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Internship in Natural Language Processing

and Artificial Intelligence

Hello all,
The most common activities in any service industry is the communication with the clients and
the co-ordination with the sub-consultants. We at ADCPL have initiated to revolutionize this
trend in the industry by incorporating Natural Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence to
ease the redundancy of work and processing oral or written communication to give an
appropriate output in the form of automatically performed tasks if they are obvious or popping
up as dialog boxes in case of ambiguity/requirement.
The tasks involved in developing the final product: (Minor changes may occur with progress)
1. This would start with basic Natural Language Processing techniques to interpret the
content of E-mails, WhatsApp messages, Phone calls, LinkedIn and other related
communication mediums. Phone and laptop/PC should be synced in order to collect all
data instantaneously. To start with, English may be assumed the only language used.
The final product would be required to have Hindi and English both.
2. Using artificial intelligence on the above information, perform activities as intimated by
the content of the communication, if required, linking multiple utilities of MS Office
(Excel, Outlook, Project, Word) with minimal human intervention (in case of any
ambiguity/missing data and in certain specified situations)
3. A single computer based app interface development to collate all information and allow
human intervention at specified locations.
Duration of the internship: 1 month (Winter vacation)
Terms and conditions:
1. Working hours – 9:30 - 6:30, Monday to Saturday - 2nd and 4th Saturdays off.
2. Location of work - ADCPL Office, South Extension - I
3. Carry your own laptop and mobile hotspot if required.
4. Report progress once a week as per a mutually decided schedule.
Number of interns required: 2
Profile: NLP and AI Interns
1. Coursework in Natural Language Processing and/or Artificial Intelligence.
2. Background in Computer Based App Development.
Incentives on successful completion of the internship program:
1. A Letter of Excellence and a Letter of Recommendation.
2. Suitable stipend (negotiable).
3. Patenting rights on the product developed during this internship.
4. Design credits (if reporting to a faculty supervisor from your department).
Introduction about the company:
We are ADCPL, a technological company in the construction service industry, practicing for the
past 27 years. You may find a list of our cliental and consultants below.

Looking forward to enthusiastic candidates.


(B. Tech. in Civil Engineering, IIT Delhi)
(Coordinator of the internship program)


K-8, First Floor, South Extension Part-I
New Delhi - 110 049
Mobile : +91 9310048715

Landline : 011 46047374

E-mail :

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