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KLABA - Kuala Lumpur archdiocesan biblical apostolic

B40 Weeks in fatima parish, brickfields 2018/2019

Name : Angeline Lee Meng Yee Date : 30/07/18

Assginement Week No : 01
Book of the Week : Genesis 1-17

Part 1: What did Scripture strike You?

God is the author of Creation. 6 times throughtout the process of Creation, God stopped obsord his
handiwork and saw that it was good. On final

7 days of God’s creation

Day 1: God creaged earth, space, light and time
Day 2: God created an atmosphere
Day 3: God created dry lands and plants
Day 4: God created sun, moon and stars
Day 5: God created sea and flying creatures
Day 6: God created land animals and human
Day 7: God finished his work of creation and he rest on the seventh day. Blessing it and making it Holy

Part 2: Personal Challenge?

This story of creation starts that God was enjoying himself, he went about the work of creation. This
reminds me of my dad. While I reminded him to rest and go to church every Sunday. To him, Sunday is
working day whether at home, in college, in church. I enjoy going to church for mass, administrator for
the Ozanam Education Program tuition class. Sunday is the rest day. I should consider Sunday as a rest
day, fellowship with friends. Sunday is Lord day. Holy day. I go to church to worship him and giving
thanks for His gifts of talents and skills.

Part 3: Prayer
Abba Father, thank you Lord for the creation you have made. Thank you Lord for creating light so that
you could guide me where I am going, show me your wonderful creation, the glistering sea and the
light green grass. In my hours of need Lord please give me the strength to endure this situation and to
find the blessings and lessons that it contains. Please give the endurance to me to continue ahead.
Please guide my thoughts, words and actions so that I may walk your path of peace and love. Lord
Jesus Christ, healer of all disease and great physician, you are intimately aware of the struggle my dad
David Lee Seng Seong is experiencing the pain and the despair. You know the desire of my dad’s heart
to be healed of this illness. I ask you now for your healing touch. I know that you are able and that
just like in Bible times. You can heal my dad. Have intercede for my dad who is in traumatic condition
not knowing the depth of his illness. I believe nothing impossible in your hands of healing and in your
heart of your mercy, forgiving and compassion. In Jesus Name I Pray. Amen
KLABA - Kuala Lumpur archdiocesan biblical apostolic
B40 Weeks in fatima parish, brickfields 2018/2019

Name : Angeline Lee Meng Yee Date : 30/07/18

Assginement Week No : 01
Book of the Week : Genesis 1-17

Part 1a) : What Scripture Inspired You?

Genesis 12:1-3 God’s called Abraham

Part 1b) : Why? What Strike You?

God began a process that would be blessings to every inhabitant of earth. Through Abraham and his
descendants, God would began a tempering physical Kingdom, the nations of Israel.

1) The Land Promise : A land that Israel will show you

2) The National Promise : A great nations
3) The Spiritual Promise : All the facilities of the earth shall be blessed

Part 2: Personal Challenge?

The promises to Abraham in Genesis 12:1-3 is a prevalent brief in Scripture. His connection against all
that made sense that God would fulfill that promise make him the model who love in relationship with
help by Faith. It remindes me how year after year been protected, guided, guarded by my dad until he
falled ill and had heart attack. How I learn all my daddy’s pros and cons and performing CPR on my
daddy on that fateful day 19th July 2018 at home with the help and guidance of God. It is also show
how the new government Pakatan Harapan (Coalition of Hopes) is saving the country after 60 years of
corruptions by the previous government Najib and his cronies. The new Prime Minister Tun Dr
Mahathir trying to revive Malaysia to greater heights with walks of life should stand together and be

Part 3: Prayer
Lord, thank you Lord for the nation I live in. thank you that I have freedoms to worship you. Through
the mninistry of Christian education, I bring glad tidings to the poor and proclaim liberty to captives.
Free me from all that enslave me and show me the way to fill life in you. May the Christian schools
continue to mature the soul of Malaysia by forming children and families in faith hope, love, and zeal
for justice. Give me strength to live another day; Let me not turn coward before its difficulties or prove
recreant to its duties; Let me not lose faith in other people; Keep me sweet and sound of heart, in
spite of ingratitude, treachery, or meanness; Preserve me from minding little stings or giving them;
Help me to keep my heart clean, and to live so honestly and fearlessly that no outward failure can
dishearten me or take away the joy of conscious integrity; Open wide the eyes of my soul that I may
see good in all things; Grant me this day some new vision of thy truth; Inspire me with the spirit of joy
and gladness; and make me the cup of strength to suffering souls; in the name of the strong Deliverer,
our only Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen
KLABA - Kuala Lumpur archdiocesan biblical apostolic
B40 Weeks in fatima parish, brickfields 2018/2019

Name : Angeline Lee Meng Yee Date : 06/08/18

Assginement Week No : 02
Book of the Week : GENESIS 18-
KLABA - Kuala Lumpur archdiocesan biblical apostolic
B40 Weeks in fatima parish, brickfields 2018/2019

Name : Angeline Lee Meng Yee Date : 13/08/18

Assginement Week No : 03
Book of the Week : Exodus Part 1 : Chapter 1-Chapter 11

Part 1a) : What Scripture Inspired You?

