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In the partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Computer Engineering for
Year, 2006-07



Ms.Vaikhari Deodhar


Mr. Rahul Soni




This is to certify that Mr.JANI MEHUL B student of

B.E.IV (CO),Semester VII, Roll no.20 has successfully conducted his/her seminar
on “RFID(Radio Frequency Identification)”in accordance with technical and
theoretical specifications under the guidance of Ms.Vaikhari Deodhar for the
year 2006-2007.

Signature of Signature of Signature of

Guide Co-Guide DIC
(Computer Engg.

______________ ______________ _____________

Signature of Jury members:

____________ ____________ _____________ _______________


I take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks and deep sense of

gratitude to my guide Ms. Vaikhari Deodhar and co-guide Mr. Rahul Soni
for imparting me valuable guidance during the of this Report. They helped
me by solving many doubts and suggested me many references to emerge
out with a perfect presentation. I would also like to offer my gratitude
towards Prof. Keyur Rana and all faculty members of Computer and IT
Engg. Department, who helped me by giving their valuable suggestions and
encouragement which not only helped me in preparing this report but also in
having a better insight in this field.I express deep sense of gratitude towards
my colleagues, god and also those whodirectly or indirectly helped me while
preparing this seminar.

Mr. Mehul.B.Jani


RFID(Radio Frequancy Identificaion) is an automatic identification

method, relying on storing and remotely retrieving data using devices called RFID tags
ortransponders. Radio frequency identification (RFID) is expected to become an
important andubiquitous infrastructure technology
The main component of RFID is tag, tag reader, edge server ,middleware ,an
application software and antenna The purpose of an RFID system is to enable data to be
transmitted by a mobile device, called a tag, which is read by an RFID reader and
processed according to the needs of a particular application. The data transmitted by the
tag may provide identification or location information, or specifics about the product
tagged, such as price, color, date of purchase, etc.
RFID systems tag physical objects with machine-readable information. The
information is stored on an integrated circuit (IC) affixed to the object. The tag IC,with
an attached antenna, broadcasts information on a radio frequency listened to by RFID
readers. RFID readers locate the objects associated with the IC by tuning into the radio
broadcast of the tags.
RFID is used in application like : in passport, transport payment, product tracking,
Automotive, for patient identification, regulation and standardization, etc. It is implement
in human’s or animal’s body to identify them.



Sr. No Chapter name Page No

1 Inroduction………………………………………1
1.1 What is RFID?................................................1

2 Basic Component of RFID………………….......3

2.1 Tags…………………………………..............3
2.1.1Types of Tags……………..................4
2.2 Anttena……………………………………….8
2.3 Reader…………………………………….....8
2.4 Software details……………………………..9
3. How Does RFID Works?.…………….................11
3.1 How RFID works?..........................................11
3.2 Features of RFID………………………........12

4. Latest Uses of RFId……………………………..13

4.1 RFID uses in Library…………….................13
4.2 RFID uses in Passport…………………........20
4.3 RFID uses for Patient Identification……….21
4.4 RFID uses in contactless Credit Card……..21

5. Futures of RFID………………………………...24

6. Conclusion………………………………………26

7. Bibliography……………………………………27

Chapter 1 : Introduction

1.1 What is RFID ?

RFID, which is an acronym for Radio Frequency Identification, is not a new
technology. It was first used in the late 1960's, but it has only become more widespread
with advances in technology.

RFID Systems consist of a transponder, also known as a tag, which is basically a

microchip connected to an antenna. The tag is mounted to an item, such as a pallet of
goods in a warehouse, and a device called a reader communicates with the tag via radio
waves. Depending on the type of tag that is used, the reader can receive detailed
information or it can receive data as simple as an identification number.

RFID is similar to barcode systems in which data, such as a price, is accessed when the
barcode is read. The main difference is that the barcode must come in direct contact to an
optical scanner/reader and the RFID tag can transmit to the reader via radio waves and
does not have to be in direct contact. An RFID reader can receive data from as many as
1,000 tags per second.

The radio signals can go through many non-metallic substances such as rain, fog, snows,
dirt and grime, painted surfaces, etc. This gives RFID tags a distinct advantage over
optically read items, such as barcodes, which would be useless under similar conditions.

However, it has been the exponential growth ininformation and communications

technologies coupled with the expansion of globalproduction and trade that has resulted
in RFID technology becoming useful for managingand tracking large shipments and
product sales, and as a means of identification for security purposes and supply chain
RFID system with encoded indentificaion information are attached to objects such as
badges, automobiles, goods, and livestock, and their information can be decoded without
making physical contact of a radio communication device. RFID systems can automate a
number of existing applications in industry as a whole as well as in our daily lives.

