact when write- and over, and reproducible means that other
blockers are not employed. Thus, lack of write researchers can get the same results following
blocking remains a somewhat ambiguous our framework. Or, in the words of NIST
state. (2001):

In U.S. v. Labuda (2012), the only case we ... repeatability is defined as the
found where write blockers were specifically ability to get the same test results on
cited as an issue, a police forensic examiner the same testing environment (same
examined a cell phone's memory card without computer, disk, mode of operation,
making an image. While the defense expert etc.). Reproducibility is defined as the
challenged the police examiner's lack of ability to get the same test results on
process by directly examining the card, the a different testing environment
evidence was nevertheless allowed. But the (different PC, hard disk, operator,
write-blocker was not a central point of the etc.). (p. 7)
case and, therefore, this case does not appear The universe of possible testing
to sufficiently answer the questions above. environments is actually quite huge. As Lyle
The study described in this paper includes (2012) observes, there are many choices of
experiments to test the scientific foundation (Figure 1):

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A Study of Forensic Imaging in the Absence of… JDFSL V9N3

• Digital media storage technology (e.g., and hardware (e.g., Forensic Duplicator,
traditional spinning disk or flash/solid- Forensic Imager, Hardcopy, Shadow)
state devices)
• Analysis software (e.g., Autopsy/TSK,
• File system type (e.g., FAT12/16/32, EnCase, FTK, ProDiscover, X-Ways
NTFS, HFS/HFS+, ext2/ext3/ext4, Forensics)
EXFAT, etc.) The non-exhaustive list above represents a
• Interface between digital media and subset of the variables and the options
forensic workstation (e.g., Firewire, IDE, available, but even these represent more than
SATA, SCSI, USB) 5,000 configurations. Given the size of the test
universe, we selected a small subset of media
• Forensic workstation operating system and designed a testing framework as a
(e.g., Windows, Mac OS X, Unix, Linux) demonstration of possible further work.
• Write-blocker type (e.g., the variety of However, our media subset represents two of
software and hardware products) the most commonly used devices at the time
of our study (i.e., a SATA hard disk and a
• Imaging software (e.g., dcfldd, dd, USB flash drive).
EnCase, FTK Imager, X-Ways Forensics)

Figure 1. A subset of forensic imaging variables.

ext - Extended File System (Linux); exFAT - Extended File Allocation Table (Microsoft).
FAT - File Allocation Table (Microsoft); FTK - Forensic Toolkit (AccessData).
HFS - Hierarchical File System (Apple); IDE - Integrated Drive Electronics (Western Digital).
NTFS - New Technology File System (Microsoft); SATA - Serial Advanced Technology Attachment.
SCSI - Small Computer System Interface; TSK - The Sleuth Kit.
USB - Universal Serial Bus.

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2.2 Test Design NTFS file system; default settings were

accepted and all Windows drivers were
As mentioned above, NIST (2003, 2004, installed. Microsoft Office 2010 was then
2005) has detailed functional and test plan installed; normal Office documents, including
specifications for hardware and software write a mix of Word documents and Excel
blockers. The tests described here are not as spreadsheets, were then written to the drive.
thorough as the NIST tests because the point Finally, the test team visited several typical
is not to validate functioning write blockers Web sites such as,,
but to determine what changes occur on the,,,
target medium when write blockers are, and This
absent, either because they were never used or collection of information was designated HDD
later found to be non-functional. Data Set 0.
The general testing process is The second media item was an 8 GB
straightforward: Kingston USB flash drive. The flash drive was
1. Prepare known data sets and write them attached to the forensic workstation and a full
to verified wiped storage devices. format performed from the Windows
2. Take a bit-stream image of the storage operating system, employing the FAT32 file
device attached to the forensic system. A variety of files and documents were
workstation with a hardware write- then copied to the drive, including a mix of
blocker. Word documents, Excel documents, Microsoft
3. Take a bit-stream image of the storage OneNote files, Adobe Portable Document
device attached to the forensic Format (PDF) files, PowerPoint files, and
workstation via the Universal Serial Bus several image files. The flash drive was then
(USB) port and a software write-blocker. properly ejected from the forensic
4. Take a bit-stream image of the storage workstation. This collection of information
device attached to the forensic was designated USB Data Set 0.
workstation via the USB port without use
of either a hardware or software write- 2.4 Image Creation
Three bit-stream forensic images were
5. Document hash value findings.
acquired from each of the media items. In
general, Image 0 (which served as the control
2.3 Test Sets
set) was acquired using a hardware write-
This project tested two different media types, blocker, Image 1 was acquired using software
namely, a hard disk drive (HDD) and a USB write blocking, and Image 2 was acquired
flash drive (also commonly known as a thumb without a write-blocker. All images were
drive). Two different test data sets were created using EnCase software.
created, one for each device. Each test set had Hardware write blocking employed
a valid file system and typical set of files in Tableau Forensic Bridges, described in more
allocated and unallocated space, as an detail below. The Tableau hardware write-
example of something that might be found in block capabilities were validated prior to our
the field. tests.
The first media item was an 80 GB SATA Software write blocking was accomplished
Seagate ST380815AS hard drive. The drive by setting the Windows Registry key
was wiped to an all-zero state using the built- controlling the write status of the USB port,
in wiping function of EnCase. The wiped hard namely
drive was then connected to a computer in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\
order to install the Windows 7 Professional
(32-bit version) operating system using the

