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Communication & Technology

The effect of communication & technology on education  good or bad?

Using technology with children in the class  positive or negative?

Do you think that some jobs are overpaid? Discuss

Do you think the working day should last fewer hours? Discuss

Family & relationships

Do you think your life is easier or more difficult than your parents’ lives when they were your

Who do you think is more important, family or friends? Discuss

The environment
Who do you think is more responsible for the rubbish and pollution in the streets, the
governments or the people?

Discuss about the advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy resources.

Who do you think should change to stop the abusive consumption of junk food, the
governments, the food companies or the consumers?

What do you think we could do with the leftovers in restaurants? Talk about food waste

Houses & Home

Is it better to live in small towns or in big cities? Talk about advantages & disadvantages

Do you think houses are too expensive nowadays? Why (not)? Discuss
Do you think small shops are necessary in cities? Or do we have enough with supermarkets?

Discuss about the price of products such as clothes or technology. Do you think they are too
expensive or do you think it’s a fair price?

Movies & Music

Do you think movie stars are paid too much?

Do you think downloading music & movies for free should be legal?

Do you think cinema tickets are too expensive? Would you rather stay at home? Discuss

Some people say that music festival tickets are too expensive. Do you agree?

Do you think sport stars such as football players are paid too much?

Some people say that Physical Education should be an optional subject in school. Do you

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