Chapter 2 : Basic Compnent of RFID

An RFID system may consist of several components: tags, tag readers, edge servers,
middleware, and application software where information regarding the tagged
object is stored.

Theblockdiagramofthebasiccomponent of RFID is shown below:

figure 2.1

2.1 Tag:

The tag is the basic building block of RFID. Each tag consists of an antenna and a small
silicon chip that contains a radio receiver, a radio modulator for sending a response back
to the reader, control logic, some amount of memory, and a power system. The power
system can be completely powered by the incoming RF signal, in which case the tag is
known as a passive tag. Alternatively, the tag’s power system can have a battery, in
which case the tag is known as an active tag.
RFID cards are also known as "proximity" or "proxy" cards and come in three general
varieties: passive, semi-passive (also known as semi-active), or active.
2.1.1 Types of Tag:

 Passive

Passive RFID tags have no internal power supply. The minute electrical current
induced in the antenna by the incoming radio frequency signal provides just enough
power for the CMOS integrated circuit (IC) in the tag to power up and transmit a
response. Most passive tags signal by backscattering the carrier signal from the
reader. This means that the aerial (antenna) has to be designed to both collect power
from the incoming signal and also to transmit the outbound backscatter signal. The
response of a passive RFID tag is not just an ID number (GUID); the tag chip can
contain nonvolatile EEPROM for storing data. Lack of an onboard power supply
means that the device can be quite small: commercially available products exist that
can be embedded under the skin. As of 2006, the smallest such devices measured 0.15
mm × 0.15 mm, and are thinner than a sheet of paper (7.5 micrometers).[4] The
lowest cost EPC RFID tags, which are standard chosen by Wal-Mart, DOD, Target,
Tesco in the UK and Metro AG in Germany, are available today at a price of 5 cents
each. The addition of the antenna creates a tag that varies from the size of a postage
stamp to the size of a post card. Passive tags have practical read distances ranging
from about 10 cm (4 in.) (ISO 14443) up to a few meters (EPC and ISO 18000-6)
depending on the chosen radio frequency and antenna design/size. Due to their
simplicity in design they are also suitable for manufacture with a printing process for
the antennas. Passive RFID tags do not require batteries, can be much smaller, and
have an unlimited life span. Non-silicon tags made from polymer semiconductors are
currently being developed by several companies globally. Simple laboratory printed
polymer tags operating at 13.56 MHz were demonstrated in 2005 by both PolyIC
(Germany) and Philips (The Netherlands). If successfully commercialized, polymer
tags will be roll printable, like a magazine, and much less expensive than silicon-
based tags. The end game for most item level tagging over the next few decades may
be that RFID tags will be wholly printed - the same way a barcode is today - and be
virtually free, like a barcode. However, substantial technical and economic hurdles
must be surmounted to accomplish such an end: hundreds of billions of dollars have

been invested over the last three decades in silicon processing, resulting in a per-
feature cost which is actually less than that of conventional printing.

 Active

Unlike passive RFID tags, active RFID tags have their own internal power source
which is used to power any ICs that generate the outgoing signal. Active tags are
typically much more reliable (e.g. fewer errors) than passive tags due to the ability for
active tags to conduct a "session" with a reader. Active tags, due to their onboard
power supply, also transmit at higher power levels than passive tags, allowing them to
be more effective in "RF challenged" environments like water (including
humans/cattle, which are mostly water), metal (shipping containers, vehicles), or at
longer distances. Many active tags have practical ranges of hundreds of meters, and a
battery life of up to 10 years. Some active RFID tags include sensors such as
temperature logging which have been used in concrete maturity monitoring or to
monitor the temperature of perishable goods. Other sensors that have been married
with active RFID include humidity, shock/vibration, light, radiation, temperature and
atmospherics like ethylene. Active tags typically have much longer range
(approximately 300 feet) and larger memories than passive tags, as well as the ability
to store additional information sent by the transceiver. The United States Department
of Defense has successfully used active tags to reduce logistics costs and improve
supply chain visibility for more than 15 years. At present, the smallest active tags are
about the size of a coin and sell for a few dollars.

 Semiactive Tag

Between the active and the passive tags are the semi-passive tags. These tags have a
battery, like active tags, but still use the reader’s power to transmit a message back to the
RFID reader using a technique known as backscatter. These tags thus have the read
reliability of an active tag but the read range of a passive tag. They also have a longer
shelf life than a tag that is fully active.

