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Reza : Doctor
Sukma : Nurse

That morning Dr. Reza came to Robert to give a file and a painting

Reza : “Good Morning Nurse”

Sukma : “Good Morning too”
Reza : “What are you”
Sukma : “Iam nurse and how are what kind I do for you sir ?”
Reza : “I would like to meet Dr Robertus”
Sukma : “Of course, but if you don’t mind telling me,what for do you want too meet
him ?”
Reza : “I have appointment with him at 11:00 am”
Sukma : “I see, and what is your name sir ?”
Reza : “My name is Reza Darmawan”
Sukma : “What are you sir ?”
Reza : “Iam an ophtalmologist from Soedono Hospital”
Sukma : “Would you wait here for a moment? Iam going to call him first”
Reza : “Thank you”

A few minutes later

Sukma : “Iam so sorry Dr Reza when iam called Dr Robertus he said here was sudden
affair and would call you back”
Reza : “Its ok no problem nurse, but would you help me?”
Sukma : “Of course”
Reza : “Please give this file to the doctor’desk”
Sukma : “I see”
The Nurse going in the doctor robertus’desk but suddenly dr Reza was called nurse

Reza : “OMG wait nurse”

Sukma : “Iam here”
Reza : “Please give this too”
Sukma : “Wow its amazing,where do you bought this?”
Reza : “I made by my self”
Sukma : “Seriously?”
Reza : “Are you kidding me nurse?”
Sukma : “No itsn’t”
Reza : “This painting was have many benefits”
Sukma : “What are those?”
Reza : “It is very useful for relaxing your eyes if you see this”
Sukma : “This right, the painting made my eyes relax”
Reza : “And green of the colour made your strees was out”
Sukma : “This is very useful dr Reza”
Reza : “Of course, I hope dr Robertus’patients was calm when examined by a dr
Sukma : “I will put on Robertus’desk first”
Reza : “Thank you very much nurse”
Sukma : “You’re welcome”

Reza : Nurse
Sukma : Nurse

One the day the nurse came to the patient’s room to check the patient condition in first

Sukma : “Hello good morning Mr Reza and how are you ?”

Reza : “Good morning too Nurse, iam just fine”
Sukma : “So how do you feel Mr Reza?”

Then the nurse examines the patient carefully to completed that data to find a

Reza : “I feel pain ,pain on my head nurse, I reall feel unwell”

Sukma : “I see, when did the pain come on and off?”
Reza : “the pain come on when iam tried to move my head nurse”
Sukma : “how was pain feel like being crused,punctured, or the pain radiating?
Reza : “I feel pain like being punctured nurse”
Sukma : “where the location when you feel like this?”
Reza : “ on the left head nurse”
Sukma : “what about your sleep?”
Reza : “lately Iam losing my sleep”
Sukma : “ I see”
Sukma : “ oke I will gave you skala of pain 1 umtil 5, what is the intensity of you pain?”
Reza : “ 4 nurse”
Sukma : “How long have you felt like this?”
Reza : “ For about 2 day”
Sukma : “Have you taken any medicine?”
Reza : “No, I have’nt Nurse”

To support the data, the nurse check patient’s vital signs

Sukma : “secondly I will check your blood pressure, are you ready?”
Reza : “Yes I will Nurse”
Sukma : “Please lie down”
Reza : “Yes Nurse”
Sukma : “did you have a history of hypertension?
Reza : “no dint nurse”
Sukma : “Done your blood pressure is 110/80 mmhg”
Reza : “is my blood pressure normaly?”
Sukma : “is it still the normal range”
Reza : “thankfully nurse”
Sukma : “of course”

Reza : Nurse
Sukma : Patient

Patients come must complete the admission and be interviewed by the nurse

Reza : “Could you tell about your biodata?”

Sukma : “Ok Nurse, my name is Sukma Melati Ningrum.”
Reza : “Where were you born?”
Sukma : I was born in Madiun
Reza : “What is your date of birth?”
Sukma : “14 December 1998”
Reza : “How old are you?”
Sukma : “Iam 20 years old”
Reza : “What your religion?”
Sukma : “Iam moslem”
Reza : “Where do you live ?”
Sukma : “I live in street Mangga no 44B Madiun”
Reza : “What is your job Mrs Sukma”
Sukma : “I was a housewife”
Reza : “Are you married ?”
Sukma : “Yes Nurse”

Then the nurse was continuds the biodata for the person in accompanied of the

Reza : “Who accompanied you here?”

