CAE Use of English Exercises

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Use of English. CAE.

You are given a piece of text with eight spaces. You are also given a set of four words (A,
B, C, and D) which correspond to each space. You are required to choose the correct word
for each space from the set of words given.

Inside the Hopkins Marine Station's Gilly Lab, Dr. William Gilly stares at black-and-white footage of a
Humboldt squid. The new footage was gathered (1) _______ a Crittercam, a camera designed to be mounted
on a wild animal. The clip shows a squid interacting with (2) _______ members of its species. In the distance,
other squid flicker and flash like disorienting strobe lights. Gilly, a professor at Stanford University, often
works (3) _______ of his lab at the Hopkins Marine Station in Pacific Grove, California. Hopkins is a Stanford-
affiliated marine laboratory located (4) _______ 80 kilometers south of the university's Palo Alto campus. In
2009, Gilly travelled to the Gulf of California to attach soda-bottle-sized Crittercams to Humboldt squid,
(5) _______ can be (6) _______ to two meters long. According to Gilly, the first Crittercam fastened to a
Humboldt squid's body didn't stay secure for very long. So they ripped the camera (7) _______ and ripped
the whole sleeve that held the camera (8) _______ the squid and just tore the whole thing off the squid.
Luckily, the whole camera assembly was buoyant, and was saved.

The Tribune

(1) A benefitting B using C spending D needing

(2) A other B another C others D different

(3) A near B around C in D out

(4) A next B near C about D out

(5) A witch B which C where D then

(6) A over B up C on D high

(7) A from B on C of D off

(8) A in B into C onto D at

You are given a piece of text with eight spaces. You are also given a set of four words (A,
B, C, and D) which correspond to each space. You are required to choose the correct word
for each space from the set of words given.

Great Green Wall

In Africa, scientists are hard (1) _______ work restoring land once rich with biodiversity and vegetation.
Eleven countries in the Sahel-Sahara region have joined to combat land degradation and restore native plant
(2) _______ to the landscape. In recent years, northern Africa has seen the quality of arable land decline
significantly (3) _______ to climate change and poor land management. Uniting (4) _______ the banner of
the Great Green Wall initiative, national and regional leaders hope to reverse this trend. The project has since
expanded to include countries in (5) _______ northern and western Africa. Land degradation typically stems
from both human-related and natural factors; overfarming, overgrazing, climate change, and extreme
weather are the most (6) _______ causes. Beyond affecting land and the natural environment, land
degradation poses serious threats to agricultural productivity, food security, and quality of (7) _______.
Nowhere is this issue more urgent than in sub-Saharan Africa, where an estimated 500 million people live on
land undergoing desertification, the most extreme (8) _______ of land degradation.

The Tribune

(1) A in B at C on D of

(2) A kind B live C existence D life

(3) A due B pending C owed D debt

(4) A around B over C under D near

(5) A both B all C twin D together

(6) A distinctive B strange C unusual D common

(7) A nature B life C live D existing

(8) A shape B contour C form D edge

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