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Impact of Goods & Service Tax (GST) on Real Estate

Akshat Shah[1], Bhargav Tewar[2]

Research Scholar, Faculty of Technology, CEPT University, Ahmedabad
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Assistant Professor, Faculty of Technology, CEPT University, Ahmedabad


Goods and Service Tax (GST) has been implemented since last nine months. It has affected many
sectors and Real Estate is the second largest sector in India so it has highly affected this sector. There are many
new Acts/Rules came along with GST. To clarify Each and every rule and its impact on real estate sector this
study is important. The main focus of the study is contract based projects in real Estate. And the scope of the
thesis is only buyer and developer. So to study market scenario personal interviews were taken of total 16
developers. After that 5 case studies are taken to justify the objective. This study highlights on the effect of
the new rules to Residential project in Ahmedabad and its impact on construction cost, selling price, Land
cost, Ratios etc.

Key words - GST (Goods and service tax), Construction cost, Selling price, Real Estate, Developers and

Introduction implemented in different reforms like RERA (Real

On 1st July, 2017 (00:00), India had a historic Estate Regulation Act), GST (Goods and Service
moment with launch of GST (Goods and Service Tax), etc. There are many new rules/laws/acts
Tax) in the centre-hall of parliament. This time which are directly affecting Real Estate sector, so
India was getting independence form cascading it is very important to study some rules and to have
taxes, complex tax system and paving the path for conclusion out of that study. It is also important to
economic dynamism. Previously India had a study theoretical impact and market scenario to
complex tax system involving several taxes – direct understand how exactly it has impacted the
and indirect. In that scenario, Goods & Service Tax particular sector.
(GST) is regarded as one of the most path breaking
tax reforms of independent India. This 2. Objective, scope and methodology
transformation of tax is tagged by “ONE NATION, This study began with review of literature
ONE TAX”. It is expected that GST will help in related to the topic. An opinion survey was carried
reducing the tax burden on goods and services. out independently with the stake holders, to know
their view on change in real estate . A total of 16
1. Need of the study opinions were taken from developers. This data
The Real Estate sector has strong economic was then analysed to get conclusion of the study.
multiplier effects through backward and forward
linkages. Construction is the 2nd biggest a) Objective
employment generator in the county after The research objective was to study impact of
agriculture and accounts for a significant GST on real estate sector in ahmedabad city and to
proportion of the GDP. The Real Estate sector study real esatate transaction between buyer and
contributed 7.4% of India’s GDP in 2017-181. developer.
Under the previous system, the Real Estate sector
b) Scope
had been in disputes due to ambiguity in provisions
The scope for the study included the study of
as well as multiple taxation.
impact of GST from construction cost, selling cost,
GST is biggest tax reform in India since and land cost and also study of method to pass on
independence, and in Real Estate sector it will benefit of Input tax credit to buyers by developers.
surely impact buyer, seller, intermediary, financer, The study is only limited to the projects which
investor etc. There are many new rules are given on contract bases.

Source: Economic Survey 2017-18 (
c) Methodology
Goods &
Initially, the need, objectives and scope of the Service Tax
thesis were identified. (GST)

After that, literature study was done for the new

GST law. It was done so that GST can be SGST CGST IGST UTGST

understood from the start and specifically for Real

Estate sector. Then tax rates in GST were compared
The above chart is a basic concept of GST.
with the previous taxation system in order to get
more details. The following terms in GST is very important to
Then for data collection of the case studies, it was
important to create a criteria list for choosing and Determination of natature of supply, time and value
selecting case studies. So after defining sampling of supply, input tax credit, underc onstruciton
frame and type of survey, it was important to do a flats/units, immovable properties, sale of
pilot survey to get a better idea for the main survey completed flats-reversal of input tax credit, anti-
of this study. profiteering act.
In data analysis, interviews were analysed and on Tax slabs in GST are 0%, 5%, 12%, 18% , 28%. In
the basis of the outcome/findings of that, 5 projects which half is of state government and half is of
were compared. Analysis of basic data like total central government.
construction cost, total construction area, GST paid
by buyer, selling price of a unit, total GST paid by
developer, the difference of GST, analysis of the
method of benefit passed on to buyer as per the
anti-profiteering act, etc. was done.
And at last conclusion for each objective was stated
with reference to case studies.
3. Literature review
India has mainly two types of taxes known as direct
taxes & indirect taxes. Previous taxation system
had 14-15 different types of indirect taxes in which
some taxes were levied by state government and
some were levied by the central government. The
taxes levied by state and central government are as