Exodus 2:25

Part 1b) : Why? What Strike You?

Trusting God in tough times. This verse has reasons why we should trust in God in tough times. It is
because God rescuits his people vrs 1-10, god gives refuge to his people verse 11-22, god remembers his
convenant his people vrs 23-25.

Part 2: Personal Challenge?

This passage challenges me to trust Him completely. Never doubt Him. When there is no way. He will
make away. He know what best for me. His ways are not my way. So when my pathways grows dim and I
just can’t see Him, remember I’ll never alone. It reminds me of the Malaysia Flight MH653 – Penang to
Singapore, Dec 4,1977. My dad was supposed to be on that flight but because of unknown reason, he
didn’t make it. He was late by ½ hours. He even get angry with the counter staff. After 1/2 hours, my dad
was put on other flight. The flight which was supposed to be my dad’s flight crushed into Tanjong
Kupang, JB. I was 5 years old. My sister was 1 years old. It was advent. Christmas is coming. I was always
be reminded by my mom that I had 41 years with my dad.

Part 3: Prayer
Lord, you are close to the broken hearted be with me now in my grief and loneliness. Give me courage to
face loss and not grieve in silent. Be with me as I struggle with my difficult and painful feelings. Ease the
burning in my heart. Encircle me in your love. Help me to believe one day I will no longer here this deep
sorrow. May I find that in sharing my grief with those who understand the story of love. Stay with me
Lord, support me, help me and assured me that your power is at work within me as I dealt with my grief.
This special memories of my dad will always bring a smile if only I could hold him back for just a little
while. Then we could sit and talk again just like what we used to do. He changes me so very much and
always will do now. The fact that he is no longer here will always cause my heart pain but you are
forever in my heart until we meet again. May God hold him in the palms of His hand. Lord, give me
strength in my weakness, give me faith in my fear, give me power in my powerless. I ask this in Jesus
name. Amen.
KLABA - Kuala Lumpur archdiocesan biblical apostolic
B40 Weeks in fatima parish, brickfields 2018/2019

Name : Angeline Lee Meng Yee Date : 20/08/18

Assginement Week No : 04
Book of the Week : Exodus Part 2 : Chapter 12-Chapter 20

Part 1a) : What Scripture Inspired You?

Exodus 15:13-21 – The Song of the Sea
Exodus 20: - The law of the Lord is perfect

Part 1b) : Why? What Strike You?

In both scriptures, This verses reminds me of God’s victory over the Ehyptions in the red sea. His victory
over the enemies of Israiel in future and Israels protects at the wake of Marah. It is a song of victory,
praise and faith. It is a song of Strength, Endurance. And after the test comes God’s words of Promise to
help us understand
a) Words of Promise : The Tore of the Law
b) Words of Freedom: The purpose of the Law
c) Words of Perspective : The Focus of the Law
d) Words of Community: The Scope of the Law

Part 2: Personal Challenge?

This passage challenges me to trust Him completely. Never doubt Him. When there is no way. He will
make away. He know what best for me. His ways are not my way. So when my pathways grows dim and I
just can’t see Him, remember I’ll never alone. It reminds of the Malaysia Flight MH653 – Penang to
Singapore, Dec 4,1977. My dad was supposed to be on that flight but because of unknown reason, he
didn’t make it. He was late by ½ hours. He even get angry with the counter staff. After 1/2 hours, my dad
was put on other flight. The flight which was supposed to be my dad’s flight crushed into Tanjong
Kupang, JB. I was 5 years old. My sister was 1 years old. It was advent. Christmas is coming. I was always
be reminded by my mom that I had 41 years with my dad.

Part 3: Prayer
Lord, you are close to the broken hearted be with me now in my grief and loneliness. Give me courage to
face loss and not grieve in silent. Be with me as I struggle with my difficult and painful feelings. Ease the
burning in my heart. Encircle me in your love. Help me to believe one day I will no longer here this deep
sorrow. May I find that in sharing my grief with those who understand the story of love. Stay with me
Lord, support me, help me and assured me that your power is at work within me as I dealt with my grief.
This special memories of my dad will always bring a smile if only I could hold him back for just a little
while. Then we could sit and talk again just like what we used to do. He changes me so very much and
always will do now. The fact that he is no longer here will always cause my heart pain but you are
forever in my heart until we meet again. May God hold him in the palms of His hand. Lord, give me
strength in my weakness, give me faith in my fear, give me power in my powerless.

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