Tags come in all shapes and sizes. The smallest tag that has ever been produced is
the Hitachi mu-chip, which is less than 0.4mm on a side. Designed to be embedded in a
piece of paper and used for tracking documents printed in an office environment, the mu-
chip can be read only at a distance of a few centimeters. Of course, the mu-chip is a
passive tag. With a larger antenna it could have a significantly longer reading range, but
that would defeat its purpose. Other small tags are the implantable tags the size of a grain
of rice manufactured by VeriChip. Like the mu-chip, these passive tags have a very
limited reading range; their intended application is to give machine-readable serial
numbers to people. The company says that the chips can be used to authenticate people in
high-security environments—unlike passwords, the implanted chips can’t be easily
shared—and in hospitals, where staff occasionally mix up patients and give them the
wrong treatments. Implantable chips might also work to identify wandering Alzheimer’s
patients who go out without any identification or cognizance of their location or
RFID tags can also be quite large. The semipassive RFID tag used in the Fast
Lane and E-ZPass electronic toll collection systems is the size of a paperback book and
includes an antenna and a five-year battery. The battery gives the system a longer read
range and also makes reads more reliable—at least until the battery dies. In practice, the
instrumented toll crossings have a large light that flashes green if the tag is read
successfully, red if no tag is detected, and amber or yellow if the tag cannot be read
properly. When the light flashes amber, the driver is supposed to call the program’s
administrator and arrange to have the tag sent in for service. RFID tags can be
promiscuous, in which case they will communicate with any reader. Alternatively, they
can be secure, requiring that the reader provide a password or other kind of authentication
credential before the tags respond. The vast majority of RFID tags that have been
deployed are promiscuous. Not only are these tags cheaper, but the systems also are much
easier to manage. Systems that employ passwords or encryption codes require that the
codes be distributed in advance and properly controlled. This is an exceedingly difficult
management problem.
The simplest RFID chips contain only a serial number—think of this as a 64-bit or
96-bit block of read-only storage. Although the serial number can be burned into the chip

by the manufacturer, it is also common for the chips to be programmed in the field by the
end user. Some chips will accept only a single serial number, while other chips allow the
serial number to be changed after it is burned in. More sophisticated RFID chips can
contain read-write memory that can be programmed by a reader. Chips can also have
sensors, an example of which is an air pressure sensor to monitor the inflation of a tire.
The chips might store the results of the sensor in a piece of read-write memory or simply
report the sensor’s reading to the RFID reader. Chips can also have a selfdestruct, or
“kill” feature. This is a special code that, when received by the chip, causes the chip to no
longer respond to commands. For financial applications, the full capabilities of smart
cards have been combined with the wireless protocols and passive powering used in
RFID. The result is a class of high-capability RFID tags also called contactless smart
cards. RFID tags can interfere with each other. When multiple tags are present in a
reader’s field, the reader may be unable to decipher the signals from the tags. For many
applications, such as raising the gate in a parking lot, this is not a problem. The systems
are optimized so that only one tag is within range at a time. However, for other
applications, reading multiple tags at once is essential. For these applications, the tags
need to support either an anticollision protocol or, more commonly, a singulation
protocol. A singulation protocol allows a reader to determine that multiple tags are visible
and to iterate through the tags, getting them to take turns responding so that each may be
read without interference from the others.
Electronic Product Code (EPC) tags are a special kind of tag that follows the EPC
standard developed by the MIT Auto-ID Center and is now managed by the trade
organization EPC global.
The figer 2.2 below shows the common EPC Tag:

2.2 Anttena

An antenna is attached to a microchip.The antenna allows the chip to receive and relay
information, such as an ID number of an individual product. Some antennas are
constructed of metal and are etched or stamped from metal, such as copper. Other types
of antennas are printed. Advances in technology are allowing printed antennas to achieve
the functionality of traditional materials and printed antennas are less expensive. One of
the most popular methods of printing antennae is with the use of silver conductive inks
printed on plastics substrates or paper. Testing of RFID antennae is usually performed
with ohmmeters, milliohm meters, RF network analyzers, impedance-measuring
equipment, and others.

figure 2.3
2.3 Reader

The RFID reader sends a pulse of radio energy to the tag and listens for the tag’s
response. The tag detects this energy and sends back a response that contains the tag’s
serial number and possibly other information as well. In simple RFID systems, the
reader’s pulse of energy functioned as an on-off switch; in more sophisticated systems,
the reader’s RF signal can contain commandsn to the tag, instructions to read or write

memory that the tag contains, and even passwords. Historically, RFID readers were
designed to read only a particular kind of tag, but so-called multimode readers that can
read many different kinds of tags are becoming increasingly popular. RFID readers are
usually on, continually transmitting radio energy and awaiting any tags that enter their
field of operation. However, for some applications, this is unnecessary and could be
undesirable in battery-powered devices that need to conserve energy. Thus, it is possible
to configure an RFID reader so that it sends the radio pulse only in response to an
external event. For example, most electronic toll collection systems have the reader
constantly powered up so that every passing car will be recorded. On the other hand,
RFID scanners used in veterinarian’s offices are frequently equipped with triggers and
power up the only when the trigger is pulled. Like the tags themselves, RFID readers
come in many sizes. The largest readers might consist of a desktop personal computer
with a special card and multiple antennas connected to the card through shielded cable.
Such a reader would typically have a network connection as well so that it could report
tags that it reads to other computers. The smallest readers are the size of a postage
stamp and are designed to be embedded in mobile telephones.

