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TL5102 Analisa Data Lingkungan
Group homework (3 member per group), to be collected on Mid Term Test schedule
1. A firm wishes to compare four programs for training workers to perform a certain manual task. Twenty new
employees are randomly assigned to the training programs, with 5 in each program. At the end of the training
period, a test is conducted to see how quickly trainees can perform the task. The number of times the task is
performed per minute is recorded for each trainee, with the following results:
Observation Program 1 Program 2 Program 3 Program 4
1 9 10 12 9
2 12 6 14 8
3 14 9 11 11
4 11 9 13 7
5 13 10 11 8
Estimate the treatment effects for the four programs

2. A pharmaceutical company is testing a new drug to see if it helps reduce the time to recover from a fever. They
decide to test the drug on three different races (Caucasian, African American, and Hispanic) and both genders
(male and female). This makes six treatments (3 races × 2 genders = 6 treatments).They randomly select five test
subjects from each of those six treatments, so all together, they have 3 × 2 × 5 = 30 test subjects. The response
variable is the time in minutes after taking the medicine before the fever is reduced. The data might look
something like this.
Male Female
Caucasian 54, 49, 59, 39, 55 25, 29, 47, 26, 28
African American 53, 72, 43, 56, 52 46, 51, 33, 47, 41
Hispanic 33, 30, 26, 25, 29 18, 21, 34, 40, 24

3. There are four cars available for this comparative study of tire performance. It is believed that tires wearing out in
a different rate at different location of a car. Tires were installed in four different locations: Right-Front (RF), Left-
Front (LF), Right-Rear (RR) and Left-Rear (LR). The measurements of the wearing of tires in this investigation are
listed in the following table from a Latin Square Design setting. Three factors are considered in this study. They are
tire position, car and the different tires studied in this investigation.
1 A(32) B(33) C(47) D(53)
2 B(36) D(53) A(42) C(54)
3 C(51) A(44) D(62) B(49)
4 D(81) C(78) B(72) A(73)

4. A study examining differences in life satisfaction between young adult, middle adult, and older adult men and
women was conducted. Each individual who participated in the study completed a life satisfaction questionnaire.
A high score on the test indicates a higher level of life satisfaction. Test scores are recorded below.
Group Young Adult Middle Adult Older Adult
4 7 10
2 5 7
Male 3 7 9
4 5 8
2 6 11

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