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CurrentControlSet Table 1
\Control\StorageDevicePolicies\WriteProtect. HDD Image Hash Values
Setting this Registry key's value to 0x0 allows HDD Image 0 (hardware write-blocker)
writing to the USB port and a value of 0x1 MD5 F8BE2078382A68ADC792B734FFB480CD
disables writing. After making any change to
SHA-1 23812B61A41E01F61AF0DA048B80AD25F1D4C8BA
the Registry key's value, the system was
rebooted and the appropriate functionality HDD Image 1 (software write-blocker)
verified. MD5 F8BE2078382A68ADC792B734FFB480CD
SHA-1 23812B61A41E01F61AF0DA048B80AD25F1D4C8BA
HDD Image 2 (no write-blocker)
3.1 Imaging and Hashes MD5 CF4539F0E98E67F368E5EB1D3119EB03

The SATA hard drive was connected to the SHA-1 31CE3038803A8B4BE39FD197905123664C5C2C5C

forensic workstation's USB port using a
Tableau T35e Forensic SATA/IDE Bridge.
The T35e can operate with the write-block Image 0 of the USB flash drive was
mode either ON or OFF; the write-blocking obtained by connecting the device to the
functionality was confirmed prior to running forensic workstation's USB port using a
the tests. Tableau T8 Forensic USB Bridge in write-
blocker mode. The write-blocking
Image 0 was obtained by turning ON the functionality was confirmed prior to running
write-block function of the T35e bridge. the tests. EnCase was used to acquire the
EnCase was used to acquire the image, image, producing both MD5 and SHA-1
producing both Message Digest #5 (MD5) hashes (Table 2).
and Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA-1) hashes
(Table 1). Image 1 was obtained by plugging the
flash drive directly into the USB port of the
Image 1 was obtained by turning OFF the forensic workstation, after setting the
write-block function on the bridge and, Windows registry key to write-block the USB
instead, setting the Windows registry key to port. After changing the Registry key, the
write-block the USB port. After changing the forensic workstation was rebooted and the
Registry key, the forensic workstation was USB write-block functionality was tested prior
rebooted and the USB write-block to plugging the flash drive into the
functionality was tested prior to attaching the workstation. The image was acquired and
drive to the workstation. The image was hash values calculated using EnCase.
acquired and hash values calculated using
EnCase. Image 2 was obtained by plugging the
flash drive directly into the USB port of the
Image 2 was obtained by turning OFF the forensic workstation, leaving the Windows
write-block function of the bridge and leaving registry key related to the USB port's write
the Windows registry key related to the USB capability at its normal setting. After
port's write capability at its normal setting. changing the key, the forensic workstation
After changing the keys, the forensic was rebooted and the USB write-enable
workstation was rebooted and the USB write- capability was tested prior to plugging the
enable capability was tested. The image was flash drive into the workstation. The image
acquired and hash values calculated using was acquired and hash values calculated using
EnCase. EnCase.