figure 2.4

2.4 Software detail

 Middleware:

Middleware is software that runs on a computer or server that is attached to the reader or
to the network the reader is connected to. The purpose of middleware is to be the
interface between the tag information and the backend database system. Middleware will
draw tag information from the readers, process the tags against a set of pre-defined
business rules and then preform data operations based on the results of the business rules.
It can be linked directly to an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system or preform its
actions in a stand alone mode. Output options from middleware can be as diverse as
updating the ERP system, building and sending XML or text files, sending signals to turn
on or off light bars or other mechanical devices.

 Database table:

The database table will contain tag ids which the system encodes or reads and at least one
link to a ERP table if necessary. Each tag has a unique identifier and that ID is used as a
primary key for the tag database table. This table can be part of an existing ERP backend
or can exist in a stand alone database or as a free table. The primary function of the tag
database table is to link the tag to other vital information associated to the tag.

Chapter 3 : How does RFID Work?

3.1 how RFID works?

figure 2.5

As shown in fig.2.5 a typical RFID tag contains three components – the chip, the antenna,
and the enclosure. The chip stores the unique data associated with the tag. The antenna
receives query signals for a tag reader and transmits the internal data from the chip. The
enclosure is the packaging around the electronic components. Currently, most chips are
manufactured, assembled, and applied to the product packaging. However, in the search
of lower costs and ease of deployment, many organizations are creating methods to print
a tag right onto a package or embed it in the packaging materials. The process is similar
to traditional ink jet printing, but uses metallic-based liquids that can form electronic
components (REFERENCE). Tags are generally categorized as either passive or active. A
passive chip is created with a unique identification number in it. The contents of the chip
can never be changed and the ID number is released to a reader when queried. The ID
number is then transferred into a computer system containing a database in which the ID
is associated with product characteristics. An active chip, on the other hand, may contain
a great deal more information and this information can be written, erased, and rewritten
from an external read/write device. These chips can contain a history of transactions with
read/writers that tracks their progress through a supply chain, medical treatment, or any
other process. These chips are considerably more expensive and require security
measures to insure that hackers are not changing the contents of the chip.

3.2 RFID features

 RFID requires neither direct contact nor line of sight

 RFID identifies and reads data very fast
 RFID requires virtually no maintenance.
 RFID achieves almost 100% precision
 RFID works even in dust/paint/vapor/mud/water/plastic/wood/glass/grease.
 If recycled, RF tags cost less than barcoding.
 RF tags are semi-permanent because they are contact free and therefore free from
failure caused by a malfunctioning reader.
 RF tags can perform intelligently (like a smart card)

 RF tags can send or receive a large volume of data.
 RF tags can store or read data.
 RF tags can be used in an extremely hostile environment.
 RF tags can be used in flexible positions of an object.
 Data in RF tags cannot be forged or modified, ensuring perfect security. Making
counterfeit RF tags is difficult.

Chapter 4: Latest Applications of RFID

In the previous year RFID was used in the millitary purpose but now days there is so
many useses of RFID as describe below.

4.1 RFID use in library

In the library context, RFID works by placing a one-inch passive tag, without power
supply, in each library item (book, CD, DVD, etc.). Each tag contains only barcode
information for that item. When library patrons place items to be checked out on or near a
receiver pad and insert their library card, the items are checked out to them. This occurs
when the minute electrical current induced in the antenna by the incoming radio
frequency scan (from the transmitter/receiver) provides enough power for the tag to send
a response to the receiver. Items can also be checked back in easily, saving time and
energy, and simplifying up-to-date inventory tasks.

figure 4.1
RFID tags used in libraries: square book tag, round
CD/DVD tag and rectangular VHS tag.

4.1.1 why RFID use in Library?

