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All new cars must be registered

∀x(P(x) →Q(x,registered))

Here P(x) = x new car

Q(x, registered)= x must be registered.

2. If a real number is even, then its square is even

n, real(n) (even(n) → even(n2))

3. Every integer is even or odd

∀x (P(x) → E(x) ∨ O(x)

P(x) = x is integer

E(x) = x is even

O(x) = x is odd

4. Some drivers do not obey the speed limit


The domain of x be all the drivers and let O(x) be the predicate “x obeys the speed limit”

5. There is a person who loves everybody


Variable x and y denote people and predicate (x,y) denotes: “x loves y”.

6. Every student walks or talks

∀x(P(x) →(W(x) V T(x)))

P(x)= x is student

W(x)= x can walk

T(x)= x can talk

7. Some basketball players are tall

∃x P(x) Λ T(x)
P(x) = x is basketball player

T(x) = x is tall

8. Every boy who loves Mary hates every boy who Mary loves

∀x ((boy(x) & love (x, Mary)) → ∀y((boy(y) & love(Mary, y))→ hate (x,y)))

9. No one who runs walks

∀x¬ (run (x) & walk (x))

10. If anyone cheats, he suffers

∃x (cheat(x) → suffer( x))

11. Jamal is a badminton player or a tennis player

∃x (P(x) →B(x) Λ T(x))

P(x) = x is Jamal

B(x) = x is badminton player

T(x) = x is tennis player

12. Every student likes an AI module

∀x, student(x) →likes(x, AI module)

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