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Game Design

A Seminar Report
Submitted to
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of



P.Vijaya Sekhar


Under the esteemed guidance of



(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to JNTUA, Ananthapuramu)
Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade
Opp.LIC Training Centre, Karakambadi Road, TIRUPATI – 517507
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to JNTUA, Ananthapuramu)
Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade
Opp.LIC Training Centre, Karakambadi Road, TIRUPATI – 517507




This is to certify that the seminar report entitled “Game Design”

A bonafide record of the seminar work done and submitted by
P.Vijaya Sekhar

for the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of M.CA. Degree in Master of
COMPUTER APPLICATIONS JNT University Anantapur, Ananthapuramu.



I am thankful to my guide P.LOKESH KUMAR REDDY MTech,(Ph.D) for his valuable

guidance and encouragement. His helping attitude and suggestions have helped me in the successful
completion of the seminar.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to all those who helped me directly or indirectly to
transform an idea into my working seminar.

I would like to express my sincere thanks to Dr. N. Sudhakar Reddy, Principal, S.V College
of Engineering, Tirupati. . I express my thanks to Dr.K Sekar, Professor, Head of the Department
of MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS, for his kind help and encouragement during
the course of my study and in the successful completion of the seminar work.

Successful completion of any seminar cannot be done without proper support and
encouragement. My sincere thanks to the Management for providing all the necessary facilities
during the Course of my study.

I would like to thank my parents and friends, who have the greatest contributions in all my
achievements, for the great care and blessings in making me successful in all my endeavors.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to all those who helped me directly or indirectly to
transform an idea into my working seminar.

P.Vijaya Sekhar

I hereby declare that the seminar entitled “Game Design”

submitted to the Department Of MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS,
S.V.COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, TIRUPATI in partial fulfillment of
requirements for the award of the degree of MASTER OF COMPUTER

This seminar is the result of my own effort and it has not been
submitted to any other University or Institution for the award of any
degree or diploma other than specified above.

P.Vijaya Sekhar
Game Design


Game design experience starts with an idea, often a modification of an

existing concept. The game idea may fall within one or several genres.
Designers often experiment with genres. The game designer usually produce an
initial game proposal document containing the concept, game play, feature list,
setting, story target audience requirement and schedules, staff and budgets
Many decisions are made during the course of a game development about the
game’s design; it is the responsibility of the designers to decide which element
will be implemented. As the topic inscribe, game design is not narrowed to any
particular or type of game and its design but game design as a discipline. This
requires a focus on games in and themselves. Rather than placing game in the
service of another field such as sociology, literary criticism, computer science,
our aim is to study game in their own disciplinary space. Because we often
borrow knowledge from mathematics and cognitive science and other fields.
We do so to help establish a field if game design proper.













Game Design


Game design experience starts with an idea, often a modification of an existing concept. The
game idea may fall within one or several genres. Designers often experiment with genres.
The game designer usually produce an initial game proposal document containing the
concept, gameplay, feature list, setting, story target audience requirement and schedules, staff
and budgets estimates.
Many decisions are made during the course of a game development aboutthe game’s design;
it is the responsibility of the designers to decide which element will be implemented.
As the topic inscribe, game design is not narrowed to any particular or type of game and its
design but game design as a discipline. This requires a focus on games in and themselves.
Rather than placing game in the service of another field such as sociology, literary criticism,
computer science, our aim is to study game in their own disciplinary space. Because we often
borrow knowledge from mathematics and cognitive science and other fields. We do so to
help establish a field if game design proper. (According to Brain Sutton-smith writes: in the
study of game design), 1971.

The major objectives of this paper are as followed:
1. Providing suggestions with advantages and disadvantages of game design.
2. Providing other application areas of game design experience.
3. To provide solution that will creat space for creativity and productivity in the game
4. To provide and analyze game design using video game design.

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Game Design


Design is a general approach in the field of production either in social science, natural
science and sciences as the case may be. The value to which design has added to production,
in computer science and engineering. Game designer as a profession stands to gain respect
for each game produced, income in a moderate or larger folds, the chance to becoming
famous is at a higher space. Since design is a continuous process, there is a joy derived from
meeting the market demands. Weighing the pros and cons of a career in game design can
help someone make a better decision before entering the field.

The scope of this topic covers the Historical background of game design, positive
and negatives effects of game design in video game design.Components of game design in
video game design, other application areas of game design, importance of game design
using video game design.