The following points are important to understand about today’s RFID technology in the
library environment:
1. RFID tags in libraries are powerless.
RFID tags come in many varieties. The tags that are presently used in libraries are 13.56
MHz (Mega Hertz) tags with no embedded power source. The tags are literally
“powerless”. Without power the tags can do nothing; they are inert and inactive. The tags
receive their power from an antenna (or reader). When a reader comes in close proximity
(say within 2 to 18 inches) of a tag, then the tag is temporarily charged and becomes a
very small radio and begins to transmit its data. There are no batteries in the tag to store
any power. So when the antenna goes out of range, the tag once again becomes inert and
inactive. Thus any exposure to privacy issues can only happen in the presence of an
antenna which is within 18 inches of the tag. Clearly the concept that someone driving by
your house with an antenna, or that a satellite passing overhead is going to energize these

tags is ignoring the reality that it would have to be within 18 inches of the item. At that
distance, it would probably just be easier to read the title on the cover, rather than scan
the item for its ID number!
One might argue that future tags may have a power source associated with them. This has
two problems. First, power requirements within the tag would increase the price and size
of the tag substantially. Second, batteries are sure to run out, seriously limiting the useful
life of the tag – defeating the whole purpose of it. Therefore we expect that even in the
future the RFID tags in libraries will be “powerless”, with very limited read ranges thus
seriously limiting the damage they can do to privacy.

2. RFID tags in used libraries have a very short read range

The read/write range of RFID tags is very limited. The full tag value can be read at a
range of 8 inches. (Note: Some tags can be read at a maximum distance of 18 inches).
Additionally some tags have security bits. The security bit, which operates at a different
frequency and is read in a slightly different manner, can only be read at a range of up to
18 inches. This is by design. During the checkin and checkout procedure it is necessary to
write information on these tags. If the range were large then there would be increased risk
of interference with other tags in the area. Certainly we do not wish to inadvertently
checkout a room full of books to a single patron when our intent is to check out a single
book or just a few books. The theft bit has a larger range of 18 inches to allow the
securtiy gates to comply with ADA requirements. Security gates have two pedestals.
Each pedestal has a range of 18 inches so that the two together can cover the required 36
In the retail industry there are some RFID tags which have a much larger read range – up
to tens of feet. This is not the case with tags used in libraries. In libraries, therefore, it is
clear that the use of tags with a limited range have little security risks particularly as the
tags are “powerless”.
This is one area where it will be desirable, in the future, to ensure that the read range of
tags for library applications in not substantially increased over the present range of 8 to
18 inches.
3. Data stored on library RFID tags does not pose a privacy threat.

Data stored on library RFID tags is essentially the same as that represented by bar codes.
Let us look at each item stored on the tag:
 Item ID (identical to bar code information)
 Security bit (equivalent to magnetizing a magnetic strip in a book)
 Optionally - shelving location information is stored on the tag
(used in conjunction with sorting machines.)
In order for the RFID system to work, only two attributes are required – Item ID (or bar
code number) and security bit. (Some systems -like the 3M system- do not store the
security bit [8]). Both these attributes are currently in use in libraries. The bar code and
magnetic strip are direct equivalents to the data on the RFID. The only added privacy
concern is that the item ID can be read without line-of-sight. However, in order to read
the RFID tag, one would have to obtain the required RFID based reader and position it
within inches of the tag. This would be very difficult to do undetected, and again the only
data obtained would be the item ID; one would still need to gain access to the ILS to
determine the title or other information of the tagged item. This severely limits the value
of trying to invade a patron’s privacy using RFID technology. Since one needs to be so
close to the book (or other material) to read it using RFID technology, it would be far
easier to gain access to the material and view it’s title directly.
However, in the event that this risk is still greater than the library wishes to introduce, it
is possible to encrypt the item ID on the RFID tag. The data written to the RFID tag then
bears no relation to any ID in the ILS, and only the library’s own RFID readers would
have the algorithm to turn the encoded number into a meaningful value. Even though we
feel that this additional security is not necessary at this point, it can be added at little or
no cost to further enhance the security of the overall system.
Some systems use mechanical sorting devices. These devices require either the shelving
location of the book on the RFID tag or an interface to look it up in the ILS. In any case,
there is no patron data on the tag as it is not required; nor is it desirable to have it.
Additional services can be added in the future which may require that additional data be
maintained on the RFID tag. For example, some libraries like to weed their collection or
send it to off site storage based on the last use date. Whereas it is possible to look up this
information from the ILS system it is faster to program it on the tag. Thus at checkin

(discharge) one can place the last use date on the tag (and not the patron information) for
use in weeding and other inventory management functions.
For future privacy protection, it is important that patron information NOT be added on
the tag for any reason. This is an easy requirement to meet, as patron information does
not help the workflow in any way. In fact it hinders it; the more information on the tag,
the longer it takes to read it, and hence the slower the process.
Even though caution has to be exercised, the real danger does not lie in the use of the
RFID tags in libraries but in the implementation of the Integrated Library System (ILS)
4.1.2 Much greater patron privacy exposure in ILS system
The ILS poses a much greater risk to patron privacy, particularly with legislation such as
the US Patriot Act in place in the United States. In the ILS it is necessary to establish a
link between the book and the patron so that the library can tell who has the book
checked out. In order to protect the privacy of the patron it is essential that the link be
broken as soon as the book is checked-in (discharged). However, some libraries do not
break the link immediately causing privacy related exposure for their patrons.
Some of the reasons used for not breaking the link are as follows:

1.Link not broken to gather library statistics.

