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‘) (Ss ° BG Productions — Billy Griffiths Productions BG Productions Presenter Agreement Presenter: Billy Griffiths Radio Show: Take A Break With Billy Date of Agreement: Thursday 2f* March 2019 8G Productions Presenter Agreement Ss BG Productions A] sso roaetne Agreement ‘The Presenter: | Presenter Name Bil Griffiths _—_| JobTitle "| Presenter of Take A Break With Bly ‘Offce/Radlo Studio Location ‘Neale-Wade Academy ‘Wimblington Road | March | Cambridgeshire | PELS SPX Glent: _ ‘Glent Name ‘MirB Sheppard for Neale Wade Radio Gent Ofice| 20 Neale Wade Acaderny ‘Wimblington Road March | ‘Cambridgeshire PES 9PX ee {thas been agreed between BG Productions, the cient (Mr B Sheppard) and the presenter (Bily Griffiths) that BG Productions will create a radio show to be able to broadcast on Neale-Wade Radio, The radio show will be called ‘Take A Break With Billy and will be recorded and broadcast under the following terms and conditions. 1 Youare commissioned by BG Productions and Mir B Sheppard (Clent) to create and prepare the radio show Take A Break With Bly” 2 Youwill deliver the work to BG Productions on Sunday 26" May 2019 for BG Productions to be able to deliver the work to the cient, MrB Sheppard on Monday27" May 2019, You are required to present pre-production materials to BG Productions by Monday 25 April ‘2019, f youare early thisis a great benefits the dertt has expressed that It would be great Ifit wes even earlier, 3 ‘You are to understand that the work and pre-production materials are created by yourself, they are prepared and submitted by yourself to BG Productions and that all documents willbe origina, and ‘they wllnot infringe any copyreht, invade any rights of privacy, contaln any libellous material and infringe or violate any right of any other persons. 4 ‘Within broadcast of the radio show and advertisement of the radio show, BG Productions and Mr B- ‘Sheppard may wish to identify and credit you forthe work that you have produced. BG Productions ‘and Mr B Sheppard may use to authorise your name in connections with advertising and the promotions ofthe radio show. 5 Youwill need to verify that all facts within the radio show are true and correctat time of recording and ifitisnot 86 Productions and Mr B Sheppard will change these facts to make them true and to verify the contents accuracy. 6 —_BG Productions may need to re-schedlule or even un-schedule the radio show at discretion. 7 —_Ontthe day of recording, you must report to the dient, Mr B Sheppard in Room Neale-Wade ‘Academy to collect keys to be able to unlock the studio. You are then required to log into the ‘computer provided using the username ‘BGrifiths2013’ and password that you willbe provided 8G Productions Presenter Agreement BG Productions Sy sty rts erosctins ‘with. You must also make sure that the ‘ON-AIR’ sign is ive and has it up in the colour red this wal ‘make sure you are not disturbed whilst recording. 8 —_Atthe discretion of BG Productions and Mr B Sheppard, the presenter may be asked to attend a ‘tralning session regarding the use of equipment. 9 _The presenter of the radio show for BG Productions and Mr B Sheppard maintain rights to materials. ‘hich they present. The presenter will give rights to BG Productions and Mr B Sheppard to share pre-production materials of the radio show. 10 —_Asthe presenter of Take A Break With Billy you understand and agree to all ofthe terms and ‘conditions outiined within this agreement. Should you not be able to speak due to personal unavoidable circumstances such as death of a family member or serious personal health Issues, you ‘agree to reschedule the event to a date no more than 60 days subsequent to the originalevent date, ‘Signature indicates that the presenter has read and understands the terms and conditions within thiscontract and ‘they will adhere to these conditions. Presenter nome: Belly Coley ome 3/4/19 8G Productions Representative: s/o hs as Prcductnstewesenatiesanre, SELL pate: 3/4/19 This contract shouid be copied and given to the presenter and a copy should also be given to the cent and the ‘riginal copy should be returned to BG Productions. BG Productions Presenter Agreement BO Productions = hy rit Prefucton

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