This research is divided into 4 chapters, which are further subdivided into sections.
Chapter one is introduction which is further divided into sub sections, they include
overview, objectives of the study, significance of the study, limitation of the study, scope
of the study, organization of work. Chapter two is the literature review which is divided
into one section it include the historical background of the study
Chapter three is findings. It is further divided into sub sections which include: components
of the study, the applications areas of game design, mode of operation of game design,
importance of game design, advantages and disadvantages of game design Chapter four is
the summary, and it is sub divided into one section which is the conclusion and the
possible recommendation of the subject matter.


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Game Design
Each person defines games in his own way- the anthropologists and folklorists in
terms of historical origin; the social scientist in terms of psychological and social functions
there is over whelming evidence in all this that the meaning of game is.
There is need to consider the meaning of some of the word associated with the discipline of
game design:
a) GAME: Game is an activity that you do to have fun. Or an activity or a sport with
rules in which people or teams compete against each other. According to Oxford dictionary
(Advance learner) 6th Edition.
b) DESIGN: the general arrangement of the different part of something that is made.
E.g. building, book, machine etc. According to oxford dictionary (advance learner) 6th
c) GAME DESIGNER: a game designer is a person who designs gameplay conceiving
and designing the rules and structure of game. According to Brain Sutton-smith: in the study
of games.
A game designer is not necessarily a programmer, visual designer or project manager,
although he/she can also play these roles in the creation of a game. A game designer might
work alone or as part of a larger team. Some or many game designers starts their career in the
testing department s, where mistakes made by others are seen firsthand.
We shall discuss some discipline in the field of game design.
a) LEAD DESIGNER: the lead designer coordinates the work of other designers and is
the main visionary of the game.
b) SYSTEM DESIGNER: the system designer designs and balances the games rules
and the underlying mathematical patterns.
c) LEVEL DESIGNER: the level designer is person responsible for creating game
environment, levels and missions. And discipline which may not be discuss but are listed
d) CONTENT DESIGNER: The content designer is responsible for the creation of
characters, items, puzzles, and mission.
e) GAME WRITING: This involves writing of dialogue, text, and story.
f) USER INTERFACE DESIGN: this designer constructs the user interactions and
feedback interface, like menus or heads-up displays.

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Game Design
g) AUDIO DESIGN: Involves the process of creating or incorporating all of the sounds
that are in the game, like sound effects or voice acting.
Furthermore, as the topic implies (GAME DESIGN). Game design is the creation of the
design view of a particular game which may be card games, social games, video game or any
kind of game. The same designer carries the designing gameplay, conceiving and designing
rules and structures that result in experience for players.
It is also important to note that numerous games have narrative element which give a context
to an event in a game. Make the activity of the game less abstract and enhance its
entertainment value, although narrative elements are not always clearly present or o present
at all. It should be noted that some narratologist claims that all game have narrative element.

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Game Design


Spacewar Screenshot

In 1952, A.S. Douglas wrote his PhD degree at the University of Cambridge on Human-
Computer interraction. Douglas created the first graphical computer game - a version of Tic-
Tac-Toe. The game was programmed on a EDSAC vaccuum-tube computer, which had a
cathode ray tube display.

William Higinbotham created the first video game ever in 1958. His game, called "Tennis for
Two," was created and played on a Brookhaven National Laboratory oscilloscope. In 1962,
Steve Russell invented SpaceWar!. Spacewar! was the first game intended for computer use.
Russell used a MIT PDP-1 mainframe computer to design his game.

In 1967, Ralph Baer wrote the first video game played on a television set, a game called
Chase. Ralph Baer was then part of Sanders Associates, a military electronics firm. Ralph
Baer first conceived of his idea in 1951 while working for Loral, a television company.

In 1971, Nolan Bushnelltogether with Ted Dabney, created the first arcade game. It was
called Computer Space, based on Steve Russell's earlier game of Spacewar!. The arcade
game Pong was created by Nolan Bushnell (with help from Al Alcorn) a year later in 1972.
Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney started Atari Computers that same year. In 1975, Atari re-
released Pong as a home video game.