In order to gather usage statistics some libraries maintain a detailed
circualation transaction log. This transaction log has the link between the book
and the patron. If these logs are maintained for long periods of time then it
poses a very serious privacy concern. A properly designed system should use
item classes (instead of item ID) and patron classes (instead of patron ID) for
statistical purposes. At the time of discharge, the patron ID should be replaced
by the patron class, and the item ID by the item class. This way the link
between the patron and item is broken but a log record shows the link between
the patron class and item class, which can then be used for statistical purposes.
As a further precaution, the library should insure that the minimum number of
patrons and items is large enough to prevent the possible identification of the

individual or item by simply knowing its class. We recommend a number
greater than 15.
2. Link is not broken when the patron owes fines for the book.
If here is a fine associated with the book then the library may be required to
maintain the link till the fine is paid. This is a legitimate use of the data and
the library can only break the link when the fine is paid. The only solution to
protect the patrons privacy is to have the patron pay the fine as quickly as
possible. Patrons that are overly concerned about this issue may consider
establishing a prepaid fine account so that when a fine occurs then it is
immediately deducted from the patrons account and the link broken. However,
if the patron wishes to audit the payments, the links are broken and so an audit
will not be possible.
This matter is in the hands of the patron and the options are:
1i) Do not have any overdue books so fines do not accrue
2ii) Pay fines as quickly as possible so that the exposure is minimized
3iii) Establish as prepaid account and give up the audit requirements so
that the link can be broken immediately.

3. Link not broken to provide “value added” services to the

There are certain services that the libraries are asked to provide that depend
upon maintaining the link between the book and patron. Examples of these
value added services are “reading lists” and “home bound” patrons.
In K-12 schools some “home room” teachers like to assign a “reading list” to
students and expect the ILS to manage this reading list. In order for the system
to know which books have been read and which remain to be read, the link
between book and patron needs to be maintained. Supplying a book delivery
service to “Home Bound” patrons require that a similar link be maintained.
Once again this matter is in the hands of the patrons – if they wish to have
these additional services then their privacy has to be compromised for the
duration that the service is active.

4. Links not broken to support “recovery” functions using
backups and transaction logs.
It is typical in managing computer systems to take periodic backups of the
system. Backups may be taken with some frequency like weekly or twice a
week or each night. In case of computer failure, two sets of data are required –
the most recent backup and a transaction log from the time of the last backup
to the time when the computer failed. These transaction logs must maintain
the links mentioned above otherwise it will be not be possible to recover the

Since this is purely an operational issue, it is important for the library to plan
their operations is such a manner as to minimize the risk of exposure for their
patrons. The frequency of backups must be matched against the possible
threats to patron privacy.
All of these are valid reasons to maintain the link until such time as the library determines
it can be safely removed. Most important is that the security of the systems upon which
the ILS software is running be carefully maintained and monitored as this is truly the
point at which someone could invade a patron’s privacy. Most ILS vendors will make
recommendations in this area and will perform an audit and make recommendations on
how to better secure your system if asked.
4.1.3 How can we ensure that the future of RFID technology doesn’t
violate patron privacy?
As shown above, the current state of RFID technology does not warrant the concern
being expressed about patron privacy being violated today. However, it is true that future
advances in this technology will allow for irresponsible implementations if privacy
concerns are not carefully considered. The most common concerns expressed regarding
advances in RFID technology are:
1a) Increased read ranges, allowing more remote reading of items
2b) Increased memory allowing more information to be stored on the tag

Both are valid concerns. However, if the second concern is kept in check, then the first is
not as relevant. As stated earlier, patron information does not belong on the RFID tag.
Likewise, any information that identifies the book should be kept to a minimum and/or
encrypted. Future RFID developments such as higher memory can be used to make
encryption stronger, thus enhancing patron privacy. This way, even if future
developments make longer range reading of tags a possibility, the information gained will
be meaningless outside of the library’s own system.
As with all new enabling technologies, libraries, vendors and standards bodies should
view these concerns as an opportunity to create standards and guidelines for the future
use of this technology. We, at VTLS, suggest that a formal standard be developed,
perhaps by an organization such as NISO, to help libraries ensure that when they
purchase RFID systems, that the technology store the minimum set of data to support the
necessary workflow and no more. The minimum set could include the following:
1d. Item ID
2e. Security bit
3f. Call number (or shelf location)
4g. Alternate shelf location (if any)
5h. Last activity date.