The above table shows the comparison of taxes

between previous taxation system and GST.
4. Data collection
Data collection mehtod used for this study is only based
on primary data. And the data colleciton for this study
is as following:
In previous taxation system the issues were unclear
laws, multiple taxes on same product, narrow tax Pilot Survey – Since GST is recent development,
coverage, tax evasion & too much compliance pilot survey was carried out to lay down the path of
burden.The idea of GST was based on Source to the thesis. In pilot survey, total 3 developers
destination based taxation system, Charge of working in this sector for atleast 15 years were
taxation-multiple to single supply, Upfront interviewed. Pilot survey was useful to decide
exemption to refund mechanism, Simple indirect sampling frame, defining case studies, preparing
tax structure/ Removal of cascading effect of taxes. questions for the interviews. Since this topic is very
Full credit of Input taxes. subjective, the data collection method chosen after
pilot survey was Personal Interviews.
Survey Method – Survey method was decided as implemented. According to them they haven’t seen
personal interviews to get better idea of market such a big impact of GST in such a short time.
practice from developers. The answers of each Other respondents who have voted for pessimistic
question need to be asked was very subjective so it are having opinion that GST is one of the reason
was not possible to make a survey form with 3-4 they are not getting clients these days. And the rest
options given in each question. As it is very new respondents who have voted for optimistic are
topic, everyone has different views on it. So based satisfied with GST in Real Estate.
on that, survey method was decided as personal
interviews. According to the pilot survey there Savings in terms of cost in transition phase of
were mainly two kind of professionals included in pre-GST and post- GST: Majority of the
sampling frame. developer felt no change in cost in the transition
phase. 5 out of 16 developers said that they got
Sampling frame: According to the pilot survey benefit of 5-10% during the transition phase as they
there were mainly two kind of professionals ordered the material before GST but the bill was
included in sampling frame: dated after GST. And 2 out of 16 developers were
in favour of less than 5% benefit.
Developers / Real Estate Builders
Charted Accountants (Having Real Estate client) If 12% GST is reasonable or not in Real Estate
sector: GST on Real Estate sector is 18%, but 1/3rd
1. Reasons to include developer - To know the real is cut because there is no GST on land so effective
change after GST & to get comparison of Pre-GST rate of GST on Real Estate is 1/3rd of 18% which is
& post-GST, to know how exactly Real Estate is 12%. Out of the 16 respondents 15 were in favour
affected due to GST, to get case studies to know that 12% effective rate is not reasonable, as they
real market practice. were suggesting that rather than keeping it 12% and
after that passing on the benefit to buyers, keep it
Selection criteria – Developers who are having low as 5%. It is very difficult to decide the exact
experience in this sector at least for 10 years, who percentage of passing on benefit to buyers and it is
has been working as a developer at least for 5 also a difficult calculation. So they were in favour
Years, who has completed min. 5 projects & 1 after of “Not Reasonable”.
Changes in prices in last 1 year on offer in Real
2. Reasons to include Charted Accountant (CA) – Estate due to GST: Out of 16 Respondents, 12
To get knowledge how exactly the real estate were in favour of Reduction in Prices, 4 in favour
transaction works, to know the real laws regarding of Prices remain constant. As there is change in Tax
GST particularly on Real Estate. & theoretical slabs on each and every materials the reduction has
impact of GST on Real Estate. been seen clearly and the main role played in this
scenario is ITC. Not a single developer felt that
Selection Criteria – Who are working with Real
there will be any upward revisions in prices, small
Estate developer atleast for 5-6 years, who has
developers stated that there was difficulty in
currently min. 3-4 clients in Real Estate & must
achieving sales so there was no question of an
have studied GST.
increase in prices. Change is prices does not
Case Studies – Case studies were identified on the include the change in prices of land.
basis of answers given by developer in personal Data analysis of case studies includes:
interviews to analyse their answer with real case
study in market and more than 3 case studies are 1. Probabilities of Units sold before OC (In
taken so that the result can be avg. out. percentage).
2. Applicable GST paid by developer (Works
5. Data analysis 3. GST applicable for the buyers according to
the probabilities of units sold before OC.
Following are the responses given by 16 4. Total GST paid by buyers in each
respondents in ithe personal inteview: probability.
Impact of GST on sales volume: Most of the 5. Additional ITC which developer can pass
respondents have voted for neutral response on this on to buyers.
question. One of the reasons for choosing this 6. ITC which are forwarded to the buyers in
option was less time period since GST is %.
7. Breakeven point from each case study From the interviews of 16 different developers, it
which suggest min. booking should be done has been observed that due to GST there are mainly
before OC. 2 kind of negotiation happen in the market and the
8. Finding of formula from all the case studies type of negotiation is of 2 types: 1. Discount on
with use of deviation. quoted prices. 2. Discount on GST charges.
The breakeven point for each case study has been After taking case studies of 5 different projects
derived which shows % of units must be sold befoe which includes residential projects including
OC to pass on the benefit of ITC to buyers. affordable housing project the output is very clear.
The analysis of this 5 case studies shows pattern of
breakeven point for any developer when he has to
pass on benefit to ITC to his buyers. The average
breakeven point of 5 case studies is 53.34%.
Considering other factor which also affect this
conclusion is ratio of construction cost and selling
cost. So, the analysis shows the relation and pattern
from each case study between the above ratio and
% of units sold before OC. According to the case
studies, it has been observed that in the increase of
Affect of COnstruciton cost and selling cost ratio construction cost and selling cost ratio, % of units
to % of units to be sold before OC is as following: to be sold before OC also increases respectively. So
it can be said that construction cost and selling cost
ratio affect no. units to be sold before OC

