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Republic of the Philippines



I.S. NO: 02-1111


WITCH DE JUAN, (Art. 267 of the Revised Penal Code)


The respondent WITCH DE JUAN was charged of the crime of KIDNAPPING AND SERIOUS
ILLEGAL DETENTION in a complaint filed by Princess Rapunzel de los Reyes.

In support of her complaint, the herein complainant attached the following documents;

1. Complaint-affidavit of Rapunzel de los Reyes;

2. Joint Affidavit of King Hari de los Reyes and Queen de los Reyes
3. Affidavit of Prince Charming dela Cruz

Statement of Facts

Based on the investigation conducted, the facts of the case are stated hereunder:

That on the 9th of December, 2000, around 12 noon, in Quezon

City, Metro Manila, Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this
Honorable Court, accused WITCH DE JUAN, with intent to kill, did
then and there wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously feloniously
kidnapped a child named Princess Rapunzel de los Reyes, who is a minor
of one (1) year old while she was sleeping in their home, depriving her of
her liberty for eighteen (18) years and during such detention, she was
subjected to maltreatment causing physical injuries


In the complaint-affidavit of complainant Princess Rapunzel de los Reyes, she stated that from
year 2000 until 2018, she was residing in an Isolated Tower known as Torre de Beda located in Cubao,
Quezon, City. During such period, Princess Rapunzel de los Reyes was residing theirein together with the
accused Witch de Juan who raised her as her daughter while knowingly misrepresenting herself to be her
mother. According to Pirncess Rapunzel, accused justifies her solitary confinement by constantly
engendering in her since childhood the belief that she was inflicted with a rare illness which makes the
outside world most especially dangerous to her. In disallowing her from leaving the tower, she has been
habitually subjected to maltreatment in the hands of the respondent, the most recent one occurred the
night before she escaped. On December 9, 2018 while the respondent was not around, a man named
Prince Charming dela Cruz chanced upon the Tower and upon seeing her condition, immediately rescued
her and brought her to town for medical attendance. While on the hospital, she met an elderly couple who
claims that she is their daughter who they were searching for the last 18 years. A DNA-Testing was
conducted between Princess Rapunzel de los Reyes and the Spouses de los Reyes which yielded results
proving our biological relations.

In the joint affidavit of King Hari de los Reyes and Queen Reyna de los Reyes, they stated that at
around 12:00 noon on December 9, 2000, Princess Rapunzel de los Reyes was separated from them when
an unknown malefactor abducted her. Despite their combined efforts with the law enforcement officers,
the press and of the public, they did not find her. On December 9, 2018, they went to the hospital for a
check-up and there we found Prince Charming dela Cruz and a girl who looks just like their long lost
daughter. A DNA-Testing was conducted between them and Princess Rapunzel de los Reyes which
yielded results proving our biological relations.

In the affidavit of Prince Charming dela Cruz, he stated that on the morning of February 9, 2018,
while he was roaming around the city, he chanced upon Torre de Beda, an isolated tower. The tower is
more or less 20 storeys in height with no door or other modes of ingress except for a window at the very
top of said tower. He scaled the tower walls using my arrow and upon reaching the top, he slowly entered
through the window. Upon entering, he saw a woman with long blonde hair named Princess Rapunzel de
los Reyes. He asked her what she was doing in the tower and she told me that she lives there. She said
that her mother never allowed her to leave because the outside world is a dangerous place. Upon further
examining her appearance and condition, he noticed that she has several injuries in her body and insisted
that he should take her to the hospital to treat her injuries. She was treated at the hospital and there they
met an old couple, Spouses de los Reyes, claiming that Princess Rapunzel was their daughter. Princess
Rapunzel and the spouses agreed to undergo a DNA examination to verify the latter’s claim. He
accompanied her all throughout the process of the examination and he was with her when the DNA result
was released. The DNA results revealed that Princess Rapunzel was indeed the missing daughter of
Spouses de los Reyes.

In his counter-affidavit, accused Witch de Juan denies the allegations against her stating that
Princess Rapunzel de los Reyes is an abandoned child that she adopted on May 5, 2004. The accused also
argued that complainant is suffering from Schizoaffective disorder which prompted her being confined in
Torre de Beda as to avoid her from causing injury to herself and to others pursuant to the
recommendations of her doctor. The accused also denied any maltreatment against the complainant
because the alleged physical injuries are self-inflicted. The accused also pointed out that during the
abduction, she was working as a Surgical Nurse from at Long Beach Memorial Medical Center, Long
Beach, California, United States of America from October 13, 2000 until December 18, 2002.

Analyses/Findings and Recommendations

After Judicious evaluation of all the evidence adduced by the parties we find that there is a
probable cause to charge the respondent for KIDNAPPING AND SERIOUS ILLEGAL DETENTION
that started on the 9 th of December 2000 and lasted until the 9 th of December 2018 under Article 267 of
The Revised Penal Code.

Article 267 of the Revised Penal Code specifically state as follows:

Art. 267. Kidnapping and serious illegal detention. — Any private individual who shall
kidnap or detain another, or in any other manner deprive him of his liberty, shall suffer
the penalty of reclusion perpetua to death:

1. If the kidnapping or detention shall have lasted more than five days virtual law library

2. If it shall have been committed simulating public authority virtual law library

3. If any serious physical injuries shall have been inflicted upon the person kidnapped or
detained; or if threats to kill him shall have been made virtual law library

4. If the person kidnapped or detained shall be a minor, female or a public officer virtual
law library

The penalty shall be death where the kidnapping or detention was committed for the
purpose of extorting ransom from the victim or any other person, even if none of the
circumstances above-mentioned were present in the commission of the offense.

It is very clear from the evidence that respondent committed KIDNAPPING AND SERIOUS
ILLEGAL DETENTION against Princess Rapunzel de los Reyes.

The self-serving affidavit of the accused denying his participation in the crime cannot be given
more weight. The court, in several cases, expressed that denial is an inherently weak defense and has
always been viewed upon with disfavor by the courts due to the ease with which it can be concocted.
Denial as a defense crumbles in the light of positive identification of the accused, as in this case. Verily,
mere denial, unsubstantiated by clear and convincing evidence, is negative self-serving evidence which
cannot be given greater evidentiary weight than the testimony of the complaining witness who testified on
affirmative matters. Like denial, alibi is not looked upon with favor by the trial court. It also cannot
prevail over witnesses’ positive identification of appellant as the perpetrator of the crime.

Other defenses raised by respondent are evidentiary in nature and are better left for the court to
decide in a full blown trial.

WHEREFORE, IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, it is most respectfully recommended that

an information for the crime of KIDNAPPING WITH SERIOUS ILLEGAL DETENTION be filed
against the respondent WITCH DE JUAN.

Quezon City, Manila.


Assistant Prosecutor
Roll No. 123456-2006
IBP No. 123456 -1/3/11
PTR No. 1234567-1/3/11;Manila
MCLE Compliance III No. 0013601
Issued on March 16, 2018



City Prosecutor
Quezon City

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