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Table 2 Image 2 and Images 0/1. First, Image 2

USB Image Hash Values contained an extra file, C\System Volume
USB Image 0 (hardware write-blocker) Information\MountPointManagerRemoteData
MD5 1571CFD2F1B5E9F00FAAFCC266C85EE0 base that was not present on Images 0/1.
Second, 358 individual files hashes were
SHA-1 7EE9467068D99795A43699B7E5CBDC53A7EA55EC
different on Image 2 compared to Images 0/1.
USB Image 1 (software write-blocker) It is noteworthy that all but one of the
MD5 1571CFD2F1B5E9F00FAAFCC266C85EE0 changed hashes were assigned to folders that
generally do not have hashes; the one
SHA-1 7EE9467068D99795A43699B7E5CBDC53A7EA55EC
modified file was D\$Extend\$UsnJrnl·$J,
USB Image 2 (no write-blocker) which is a file that records when and what
MD5 1571CFD2F1B5E9F00FAAFCC266C85EE0 modifications are made to files and folders
within Windows.
SHA-1 7EE9467068D99795A43699B7E5CBDC53A7EA55EC
3.3 USB Flash Drive Results
3.2 HDD Results As the information in Table 2 shows, all of
As the information in Table 1 shows, the the images of the flash drive yielded the same
hardware and software write-blocking function hash value. The individual file hashes were
worked equally well in this test, in that the also examined to verify that there were no
hash values of both Image 0 and Image 1 of discrepancies.
the HDD matched. The hash value of Image 2
(no write blocking) differed, indicating that 3.4 Test Universe and Summary
there were differences between that image and Table 3 summarizes the test scenario in terms
the write-blocked images. of forensic variables and parameters (based on
Subsequent examination of the image files Figure 1) and the results reported above
showed a number of differences between

Table 3
Test Universe and Result Summary
Hard Disk Drive Flash Drive
File System NTFS FAT32
Windows 7
Image 0 Image 1 Image 2 Image 0 Image 1 Image 2
Connection SATA Bridge to USB USB Bridge to USB USB port
Write-block Hardware Software None Hardware Software None
Hash (MD5) F8BE...80CD CF45...EB03 1571...5EE0

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As noted earlier in this paper, there are so The intent of this study is not to suggest
many choices and options in the test that the use of write-blockers is unnecessary
parameters that our study cannot be used to but rather to test the assertion that the
draw overly generalized conclusions (Lyle, absence of effective write blocking causes
2012). The test cases do, however, provide a insurmountable challenges to the veracity -
framework for further research. and value - of digital evidence. While our test
results show that some changes are made to
4. CONCLUSION digital media when write-blocking is not
This study examined two imaging scenarios employed (or, presumably, when a write-
testing the results of imaging without a write blocker fails), they also show that the original
blocker. In one case, no changes occurred to evidence is not tainted beyond use and,
evidentiary media; in the second case, only certainly, no additional content has been
minimal changes were made but not to user added to the medium. Thus, the results
files where probative information - both suggest, if a party objects to the introduction
incriminating and exculpatory - is likely to be of a forensic image solely because of the lack
found. Since the study looked at only two out of write-blocking, the burden of proof is on
of thousands of possible scenarios, additional, the objector to show how the value of the
deeper studies with other devices and evidence has been diminished.
configurations are certainly in order so that a This study is intended to help inform the
better understanding can be gained about the dialogue about what is and is not best
broad impact of inoperable or failed write- practices in digital forensics. There are many
blockers. cases when write-blocking cannot be
It is also interesting to address the effectively used when analyzing or examining
concept of repeatability in conducting forensic digital media - such as is sometimes the case
data acquisitions in the absence of write- with mobile devices, or when collecting
blockers. While two forensic images acquired volatile data or random access memory
from the same original media without use of a (RAM) - and practitioners need to understand
write-blocker will likely yield different hash the true impact of the absence of write
values (i.e., digital signatures), this difference blocking so that we can better defend our
alone does not preclude a scientifically processes and examinations.
repeatable finding. Even with the different
media hash values and differences in system
attributes (such as last accessed date), The authors would like to thank a senior
repeatable findings remain intact for the project team of undergraduate students from
content of stored files, file slack, the Cal Poly Pomona - Willen Lui, David Hughes,
overwhelming majority of unallocated space, Joseph Mickelson, and Gurpreet Dhillon - for
and unused space. In fact, the individual hash their work on this project. We would also like
values of stored files remain identical when to thank external reviewers for their valuable
the images are compared. Therefore, a forensic comments.
examiner may present evidence of data
contained within a stored file or the file slack REFERENCES
associated with the file, and another forensic Carlton, G.H. (2007). A Protocol for the
examiner will be able to duplicate these Forensic Data Acquisition of Personal
findings even if both examiners created images Computer Workstations. UMI 3251043.
from the original media without using write- Ann Arbor, MI, ProQuest.
blockers. The important lesson to learn is that
differences in media hash values do not, by Federal Rules of Evidence (FRE). (2013,
themselves, imply contamination of data. December 1). The Committee of the
Judiciary, House of Representatives.

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