7. References
 Quick connect – GST and Construction
sector by CA Sandesh mundra
 M. Sehrawat, U. Dhanda (2015), “GST in
The above chart shows relation between % of units India: A key tax reform”, “International
sold before OC and construction cost : selling cost journal of research granthaalayah”, vol.3,
ratio. According to the chart as the ratio of issue 12, December 2015.
construction and selling cost increases then % of
units to be sold before OC also increases.  http:// [12] Hindu
Business Line [13] Custom department
6. Conclusion
 Reference on Goods & Services Tax by
The main aim of this study was to get knowledge ICSI
of the new GST implemented particularly to the
Real Estate sector. The scope of this thesis is  Pinki, SupriyaKamna, RichaVerma
narrowed down to developers and buyers. So the (2014), “Good and Service Tax: Panacea
focus was totally on Effect of GST on developers For Indirect Tax System In India”,
and buyers due to GST. “Tactful Management Research Journal”,
vol.2, Issue 10, July2014
By doing literature study it has been observed that
many new things came along with new GST for  N. Kumar (2014): “Goods and service tax
each and every sector. As being the 2nd largest in India- A way forward”, “Global
sector in India. The Real Estate sector is highly Journals of multidisciplinary studies”,
affected due to new Rule and regulations. vol.3, issue 6, may 2014.
 P. chaurasia, S. Singh, P. Kumar Sen
In GST the most promising acts are “Anti-
(2016), “ Role of Goods and Service Tax
profiteering Act”, “No GST on immovable
in the growth of Indian economy”, “
property” and “Input tax credit”. By understanding
International journal of science technology
this two act and relating it to the Real Estate sector
and management”, vol.5, issue
we can easily find the theoretical impact of GST on
2,February 2016.
Real Estate sector.

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