Larry Kerecman was one of the first first operators of video arcade games, including
Computer Space. He writes that, "The brilliance of these machines was that Nolan Bushnell
and company took what was computer programming (in Space War) and translated it into a
simpler version of the game (no gravity) using hard-wired logic circuits. The printed circuit
boards that comprise electronics of these games use integrated circuits called small-scale
integrated circuits. They consist of discrete logic chips and gates or gates, 4-line to 16-line
decoders, etc. straight out of the Texas Instruments catalog. The shape of the rocket ship and
flying saucer even are visible in a pattern of diodes on the PC board."

In 1972, the first commercial video game console that could be played in the home, the
Odyssey was released by Magnavox and designed by Ralph Baer. The game machine was
originally designed while Ralph Baer was still at Sanders Associates in 1966, Baer managed
to gain his legal rights to the machine after Sanders Associates rejected it. The Odyssey came
programmed with twelve games.

Video games have been around since the early 1970s. The first commercial arcade video
game, Computer Space by Nutting Associates, was introduced in 1971. In 1972, Atari
introduced Pong to the arcades. An interesting item to note is that Atari was formed by Nolan
Bushnell, the man who developed Computer Space. He left Nutting Associates to found
Atari, which then produced Pong, the first truly successful commercial arcade video game.
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Game Design
Pong was a great hit when it came out. Move your cursor to get the slides to bounce back the
moving square -- it will speed up as you progress.

That same year, Magnavox offered the first home video game system. Dubbed the Odyssey,
it did not even have a microprocessor! The core of the system was a board with about four-
dozen transistors and diodes. The Odyssey was very limited -- it could only produce very
simple graphics, and required that custom plastic overlays be taped over the television
screen. In 1975, Atari introduced a home version of its popular arcade game, Pong. The
original home version of Pong was sold exclusively through Sears, and even carried the Sears
logo. Pong was a phenomenal success, opening the door to the future of home video games.

Although the Fairchild Channel F, released in 1976, was the first true removable game
system, Atari once again had the first such system to be a commercial success. Introduced in
1977 as the Atari Video Computer System (VCS), the 2600 used removable cartridges,
allowing a multitude of games to be played using the same hardware.

The hardware in the 2600 was quite sophisticated at the time, although it seems incredibly
simple now. It consisted of:

1 MOS 6502 microprocessor

2 Stella, a custom graphics chip that controlled the synchronization to the TV and all
other video processing tasks
3 128 bytes of RAM
4 4-kilobyte ROM-based game cartridges

The chips were attached to a small printed circuit board (PCB) that also connected to the
joystick ports, cartridge connector, power supply and video output. Games consisted of
software encoded on ROM chips and housed in plastic cartridges. The ROM was wired on a
PCB that had a series of metal contacts along one edge. These contacts seated into a plug on
the console's main board when a cartridge was plugged into the system. When power was
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Game Design
supplied to the system, it would sense the presence of the ROM and load the game software
into memory.

Systems like the Atari 2600, its descendant, the 5200, Coleco's ColecoVision and Mattel's
IntelliVision helped to generate interest in home video games for a few years. But interest
began to wane because the quality of the home product lagged far behind arcade standards.
But in 1985, Nintendo introduced the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), and everything

The NES introduced three very important concepts to the video game system industry:

1 Using a pad controller instead of a joystick

2 Creating authentic reproductions of arcade video games for the home system
3 Using the hardware as a loss leader by aggressively pricing it, then making a profit on
the games themselves

Nintendo's strategy paid off, and the NES sparked a revival in the home video game market
that continues to thrive and expand even now. No longer were home video game systems
looked upon as inferior imitations of arcade machines. New games that would have been
impractical to create for commercial systems, such as Legend of Zelda, were developed for
the home markets. These games enticed many people who had not thought about buying a
home video game system before to purchase the NES.

Nintendo continued to develop and introduce new game consoles. Other companies, such as
Sega and Sony, created their own home video game systems. Let's look at the core parts of
any current video game system.

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Game Design
In 1976, Fairchild released the first programmable home game console called the Fairchild
Video Entertainment System, and later renamed Channel F. Channel F was one of the first
electronic systems to use the newly invented microchip invented by Robert Noyce for the
Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation that allowed video games to not be limited by the
number of TTL switches.

On June 17, 1980, Atari's "Asteroids" and "Lunar Lander" were the first two video games to
ever be registered in the Copyright Office.

The outline of my findings is constituted on the following component involved.

