Detailed Lesson Plan

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A. Identifies the forms of energy.
B. Participate actively with the group.

Values: respect of the things around

us cooperation


Topic: Forms of energy

A. Science Concept

There are different forms of energy. They are classified as mechanical,

chemical, electrical, heat, light, wind, radiant, and nuclear.

B. Science Processes
Identifying, describing, comparing, enumerating, observing.


Science and health 6 pp. 39-40

Into the Future Science and Health 6pp. 146-149


Standing models of instrumental, pictures, visual aids.


Teacher’s Activity Pupils Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Checking of assignment
Class, will you get your assignment
Pass it forward.

Now, what can you say about this picture?

What makes a man moving? Energy makes a man to


Very Good!

Where do we get this energy? We get this by moving.

What is energy? Energy is defined as the
ability or the capacity
to do work.

Very Good!

What are the two major kind of energy? The two major types of
energy are kinetic
energy and potential energy.
Very Good

What is Kinetic energy? It is defined as the work

needed to accelerate a body
from rest to
its stated velocity
Very Good!

Ex. Push and pull the chair

What did you noticed about the chair when I noticed that you used
I push or pull? energy.

What kinds of energy were released You used kinetic energy.

when I push or pull the chair?

Now, will you move your head and tell I see chair and tables.

what are the things you see in our classroom?

Those things are examples of potential energy.

What is potential energy? Potential energy is the

energy of a body or
a system due to
the position of the body of
the arrangement of the
particles of the system
Very Good!

Which is the kinetic energy and potential

energy in the energy in the following?
1. Water rushing downhill and carrying away rocks. Potential energy
2. Winds stored in dams. Kinetic energy
3. Wind blowing and making trees away Kinetic energy
4. A pencil on the table Potential energy
5. A rock about to fall on the edge of cliff. Potential energy

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Motivation:
Ex: Push and pull the table
What kind of energy do I used when I push
or pull the table?

2. Presentation of the lesson?

Group Activity

Show the children the different form of energy using the different instruments
(mechanical, chemical, sound, electrical, light, heat etc.)

Divide the pupils into 5groups. Perform the activities with instruments.

3. Analysis and Discussion:

What energy released in activity A, B, C, D, E? Those are forms of energy.

What are those energy? a. Mechanical

b. Chemical

c. Heat

d. Light

e. Electrical

Now, what is mechanical energy? Mechanical energy is the sum

of potential energy and kinetic
energy present in the components of
a mechanical system.

Very Good!

What is electrical energy? Electrical energy is a potential

energy (measured in joules) that
results from conservative Coulomb
forces and is associated with the
configuration of a particular set of
point charges within a
defined system.

Very Good!

What is chemical energy? Chemical energy is the potential of a

chemical substance to undergo a
transformation through a chemical
reaction or, to transform other
chemical substances.

Very Good!

What is heat energy? Heat energy is the part of the

total internal energy of
a thermodynamic system or sample
of matter that results in the system

Very Good!
What is sound energy? Sound energy is the form of energy
associated with the vibration or
disturbance of matter.


What is light energy? Light energy is not the same

as radiant energy, the corresponding
objective physical quantity. This is
because the human eye can only see
light in the visible spectrum and has
different sensitivities to light of
different wavelengths within the


What is wind energy? Wind energy is the kinetic energy of

air in motion; see also wind power.


What is radiant energy? Radiant energy is

the energy of electromagnetic
waves.[1] The quantity of radiant
energy may be calculated
by integrating radiant flux (or power)
with respect to time and, like all
forms of energy, its SI unit is
the joule.

Very Good!

What is nuclear energy? Nuclear binding energy is the energy

required to split a nucleus of an
atom into its component parts. The
component parts are neutron
sand protons, which are collectively
called nucleons.

Very Good!

4. Concept Formation:

What are the forms of energy? Forms of energy include:

 Thermal energy, thermal

energy in transit is called heat
 Chemical energy
 Electric energy
 Radiant energy, the energy of
electromagnetic radiation
 Nuclear energy
 Magnetic energy
 Elastic energy
 Sound energy
Very Good!

Where do we see the forms of energy?

5. Application:

Who makes use of them?

How do we use them?

IV. Evaluation:

Identify the forms of energy shown on its pictures.


V. Assignment:

Find out the form of energy you at home. Be ready to tell how you see each of them.


Glenda De Castro

Ericka Jane D. Arinio

Jenny Rose Gloria

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