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4/2/2019 Access KM files from ear file in NW 7.

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Former Member
February 7, 2014 4 minute read

Access KM les from ear le in NW 7.31

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In this blog describes the issues faced while accessing  KM les from ear le (iView in portal) in NW 7.31


You have created a ear le project in NWDS and need to access KM les or folders

Issues faced

1. How to get required KM API?

          By default NWDS is not having KM related dependencies , you need to download below two SCA les from Service market
place relevant to your server           version.

          KMCCM and KMCWPC 1/4
4/2/2019 Access KM files from ear file in NW 7.31 | SAP Blogs

          Then import these sca les into NWDS from development infrastructure perspective.

          Next step is in development infrastructure perspective click in KMC-CM SCA le-> in Component properties-> overview tab-
>Archive store ->select the           downloaded SCA le and upload.

   2. Adding KM API jar les to ear le?

          Right click ear le project->Properties->Java build path->Add external Jars then select KM API from          
“LocalDevelopment\KMC-          CM\\tc\km\frwk\_comp\gen\default\public\api\lib\java”

          Next is the important step in ear project-> dist-> portal-INF->portalapp.xml->Application Tab->SharingReference -> add this
value           “” . Now you can access KM related classes in ear le.

           Below code is an example to access les from a KM folder and lists users having access to le.

IResourceFactory resourceFactory = ResourceFactory.getInstance();

com.sapportals.wcm.repository.IResourceContext resourceContext =
RID rid = RID.getRID(“/documents/Files “);
com.sapportals.wcm.repository.IResource resourceN =
resourceFactory.getResource(rid, resourceContext);
ICollection collection=(ICollection)resourceN;
IResourceList resourceList=collection.getChildren();
IResourceListIterator iterator=resourceList.listIterator();
IResource resource2=(IResource);                          
ISecurityManager securityManager
IResourceAclManager irm =
IResourceAcl resourceAcl = irm.getAcl(resource2);                    
IResourceAclEntryList list = resourceAcl.getEntries();
IResourceAclEntryListIterator iteratorAcl =
                        while (iteratorAcl.hasNext()){
IResourceAclEntry entry =;
} catch ( Exception e) {
System.err.println(“exception: “ +
} 2/4
4/2/2019 Access KM files from ear file in NW 7.31 | SAP Blogs



Rakesh Mathew

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SAP Enterprise Portal | SAP NetWeaver | km | Portal And Collaboration | sap netweaver |

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4/2/2019 Access KM files from ear file in NW 7.31 | SAP Blogs


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Former Member

November 14, 2014 at 6:40 pm

Thank you for Nice Blog. Currently i am migrating from Netweaver 7.0 to Netweaver 7.4

Wanted to know can we develop Portal Components reading KM data with out NWDI. Your thoughts please.

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Former Member

March 23, 2015 at 12:04 pm

Hi Rakesh,

I am also in search of a custom par application that fetches the data from a KM folder and displays the content
as links in portal. Can you let me know how to achieve this.



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