Hardware component
Software component
Card reader
Display screen

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Game Design


As game became more complex and computer and consoles

became more powerful, the job of the game designer became separated from the lead
programmer. Soon game complexity demanded team members focus on game design. Many
veterans chose the game design path eschewing programming and delegating those tasks to
Early in video game history, game designers were lead programmers and often the only
programmer for a game. And this remains true as the video game industry expanded in the
1970s. This person also sometimes comprises the entire art team. This is the case of such
noted designers as Sid Meier, john Romero, Chris sawyer and will wright. And a notable
exception to this policy was Calico, which from its very start separated the function of design
and programming. (“MDA: A formal approach to game design and game research’s” Robin
Hunicke, marc Leblanc, and Robert Zubek). 2004.
Parenthesis, for intense understanding of “GAME DESIGN”. There is the need to be
narrowed to discussing video games like:
1. Chess master,
2. Dungeons & Dragons,
3. War hammer 40,000.
4. Tarot
5. Go Fish
6. Poker
7. Tetris 64,
8. Need for speed (NIS),
9. 4 x 4 formula,
10. Zuma Deluxe,
11. Greedy Snake,
12. F1 race,
13. Temple Run,
14. plant and zombiesand,

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Game Design
15. Pro evolution soccer 2010,2011, 2013,and 2014 etc.
Game design is the design of games. It is the art of elaborating rules and mechanics to
facilitate interaction between players for playful, educational or simulation purposes. Game
design can be applied to different media, such as board games, card games, casino games,
role-playing games, video games, war games or to itself, an example of metadesign. It is
scientifically underpinned in game studies and to a lesser extent in game theory. No it that
they are different forms of games namely:

1. Board games
Board games like,
Mancala or chess are hundreds or thousands of years old; yet in the case of chess new
variants are developed constantly, to focus on certain aspects of the game, or just for
variation's sake.
A modern adaptation of figure games are miniature war games like War hammer 40,000.
Traditional board games like Monopoly date from the 19th or early 20th century. A recent
development in modern board game design is the increased popularity of "German-style
board games", or "Eurogames".

2. Card games

The design of card games is constricted by the type of the deck of cards, like Tarot or the
four-suited Latin decks.
Card games can be played for fun, like Go Fish, or for profit like Poker.
A sub-type of wargames are card-driven games.
Magic: The Gathering was the first collectible card game (or "trading card game") in 1993.

3. Casino games
The central aim of casino game design is to optimize the house advantage and maximize
revenue from gamblers.

4. Role-playing games

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Game Design
Gary Gygax designed the first role-playing game, Dungeons & Dragons, in 1974.

5. Video game design

An important aspect of video game design is human-computer interaction. They also come
with many sub-categories from Massive Multiplayer Online Games to Massive Multiplayer
Online Role Playing Games

6. War game design

The first military war games, or Kriegsspiel, were designed in Prussia in the 19th century to
train staff officers. They are also played as a hobby for entertainment.
Modern war games are designed to test doctrines, strategies and tactics in full scale exercises
with opposing forces at venues like the NTC, JRTC and the JMRC, involving NATO
However the chess master will be considered as a case study to further elaborate on or
expand on the topic (GAME DESIGN) which shall discuss in the next chapter of this
research study.
It is also necessary to note that, a game designer needs to possess an amount of skills and
personal qualities. A game designer should:
a) Be creative, imaginative and original.
b) Have a story telling ability
c) Have problem solving skills
d) Work well in team and alone
e) Have basic drawing 3D design skills
f) Be able to adapt quickly to change
g) Should be able to work well under pressure and be able to meet dead lines
h) Should have an excellent communication and presentation skills
i) Be fluent in some number of software packages
j) Should be able to take criticism well
k) Should be able to understand the capabilities and benefit of different hardware
including PCs, consoles and mobile devices, as well as the relevant software technologies
and techniques

