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 500 g extra virgin olive oil

 100 g coconut oil (Regular coconut oil that melts around 76ºF)
 10 g lavender essential oil
 80 g lye NaOH (Sodium hydroxide)
 195 g water

1. Mix your lye into your water (Not the other way around!!!). Do this in a recipient that
can handle heat; I used a glass bowl. It is best to do this step outside so that you don't
fill your house with the fumes. Try not to breath them in!! Once the lye has dissolved,
leave the mix to cool in an area where no kids or pets have access to it!!!
2. Meanwhile, you can weigh and mix your olive and coconut oils. I mixed them in a large,
glass bowl with room for adding and mixing the other ingredients.
3. After the lye mixture has cooled a bit, bring it back inside and pour into your oil mix. Mix
them together gently at first.
4. Once your lye mix has been incorporated into your oils, you can start to blend them with
a hand blender. Be careful not to spray the mixture all over!! I blended mine in the
bottom of my sink, and distanced myself as much as the blender would allow, just in
case!! You can do this step by hand, but it supposedly will take a very long time.
5. When your mixture starts to thicken like mayonnaise, after a few minutes, you are at
the stage that is called "trace." That is what you want!!!
6. Mix in your essential oils.
7. Pour into soap molds. (I used a silicone pan and some plastic containers. It's a good idea
to oil the plastic containers beforehand to prevent sticking.)
8. Cover and set aside for at least 24 hours. It will probably get warm. If you cover it with a
cloth to keep the warmth in, it supposedly contributes to the quality of the soap. I don't
know if that's true or not, but I do it anyway.
9. After 24 hours, uncover and see if you can unmold it. If it is too soft, wait a few more
hours and unmold. You can put it in a cold place to help shrink it a little to help the
process out. Don't wait too long or it will be too hard to easily cut into bars.
10. Cut into bars. I like the look of big, chunky square-ish bars. The nice thing about making
your own, is that you can decide how you want to cut them.
11. Let set for around a month, turning every day or two at first, and then every week later
on. This is to let your soap dry out and harden.
12. Enjoy your soap!!
Paper Soap

Soap bar
 Wire cheese slicer
 Cutting board
 Wax paper
 Brownie or cake bake pans
 Knife
 Glass bowl
 Pan
 Water
 Oven
 Straight-edged scissors
 Speed peeler (optional)
 Decorative scissors (optional)

Slicing Method
Lift the handle of the wire slicer.
Place your soap bar on the cutting board and then align it under the wire as you would a block of
Pull the handle down and slice through the end of the soap bar. Set the first paper-thin soap sheet
aside and then repeat as needed to make additional sheets of paper soap.

Pouring Method
Line your pans with wax paper.

Cut your soap bar into 1/2-inch blocks and place the blocks in a large glass bowl.

Create a double boiler and then melt the soap. Fill a small pot with water and place it on a
burner. Put the glass bowl on top of the pot so that it sits on the rim of the mouth of the pot, turn
on the burner and then wait for the generated steam to melt the soap.

Pour the melted soap into your brownie or cake pans to coat the wax sheets with a paper-thin
film about 1/2 mm thick.

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