The standard should also likely address whether broadcast range should be specified and
limited and if the information on the tag should be stored in some encrypted format.
4.1.4. Use Library Vendors for your RFID solutions
Perhaps the most important lesson of all is that no technology is completely safe and
ultimately could be abused. RFID technology used in a reckless fashion can cause serious
privacy concerns for users, in the same way that a recklessly implemented ILS could.
One way to avoid this is to work with vendors who understand the technology and know
its limitations, and also understand the unique privacy needs of libraries. This way, you
can be sure that the systems you purchase will be created to enhance productivity and
provide other benefits while keeping the risks to the minimum. A vendor who
understands both RFID and libraries is best equipped to use the right technology in a

library environment, and to use future developments in the technology to enhance, rather
than compromise, patron privacy.
4.2 RFID use in Passport
The U.S. Electronic Passport—consistent with global specifications adopted by the
International Civil Aviation Organization—will have Infineon's "secure contactless micro
controller" embedded in the back cover of the passport.

The chip contains the same information found on a passport—name, date of birth, gender,
place of birth, date of passport issuance, passport number and expiration date.

The passport itself will also include a digital image of the bearer's photograph, and
enough memory space on the RFID chip to include further biometrics down the road.

Infineon is itself no stranger to RFID chipping passports. It supplies its chips to more
than 20 countries that have begun to either use or test electronic passports, including
Germany, Hong Kong, Norway and Sweden.

It also works with Italy, Finland, the United Arab Emirates, Australia, Belgium and Hong
Kong, providing chips that are embedded in electronic identity documents.

As the leading supplier of the specialized chips used for secure personal identification,
financial transactions and access to electronic systems, our chips have successfully
passed some of the most stringent security tests in the world."

There is, however, an overwhelming majority of U.S. citizens who are opposed to RFID-
enabling passports. During a public input period last year, 98.5 percent of respondents
opposed the idea of electronic passports. Of 2,335 comments received on the introduction
to electronic passports, 2,019 residents listed security and privacy as their top concern.

At the same time, there have been persistent outcries from privacy and security advocates
regarding the use of RFID technology in passports.

In response, the State Department has increased the security technology for the electronic
passports, adding both shielding and access control measures.

The Infineon chip itself has over 50 individual security mechanisms built into the chip,
including data encryption technology and protective shielding on the surface of the chip,
company officials said.

4.3 RFID uses for Patient identification

In October 2004, the FDA approved the country's first RFID chips that can be implanted
in humans. The 134 kHz RFID chips, from VeriChip Corp., a subsidiary of Applied
Digital Solutions Inc., can incorporate personal medical information and could save lives
and limit injuries from errors in medical treatments, according to the company. The FDA
approval was disclosed during a conference call with investors. Shortly after the
approval, authors and anti-RFID activists Katherine Albrecht and Liz McIntyre
discovered a warning letter from the FDA that spelled out serious health risks associated
with the VeriChip. According to the FDA, these include "adverse tissue reaction,"
"migration of the implanted transponder," "failure of implanted transponder," "electrical
hazards" and "magnetic resonance imaging [MRI] incompatibly."

4.4 RFID uses in contactless Credit Card

Credit card companies are claiming the following advantages for contactless credit cards:

The cardis faster to use.To make a purchase, the card owner just waves his card over the
RFID reader, waits for the acceptance indicator - and goes on his way. American
Express, Visa and Mastercard have all agreed to waive the signature requirement for
contactless credit card transaction sunder$25.If you want to look at the numbers, here is
where this technology is taking us in our need for speed (average transaction speeds):

1. Contactless credit card transaction: 15 seconds

2. Magnetic strip card transaction: 25 seconds
3. Cash transaction: 34 seconds

The contactlesscards use highly securedat atransmission standards. Contactless cards
make use of the most secure encryption standards practical with current technology. 128-
bit and triple DES encryption make it nearly impossible for thieves to steal your data.

The contactless card never transmits your card number Instead, the RFID chip within the
card creates a unique number for the transaction; if a criminal intercepted the number, it
would be useless even if successfully decrypted.