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Game Design


1. Doing what you love:

The ability to do what you love. Those who enjoys video games have the pleasure of working
in an industry that create the subject of their passion
2. Growing industry:
The gaming industry seems to be growing while others are declining. In December 2009
while other industries were struggling in a difficult economy, the video game industry reeled
in 5.53 billion in the United States, software engineers, sound engineers and writers working
in the game industry can benefit from the tremendous opportunities that are available.
3. Lead the call of duty:
When you design a video game, you don’t need to design wait for a release date to play. You
can get in on the ground floor game’s creation, add features you prefer, and lobby against the
one’s you don’t. It take’s 18-30 month’s to develop a full –featured console game. And
during that time you can have a say in the game plot line and how the story ultimately ends.
You can also hide features or jokes known only to you or your friends, commonly known as
“Easter eggs”.This allow you to put your personal stamp on the game.
4. Health point:
Believe it or not, you will be in a profession that will provide health benefits to people who
play the game.Video game reduce stress and depression. Games have help the chronically ill
and battled wounded to forget their aches and pains, at least temporarily.
5. Games improve your vision:
According to the visual development lab of Ontario’s McMaster University.
6. Games improve your decision making:
According to scientist in the University of Rochester in New York. As such, thinking to
decision making in a very fast, accurate or close to, is enhanced as game design and
gameplay may be.

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Game Design

7. Self-employed:
Is a fact that, there is no formal promotion route for game designers. They may be promoted
from junior game designer to designer, and with experience and management skills, to lead
designer. Some become or move into management or marking roles, or become self-
employed. As they make decision on their own and control financial management game
design ethical behavior and all that is needed to enhance game design especially video game

8. Gaming is growing:
Stoll (1999) takes a stand against using computer applications to make learning fun. He
argues: What seems like a game to someone will feel like work to another. The intention
should be enlightenment, not entertainment. Learning isn’t about acquiring information,
maximizing efficiency, or enjoyment.Learning is about developing human capacity. To turn
learning into fun is to denigrate the two most important things we can do as humans: To
teach. To learn. (Stoll 1999, page 22) He also reminds us of the hidden cost of learning via
computers:The opportunity cost is our time … The time you spend behind themonitor could
be spent facing another person across a table or across a tennis court. Disguised as efficiency
machines, digital time bandits steal our lives and undermine our communities.(Stoll 1999,
page 209)
This view gives pause for thought, not least by reminding us of the existence of bias. Here it
is useful to note that teacher bias towards a particular learning method and teacher input into
debriefing are important variables that can affect the effectiveness of games in encouraging
learning (Randel et al. 1992). Other variables include player characteristics such asgender
and personality, learning style, academic ability and gaming ability(Bredemeier and
Greenblatt 1981, cited by Randel et al. 199

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Game Design


1. Long hour:
Game designers work long hours some well in to the night trying to add last touches before
the game is released. Spending a lot of time in the front of a computer can be hard to the eye
and back.Posture while in front of a computer can also contribute to the negative effects of
long hours as a video game designer.
2. Competition:
As the game industries increases, the number of workers seeking opportunities increases as
well. With more gaming professional seeking for employment, the ability to stands out from
the crowed become more difficult. Video game design is an attractive career for many people
who enjoys playing video games, but not every lone has the talent or skills to enhance in the
field. An education in computer science, programming, graphic design, animation and sound
engineering is necessary to enter the industry.
3. Working environment:
Video game designer often work in a casual business environments where T-shirts, sandals,
shorts and jeans are common work attire, many workers enjoys the casual environment and
low key atmosphere. They often work in teams with artists, programmers and graphic
designers to create animated games. The team environment is appealing to work to work with
those who like to work with others rather than working alone.
4. Health points:
It is a noticeable fact that, be it as it may, video game designer spend much of their time in
working on computers to create story plots, gaming strategies, character and graphics, so
heavy computer use can lead to fatigue.

5. Stressful workloads:
It is also important to know that, video game producers have deadlines, so job often requires
long hours and demanding and stressful workload.
6. Feature creep:

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Game Design
Feature creep is the phenomenon that describes the action of adding more features to a
project after the scope of the game as been determined. It happens a lot in game
development, and it is certain to happen to new game developers. After writing a nice design
doc, technical doc, and other documents you need to write to plan for your game and you
start developing your project, and then a few weeks or months down the line, you start
thinking. “You know what would be cool, if we added [--- this =, and that and all this things]
from that point, you started adding what you never thought of in the beginning. This leads to
having an “over scope” game.
7. Game on:
Because more effectively, game designer’s needs some back ground in programming, and a
bachelor’s degree which is helpful. More than 120,000 people in 34 states work in some
capacity for the game industry. And a good way to get into the industry is to try designing
games or modifying them on your own and building a portfolio, or by visiting blogs and
website often used bydesigners.

