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Govt: Post Graduate College Mardan

Subject : Introduction to Law Semester :5th

Programme: BS 4 Years Discipline: Economics

Note: Attempt all questions.


i) Jurisprudence that deals with the law as it ought to be in an ideal state is called
a) Analytical b) Historical c) Ethical

ii) Penology is a branch of

a) Psychology b) Sociology c) Economics

iii) Writ jurisdiction of High Court has been dealt under article
a) 184 b)188 c) 199

iv) Interpretation Of Statutory Provision is a

a) Question of law b) Question of fact c) mixed question of law and fact

v) An interest recognized and protected by a rule legal justice is called

a) Fundamental right b) Legal right c) imperfect right

vi) Legislation by any other authority than the Supreme authority in the state is called
Supreme legislation b) subordinate legislation c) colonial legislation

Q.2 Write short answers of the following.

i. Define jurisprudence.
ii. What are the Advantages of law?
iii. What is the difference between general and special law?
iv. What are the formal sources of law?
v. Define delegated legislation
vi. What are real and personal rights?

Section –B

3. Discus in detail the Austin theory of law/ Imperative theory of law.

4. What is administration of justice? Discus the purpose of criminal justice/various
theories of criminal justice.
5. Define legal right? What are the characteristics of a legal right?
6. Write short note on the following:
i) Secondary functions of the state.
ii) Analytical jurisprudence

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