Sukma : “My husband”
Reza : “Where is he?
Sukma : “my husband just left because of a sudden affair he left me a sign card for his
Reza : “Let me see mrs Sukma”
Sukma : “Okey”
Reza : “Can you answer my question and I will write it”
Sukma : “Yes nurse”
Reza : “What is his name?”
Sukma: “Bais Arrofi”
Reza : “Where were your husband born?”
Sukma : “He was born in Ciamis, Wes Java”
Reza : “What is his date of birth?”
Sukma : “23 July1998”
Reza : “How old him?”
Sukma : “In 20 years old”
Reza : “What is religion?”
Sukma : “It is moslem”
Reza : “Where he live ?”
Sukma : “Same with me in street Mangga no 44B Madiun”
Reza : “What is his job Mrs Sukma”
Sukma : “Site Manager”
Reza : “Well can you wait for a moment the doctor will coming”
Sukma : “Thank you a lot nurse”

Reza : Patient
Sukma : Nurse

In that room the nurse was checking the vital signs of a patient named Mr. Reza

Sukma : “Good morning Mr Reza”

Reza : “Good morning too Nurse”
Sukma : “Today I will check your blood pressure, are you ready?”
Reza : “Yes I will Nurse”
Sukma : “Please lie down”
Reza : “Yes Nurse”

The nurse was checking blood pressure

Sukma : “Done your blood pressure is 110/80 mmhg, is it still the normal range
Reza : “Can Ii ask for something nurse?”
Sukma : “of course tell me”
Reza : “What is the normal pressure on blood pressure?”

Then the nurse checking the head to toe from Tn Reza

Sukma : “Open your eyes”

Reza : (open his eyes)
Sukma : “Please look up, I will observe the state of your conjunctiva and sclera”
Reza : (he look up)
Sukma : “Open your mouth”
Reza : (he open his mouth)
Sukma : “Put out your tongue,please”
Reza : (he put out his tongue)
Sukma : “Now say Ah!”
Reza : “Aaa”

Then the nurse was checkings the breath sounds of tn Reza

Sukma : “then I will check your breathing path”

Reza : “Of course Nurse”
Sukma : “Excuse me please lie down”
Reza : (he lie down)”
Sukma : “Take you shirt off”
Reza : ( take off his shirt )
Sukma : “Take your breath out”
Reza : ( take his breath out )
Sukma : “Done”

Then the nurse checks the physical state abdomen of Tn Reza

Sukma : “No sewing marks ”

Reza : “Yes it is”
Sukma : “Your bowel sounds are normal,I will press your stomach area
Is there tenderness?”
Reza : “There is no”
Sukma : “Its doneTn Reza please take your shirt in”
Reza : “ Thankyou so much nurse”
Sukma: “Okay and wait here for a moment”

Reza : Nurse
Sukma : Nurse

Nurse Reza from mawar room calls a nurse in wijaya kusuma room to book a bed for
Mr Andi

Reza : “Hello this is Mawar room, with nurse Reza, may I help you ?”
Sukma : “Yes it is, iam nurse Sukma from Wijaya Kusuma room”
Reza : “Do you still have one bed left ?
Sukma : “for what?”
Reza : “ because my room was full”
Sukma : “Yes I have, for whom ?”
Reza : “For my patient”
Sukma : “let me take note to use the administration
Reza : “yes of course”
Sukma : “what the name?”
Reza : “ Mr Andi”
Sukma : “What is his diagnose ?”
Reza : “He diagnose is chiken pox”
Sukma : “who is doctor ?”
Reza : “his doctor is Dr Robertus”
Sukma : “did dr Robertus give some medicines for him?”
Reza : “yes he did, ill tell youi about his medication when I come to your ward?”
Sukma : “that’s good and what the time are you going to here?”
Reza : “Iam going to your room about 15 minutes again”
Sukma : “Okay iam going to prepare a bed , see you later”
Reza : “Thank you nurse”
A few minutes later Reza nurses come by bringing their patients

Reza : “This is my patient who will be moved here”

Sukma : “Okay let me help you to bringing into the room”
Reza : “Yes its nurse”
Sukma : “Is dr Robertus planning him for operate?”
Reza : “Yes he is ,operation will be planning tomorrow”
Sukma : “What time for tomorrow's operation?
Reza : “Doctor Robert hasn't given me information about it”
Sukma : “Can you contact him now”
Reza : “Wait for moment”

A few minutes later Reza nurses was received information from Dr. Robertus

Reza : “Sukma nurses”

Sukma: “Yes im here”
Reza : “Dr. Robert told me that the patient would be operated on for the next day”
Sukma : “Oh I see”
Reza : “Okay I think that's what I can say, thank you Sukma nurses”
Sukma: “You are welcome”
Reza : “I will return to my room”
Sukma : “Okay”
Reza : Nurse
Sukma : Nurse

Today is where Reza first worked at this hospital.