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Game Design


Pre-Production Production Past - Production

 Scales and  Testing

 Analysis of brief proportion  Redesign
 Research
 Blockingout  Packing Design
 Brainstorming
 Texturing  Promotion
 Game objective  Lighting  Launch
 Map development
 Particle system  Maintenance
 Concept art
 Interactivity
 A I Programming
 Cinematic
 HUDs and Minus

IT,SVCE,2016 16
Game Design


The notion of video game caved from game design as the case may be,
there is a need to highlight little on gameplay.
Gameplay is the interactive section of game design. It involves player interaction with the
game. Usually for the purpose of entertainment, Education or training. It is applicable in
some of this place or areas as listed below. It is applicable in:
1. Offices
2. Hospitals
3. At homes
4. Markets place


In as much as being a game designer has been embedded with many good tidings, a few will
be discuss briefly or concisely to further energize, equip, reshape you in the aspect of game
design and furiously propel you into decision making as engineering, computer science or
someone interested in this field to forge into action as soon as possible. For the time is now!
Few of the importance are:
a) If your game console is hardware to your brain, you cam immerse yourself in what
you love and get paid by becoming a video game designer
b) You will get first crack at playing new titlesand can put your own unique stamp on
the final product.
c) Talented designers may become self-employed, doing freelance work on contract
basis. It is possible you are giving the chance to work overseas.

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Game Design


In the discussion of game design narrowed to video game designs, the goal of this
course is to prepare you for a career involving design of computer games and other
interactive experiences. Student in this course will read and wright about game design. And
design games of their own. Do not mistake this for a course in computer game development.
This course is focused on rules and methods of game designs, which remain fairly constant
regardless of the technology used to develop a game. While technology will play a
significant role in our studies, technological details will not be our focus. You will study and
design game of all sorts: card games, dice games, athletic games, story games and yes! Even
video games. How to design games and how to design them well and how to see your design
to completion will be what you study here .and following references made in the topic
“GAME DESIGN” toward the last page of this book will really help in accomplishing your
verge to becoming a game designer and a good one indeed.

Applying the methodologies used in the context of this study,as our focus is on the effects of
game design. This paper has proposed the use of, game design as a suitable substitution for
video game design. As we know that video game is acceptable if not all, in most part of the
world in having fun. In this paper game design is chosen for its uniqueness, ease of use and
also convenience to users. Haven understood the benefits, advantages and disadvantages to
reading and writing or implementing game design. it is important to note how to realize flows
in games because of its vast or negative effect it has on game design.
Based on Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s positive psychology research, when a person totally
focuses into an activity and forget about time and pressure, he reaches optimal experience,

IT,SVCE,2016 18
Game Design


 Baur, Wolfgang. Complete Kobold Guide To Game Design. Open Design Llc 2012.
Isbn 978-1936781065
 Burgun, Keith. Game Design Theory: A New Philosophy for Understanding Games.
Publisher: A K Peters/Crc Press 2012. Isbn 978-1466554207
 Costikyan, Greg. Uncertainty in Games. Mit Press 2013. Isbn 978-0262018968
 Elias, George Skaff. Characteristics of Games. Mit Press 2012. Isbn 978-0262017138
 Hofer, Margaret. The Games We Played: The Golden Age Of Board & Table Games.
Princeton Architectural Press 2003. Isbn 978-1568983974
 Huizinga, Johan. Homo Ludens: A Study ofthe Play-Element in Culture. Beacon Press
1971. Isbn 978-0807046814
 Kankaanranta, Marja Helena. Design and Use of Serious Games (Intelligent Systems,
Control and Automation: Science and Engineering). Springer 2009. Isbn 978-9048181414.
 Norman, Donald A. The Design of Everyday Things. Basic Books 2002. Isbn 978-
 Peek, Steven. The Game Inventor's Handbook. Betterway Books 1993. Isbn 978-
 Peterson, Jon. Playing At the World. Unreason Press 2012. Isbn 978-0615642048.
 Schell, Jesse. The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses. Crc Press 2008. Isbn 978-
 SalenTekinbad, Katie. Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals. The Mit Press
2003. Isbn 978-0262240451.
 Tinsman, Brian. The Game Inventor's Guidebook: How to Invent and Sell Board
Games, Card Games, Role-Playing Games, & Everything In Between! Morgan James
Publishing 2008. Isbn 978-1600374470

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