Contactless cards probably use other measures Although this is just speculation,
there are certainly other ways to secure the data on the card. For example, the RFID
reader that sits on the merchant's counter may use some sort of special signal, or offer a
special set of frequencies, that would be difficult for a thief with an off-the-shelf reader to

One additional fact that is known about contactless cards is definitely an advantage for
merchants - consumers may feel otherwise. In a 2004 study, the average number of
transactions at a retail location rose by about one percent, and the average "spend" rose
fifteen percent for all contactless credit card users. So, it appears that there is a
correlation between ease of use and total spending. Consumers, take

The following disadvantages have been noted with contactless credit cards:

Contactless card sare more exposed than regular credit cards. If you want to keep your
credit card secure, you could keep it safely in an enclosed wallet or purse; thieves would
have absolutely no way to even know if you have a credit card. However, a thief armed
with a suitable reader, within a few feet of you, would be able to interrogate all of the
cardsin you rwallet or purse without your knowledge. Also, a regular credit card
transaction is fairly secure; the magnetic strip is swiped at very close range (less than a
millimeter). However, a thief with a suitable reader could monitor your contactless card
transaction while standing at the counter with you, or just behind you.These concerns
have, of course, been carefully noted by credit card companies. The RFID chip in the
contactless credit card responds to the merchant reader with a unique number used for

that transaction only; it does not simply transmit the consumer's account number. This
number is also encrypted.

It is easier to spend. Studies have demonstrated that consumers will be more likely to
spend, and will spend more frequently, with contactless credit cards.

Privacy advocates are particularly concerned about this technology; it is feared that
having this muchc information available "in the open air" will lead inevitably to problems

Chapter 5: Future of RFID

In the last year, RFID (radio frequency identifi cation tags) have emerged as a promising
and controversial technology in the worlds of commerce, health, and security. RFID tags
are touted as the next stage in the evolution of supply chains and inventory management;
as a replacement for optical identification technologies in packaging and passports; and
as a tool for improving shopping experiences and consumer satisfaction. They are also
decried as Orwellian tools for increasing surveillance of shoppers, and reducing the
privacy of citizens. It goes without saying that while both visions are compelling, they’re

also wrong. RFID is not a new technology. In its current form it’s actually been around
for 20 years, and it evolved from technologies developed during World War II. Likewise,
the future of RFID could be much more interesting than either its supporters or detractors
suggest—assuming we understand the technology, and the right choices are made about
its design and evolution. To understand the future of RFID, it is useful to think about the
kind of technology that RFID is, and to review its history.
In principle, the market is open to RFID. There are several factors that point strongly to
the underlying demand:
Industry recognises that a number of challenges exist within the management of supply
chains. Inventory levels are too high, stock records suffer from inaccuracies and supply
chain visibility is far from perfect.
Currently a number of labour-intensive processes are required to manage certain supply
chain activities.
When the concept of RFID is explained to people, they generally accept that the
technology has the potential to resolve many of these problems and improve their
business processes.
However, it is clear that industry’s decision makers are currently short on detail – half
know little or nothing about the technology beyond the name. Clearly, considerable
educational work needs to be undertaken as an urgent priority. Even those who are
familiar with the basics of RFID and what it can do still feel they lack the detailed
information on how it can be applied in practice, what it costs and what savings might
realistically be expected.
There is obvious demand to see details of practical, real-life applications for RFID – this
backs up many comments during preliminary face-to-face discussions. People want more
detail of how RFID would work in a practical setting. A secondary priority is then to
understand, in some detail, the costs involved and the precise savings that RFID can
deliver. There is also a clear imperative for IT vendors to cut the IT jargon and get down
to the specifics of making a practical business case for a serious investment.
“If I am handling 18 million items per year and tags cost me 10p per item, I can very
quickly see the minimum levels of total cost. So what’s the benefit? How exactly I am
going to save millions? The economics ultimately are key. That is the only reason we’d

ever sanction any project. IT vendors waste too much time on technology speak. What
do I care about the technology? I am only interested in the end result in business and
financial terms. It is that simple. I need these people to show me how my business is
going to be better off as a result of their technology. So they need to talk about money
and business issues from the word go.”

So RFID shows all the signs of having the potential for

widespread application. First, however, industry needs far
more detailed, practical guidance to be in a position to
formally evaluate the business case for an investment.

RFID is a technology that will be pervasive. It is a logical extension of emerging wireless
technologies. RFID technology has some unique features, and attributes when compared
to other wireless technologies. There are many types of RFID tag technologies with each
having unique attributes needed for specific applications. RFID technology is not a
replacement for bar codes. It is available in a mature and usable format with standards
beginning to emerge. Due to tag cost it is currently more applicable to the transparent
tracking of re-usable assets which have been previously associated with the products they
hold. The major issues with RFID are its prize and standardization, but the tag costs are
being tried to reduce. RFID also provides almost complete immunity from environmental
effects and physical deterrents. So, experts have said that tomorrow morning when you
wake up, a world where every object around you will be tagged.



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