Reza : “Hello good morning nurse”

Sukma : “Good morning too”
Reza : “Today is my first day of work in the hospital”
Sukma : “Oh i see,can you introduce yourself”
Reza : “Of course”
Sukma : “Say it”
Reza : “My name Reza Darmawan nurses you can called me Reza”
Sukma : “Hello Reza”
Reza : “And you”
Sukma : “My name Sukma Melati Ningrum nurses you can called me Sukma”
Reza : “Nice to meet you Sukma”
Sukma : “Nice to meet you too Reza”
Reza : “Would you help me?”
Sukma : “Of course Reza nurses”

Then Reza is confused about going to the IGD room

Reza : “I just moved offices in the hospital, do you know where I need to IGD”
Sukma : “Okay, can you remind it well? “
Reza : “Mybe I remind it well”
Sukma : “From here, you will see the T-junction, then you have to turn right. You will
pass the Pharmacy..”
Reza : “Then…”
Sukma: “Then you turn left , the IGD room is at your right slide”
Reza : “Well i will goin now”
Sukma : “When you are confused please contact me”
Reza : “But i dont have your contact me”
Sukma : “This is my contact number”
Reza : “Oke”

Reza nurses was goin on,but he on the way he got a call from Sukma nurses

Reza : “Oh hello”

Sukma : “Hai Reza, Have you found your destination?”
Reza : “Oh have done”
Sukma : “Will you help me to get the results of the laboratory in the lab room?”
Reza : “Of course”
Sukma : “Do you know the way to the place?”
Reza : “I think you must give me the direction”
Sukma : “Okay fisrtly where your where is your position now”
Reza : “Iam under the IGD know”
Sukma : “The Laboratory room between IGD room”
Reza : “Oh i see”

Reza : Friend of Sukma

Sukma : Nurse

When Reza going on , he suddenly fallen down from his motorcycle in the road

Reza : “Hello Sukma, where are you?”

Sukma : “I am here za.”

Reza : “Can you help me?”

Sukma : “Whats wrong with you?”

Reza : “I have fallen down from my motorcycle, it is so hurt.”

Sukma : “Where are you know?”

Reza : “ I was alone on the side of the road because there was no one”

Sukma : “ You keep calm down, would you share location?”

Reza : “Done iam was shere in your whatsapp”

Sukma : “I will goin on wait for a few minutes”

Reza : “Oke”
Sukma was arrived at the location

Reza : “Sukma , look at my right knee.”

Sukma : “Omg, fist let me wrap your wound ”

Reza : “ I was scared”

Sukma : “Don’t worry reza you should take a deep breath

Reza take a deep breath besides that sukma bandaged his wound

Sukma : “You should be more careful, when you ride the motorcycle.”

Reza : “I will be more careful”

Sukma : “How could this happen?”

Reza : “When I pass the school, suddenly there was a cat which ran in front of me.”

Sukma : “I will brought you in the hospital.”

After arriving at the Soedono Hospital

Sukma : “I will guide you to the doctor's room”

Reza : “I feel pain”

Sukma : “You have to be more patient”

Reza : “Okay”

Reza : Nurse
Sukma : Nurse

In the nursing room the day was summer, Reza nurses offering something to Sukma

Reza : "Hi!"

Sukma : "Hello!"

Reza : "Are you hungry?"

Sukma : "No, I'm not."

Reza : "Are you thirsty?"

Sukma : "Yes, I am."

Reza : "Would you like a cup of tea?"

Sukma : "Yes, please."

Reza : "Here's your tea."

Sukma : "Thank you."

Reza : “What are you doing nurse?”

Sukma : “Iam sharing toiletries for patients”

Reza : “Can I help you?

Sukma : “Of course please share 9 of these toiletries”

Reza : “May I ask for a list of patients who must receive this?”

Sukma : “I've tucked it in the toiletries”

Reza : “Oh i see”

Reza's nurse helped to share it, and a few minutes later Reza's nurse saw the nurse
having difficulty in moving the patient

Reza : “Can i help you?”

Sukma : “ Yes I can, can you hold his upper body”

Reza : (Hold patient leg)

Sukma : “While I hold his lower back”

Reza : “Are you ready?”

Sukma : “let's move after the count to 3, 1..2 ... 3 ...

Reza : “go”

Reza : Job applicant

Sukma : Director

One day in the Soedono hospital ,Reza want to find a job and that day Reza have
interview by Director

Sukma : “Welcome to our nurse’s office.”

Reza : “Nice to be here”

Sukma : “What is your name?”

Reza : “My name is Reza Darmawan”

Sukma : “Where do you live now?”

Reza : “Iam in Madiun now”

Sukma : “Where are you graduates?”

Reza : “Iam from Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health of Semarang”

Sukma : “I see from your resume that you are a surgical nurse with 10 years of
practice,that’s right?”

Reza : That’s right.

Sukma : This interview is just to get to know you a little and then there are follow up
interviews. So what do you do in your free time?

Reza : I like golfing and swimming. I also like to read newspapers.

Sukma : Why did you want to be a nurse ?

Reza : Actually I love helping people get well. I think surgery has made great strides
recently and I would like to share my findings with others.

Sukma : Have you written in any scientific journals so far?

Reza : Not yet. But hopefully soon.

Sukma : OK, we’d like to learn more about you. Let’s go for lunch with our colleagues, if
that’s OK?

Reza : That’s fine, I am free.

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